//------------------------------// // Trying Again // Story: The Mists of Midnight // by MidnightMare //------------------------------// It was loud, the roaring of the crowd of ponies as they looked on the criminal pony before them. Her dark coat was matted with dirt and blood, her mane and tail had been cut off, apparently by somepony with no skill as awkward tufts of silver stuck up randomly. Her wings, her one treasure, had been shredded during the interrogation, leaving only that scraggly body appendage hanging with a few mangled feathers. She stood without a word as the Unicorn magistrate beside her read the long list of thefts she had supposedly committed. There was no point in defending herself, no one would believe her, she had long since given up trying. She overlooked the yelling crowd they meant nothing to her, nameless faces bloodthirsty for what they believed was justice to slights against them. All of them so attached to the physical. Not one of them had any substance to her, not in this life, or any other. No, the pony who held her gaze was beyond the jeering crowd. His dark coat mingling in the shadows blue eyes watching her while he grinned. As the magistrate finished to Stallion bowed his head, almost mockingly before turning away as the unicorn addressed her. Did the Accused wish to say anything more before sentence was carried out? “Only that you realize, once my final breath has left me, that you where wrong. The thefts will continue, I have said I am not the one. You all choose to stay deaf to my words.” She said simply, the magistrate snorted with disgust, a lie to escape her punishment. His horn glowed as the rope settled around her neck tightened securely. Away from the roars of the crowd, away from death and false judgment, as one pony drew her final gasping breath, an infant gave its first shrill cry. ---------------------- Chapter 3 Trying Again The following days where a blur of excitement. While the Ponies would not be involved in the wedding, they took part in prepping, easing desert Rose as she grew nervous and unsure. Weddings where different here, Twilight found it fascinating. The two Ponies would pledge their Partnership before an Officiate of the temple, Blessing would be given by the officiate and the Ponies families. The family blessing where gifts given by the families for the couple to start their new life with. After that, the flowers Picked by the bride would be dropped upon the couple as a talisman of fertility. Desert Rose explained this after she’d refused the Ponies offers to help pick the flowers. She simply needed their help taking the flowers back to the palace. The flowers where picked at an Oasis where the temple was built, They where sacred and were said to carry the blessings of the desert. As she picked the flowers desert rose planted seeds. “For each flower, you plant a seed. This is the exchange, Picking flowers and not planting seeds, is considered theft from the desert.” She explained as she planted more seeds. “By stealing the flowers, you bring bad luck and the wrath of the desert upon your union.” She said passing a full basket to pinkie pie to carry “That’s nice, Replanting the flowers means that they don’t die out.” Fluttershy said The flowers themselves where beautiful, Brilliant white with Five large petals in a large star shape, and five smaller petals between the larger ones making a smaller star. As the petals got closer to the stem however they darkened to a rich gold color like the sands of the desert. “They’re so beautiful.” Rarity said, The others voicing agreement. Desert rose smiled “You think so? Mmm Actually that’s perfect. It’s tradition for the bride to give gifts to her aides during the wedding. Unfortunately you can’t be my proper aides because of tradition, But I’ll will gift each of you a seed of the desert star, when you grow them at your home the flowers will be the symbol of our friendship.” She said warmly. Twilight smiled “That’s wonderful What a beautiful gift.” She said delighted. Part of her felt she should refuse such a sacred flower but To refuse such a meaningful gift of friendship would be a horrible offense, and twilight had to admit, they were very very beautiful. “It would be a great way to start your own Garden twilight.” Apple Jack said as they walked along “The castle is nice and all, but with all that open land you should have your own little space.” she said Twilight nodded in agreement. “Actually me and Fluttershy have been talking about that, she said she’d give me a hand in learning how to take care of some flowers, and rarity said she’d help me design the garden so it suited me.” She said warmly. The idea of having her own garden was actually really nice, a place to relax and read. She hadn’t had a lot of time to just read in a while. Mmm her own, private little space of world. Oh she loved her friends dearly, but sometimes, she just wanted a little