//------------------------------// // Rainbooms About Town - Part 1 // Story: Waking Nightmares: Magic Lives // by KnightMysterio //------------------------------// Waking Nightmares – Magic Lives An Equestria Girls fanfiction by Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires Chapter 2: Rainbooms About Town – Part 1 All characters not original copyrighted to their original owners, used for non-profit amusement reasons. All original characters copyrighted to me. Comments, compliments, and constructive criticism are appreciated and encouraged. Flames will be ignored. Events take place two years before the start of Waking Nightmares. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Friendship Castle... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer hugged tightly for several minutes. They eventually broke their hug, Princess Celestia looking around the room for the first time. “Well well,” she said. “It seems you've brought some friends along with you, my faithful students.” Sunset beamed, pleased that the princess still considered her faithful. Twilight giggled. “Well, you pretty much already know their names,” she said, gesturing to the group. Princess Celestia smiled benevolently. “Their names, yes, but not who they are,” she said. “Please, introduce me.” Twilight and Sunset traded looks, and shrugged. “Okay, um...” Sunset Shimmer said, pointing at AJ. “This is Applejack. Her family runs the Sweet Apple Acres apple farm, just a few miles outside Canterlot city. Plus she makes this great fizzy apple cider that's brought in a lot of money for her family.” AJ chuckled, tipping her hat to the princess. “Your highness,” she said. “Good to meet you.” Twilight smiled. “Over here we have Rarity, co-manager of Carousel Boutique and one of the finest fashion designers in Canterlot City,” she said. “Charmed,” she said, bowing grandly. Princess Celestia gave her a curious look. “Co-manager? Not owner?” she asked. Rares grinned. “I'm working out a deal with the current owner of the store, who's planning on retiring in a couple years,” she said. “Can I assume, from your question, that Carousel Boutique is owned by my counterpart in this world?” Princess Celestia nodding, smiling. “Indeed. It should be interesting, seeing the two of you compare styles,” she said. “Well, that should be a fabulous encounter,” Twilight said, mainly to herself. Rares giggled, smiling. Spike was nearly drooling at the thought of two Raritys in the same room. He quickly wiped his mouth, and turned to Dashie, the human-turned-pegasus finally having gotten control of her wings and taken to the air. “This is Rainbow Dash!” he said. “Captain of the soccer and basketball teams at Canterlot High and one of the most awesome athletes in her world!” Dashie actually blushed. “Heh. It's awesome 'cause it's true,” she said. “It's an honor, Princess.” Twilight smiled, and then gestured to Flutters. “And this is Fluttershy, who works at the local animal shelter and plans to study veterinary medicine when she goes to college.” “I'm sure she'll be wonderful at it,” Princess Celestia said, making Flutters blush brightly, grinning. The human-turned-pegasus muttered a shy greeting, hiding her face behind her mane. A rabbit peered out of her bag, looking around curiously. Spike shook his head. “And apparently we have another Angel Bunny as well... Marvelous...” he said. “Anyway, last and most definitely not least amongst the girls, we have Pinkie Pie!” “Hiya Miss Royal Horsie Lady!” Pinkamena said, bouncing up to Princess Celestia, stumbling because she wasn't used to walking on all fours. “This is a totally awesome place your student has! Can we get a tour? Can we can we can we?” AJ awkwardly gripped Pinkamena's tail in her hooves, dragging her back to the others. She grinned sheepishly. “Sorry about that, yer highness,” she said. “It's quite all right,” Princess Celestia said, smiling warmly. “I've had more exuberant greetings than that before.” “Yes, I can imagine...” Rares said, smirking. “Considering you have a Pinkie Pie that has access to magical prowess...” Princess Celestia giggled, and turned to Principal Celestia, who have finally found her footing and stood up. “And shall I assume that this is my counterpart in the other world?” Principal Celestia gulped nervously. Something about the Equestrian version of herself seemed to command respect just from her presence. “Y-Yes, your highness.” Princess Celestia giggled. “While you are here, you are a princess as well. Can't we talk to each other normally?” Principal Celestia grimaced. “I... well, what would we call each other?” she said. “We're both the same...er... pony.” “'Celestia' would be nice,” Princess Celestia said. Principal Celestia frowned, biting her lip. “No, that will get confusing fast,” she said, “especially if someone else is talking to us. The girls are going by nicknames, I will as well. For the duration of this trip, call me Tia.” “Only if you promise to call me 'Celestia' and not 'Princess' or 'your highness.'” Celestia insisted, smiling benevolently. Tia smiled, sighing. “Of course, Celestia,” she said. Pinkamena, still excited, kept bouncing around the room. “We're using nicknames, too! Applejack is AJ, Fluttershy is Flutters, Rainbow Dash is Dashie, Rarity is Rares, and I'm going by Pinkamena!” she chirped. Celestia nodded. “A fine, simple way of dealing with the name issue,” she said, getting up and going over to the Dazzlings, who sat huddled in the corner. “As for you three...” Her expression darkened as she looked over the three former sirens. Sonata whimpered softly, her ears back and her wings folded. Aria tried to look defiant, but she was too scared at of the princess to say anything. Adagio just sighed, shaking her head. “We'll be no trouble, Princess,” she said. “Our voices are broken, our magic is gone, our true forms destroyed. We can't hurt anypony anymore.” To everypony's surprise, Celestia smiled benevolently. “If your magic is gone, my little sea ponies, then why do I still sense it within you?” she asked. “If your true forms were destroyed, then why do these bodies seem to fit you much better?” The three former sirens traded confused looks. “What... what are you talking about?” Aria asked. “You will see in time,” Celestia said cryptically. Sunset