//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Island // Story: The Sound of Thunder: Gathering Storm // by Masterweaver //------------------------------// The salty breeze carried scents of fresh produce over the wharf, mixed with the usual smells of hard-working dockponies and the constant caws of opportunistic gulls circling around the pier. Wide purple eyes, belonging to a violet unicorn in a waistcoat and skirt, took in the sight as she guided her ship into an empty berth. The wooden boards creaked slightly under her hooves as she stepped out of the smooth white boat, their rough surface in stark contrast to the immaculate black shoes she wore. A rope ensconced in violet twisted slowly through the air, tying the elegant schooner to a post with a precise knot before it lost its glow. Her gaze wandered over the seaside structures, noting the two large wooden warehouses that brushed the border of sandy beach and grassy shore. Their doors, slid open for the moment, revealed large stacks of crates organized in some unidentifiable way; a pair of wide paths was kept clear of any obstacle, striking through the center of the buildings and right into the town proper. Nestled between the two larger buildings was a stout, stone barracks; cannons were visible through the tiny windows, but for the moment the wooden gate was open and the Equestrian Remnant flags fluttered at full mast on the metal poles at each corner of the rooftop crenelation. And from beyond she could hear the inviting sounds of a small island already awake and ready for visitors. "Well... here we are." The unicorn turned to her traveling companion with a smile, holding out a hoof as he clambered over the gem-encrusted edge of their vessel. "Need any help getting out of there?" "I'm fine! I'm fine." The young boy held up a scaly purple claw, turning back to grab a satchel. "Honestly, you don't need to mother me all the time." She rolled her eyes, but a small smile flitted across her lips as she levitated a small set of saddlebags out of the boat. "Whatever you say." "Honestly," the lad continued as he slung the bag behind his back, "I am a dragon. You know, big, scaly, firebreathing lords of all they see? If anything, I should be protecting you!" "But you might get your cute blue jacket torn up!" the unicorn teased, adjusting the saddlebags. "Or worse, dirty!" The dragon scowled, shooting her a look. "Well then it's a good thing I know how to do laundry." He adjusted his satchel, walking toward the town. "...also, it's not cute. It's awesome. Big difference." The unicorn giggled, following after him. "Alright, alright. Thanks for coming with me, though, you really didn't have to--" "Oh no, I really did. What kind of mare forgets to pack food for a sea voyage?" She blushed. "I didn't forget! I just left it at the university--" "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" A blue feathered wing snapped out and brought her to a halt. She blinked for a moment, her gaze following it up its length, over the cobalt uniform with golden highlights, and to the slightly irritated expression on the attached face. For a brief moment, the unicorn assumed that the pegasus had dyed her mane and tail in some ridiculous way, but a brief recollection of the military dress code forced her to realize that the multi-spectral hair had to be natural. "You can't just wander off into town without telling anybody you docked! You need to register your ship!" The pegasus shook her head and sighed. "Honestly, some ponies..." The unicorn cringed, rubbing the back of her head. "Right! Sorry, where are my manners? I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Spike." She tilted her head, looking behind the pegasus. "Where do we sign in, exactly?" With a sigh, the pegasus pulled a small pad and pen from her coat pocket. "For the moment, that's my job, Sub-Lieutenant Rainbow Dash, currently serving as dock-register." She began to scribble something down. "I'll need your cargo manifest, the purpose of your visit, and the model of... hold on. Is that a Kohaku-class schooner?" "Yeeeeep," Spike replied with a proud nod. "Twi's bro pulled some strings and got us that beauty." "Holy Flood that is awesome!" The dour look on Rainbow's face was suddenly replaced with one of sheer glee, her wings forcing her into an excited hover. "I mean, it's a tiny ship sure, but the engine on that thing is top notch and with the gem-enchantment array you could make a bubble of dry air in a storm or, or pull off some incredible turns or--" "I read the manual," Twilight quipped with a small grin. "I know the specs." "...Are you a noble?" That actually got a laugh out of the unicorn. "What?! Me?! Nonono. No. Just a university student, doing some research for my doctoral thesis. My brother is a Captain, and a wee bit overprotective, so..." Twilight