solitude, to read and relax. Once Desert Rose was satisfied with how many flowers she had, they started the trek back “So, who was the temple built for anyway?” Rainbowdash asked interestedly, it was like something out of a Daring Do book, she’d half expected Ahizotal to popup and steal a preasues treasure of something. Desert Rose Shook her head “No one actually knows, it was here long before the city was. But it was very badly damaged. Our ancestors repaired it and began their worship of the desert and it’s gifts. It was there we lived first before we began to build the Golden city.” She explained, Rarity nodded “Oh I don’t blame you, all this sand you’d have needed some place nice to get out of it, and the heat!” she exclaimed with a sigh. “Rarity.” Twilight hissed, desert rose had made it clear their culture honored the desert they shouldn’t besmirch it, but desert rose only laughed. “I imagine so. The Ponies who came here where not From the desert originally, so adjusting to it would have been difficult. But they persevered and through their hard work, Our beautiful home was built.” She said warmly not at all offended. She knew well that the desert was not a climate many pones where used to,, she was actually surprised no one had complained sooner. In fact Rarity hadn’t been complaining so much as, point out the discomfort. They returned to the city, the baskets of flowers taken by maids to be kept in a cool room until the wedding so they did not wilt. “I thank you for joining me on my collection. While we have only know each other a short time, I feel we are friends and The journey was not lonely as it would have been had I been alone.” The Arabian mare said warmly “Please take the afternoon to rest and relax, tomorrow the wedding begins You will need you’re stamina.” She said with a fun cryptic smile before trotting off, Rarity sighed “I’m going to do just that, I’m covered in sand.” She said almost instantly her maid appeared by her side and they trotted off Rarity fully intending to bathe and pamper herself so she felt and looked her best. As the ponies parted ways Twilight looked around, standing by the door waiting Patiently for an order, was Misty midnight. With refreshed determination Twilight trotted over and smiled “Hello again, uh… would you, like to walk in the gardens?” she asked awkwardly, when she made friends they generally came to her, so holding out the hoof of friendship was a little awkward. Mist bowed her head “If you wish My lady.” She said formally, Twilight huffed out a frustrated breath, she wasn’t going to make this easy was she? “No I mean do you want to? Or maybe come with me into the city or… I don’t… know…” she mumbled, If this was Ponyville she could list off all sort of things for them to do but this was a new place she didn’t know anything to do as friends. Mist seemed surprised by the offer, glancing around to be sure they were alone she seemed to relax a fraction as if she been tense before. “You’re guardian would not like you spending time with me.” He said, her polite and formal tone had dropped again. Her accent was lovely but she was detached. Strangely… she almost reminded twilight of Princess Celestia. She couldn’t put her hoof on why, something in the way she talked… even formally as a maid, was somehow…. Bigger, heavier? Gah, she didn’t know. “Discord isn’t my Guardian, he’s my friend. He was just confused that’s all.” She said hoping that might put Mist at ease. And that discord wasn’t around to hear her say that. He might not be to pleased. “I don’t believe so… but…” she trailed off seeming thoughtful before sighing resigned “If you wish… there is a nice quiet place I know where we can sit. You must be tired after your trek, crossing the dune can be tiring to those not used to it.” She said her expression had softened slightly with, concern? Maybe. “Yes that would be nice.” Twilight said eager to agree to just about anything to convince Mist she really wanted to spend time with her. Misty Midnight sighed, the best way to handle this was to just spend the afternoon with the pony and be done with it… She was the princess of friendship, she could try and feel satisfied she’d done her duty, then Misty could move on. As they walked Twilight looked around fascinated, she couldn’t get enough of the beautiful architecture, or the exotic smells. Soft fabrics hung over open windows, fluttering gently in the afternoon breeze, letting in enough light to see, but offering shade, preventing the worst of the heat. Eventually the ponies went outside into a different part of the garden. Cantering through Mist didn’t wait to see if twilight kept up. she pushed through plants and flowers carefully disappearing among the green. Twilight followed, gasping softly as she emerged from the thick brush in a small overgrown private garden. “How beautiful.” She exclaimed. Unlike the rigidly kept order of the rest of the garden, her