and Twilight both eyerolled, long used to their teacher's tendency to be mysterious. Then they both noticed each other's expression and giggled. Celestia smiled. “Still, you have committed several crimes, so we must hold you in custody until your fate can be decided. Twilight?” The smaller alicorn nodded, going over to the wall and pressing a button, a door opening nearby. Two armored Earth pony guards, both mares and both carrying glowing magical lances, stepped into the room. “Your highness...es?” one asked. “Please take these three to the local prison,” Twilight said, gesturing to Adagio, Sonata, and Aria. “They're depowered magical criminals, and we want to keep them in one place until we can figure out what to do with them.” The two guards nodded, motioning for the Dazzlings to follow them. Reluctantly, the three followed them out of the room, having lost all will to fight. One of the guards hesitated, staring at the ponies wearing clothes and bearing the wrong Cutie Marks. “Um...” she said. “They aren't changelings or Mirror Pool clones,” Twilight clarified, understanding her concern. “They're from an alternate reality.” The guard thought for a moment, nodded, and went on her way. Rares quirked an eyebrow. “She took that awfully well,” she said. Twilight scoffed. “Compared to some of the stuff that happens around this town? Having alternate reality dopplegangers show up barely registers.” “Oh my...” Flutters said, looking alarmed. “It must be very exciting here!” “Eh,” Twilight said. “We have our moments.” Sunset shook her head. “Wow, you really have become desensitized to strangeness, haven't you?” Twilight grinned. “It helps that Discord frequently hangs around town,” she said. She blushed, and added, “I've... kinda developed a taste for the cotton candy rainclouds he makes that rain chocolate milk.” “That sounds like the best thing EVER!!!” Pinkamena shouted, giggling. Only Tia noticed the sudden scowl of disgust Celestia got at the mention of Discord's name. The scowl was gone quickly, but it left Tia worried. “Before we take you on a tour of the town,” Celestia said. “Do you have any questions?” “Yeah,” Dashie said. Rares poked her, Dashie rolling her eyes and saying, “I mean, yes, your highness.” She took a breath, and asked, “What's with the butt tattoos everyone has?” Rares facehoofed, wincing a little as her hoof struck her face harder than intended. But even as she did that, the non-Equestria natives all turned to look at their Cutie Marks. Celestia giggled. “They're called Cutie Marks,” she said. “They represent the special talent a pony has, showing one of the things that makes them unique and special.” “Oh,” Dashie said, looking at the two balls that comprised her Cutie Mark. “Well, I'm best at basketball and football, so I guess that makes sense.” “I thought it was called soccer,” Pinkamena said. “Do not disrespect the Beautiful Game, pink heathen,” Dashie said, smiling despite her serious tone. Pinkamena giggled. Tia looked over the datebook on her flank. “Hm... Well, I've always been fairly good at organization...” she said softly. “But what about you and the other natives of this world? What do yours mean?” Twilight smiled. “My talent is magic itself. I'm good with every form of magic known to Ponykind, and forms of magic known to other races as well.” Sunset fluttered her wings, still amazed that she had them. “My talent is related to solar magic. I can't raise and lower the sun like Princess Celestia can, but I can command solar energy and use it in various ways.” “Wait wait wait,” Tia said. “'Raise and lower the sun?'” Celestia nodded. “Indeed. That's my special talent. The sun that orbits this planet essentially belongs to me,” she said. The humans-turned-ponies all giggled. Celestia gave them a curious look. “Something funny?” Tia smiled. “Celestia... That's not how things work. Suns are stars, huge masses of energy with tremendous amounts of gravity. Planets orbit around THEM.” Twilight smirked. “That IS how it works... in their universe,” she said. Celestia nodded, and turned to Spike. “Spike? Standard message for the demonstration I am about to give. All the usual sources.” “Right-o!” Spike said, going to a nearby filing cabinet and pulling out several scrolls. On them he wrote the same message. “World not ending. Discord behaving himself, has not overthrown Celestia and Luna. All other relevant apocalyptic villains still neutralized. Celestia just showing off. No danger. Do not panic. Seriously, don't panic. I mean it. Don't make me come over there,” each read. Spike sent them all off in a single blast of green flame. “...Why did you incinerate the messages?” Flutters asked, hugging her Angel Bunny. Spike giggled. “That wasn't my burning flame. My burning flame is orange. My green flame is a magical sending flame. It mails out letters to whomever they're addressed to.” Pinkamena grinned. “Handy. Think of how easy it would be to deliver party invitations that way!” “Oh, but think of the poor mailmen who'd lose their jobs if that became too widespread,” Flutters said, looking thoughtful. Pinkamena sighed dramatically. “Oh, let a girl dream, won't you?” she teased. Flutters smiled. Celestia nodded, chuckling. “Very well, if you'll all come to the window with me?” Curious, the humans-turned-ponies followed Celestia, Sunset, and Twilight to the large picture window on the side of the room they were in. Celestia put her hooves up on the windowsill, and concentrated, her horn glowing. And then everypony in the room FELT the full measure of Celestia's power, the aura of her magic intense enough that even those who lived in a world without magic could feel it. They stared at Celestia, and then up at the sky, their jaws dropping in unison as the sun began to do loop-de-loops through the sky. Celestia smiled, making the sun dance for only a few moments before setting it back in its proper place in the sky. She turned, smiling benevolently at the others, who were dumbstruck. “...Incredible,” Tia said after a long moment. “I could feel it... You were manipulating the sun's gravity to move it...” “You really DO raise and lower the sun...” AJ said in awe. Sunset, Spike, and Twilight traded amused looks. Celestia giggled. “Twilight actually managed to raise the sun once