gestured behind her with a light blush. "Yeah. A little much, in my opinion, I could have taken a barge..." "Huh." The pegasus tilted her head. "Well, this is the second most notable ship I've had to sign in today." Spike rose an eyecrest. "Only the second?" "Yeah." Rainbow pointed at the nearby berth. "Some crazy hobo arrived in that thing." Spike and Twilight followed her gaze. What appeared to be a large oaken washtub, of all things, floated in the gentle current of the shore. A crude sail was attached to the rough, crooked mast jammed into the center of the bottom boards, and a very basic rope and knot tied the whole thing to the dock. The only professional-looking aspect was the dual headed paddle resting in what was, essentially, a pony-sized wooden bucket with a stick in the middle. "...You actually registered that thing?" Spike asked, his disbelief clearly evident. Rainbow shrugged helplessly. "She followed the procedure. Apparently it's a oak-class bucket lifeship." "Well, yes." Twilight flicked an ear. "I can see that..." After a moment, she forced her gaze away and levitated something out of her saddlebags. "Anyway, here's our cargo manifest. I hope everything is in order?" "Hmm. Looks that way." The pegasus tore off the front page of her notepad, clipping it to the manifest. "Well, I'm going to go file this. Welcome to Pony Island, miss Sparkle. Enjoy your stay!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ponies, changelings, and many other races meandered through the wide thoroughfares, conversing with each other in small groups as they glanced through store windows. The sound of chatter mixed with the rickety creaks of wooden cart wheels on the dirt roads, the soft pomfs of hooves trotting calmly along, and the occasional laugh or shriek of delight from some of the foals that ran about. Spike neatly sidestepped a giggling unicorn filly, ducking to avoid the odd-eyed pegasus mare that swooped after her with a grin on her face. "Good grief," he grumbled, patting his green spines as he rose back up. "What is with the ponies here?" Twilight smiled and shrugged. "Well, they're certainly more open than the ponies in New Canterlot. It's invigorating, isn't it?" "That's one word for it," Spike replied, glancing behind him. "Whatever. Where's that antique shop we're looking for?" "The sub-lieutenant said it would be next to the pet shop," the unicorn reminded him. "Just keep an ear out for the barks and meows--Ah! I think it's this way." She turned and walked down a road with measured confidence, the young dragon barely keeping up with her. There was, indeed, what could be called a pet shop down the road. However, the pets were not carefully organized into different sections of mammals, birds, and reptiles; the whole menagerie was clearly visible through the large windows, cats and dogs both tending to their young together while a flight of parrots worked in concert to arrange the shelves of food pellets and simple toys. A python resting in the sunlight gave Twilight a lazy glance, flicking its forked tongue out for a second before returning to its slumber. The unicorn shuddered at the sight. "Right. Okay, this is the pet shop, so this must be the, uh, antique store!" She moved quickly past the windows of one shop to peer into the windows of the other. This shop was far more familiar in structure to the Canterlot native, with aisles of wooden shelves holding row upon row of ornate knicknacks. As she confidently pushed open the ornate wooden door, Twilight noted that the front of the store was left clear of obstruction to provide a wide space for the expensive-looking green rug on the floor. Right behind the rug, and presumably at the shop's center, was a well-crafted desk; a cash register perched on one corner, a porcelain feline sitting opposite it. Behind the desk were two ponies, and judging from the half-eaten meals on the plates in front of them, Twilight and Spike had interrupted their lunch. "Oh!" Twilight glanced back at the door. "I'm terribly sorry, I can come back later if you're busy." "Nonsense, it's no trouble at all!" The ivory unicorn stepped out from behind the counter, flipping her purple mane as her light gown swept over the rug. "Welcome to Carousel Antiques, home to the chique, the unique, and the magnifique! I am Rarity, the proprietress of this humble collection, and this is my good friend Fluttershy." The yellow pegasus hid her face behind her long, pink mane, awkwardly brushing her smock with a few feathers. "...She runs the pet shop next door," Rarity added helpfully. "Oh, you're that Fluttershy!" Twilight said brightly. "Officer Dash said you were old friends." The pegasus nodded once, her eyes still hidden behind her long mane. "...Ah." Rarity coughed into her hoof. "You'll have to forgive the poor dear... her name is