plants had run free and wild. Flowered vines draped across branches, dappled green light shone through the leave providing a comfortable shade. Spilling from a Phoenix sculpture clear water fell into a basin lined with precious gems that sparkled beneath the water. “What is this place?” twilight asked settling across from misty taking in the rich smell of flowers. “This was once the private garden of the first Queen of this land. I believe desert Rose told you of our history? When the kings wife passed, he had her garden sealed away, he couldn’t bear to think of her. I stumbled across it as a Filly and often come here when I have private time.” She said smiling faintly she shifted pulling off her veil and hood shaking out her Mane. “There is little that belongs to only me, so, while I have it, I enjoy the peace of this small garden.” She said gently. Twilight reached a hoof out “Why not ask The king to let you keep it? Obviously no one uses it why not ask for it? He seems very friendly.” She said gently Misty smiled “No, I’m sure he would should I ask it of him. We may be servants but he has always treated us well. All of us who work in the palace where orphaned. We are taken in and given an education and training as servants, we can either get jobs in the palace or out in the city. Some even leave, move on to different lands to build lives for themselves.” She explained, Twilight nodded “That’s a wonderful idea, providing education and work.” She said :But I still don’t understand why won’t you ask him for the garden then?” she asked. Misty sighed softly looking at the fountain. “I don’t know when I will have to leave it. I’d rather enjoy it, be happy with the time I have, then to ask for more.” At this twilight fell silent, it was weird, twilight didn’t get the feeling Misty was talking about leaving the palace. ----------------------------------------- There are many different types of chaos, Why Hurt somepony, when you can have fun instead? With all that power, I’d rather make it rain chocolate, then hurt anypony. Discord frowned floating round the ceiling when twilight returned. The purple princess gasped to find the entire room upside down with seemingly no thought to gravity, as if it was all glued to the ceiling. Even the curtains seemed to ‘hang’ upwards “Discord what did you do?” she asked looking around stunned looking over the ‘remodel’ “Oh calm down here…” he snapped his fingers and all was back to normal, well, except for his own bed which he had brought back now evening was falling. “Are you ok? You’ve been so good about that.” She said concerned, Discord scowled “I’m fine I just , I don’t like knowing there is something I don’t know and can’t find out.” He said frustrated his ear twitched and he looked over as Twilight toyed with her covers before hopping into bed. “What did you do all afternoon?” he asked curiously “Pinkie came up to find me and said you’d been given the afternoon to rest for the festivities tomarrow… Should I give them a little something?” he asked with a smile tapping the tips of his fingers together “Discord.” Twilight said slowly before chuckling and shaking her head “No that’s fine, Please don’t I’m still not fully aware of the traditions of the area, if anything is added or taken away it could be considered a bad omen.” She said honestly, Discord sigh falling up aginst his mattress “oh you ponies.” He said then realized he’d sidetracked himself, and twilight, unlike useual, hadn’t redirected him. “Where were you this afternoon?” he asked again seeping the purple pony stiffen she shifted “I was… talking, I had a quiet afternoon just… chatting.” She said settling down her back to him. Knowing she was evading discord poofed beside her. “Chatting with who?” but he didn’t need her to say, he could smell it on her, that Pony, the servant assigned to her, the splinter in his mind that wouldn’t go away. “I told you she’s dangerous. Twilight I made a mistake trusting Tirek but I need you to trust me, there is something wrong about that Mare. We are friends, you saved me, let me do the same. I might not know what it is but something is wrong.” He insisted, Twilight pushed herself up with a growl “I don’t think so.” She declared finnaly before flopping down on the mattress with a sigh discord fell silent watching her. Being friends was hard, much harder then he had expected. He’d really grown to care about these ponies. They had wormed their way in, with their soft marshmellow selves, had filled the gaps in his life he hadn’t know… or rather accepted, he had. “I just…” twilight started hesitating, trying to find a way to voice what she felt. “I just don’t feel like she’s dangerous. When we spoke this afternoon she was relaxed and more at ease, probably because I didn’t out her the other day when we saw her in the desert. We sat in the garden and talked about all sort of things. but… Even though she smiled. It was empty. She