herself, you know,” Spike said. The others turned to stare at Twilight, who blushed. “Ah... well, to be fair, I was powered up by the combined magic of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and myself. And I had a REALLY hard time getting it to stay in place..” Sunset frowned. “Wait... why did you have their magical power?” she asked. “We gave Twilight our power so that she could either hide it or make good use of it to stop Tirek,” Celestia said. “If Tirek had stolen his power from us before Twilight had the means to stop him...” “TIREK ESCAPED TARTARUS!?!” Sunset shrieked, looking terrified, her wings flaring in flight. Flutters eeped, she and Angel Bunny hiding behind Dashie. “Ah'm guessing that's a bad thing,” AJ said. “Imagine Satan escaping Hell, only much more evil and much more powerful” Sunset said, Twilight and Celestia giving her a curious look, not understanding the reference. The humans-turned-ponies did, however, their ears going back in fright. “Y'all managed to defeat him though... right?” AJ said, gulping nervously. Twilight nodded. “It nearly cost us everything, but we managed it without any fatalities,” she said, smiling. The others relaxed visibly. Sunset was still frowning, though. “And again you mentioned Discord... Is he really...” Celestia sighed. “He is behaving himself. Being betrayed himself seems to have mellowed him out and helped him realize the true value of friendship,” she said, looking away from the group. Tia frowned, worried again. Twilight nuzzled her mentor. “It's okay, Celestia,” she said softly, Sunset feeling a pang of jealousy at how casually close they were. She quickly suppressed it, though. Twilight, not noticing Sunset's briefly pained expression, smiled at Celestia. “Discord's more than proved himself a hundred times over since then. He's even earned a throne in the palace. I trust him with my life.” Sunset shook her head. “You trust DISCORD of all people with your life... Sounds like an oxymoron, if you ask me... Or just flat out moronic...” Twilight giggled. “Well... I won't say he can't be a pest at times. But he's earned the friendships he's gained since then.” Sunset chuckled. “In the meantime...” she said, “what about these?” She flared her wings, still unsettled by how right it felt to have them. “Isn't it obvious?” Celestia said. “You need to have a coronation!” Sunset squeaked, startled. Her human-turned-pony friends traded excited looks. Twilight rolled her eyes, giggling. Celestia smiled. “I'm dead serious, Sunset. This isn't just because I'm utterly gleeful over the fact that you've not only overcome the greed and jealousy in your heart and become an alicorn, but it's so you can be protected against politicians taking advantage of you,” she said. “Considering what I remember of Canterlot before I ran off to the other world,” Sunset said, frowning a little, “that makes a lot of sense...” Celestia shook her head, sighing. “Sadly, my dear Sunset, very little has actually changed. The nobles are still the worst sort of pest, and still seek advantages over each other at the expense of others.” Twilight nodded in agreement. “Even with my coronation, I've had to deal with suitors propositioning me and trying to trick my parents into signing marriage agreements,” she said. Sunset rolled her eyes, chuckling. “Lovely...” “This is so awesome!” Pinkamena cheered. “Coronation party!” “W-Will there be much of a crowd?” Flutters asked softly. “Darling,” Rares said, grinning widely, “our Sunset is going to become a princess for real! The lost student of Princess Celestia, returned home fully redeemed and having achieved her destiny! OOOH! How exciting!” “Geez, Rares,” Dashie said, snickering as Rares went through a serious of dramatic poses with each statement. “Drama queen much?” “Can you blame me?!” Rares said, giggling. “One of our best friends is going to become royalty for real! This is BETTER than any Fall Formal award!” Sunset blushed, grinning. Despite everything, she still lacked confidence in her own ability to keep and hold friends. Rares calling her one of their 'best friends' made her feel like all her efforts to reform actually mattered. Only AJ and Tia seemed concerned. Tia gave Sunset a pointed look, frowning. Sunset nodded. “I know, I know,” she said softly. “I'm working up to it.” She took a deep breath, and said, “Princess Celestia...” “Hm?” Celestia said, smiling. “I...” Sunset started. She bit her lip, Celestia becoming worried. After a moment, Sunset collected herself. “You remember how I came to live at the palace, right?” Celestia nodded, sighing sadly. “Yes... the train crash. A magical accident at a laboratory in Canterlot caused a sudden avalanche in the mountains and...” the white alicorn's eyes widened quite suddenly, dismay coming to hoer face as she realized where Sunset was going with this. “...Oh,” she managed after a moment. Sunset nodded sadly. “It happened in the other world, too,” she said. “I... I met them after Christmas, which is the Hearth's Warming equivalent in the other world. In this world, they died... In that world...” She took a deep breath. “In that world, I died...” Celestia, suddenly feeling weak, sat down. Tears formed in her eyes as she forced a smile. “I'm...” She shook her head. “No, I'm... I'm truly happy that you were able to find your family, Sunset.” AJ just sighed somberly, the others watching the scene with concern. Sunset smiled weakly. “I'm... I'm sorry, Princess. I can stay for a while, but... having them back again, even in that way, is a dream come true for me. I want... I want to stay with them...” she said. Celestia nodded. “And so you shall, my little pony,” she said softly. “I have missed you terribly, and love you dearly, but I will not deny you the chance to be with the family you lost.” Sunset smiled warmly. “Thank you...” Celestia hugged her tightly, wrapping her wings around Sunset as well. After a long moment of this, she said, “You're still getting a coronation, though.” Sunset blinked. “Celestia...” The princess's grin was mischievous. “I meant what I said about you earning it. I won't deny that I'm unhappy you aren't staying, but I AM happy about what you've become since we've last met. You've conquered your inner demons, made some wonderful friends, and even helped