//------------------------------// // Luxurious prelude // Story: Europony 24h // by Pipsqueak_Moontroting //------------------------------// “Attention Passengers, the next airship will leave in 15 minutes for Mustang Mountain.” The intercom blasted through the busy station. “Uhh… is that us?” Rainbow Dash turned to Enzo. “Hmm-hmm…” Enzo turned to Rarity. “Make sure you get all those bags on board.” Rarity glared at Enzo. “I need everything with me for such a fabulous trip!” Rarity snapped. “Do you really need all that?” Twilight asked. Rarity nodded. “This is Europony Twilight! I need to be prepared!” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Umm… Rainbow Dash, are you sure that airship is safe?” Fluttershy looked up in amazement and fear at the same time. “Yeah, it’s too long for us to fly normally and a balloon would take too long.” Rainbow Dash replied. Pinkie Pie trotted up to the others. “Hey guys! That airstation food sure is good!” Pinkie Smiled. Spike got up and threw his cup of coffee away. “Attention, the Mustang Mountains Flight will leave in 10 minutes, please board at once.” “Oooh! That’s us! That’s us!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Well… here we go…” Rainbow Dash walked up the steps, followed by the others. “UGH! Rari…ty! Why… did you need… these many bag?!” Enzo huffed as he carried the heavy luggage. Rainbow Dash found the inside to be much more luxurious than she expected. “Are… we on the right one?” Rainbow Dash looked at the fine cuisine and comfortable seats. “Yep… I mean, you ARE competing in the BIGGEST yearly event in Equestria besides the Summer Sun Celebration.” Enzo explained. “Oh my! What beautiful décor! Surely, this was designed by an absolute master.” Enzo chuckled. “Uhh… that would be me…” He admitted. “NO WAY!” Pinkie Pie screamed out when she saw the long table covered with pastries and sweets. “This is amazing, thank you Enzo.” Twilight spoke for the rest of the crew. Enzo just shrugged with a smile. “I’m gonna go ahead and have lunch.” The seats could be tilted to form a bed, the whole place was lit up with chandeliers and the middle of the room was a long table with what seemed like an infinite supply of food. “Enzo, so… what’s the race like?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Hmm?... It’s nothing you’d ever expect… It’s no small race like the Running of the Leaves.” Rainbow Dash nodded. “It’s… the most grueling thing you’ll ever face. 24 hours on nonstop running…” Rainbow Dash gulped loudly. “No… rest?” Enzo took a bite of the sweet grass from the fields of The Alponian Valley. “Hmm… with your speed you will most likely overlap the contestants… Maybe you, but I can’t afford the luxury of rest.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “OH! How about a partner? Can I run with a teammate?” Enzo shrugged. “Yeah, you can request a partner… but I don’t think it will do any better.” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Why not?” Enzo finished his plate of grass. “Because it’s a complicated process and you’re the first one to run the race in your region… It would be a lot of work and might not even pay off.” Pinkie Pie took a bite of the soft cake that was offered. “MMM! This is great, I need to learn how to make this!” Applejack enjoyed a slice of apple pie. “Taste like ours… I’m likin’ these people already.” Rainbow Dash began approaching Applejack. “Passengers, this is your captain speaking. It seems like it will be a smooth ride, about 10 hours or so. Please we hope you enjoy the ride. It will be very smooth, no clouds seem to be in the way.” The speakers returned to the soft piano music. “Applejack!” Rainbow Dash called out to the orange pony. “Heya Dash!” She waved. “Would it be fine if I asked you to run the race with me?” Applejack nodded. “Sure, it’s fine for you to ask me to run the race with you.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at the sarcastic reply. “I’m just kiddin… but I don’t think it’s a team race…” Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash. “Naw, the race can be ran with more than one pony. I just need to ask the board if it’s okay.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Well if that’s the case, than you can count me in!” Applejack nodded with a grin. “Hey Fluttershy! You okay?” Rainbow Dash called out to the yellow Pegasus who just sat looking out the window. “Oh yes… I’m fine…” She replied softly. “I’m gonna go ahead and get some sleep Enzo… I couldn’t sleep at all yesterday.” Enzo waved his hoof at her. Rainbow Dash lied on the seat and fell fast asleep. Twilight walked up to Enzo. “Enzo, If she’s your competitor, How come you’re being this generous and kind to us?” Twilight asked looking around at her friends. “Eh? Why not? I like being nice to pretty ladies!” Twilight giggled. “But, shouldn’t you be… I don’t know, sabotaging us?” She asked. “What? No! Why would I do such a thing?” Enzo asked. “If this is the way competition is handled in Ponyville then I don’t ever wanna go there!” Enzo joked around. Twilight sighed. “Well… that’s good. Thanks.” She trotted away. “Yeah, yeah…” Enzo waved. Enzo jolted up when he heard his Communicator go off. “Oh…” He walked over and answered to the face talk. “Hello…” On screen were the other competitors. “Oh, where are you?” A blue earth pony asked. “Well hello to you too, Elise.” Enzo sighed. “Hey, what’s all the noise.” Twilight approached the red pony. “Oh, it’s just the other competitors…” Twilight sat down next to Enzo. “Oh, don’t tell me that’s the competitor!” A green Pegasus laughed. “Wow, what’s up with them?” Twilight asked. “Oh nothing… Meet the other racers.” Enzo pointed to the green Pegasus. “That’s Scirrocco…” Enzo moved his hoof to a purple Unicorn. “That’s Skyline.” Enzo pointed to a dark-brown unicorn. “Supra…” Enzo sighed. “The yellow unicorn’s Quattro, That blue pony’s Elise…” He pointed to a orange Pegasus. “That there’s Celica.” He pointed both of his hooves at a White unicorn and a Black Earth pony. “Rapide and Megane.” Twilight looked at all of them. “And no guys, this isn’t the competitor.” Enzo rolled his eyes. “Oh? And who is it?” “It’s a surprise…”