spoke of many things, but, nothing about herself. As if she didn’t exsist I don’t know, she just seems more Lonely that evil.” She admitted weakly. “I did learn she’s an orphan. She works as a servant in the palace because the king takes orphans in so they aren’t on the street. She openly admitted many leave to lead lives out side of the palace or even saddle Arabia, but she didn’t show any interest. And…” Twilight hesitated looking away Discord found her hesitance strange “And what?” he prompted, maybe something Twilight had observed would trigger his own thoughts and knowledge, he found Ponies seemed naturally more Empathetic then his own breed. “And, I think, she expects to die soon…” she said finally shaking her head “It’s not that she came right out and said it but just, I don’t know the way she spoke about certain things.” she sighed resting her head on her hooves “What was worse about it all is how resigned she was to it, as if it’s expected… But, why? She’s not sick or anything, why should she be so resigned and expectant of death!” she moved so fast pounding her hooves into the pillow her venmenc making discord jump surprised by her sudden outburst. “I couldn’t tell you, We’ll just have to wait and see, but, if she does anything to hurt anyof you I can’t promiose not to hurt her back.” He said firmly twilight looked up, not sure if she should warn him off or feel touched by the offer and his protectiveness of her and the others. In the end she chose touched, he meant well. “Thank you Discord, I’m going to get some sleep now, the celebrations start early and it would be rude to fal asleep during them. Goodnight.” She said settling down to sleep, the lights went out but rather then heading to his bed discord went over to the window, looking out he could see the dark figure of the servant moving amoung the plants again. She did it every night, wandering in the garden aimeless. And he watched wondering why. Part of him hoped she’d sing again. Part of him hoped he could figure out what it was that made him hate her so. He’d never actively hated anyone, oh yes he’d teased Celestia and Luna Mercylessly but that was all part of the fun. So why, why did this one Mare, make him so angery. Her life would be a blink of an eye, and if twilight was right then it would be over all the sooner apparently. Good riddance then. There was nothing to worry about after she was dead. ---------------------------------- As they had been told, the celebrations started very early. The sun had barely risen when music rang out, cheering and wild happy singing filled the air. Heading down into the fray of celebrations Twilight and her friends got to see first hand, Just what Desert Rose had meant by needing their stamina, almost immediately the ponies where swept into a huge dance. Though they didn’t know the words they joined in the singing and the laughter. The feast was a spectacle to behold and sitting on a platform overlooking the feast Where the bride and groom a white shroud covering their heads so they couldn’t see. “The shroud is to symbolize the struggles of life. They sit there listening to everyone having fun and smelling the wonderful food. They weather this together, This is so that they may understand That hard times will come but they can weather them together.” Spring Shade explained to the Ponies as they sat for the feast. “After they are joined then they may take part in the festivities, this is so that they know that no matter how hard things are, good things will come as well.” Pinkie pie smiled “Wow that’s such a cool idea!” she exclaimed enthusiastically. “It is quiet romantic don’t you think Apple Jack?” Rarity said with a sigh AJ frowned “I guess, seems kind of excessive to me.” She muttered her nose wrinkling, Spring Shade laughed “Not all weddings are this big, you have to remember this is the wedding of our king of course the whole city is celebrating.” She chuckled, Rainbowdash surprisingly agreed with Spring Shade “Yeah Loosen up and enjoy the Party AJ, at least you’re not doing all the cooking.” She said with a laugh bighting into something then blanching at the gritty taste. “I think I just ate sand…” This drew laughter from the group which led flowingly into more enjoyment. The festivities never seemed to end, the whole day passed in food and fun, dancing and talking, stories shared and Tales told. Lunch was light leading into a slightly more subdued afternoon, but as evening fell the Party Picked up anew with a huge feast boasting delicacies from all over the land. And still the king and his bride sat in their place on the platform still shrouded Everyone made time to give the two their best wishes but not once was the shroud lifted, and the two ponies only partook of water and flat bread. “Wow their pretty dedicated huh?” Rainbowdash said Impressed, she knew herself well enough to know she’d get antsy after less than three minutes, let alone a