save three members of the lost sea pony tribe. When I told you it wasn't your destiny to become a princess, I was wrong. And I couldn't be more happy of that fact, my precious student. Sunset Shimmer, Princess of Redemption.” Sunset blushed, smiling happily, as the non-Equestrians cheered. “And even if you don't stay, it's not like you can't keep in touch now,” Twilight said, stepping forward. “I've managed to defy the limitations of the mirror and can get it to open anytime. We can come visit you whenever. Plus, I can enchant a pair of journals so you can write to us even in the other world!” Sunset grinned widely. This was all going so much better than she had hoped. Spike nodded. “Are we done with the potentially angsty stuff?” he asked, blowing sending fire on six more scrolls he had been writing during the conversation. Twilight gave Spike a curious look. He quickly whispered what he did to her, and Twilight grinned. Sunset gave this exchange a curious look, but decided not to comment. “I... I think we are, actually!” she said, grinning. She felt good, she felt... happy. She liked this feeling and wanted more of it. Pinkamena giggled. “Good! All this saddy sad stuff was really bringing me down! I wanna meet the other me and have a PARTY!!” Everypony in the room, subconsciously, felt a shiver of fear go down their spines at the idea of the two Pinkies meeting one another. Thankfully, they kept their thoughts to themselves. “I suppose it should be all right,” Celestia said. Rares, Dashie, Pinkamena, and AJ started to leave, but Flutters suddenly sat down, blushing brightly. “...You okay there, sugarcube?” AJ asked. “I... I just realized...” Flutters stammered. “None of us are wearing PANTS!” AJ, Rares, Dashie, Pinkamena, and Tia went wide-eyed, looking back at themselves. While shirts and jackets had made the transition, their pants and undergarments hadn't. All of them saved an amused Pinkamena blushed, sitting down quickly. “Oh!” Rares said, looking panicked. “Oh my!! Oh my my my!!! This is quite improper.” Even Sunset was blushing a little. “Wow... Got so used to having to wear them that I barely even noticed when they weren't there anymore...” she said. “Well... This is kinda awkward...” AJ said, giggling nervously. “Um... ah don't suppose that y'all have some spare shorts around?” The totally naked Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle just shook their heads. “Uhuh,” AJ said, grimacing. “Thought as much...” “You can't seriously expect us to go out with our maidenhoods showing, do you?!” Rares almost shrieked. “Just keep your tails down and you should be fine,” Twilight said, chuckling. “Really, almost everypony here is naked.” Dashie was blushing brightly. “That still doesn't help the fliers...” she said. Celestia chuckled. “Unless you're actively searching for stallions to mate with, you should be all right simply going around as you are now. Barely anypony notices unless it's the heat season,” she said, blushing a little. AJ grimaced. “Please tell me that we're not anywhere near that...” she said, the farmer understanding what that meant, the others deciding they didn't want to know. “It happens in the spring, and since we're in the middle of fall right now, you're good,” Sunset said. Pinkamena giggled. “C'mon girls! It'll be okay! I wanna go and see Twilight and Spike's hometown, and we can't do that if we're dragging our butts all over the place!” Rares, Flutters, Dashie, AJ, and Tia all traded worried looks, and then sat up slowly. Flutters blushed brightly, looking the least comfortable, she and the others trying to arrange their tails in a manner that kept themselves covered. Pinkamena, for her part, was having a blast. “C'mon, c'mon! Let's go!” she cheered, starting to sing. “Doin' the no pants dance, shoobie doobie doo wah! The no pants dance! No pants, no pants!” She danced around happily, waving her butt in the air. Sunset shook her head. “Pinkie... mena, seriously,” she said. “I know you're excited but if you keep waggling your rump around like that, stallions are going to get the wrong idea.” “Awww!” Pinkamena said, giggling. But she calmed down, going back over with the others. Dashie gave her an affectionate noogie. At almost the same time, though, a pink lightning bolt came in and tackled Twilight to the floor, startling everypony there. “Where?!” said an excited voice. “Where is she?! Where's the other me?! OOOH, I'm so excited! I never met another me that wasn't a mirror pool clone or a changeling before!” “Pinkie Pie!” Twilight said, struggling to get out the near-stranglehold of a hug she was in. “Leggo! I can't breath!” “Whups! Sorry!” Pinkie Pie giggled, the party pony letting Twilight go, straightening her mane and giving her a cupcake. Twilight ate the treat happily, taking its sudden out of nowhere appearance in stride. Pinkamena gasped. “How did you do that? I can do some tricks like that, but I've never been able to get a food to come out right!” she asked. Pinkie Pie giggled. “It's easy! All you have to do is divide the cupcake by zero and...” she started, trailing off and turning to Pinkamena, who grinned. She then looked around at all the other natives of the other world, who stared at her warily. “Omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh OMIGOSH!!” Pinkie Pie said, grinning widely. “SOOOOO MANY NEW PONIES! I gotta plan a HUGE welcome party!” “Ooh! Can I help? I love planning parties!” Pinkamena asked. “SO AWESOME! You plan parties too?