terrifyingly accurate. She really is quite charming, once you get to know her!" "I... see." Twilight cleared her throat. "Well, anyway, I am Twilight Sparkle, and this young dragon is--" The pegasus seized up suddenly. "D-D-Dragon?!" Her breathing grew quick and desperate, her mossgreen dewy eyes filling with terror as her gaze snapped around the shop. "Young!" Twilight said hastily. "Not a grown dragon! Just a baby, really!" "Hey!" Spike snapped. "I'm twelve years old!" Twilight glared at him, flicking her eyes toward the panicking pegasus. "...which is, apparently, a baby by dragon standards," he reluctantly added. "Oh! Oh. Oh..." Fluttershy took a few, shuddering breaths, closing her eyes for a moment or two. "R-right. Right. Sorry." She smiled nervously, slinking out from behind the desk. "I... It's just... I'm just... I need to go check on my shop it was nice meeting you!" She darted out of the shop, bumping shoulders with a roughly-dressed mare as she passed. Twilight blinked as the door swung shut. "...I take it she has dracophobia?" "Among... other things," Rarity admitted reluctantly. "My apologies, ma'am! My friend had a minor panic attack. I'll be with you in a moment, just as soon as I'm finished helping miss Sparkle." "Ach, no need ta worry yer head lass. Aye just be looken' fer somfin what give ta me sis." The pink mare tipped her tricorn. "Keep yer talk goin', mateys, Aye'll just be browsing down these aisles herein." She gave them all a wide grin, sweeping her longcoat along the ground as she slunk between the shelves. Twilight stared at her for a moment. "Did she... look familiar to you?" "...No, I don't believe so." Rarity shook her head, turning back to her and Spike. "I'm terribly sorry about Fluttershy's behavior, young sir. I can assure you she didn't mean it at all personally." She tilted her head. "I never did catch your name..." "I am known as Spike, my fair lady." The dragon lightly gripped the unicorn's hoof, giving it a gentle peck. "Might I ask where you obtained that lovely dress of yours?" Rarity gave him an amused smile. "This thing? Well, I do have some skill with needle and thread." "Ah, that makes perfect sense. It is, after all, the second most beautiful thing in this shop." A ripple of laughter poured from Rarity's throat. "My my my! Your son is quite the charmer, miss Sparkle." "Oh he's not--well, legally, he is, but we see each other more as brother and sister." Twilight smiled awkwardly. "I was only five when I hatched his egg, after all." Rarity gave her a look of surprise. "Only five? However were you allowed to even attempt--?" "It's a long story, involving lots of studying, a magic surge, and an unexplained explosion." Twilight cleared her throat. "If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you about why I came here?" "Oh, of course." Rarity gestured toward the desk, levitating a pair of stools from behind it. "Would you care to have a seat?" Twilight gave her a thankful nod as she and Spike sat down. "Right. So, I am... currently attempting to earn my doctorate in Advanced Alternative Magical Theory, but to do that I need to earn my underdegree in magical history by writing a thesis on an ancient magical artifact. I've done some research tracking, and I believe--though I'm not entirely sure, mind you--that there might be such an artifact here on Pony Island." "My word, really?" Rarity gave her a small smile, lifting her teacup in her magical levitation. "That would be something. Is it from the reformation era, perhaps?" The other unicorn shook her head. "No. I suspect the artifact predates Old Equestria itself." Rarity choked briefly as her drink went down the wrong tube. "HKKhngg! Hkk... heh, ahem." She rearranged her mane with a light cough. "Predates Old Equestria? Well, that... that would be something! I doubt anything on these shelves comes from more than half a century before the flood, to be perfectly honest. Not that they aren't priceless works in and of themselves, but.... Miss Sparkle, darling, are you sure you're not wrong?" "Fairly sure." Twilight arranged her notes, pulling a few of them out. "According to my research, the last ruler of Old Equestria gave a set of precious artifacts to various noble houses when the Flood started. I've tracked the genealogies, but most of them get somewhat lost--understandable, given the circumstances. However, some of the old stories I've read imply that some of the noble families married the settlers of new lands, and a few partial texts I've come across seem to refer to an island 'in the shape of our founder.'" "Hence your reason for coming," Rarity mused, tapping her chin. "Yes. I was hoping you could tell me who would be most likely to have the artifact." Twilight shrugged. "It would have to be an old family, not necessarily powerful or rich but very firmly... entrenched, as