whole day! The party went on longer well into the night, and, twilight was told, would proceed into the next day when the actual ceremony would take place. Exhausted she eventually gave in returning to her room to sleep, but not before once more wishing the couple congratulations and explain she simply couldn’t stay up any longer, Golden Dune and Desert rose where both very understanding as they wished her good night. Settling into bed to sleep Twilight had only the faintest wondering thought of where Discord might be before slipping into sleep. ------------------------------- Taking part in the celebrations was easy enough for the Lord of chaos, Disquising himself as a pony was one of his easiest skills. With a rish brown coat black mane and a grey gotee and brows he was just another pony at the party. He was drawn into conversation and dance. He had to admit these Saddle Arabians sure knew how to throw a party, this was certainly more exciting then those Silly Galas Celestia had every years, all somber and boring. This was noise and light and fun, laughter and strangly ordered chaos in the most wonderful way! Though as night grew darker and revelers entered the main hall to continue their celebrations He noticed one pony out of place, again in the gardens, Misty Midnight slipped through the greenery and away from the Party. Determined to find out more about this Pony Celestia wanted so badly Discord followed keeping in Pony form just incase. Galloping along the hall he followed alongside the dark figure as she galloped through the garden. Leaping through an opening he landed ahead of her track drawing her up short. “You’re in a hurry.” He commented cantering around her. Mist Shifted watching him as he made his circle. They where quiet aways from the party, there was no risk of being seen, only music could be heard echoing through the gardens. Tossing her head the hood fell away. “Only to get away from you.” She said her tone was cold but her eyes where blank, not holding the anger they should have for such words. “I’m sorry sir the Party is back that way Guests are not permitted in the portion of the garden.” She said briskly pushing past him. He moved the larger body of the stallion shoving hers against a tree “Not so fast, what did you do to Twilight.” He demanded, Mist struggled but didn’t have the strength to push him off. “I did nothing, she insisted on spending time with me, I thought it better to give her what she wanted and end it.” She snapped looking away “I understand, you don’t want any harm to come to your friend. Don’t worry, Friends of mine are never the ones hurt, You should know.” She snapped, he stared at her shocked. She used his surprise to push him off galloping ahead, but again he appeared before her, his head lowerd, horn pointing at her glowing with magic and looking wickedly sharp. “What do you mean I should know?” he demanded. She knew him, but how, how could she, and why would he know about her? Too much, he hated it, the secrecy. “It doesn’t matter, you’ll forget again anyway you’re better off not knowing the answers at all… some part of you must remember because you know to be weary of me.” She said tears welling to her horror. “You appearing here is just another punishment.” She shot at him, despite him not remembering she did, the pain was raw inside and she lashed out knowing, but not caring that he wouldn’t understand. “Punishment for what? So you are dangerous, a criminal Pony? Is that the chaos around you?!” he demanded advancing forward, Even as he did she took a step back robs flying off as large wing spread out feathers fluffed her own head down ready to challenge him “A criminal Pony? What a joke, no criminal would be punished this way, You would never understand!” she countered snorting her hoof pawing at the ground ready to charge, the two stared each other down, but, to discord surprise her wings drooped and she sank to the floor her head down weeping. “Do it then, just do it… end this as well, but it won’t stop.” She crying softly discord stepped forward slowly looking down at her “What?” he questioned quietly, as her miserable face lifted to look at him “Spear me, kill me, watch me die if it’ll make you happy, but it won’t end anything, the instant my body takes it’s final painful breath I will move to the next. So unless you plan to slaughter every newborn baby the exact moment they are born for the rest of eternity it will never end! I would never wish that on anyone to lose their children just because I’m tired.” She stood Tail flicking “You are lord of chaos, but, only one part, one aspect of true chaos. Yours is a fun chaos. One that brings a strange reality of the bizarre and abnormal. But there are other who rule a harder cruller chaos. They would kill you without a blink.” She said sighing she closed her eyes. “And they, with their great pride, lay down punishments that never end, for monsters like me.”