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Yep! Pinkamena Diane Pie, best party planner in all of Canterlot City! That's me!” Pinkamena cheered. “DOUBLE POWER PINKIE PARTY!” Pinkie Pie shouted happily. “C'mon, let's go! You can tell me all about your world as we bake the cakes!!!” Pinkie Pie zipped away in a streak of pink, Pinkamena following her, the force of their exit creating a massive burst of wind that pulled loose papers out into the hall. “That went... ...surprisingly well,” Rares said, straightening her mane, which had gotten ruffled in the force of the two pink party ponies' exit. “I'm oddly disturbed by the idea of two Pinkies teaming up,” Sunset said. “Is that bad?” “It's a natural defensive instinct,” Twilight quipped, turning to Spike. “Good idea on sending messages to the others about their counterparts. Who was the sixth for?” “Mayor Mare,” Spike said, looking smug. “She can make an announcement to the town about our visitors so there's no 'changeling panic.'” Twilight gave him a peck on the cheek. “Good work, Spike,” she said, the dragon blushing. “Go help yourself to a handful of the sun rubies as a reward.” “Sweet!” Spike said, heading out of the room and making his way to the kitchens. Rares quirked an eyebrow at this. “...You reward him with treasure?” she asked. Twilight nodded. “Sun rubies are a type of gem that absorbs sunlight to add to their inherent magical charge. They're uncommon, but pretty easy to find, so I don't mind letting him have some as a snack now and then.” Tia blinked. “Wait... snack?” “Dragons eat gems,” Sunset said. “Helps replenish their magical reserves.” The non-Equestrians stared at Sunset and Twilight. “Seriously?” Fluttershy asked. “Doesn't it hurt to bite into gems?” Celestia, Sunset, and Twilight snickered. “A fully grown dragon can bite through METAL. Gems are nothing,” Twilight explained. “Still, it has to get expensive to let Spikey-wikey eat precious stones,” Rares said, frowning. “Not really,” Twilight said casually. “Gem mines are pretty commonplace. There's one just outside of town.” The non-Equestrians went slack-jawed in shock. “Twilight,” Sunset said, an amused grin on her face, “Gems are rare in the human world. They're held at high monetary value.” “Huh...” Twilight said, and shrugged. “Well. Shall we head on out? The others are probably on their way here, same as Pinkie Pie.” Dashie shook off her shock at the idea of gems being common place. “Y-yeah! Sure!” she said. “I'd love to see if your Rainbow Dash can measure up to me.” The Twilight, the two Celestias, and the Rainbooms trotted outside, finding Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash just arriving. “Well well,” Rarity said, smiling grandly. “It seems the letters dear Spikey-wikey sent us were true!” Applejack chuckled. “Ah thought ah saw two pink lightning bolts comin' from here. Finally decided to introduce us to those other usses?” Twilight nodded, turning to her friends. “Girls, meet the hottest music group in Canterlot High School,” she said, ignoring Rainbow Dash's snickering remarks about her counterpart still being in school. Twilight smiled, gesturing to each pony in turn. “Sunset Shimmer, who's co-lead singer with Rainbow Dash, who both play electric guitar. Rarity, who plays the keytaur. Fluttershy on tambourine, and Applejack, who plays the bass guitar. Pinkie Pie plays drums, but she left already, and Vinyl Scratch, who helps keep the beat and runs their electronics, decided not to cross over,” she said, each human-turned-pony nodding in turn. “Hey hey,” Dashie said, smirking at her counterpart. “I'm guessing you're not still in high school?” Rainbow Dash nodded, smirking. “Yeah, I went my own way a while ago,” she said. Dashie's smirk turned evil. “Which means you're older than me, GRANDMA.” Rainbow Dash flinched, as if struck, and laughed. “Oh, it's SO on!” Rares shook her head. “Dear me...” she said. “They're both completely bull-headed.” AJ snickered. “'Bout what ah expected, honestly.” Applejack nodded in agreement. “Yep. She's definitely a Rainbow Dash all right,” she said as the two Rainbows began butting heads, trading taunts with each other. Rares smiled, turning to Rarity. “Well, to keep things from being confusing, all of us who have counterparts here have decided to go by nicknames. I am Rares. And I must say, darling, you certainly don't LOOK older than me,” she said, smiling. Rarity blushed. “Thank you, my dear!” she said. “I have truly been looking forward to meeting you, darling! It should be most marvelous to compare fashion styles between our two worlds!” Rares beamed. “Oh, that sounds simply marvelous, Rarity darling!” “It's like a mirror,” Sunset Shimmer said softly, Twilight giggling. Applejack looked AJ over. “Ah'm guessin' your nickname is AJ?” she asked. AJ chuckled. “Kinda obvious, in retrospect,” she said. “Eeyup. AJ of Sweet Apple Acres at y'service.” Applejack cheered. “HooWEE! That settles it, then! You're comin' over and we're giving you a real Apple family dinner!” AJ blushed. “Aw, shucks. That ain't necessary. Plus we ain't technically kin.” Applejack smirked, poking her in the chest. “You're an Apple. That means you're kin. Circumstances of bein' kin don't matter, Apples are always willin' to treat their own to a good meal.” AJ grinned widely. “Hnh. Nicknames, huh?” Rainbow Dash said. Dashie nodded. “Yeah. Seemed simpler that way. Our Pinkie's going by her full name, Pinkamena, and I'm usin' Dashie.” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Fair enough,” she said. “Ya noob.” Dashie smirked. “Old lady.” “Schoolfilly.” “Wrinkled old raisin.” “Baby.” “Prune.” “Teacher's pet.” “Girls, behave yourself or you'll get put in detention,” Sunset teased, both Rainbows giggling. Twilight was grinning widely. “This is going better than I hoped,” she said, glancing over to where the Fluttershys were having a Timid Off, the two butter yellow pegasi smiling warily at each other, each one not sure how to proceed, each one too scared to make the first move. The other three pairs noticed the silence, turning towards them curiously. This just made the two poor pegasi even more nervous. “U-Um... hi?” Fluttershy managed in a tiny voice. Flutters grinned nervously. “H-Hello...” The awkward silence continued, both Rainbows fidgeting uncomfortably. Before they could say anything, though, Flutters's Angel bunny poked his head out of her backpack turned saddlebag, looking around curiously. Fluttershy brightened immediately. “Oooh, you have a bunny!” she said cheerfully. Flutters started to smile. “You... you like bunnies?” she said, scooping Angel into her forelegs. “I adore bunnies! They're so cute, and cuddly, and have the softest fur! And I love mousies, and kitties, and puppies, and birdies, and big brown bears, and...” Fluttershy chirped. Flutters grinned widely. “Me too! I love working with animals so much! I'm going to study to be a veterinarian when I get to college!” “Oh, I never found time to study, but I do have a side business as an animal caretaker! I've got all sorts of wonderful critters at my