it were." "Hmmm. Well... the Apple family is one of the oldest clans on Pony Island," the ivory unicorn said in a speculative tone. "I can't guarantee that they have it, of course, but all the other old families can trace their roots only back to the Reformation." "Then I guess I'll have to go talk to the Apples. Where do they live?" "Just follow the Apple Branch thoroughfare east," Rarity replied. "Their orchards are at the end of the road, about ten minutes away." Twilight stood up, brushing her shirt off. "Thank you for your help, miss Rarity." "Oh, it was no trouble at all, darling. Do tell me how it turns out before you go." The ivory unicorn let out a little sigh. "Finding out a priceless pre-Equestrian artifact has been hiding under my nose this whole time... I should like to look at it, if nothing else!" The violet unicorn smiled. "I'll try to arrange it. Come on, Spike, let's go." "Actually..." Spike glanced towards the west wall. "I was thinking, maybe I should go apologize to that pegasus for frightening her. And maybe try to help her with her animals or... something." Rarity smiled fondly. "You are truly the gentledrake, aren't you? I'll take you over right away--that is, with your permission miss Sparkle." "Um...." Twilight glanced between the dragon and the unicorn. "I... guess that would be alright? I should be back in three quarters of an hour, if all goes well..." With a nod, Rarity stepped out from behind the counter. Spike quickly hopped down from his stool, opening the door for her and Twilight before he stepped out himself. The violet unicorn gave him a brief hug, leaving him flustered, before turning round and heading down the road. It was only half a minute later that Rarity returned to her store. "Now then, Miss, what can I...?" She paused, her eyes wandering around the shelves. "...where did that odd mare go? I could have sworn she was browsing before I left...." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight rose an eyebrow as she approached the red barn. It was a fairly standard farm domicile, in her opinion; one large space for hay and farming tools, with an attached and perhaps interwoven house-like structure. Row upon row of apple trees stretched as far as she could see, their fruits jostling slightly in the breeze. She could see one of the farmhands casually pulling a heavy plow through a square dirt field, a small filly following after him and planting seeds as she wiped sweat from her brow. An elderly mare lounged in a chair gently rocking on the porch, muttering half-comprehensible words in her slumber. This wasn't what one would expect from a family devoted to keeping a royal artifact safe. Then again, all things considered, this wasn't at all outside of the realm of possibility. With a shrug, Twilight trotted onto the porch, giving the old mare an odd glance as she rose her hoof and knocked on the front door. The wrinkly pony fidgeted in her sleep for a moment, grumbling something about pirates. "Hold yer horses, Ah'm comin'!" There were a few odd clanks, the clip of hooves on a wooden floorboard, and then the door swung open to reveal an orange mare with an annoyed freckled face. "Apple Bloom, if this is another--Oh. Hello Miss!" The mare quickly pulled her blonde mane back behind her stetson, dusting off her brown overalls with an embarrassed chuckle. "Ah'm sorry, Ah wasn't spectin' tha mayor to send anypony down just yet--" "Oh, I'm not with the government," the unicorn reassured her quickly. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, I'm a student from New Canterlot... are you, um, the head of the household?" The mare leaned out, checking on the sleeping pony. "Well... up till Granny Smith wakes up, anyway. Name's Applejack!" She jutted out an orange hoof with a wide grin. Twilight took it with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miiIIiiIIiiIIiiIIssSS AAaappPPppLLllLLlleeEEeeJJjjJJjjJJaaAAaaAAccCCccKKkkKKkk!" The world suddenly became a vibrating mass of color as Twilight tried desperately to gain sealegs she didn't know she'd need. "Now what could bring a Canterlot student all tha way down to mah home?" Applejack asked as she pulled back her hoof. "SSssSSssooOOooOOoorrRRrrRRrrRRrrRRrryyYYyyYYyy?" The orange mare rolled her eyes and put her hoof firmly on Twilight's shoulder, restoring the world to something she could stumble around in. "Sorry 'bout that. Forget mah own strength sometimes..." "It's... it's fine." Twilight shook her head. "Really, I... uh... right." She took a breath, regained her composure, and smiled politely. "Like I was saying, I'm a student doing some research for a paper of mine--I need it to earn my underdegree, you see--and I stumbled across a description of an artifact. I have reason to believe it might be here, actually." Her horn lit up as she levitated a few