cottage!” Fluttershy said. “I'd love to meet them... I-I mean, if that's all right with you...” Flutters said, blushing. Wow, Pinkie Pie's right, Fluttershy thought. I really do look adorable when I get all apologetic. Out loud, she said, “Of course it's all right! I'd love for you to meet my critters, and my own bunny!” Flutters squeed happily, hugging her Angel bunny. Sunset Shimmer pretend fainted, the alicorn placing a hoof on her forehead melodramatically. “Cuteness... rising to lethal levels...” Excitedly, the two Fluttershy hugged each other, thrilled to find a fellow animal lover. “HNNNGH!” Sunset Shimmer cried, faking a heart attack and collapsing. Everypony cracked up laughing, save for the Fluttershy twins, who hadn't noticed the comedy act behind them. As the laughter died down, Celestia whispered into Twilight's ear. “I think you've forgotten to introduce somepony...” she said. Twilight turned, seeing Tia standing back from the others, looking nervous. The purple alicorn face-hoofed, and said, “Wow, I'm being dumb today...” She motioned Tia forward, the suit-jacketed white alicorn smiling nervously. Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all gasped, starting to kneel, when Tia held up a hoof to stop them. “Please don't,” she said. “I'm not a princess, I'm just a high school principal.” Sunset nuzzled her, making Tia blush. “All things considered, you've done a pretty good job. Barring... certain incidents,” Sunset said, coughing nervously. Tia blushed. Twilight smiled. “Girls, this is Principal Celestia, who's going by Tia for this trip,” she said. Tia bowed, smiling. “It's a pleasure to meet you all,” the besuited alicorn said. “Two Princess Celestias,” Rarity said, grinning. “Magnificent...” “They do cut a striking figure, don't they?” Rares agreed, making Tia blush. Celestia smiled as Tia blushed again. “Why don't you show your doubles around town?” she suggested. “I can do the same for Tia. And Twilight, I think there's someplace you can take Sunset that she'll enjoy greatly.” She whispered it into Twilight's ear, the smaller alicorn giggling. “Will do,” Twilight said, saluting. She turned to everypony and said, “Shall we meet up at Sugarcube Corner this evening? The Pinkies will probably have their party ready by then.” “Sounds good to me!” Rainbow Dash said. “C'mon noob, let's race!” She zipped off in a colorful streak. “Hey, no fair! I just got these wings!” Dashie said, taking off after her, nearly falling out of the sky when Rainbow Dash zipped back, frowning. “That's true...” Rainbow Dash said softly, a thoughtful look on her face. “And it wouldn't be radical of me to beat you when you probably can't even pick things up with your hooves...” Dashie blinked, looking at her hooves. “You can do that?” she said. Rainbow Dash chuckled. “C'mon over t'my place,” she said, flying off at a more normal speed. “I'll give you some tips on the basics. And you can tell me about your Cutie Mark talent...” Dashie grinned, following after her counterpart. Meanwhile, Flutters and Fluttershy trotted off for Fluttershy's cottage. “Um... This is going to sound like a weird question,” Fluttershy said as they walked. “But... what do your parents do? I'm wondering if they have the same jobs as mine. My father's a doctor and my mother's a high ranking captain in the royal guard. The others haven't met her yet... Introducing her is always so awkward...” Flutters smiled. “Oh, I can imagine...” she said. “My father is a doctor as well, but my mother isn't a guard. She's considering retiring and becoming one, though.” Fluttershy hmmed, curious. “So what does she do?” she asked. “She's a professional wrestler,” Flutters said, smiling. Fluttershy blinked. “...A wrestler?” she asked. Flutters nodded. “World heavyweight champion.” Fluttershy thought about it a moment and giggled. “Yes... Yes, I can see that.” Flutters giggled too. Fluttershy sighed happily, but then stopped. “Oh! I should warn you that my friend Discord may show up during our visit. He always likes surprising me... usually with a localized disruption of reality.” Flutters cringed, her ears going back. “...Sunset seemed nervous about him,” she said. “I admit that he's been naughty in the past,” Fluttershy said, smiling. “And that he's made some mistakes... very bad mistakes...” Her smile briefly turned melancholy, but it brightened quickly. “But he's been a wonderful friend ever since then!” Flutters frowned. “If you're sure...” Fluttershy nodded, speaking with perfect confidence. “Absolutely. I would trust him with my life.” Meanwhile, the two Apple ponies were heading for Sweet Apple Acres, chatting about their trade. “So what's the acreage on your Acres?” Applejack asked. “We're pretty big,” AJ said, giving her the number. Applejack smiled. “Heh. About the same as ours, then, just a little smaller. Well, that's all right. You got a trademark product?” AJ smiled. “Our fizzy apple cider is our best seller, not countin' our apples, of course,” she said. “Of course,” Applejack said. “Wouldn't be an Apple family apple if it wasn't the best.” “Eeyup,” AJ said, chuckling. Applejack smiled. “How about Zap Apples? Y'got any o' those?” AJ shook her head. “Nope,” she said. “Can't say as ah've ever heard of them.” Applejack paused midstep, and giggled mischievously. “Oh AJ... oh sugarcube... You are in for a treat!” she said. “We just finished sellin' season for them, and have got down to t'stock we keep for ourselves...” She giggled. “Yes, ah'd say that you're gonna have y'self a fine treat before the Double Pinkie Party t'night.” AJ smiled. “Well, with that kinda promise, y'done and got me excited!” Applejack smiled. “Believe me, it's well worth it.” As the two farmers wandered off, Rarity guided her counterpart into the main part of town, where her shop was located. As the two chatted idly, they passed Mayor Mare addressing a gathering of ponies. “Now, everypony will have probably noticed the second Pinkie Pie by now. I assure you, and have been assured by Princess Twilight herself,” she said, holding up the letter that Spike sent out earlier, “that this is not the advent of a new problem. Nor is it another Mirror Pool incident, or a Changeling attack. The new Pinkie Pie, as well as any other doubles with different Cutie Marks you see over the next day or two, are simply counterparts from an alternate world come to have a friendly visit. You have nothing to worry about, everypony.” Immediately, the Flower Trio decided to ruin the moment. “B-But, what if they're EVIL counterparts from another world?” Rose suggested, shivering. “Yes! Evil counterparts with evil magic!” Lily added, shaking. “Evil counterparts with evil magic come to conquer us all in the name of PURPLE SMOOZE TURNED SENTIENT?!” Daisy added, quivering. “OH THE HORROR!” they chorused, others in the crowd starting to look nervous as well. During the entirety of their rant, a massive wall of pegasus stallion flew up and grabbed a cloud. He then punched the cloud, dumping a massive torrent of water on the three panic prone ponies. As the Flower Trio sputtered, indignant, the massive pegasus calmly landed back in his original spot. Mayor Mare giggled, as did the others who had started to believe the Flower Trio earlier. “Thank you, Bulk Biceps,” the Mayor said. “YEEEAAAH!!” Bulk Biceps said, nodding. Rares giggled. “Nice to see that some things are exactly the same between worlds,” she said. She was also fascinated to see Bulk Biceps manipulating the cloud physically, resolving to ask about it later, but for now she'd focus on the familiar. Rarity smiled. “Ah. So your Flower Trio are riot starters as well?” she asked. Rares nodded. “It was embarrassing, really... An exchange student from Zebrica, a lovely young girl with a flare for chemistry by the name of Zecora, showed up the year before. Those three idiots nearly started a lynch mob before Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna calmed everyone down. They were nearly expelled for doing that, but Zecora decided not to press charges. Now Zecora's one of the most popular girls in school.” Rarity hmmed thoughtfully. “A similar incident occurred here, unfortunately. Thankfully, we all learned from our mistake, and Zecora is a dear friend now.” Rares nodded, smiling. “She's probably older than our version as well...” she said thoughtfully. She shook her head, chuckling. “Really, it amazes me that you're actually older than me. I'm not just saying this to be polite, but you look the same age as I.” Rarity tittered. “It's all due to healthy eating and proper application of makeup. I'll give you a recipe for a delightful low-fat vegetable casserole,” she said. “Just don't let Sweetie Belle try to make it.” She blinked, and then grimaced, realizing that she may have committed a faux pas. “Er...” Rares smiled. “Ahah. Another similarity... both of our dear Sweetie Belles have taken lessons from a mother who has the cooking ability of a toxic waste plant.” Rarity giggled. “Well. In any case, I'll copy down the recipe for you before you leave. Now come! The time has come to talk of FASHION!” Elsewhere, Twilight and Sunset were walking into town as well, going a different direction than the Raritys. Sunset frowned. “C'mon, Twilight!” she said. “Where are you taking me?” Twilight Sparkle smiled. “You'll see,” she said. Sunset fumed, wondering what Celestia could have been whispering to her about. As they entered the business district, however, Sunset gasped. “Princess Burger?!” she said, staring with unrestrained joy at the fast-food restaurant. “I haven't been here in years!” “Princess Celestia told me that she always enjoyed taking you here when you were her student,” Twilight said. “I only gained a taste for it recently (I was always more of a fan of Donut Joe's), but you always seemed to adore the place. Celestia figured that you might have a craving for a good hayburger after so long.” Golden alicorn hugged purple alicorn tightly, tears of happiness in her eyes. “You have no idea,” Sunset said happily. “C'mon, let's go in!” Sunset stepped in, ignoring the Ponyville residents gawking at the sudden entrance of an alicorn they didn't know. Twilight walked in right after, the manager smiling when he noticed her. “Ah, Princess Twilight!” he said. “You're just in time! I was just about to open a new register for more customers, so you and your... um... fellow princess?” Twilight chuckled as Sunset blushed. “It's a long story, Burger Flip,” the purple alicorn said. “But suffice to say, Sunset's a friend. One who hasn't been here in a while, and deserves to have something good to eat. My treat.” The manager nodded, and motioned a clerk forward. “Very well,” Burger Flip said, deciding to just roll with it. “Order away.” Sunset, still blushing, came up to the counter, Twilight coming behind her. Sunset looked over the menu, happy memories of eating here with Princess Celestia filling her. “Um... I'll take two Double Royal Hayburgers, with extra ketchup, an extra large order of hayfries, a... Moon Shake? What's that?” “Something we added to the menu in honor of Princess Luna's return from exile! It's chocolate and coffee flavored ice cream with marshmallow fluff in it, with dark chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and graham cracker bits mixed in!” the clerk said, smiling. “...That sounds absurdly delicious and I'll have an extra large,” Sunset said, grinning. She then blushed even brighter, and asked, “And... um... do you still have the Little Princess meals? With the toys?” Burger Flip chuckled. “Always have, always will. The current toys are little plush keychain versions of the six Founders of Equestria, and of course Princesses Celestia and Luna.” Sunset nodded, still blushing. “I'll have an apple nugget Little Princess meal. With a Celestia plush, if you have them this week.” “You're in luck,” the clerk said as she rung up Sunset's order. “We have both Princesses this week.” “I'll throw in a Luna for free,” Burger Flip said. “That would be lovely, thank you!” Sunset said. She turned to Twilight, and added. “And... thank you, Twilight, for bringing me here. I've missed this place so much...” Twilight beamed, smiling, as she paid for Sunset's food. Back at the castle, Tia and Celestia were conversing. “Forgive me if this seems... impertinent... but you seemed almost angry when Discord's name was mentioned,” Tia asked. Celestia sighed. “I don't trust him,” she said. “I want to believe in him, want to believe that he's fully reformed... especially since it was my stupid idea to try and reform him... but