papers out of her saddlebags. "It would be an orange gem, relatively large, in the shape of an irregular dodecahedron. I think it's called a rupee cut?" She shrugged helplessly as she handed the illustrations to Applejack. After a long moment, the mare nodded. "Ah think Ah know what this is. Ya don't want ta take it, do ya?" "No! Nonono, if I'm right it's a family heirloom and, well." Twilight waved a hoof. "I'm more interested in the magical properties anyway." "Well then, sugarcube, ya'll are in for a real treat." Applejack rolled the image up and stepped back. "Come on in and have a seat. Ah'll need ta find tha darn thing anyway..." Twilight walked through the door, glancing around what was clearly a living room as the other mare trotted up some stairs. She passed a large wicker chair and instead chose to sit down on the plush green sofa, letting her weight settle with a slight creak. Her eyes roamed across the large number of portraits hanging on the wall, the sheer number of ponies portrayed by the pictures being preposterously large. Old, young, filly, colt, all working or playing or posing with smiles. There was almost no way, in her opinion, all these ponies could have come from one family... "Sorry for tha wait." Applejack trotted down the stairs, carefully balancing a small chest on her back. "Oh, it wasn't long at all, really." Twilight nodded toward the chest. "Is that it?" "Well, yes and no." The farm-mare put the chest on the small table in the center of the room. "See, what ya'll described is what us Apples call tha dead form of tha shiftstone. It only gets like that when the current bearer passes. After we bury them, though, we pass the shiftstone around and..." Pulling a key from around her neck, she unlocked the chest and turned it around. Twilight's eyes widened as she leaned in, examining the golden torc resting on a plush cushion. The orange gem in the center looked nothing like her pictures; if anything, it resembled a stylized form of the trees outside. "It... takes on a tree shape?" "Actually, it takes on tha shape of the new bearer's cutie mark." Applejack adjusted her hat self-consciously. "Ah mean, mah cutie mark isn't orange. It's brown and green with red spots, like an apple tree should be, but the durn shiftstone never changes color. Just takes on a new shape, generates that fancy necklace, and blam! That's it." She shrugged. "No idea what it is, just been in tha family for generations." "Miss Applejack..." Twilight began slowly. "This is, quite possibly, an artifact predating old Equestria, entrusted to your family by the royals before the flood." She took a steadying breath, cautiously brushing a hoof around the golden filigree. "And, apparently, not only is it still magically active, but whatever enchantments are on it have a form of discernment." "...shoot, really?" The farm mare let out a low whistle. "That all sounds very impressive. What does it mean, exactly?" "...This... this is beyond what a student should be studying. This is..." Twilight let her hoof fall down, forcing her gaze up. "Miss Applejack, This is, quite literally, ancient and potent treasure." "And that," came a bright voice from the doorway, "makes it all the more valuable." The two startled mares looked up as a pink pony sauntered confidently through the front door, tipping her tricorn to them. "Good afternoon, me hearties!" "Wait..." Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Aren't you that mare that came into Rarity's store after miss Fluttershy left?" "Aye, lass." The pink pony swept her longcoat back as she bowed. "The name be Pinkimena, professor o' valuables and whatnot." "You said you were in the shop to find something for your sister." Pinkimena's blue eyes shot toward the unicorn. "Fine memory ye have tharrrrr, me heartie! And tis' true, Aye was searching fer somfin what give me bonnie lass on the sun o' her birth!" She twirled a hoof round her poofy mane. "O' course, that dinnae mean Aye coulnae find interest in what ye be talking for. An artifact from old times, well... hooked me interest right like a fresh mackerel, savvy?" Applejack glowered at the mare, putting her hooves protectively on the chest. "Ya say yer a professor? What university id ya get yer pee aaje dee from?" "Why, only the great university of Oceani Æstus herself!" "Ah've never heard of the place." Twilight furrowed her brow. "...isn't that just old Equus for 'Ocean Mirage?'" The pink mare's eyes darted from one suspicious pony to the other. "....Alright. Ye caught me. Aye actually be on a quest ta defeat Nightmare Moon, what be prophesied ta return next Summer Sun, and Aye need that ancient artifact ta be handlin' it!" There was a moment of complete and total silence. "...Ye arrrr never going ta be buyin' that, arrrrr ye." Applejack snapped the chest shut. "A prophecy?! That's