he is Chaos Incarnate. His moods and manners shift more often than a wild zone's weather. I've seen him do too much to ever fully believe in him, especially after his recent betrayal...” Tia frowned. “What happened?” Celestia shivered. “A great evil named Tirek, who is either the descendant or the avatar of the Devil King Tirek (we've never been able to figure out which), escaped from Tartarus. He tricked Discord, whom I sent to stop him, into joining him. Discord realized his mistake and helped us in the end, becoming supposedly a true friend to Fluttershy and the others, but...” she shook her head. “I don't know. It's... difficult for me to be around him for any length of time. As it is for him to tolerate my presence for an extended period.” Tia shook her head, sighing. “It's... I'm sorry, I can't think of anything to say that might comfort you...” she said. Celestia smiled weakly. “It's okay. It's an awkward situation, no matter which way you view it from,” she said. She coughed, composing herself. “Well. I'm sure you must have many questions!” Tia looked in the direction Sunset and the others had gone, biting her lip. Celestia nuzzled her. “I assure you that your students are in good hooves,” she said. “The Elements are heroes multiple times over, and will keep them safe.” Tia blushed at the nuzzle. “Is it common to express oneself so... so intimately?” she asked. Celestia giggled. “We're a herding species that lives in a kingdom founded on the principles of friendship, harmony, love, and tolerance. Being affectionate is natural for us.” Tia smiled. “Sounds wonderful...” she said softly. She mused on the problems humans had in getting along with each other. “I have so many political questions I could ask... but...” She looked herself over. “There's one thing I want to know right off the bat... Why is my mane and tail so... floaty and floofy?” Celestia laughed. “Floaty and floofy? That's a new one...” she said. “Well, it's all part of our magic. It happens naturally as we grow stronger. Twilight and Cadence are very powerful, but their magic hasn't evolved enough for their manes and tails to turn 'floaty and floofy.'” Tia giggled. Celestia smiled. “I can suppress the effect,” the princess said, her horn glowing briefly as her mane and tail shifted to the form of normal hairs, becoming a bright, cotton-candy pink. She twirled, smiling. “What do you think?” Tia snrked. “Stick with the floaty and floofy look. This just makes you look like Pinkie Pie's older sister,” she said. Celestia laughed, letting her hair revert back to its magical corona form. “Come! Let me take you to my favorite restaurant in Canterlot. It'll be a more relaxed atmosphere. Plus, the donuts are fantastic!” Tia looked thoughtful. “I really shouldn't. I'm on something of a diet...” “Gah! Bad word, bad word!” Celestia teased. “You're an alicorn now, and that means your metabolism actually REQUIRES a lot of food to fuel it. I'd never get away with the amount of cake I eat otherwise!” Tia giggled. Celestia nuzzled her again. “Come! Enjoy your super metabolism while you can! We have a Double Pinkie Party to attend later!” Her horn flared. “This will give me a chance to invite my Luna as well. She adores Pinkie's parties...” The two white alicorns disappeared in a flash, reappearing inside Donut Joe's shop in Canterlot. Tia staggered dizzily. Celestia smiled, bracing her up against her body. “Your first teleport. How do you feel?” Tia giggled nervously. “Deliciously tingly...” she said. Donut Joe, meanwhile, was staring at the two of them, frowning.. He levitated a chair into the air, giving Celestia a worried glance. “Changeling?” he tried. “Nope,” Celestia said smiling. “Evil clone?” Joe asked. “Neither evil nor a clone,” Celestia insisted, frowning a little. Tia stared at the chair, worried. “Invader from another reality?” Joe tried. “From another reality yes, invader no,” Celestia said, getting annoyed. “For crying out loud, Joe, she's a school principal!” A light smirk played over Joe's face. “...Considering some of the principals I've known that doesn't really help her case.” Tia rolled her eyes as her dizziness passed, both Celestia and Joe cracking up as the latter set down his chair. “Well, welcome to Donut Joe's Donut Palace,” Joe said. “What can I get you?” “My usual for both of us, Joe,” Celestia said, motioning for Tia to sit down at the nearby table. “As for you, Tia, feel free to ask whatever you like. We're all friends here.” Tia grinned, sitting down with her royal counterpart. Maybe this will work out after all... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Human world... A home... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ “...Are you sure about this, ladybug?” said a pink-skinned woman with long, colorful hair. “Cadence is right, little sister,” said a white-skinned male with short blue hair. “These weird phenomenon...” A purple-skinned young woman with her hair up in a bun stared at the notebooks and pictures. She hugged the purple and green dog in her arms, sighing. “There has to be a logical scientific explanation for them, Shining Armor,” she said. She adjusted her glasses. “Canterlot High is the locus for this. Sunset Shimmer, supposedly dead, showing up again. Reports of a demon and a magical rainbow. Pictures of a girl who looks and apparently sounds exactly like me. Now reports of mind controlling singers being defeated by a giant magical winged unicorn, WITH PICTURES TO VERIFY THE TRUTH OF IT!” She shook her head. Cadence and Shining Armor traded worried looks. “You know we're just worried about you, right Twilight?” Shining said, sighing. “You're my LSBFF. I don't want you to get hurt.” Twilight sighed, setting down her dog, who immediately went for a water bowl. “I know, I know...” she said. “But don't worry, BBBFF.” She smiled confidently. “Spike and I know what we're doing. And we'll call for help if anything goes wrong. Twilight Sparkle was not raised to be a fool, y'know.” Cadence sighed, smiling weakly. “So we can't talk you out of this?” she said. Twilight Sparkle shook her head. “Nope. I have to do this. I have to know, especially since I'm transferring there. Tomorrow, Spike and I are going over to investigate these so-called 'magical events' ourselves.” TO BE CONTINUED...