even more ridiculous then pretending to be a professor!" Twilight sputtered. "And trust me, that is saying something, because where I come from--" "Ach, screw it." The mare bounded onto the table, twirling and giving a firm buck right into the surprised Applejack's face. Twilight gasped, rushing over to the orange mare as she mentally ran through what first aid procedures she had read about. The pink mare kicked the chest into one foreleg, pulling a sabre out from under her coat as Twilight turned to glare at her. "Now, lass, ye best be waltzing off and forgetting this whole thing if ye know what's best fer ye--" "You're never going to get away with this!" Twilight growled. The mare rolled her eyes. "This be yer first time dealing with a pirate, am Aye right?" "A pirate?" Twilight snorted. "You're just some common thief." "...Really?" The mare gave her an incredulous look, gesturing at her hat with her sword. "Tricorn? Sabre? Nautical terms? Tha whole accent, what with 'me hearties' and 'bonnie lass' and the way Aye roll me arrrrrrrrrs?" "Oh come on," the unicorn countered, "that's just in the books! The only real pirate crazy enough to speak that way is--" Her eyes stopped mid-roll, the blood in her veins freezing. "...That's where I saw you before! The wanted posters in my brother's office!" She pointed at the pink pony. "You're Captain Piepan, sixth most wanted pirate in the Equestrian remnant!" Captain Piepan pouted. "What, only sixth? What mangy cur knocked me down from tha top five?" "Well, with commodore Ironbeak's recent raids on border trading, the GEC agreed to--Hey!" Twilight shouted, rising to her hooves as the crazy mare rushed out the door. "GET BACK HERE!" Applejack groaned, rubbing her face as she pushed herself up. "Owww... What just happ--?" Her eyes went wide as they fell on the table. "Where's tha shiftstone?!" "That mare just ran off with it!" "What?!" Twilight was already rushing out the door. "I'll get it back, don't worry!" She galloped down to the road, her eyes darting left and right before falling on the red stallion groaning on the ground. "Oh no... did she get you with her sword?!" "Nah, she just pounded him real good." The yellow filly rubbing the stallion's bruises looked up at the unicorn. "Who was that anyway? Some pirate captain?" "Yes, she just stole... something important. Which way did she go?" The filly pointed down the road, getting to her hooves. "It looked like tha chest mah sis keeps tha shiftstone in. Come on, let's go!" "Hold yer horses Apple Bloom!" Twilight looked back, amazed to see Applejack galloping up to her. "What are you doing?! You just got kicked in the face, you should be resting--" "That mare has just stolen Apple Family Property. Ah'm not going ta lie on mah flank while somepony else risks life and limb to get it back!" She snapped her gaze to the filly. "And YOU are not gonna follow me when Ah go after a pirate, young missy! Understand?" "But--" The filly held up a hoof to object, before catching the expression on her sister's face. "...Fine..." "Good." Applejack turned back to Twilight. "Well, what are we waitin' for? We've got us a thief ta catch!" "It's my fault, really, I should be the one to--" "Less talk more chase!" The farm mare galloped down the road. The unicorn blinked for a moment. Then she shook her head, sighed, and ran after her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "...and I, um, I know that it's really unfair to you how I feel. It's an irrational phobia and... I do really appreciate your help." Fluttershy awkwardly cleared her throat, almost glancing at her current assistant as she finished scrubbing the cloth litterbox liner. "I, uh, hope you don't feel... I mean... I'm sorry if I--" "No, it's perfectly fine." Spike finished filling the communal food bowl, watching in bemusement as a large dog allowed a parakeet to perch on its head while they both ate. "To be totally honest, I'm afraid that I could grow up to be a big heartless monster. Of course, I'd like to think that I won't, but... well." He shrugged. "In any case, I completely understand." "Oh. Well, that's... that's okay then. I guess..." The young dragon cleared his throat, glancing about nervously. "So... how long have you been friends with miss Rarity?" "Oh! Well, she helped me settle into town after... um... I moved here. That was about twelve years ago, I think..." "Hmmm. Do you know if she's... well... seeing anypony?" The front window shattered suddenly as a pink pony barreled through it, rolling into a slather of surprised snakes before spinning around and giving the two of them a wide grin. "Pardon me, hearties, but this fine establishment might be having a back door, aye?" Fluttershy, shocked beyond belief, shakily rose a wing to point toward the rear of the shop. "Thank ye kindly." The mare marched quickly to the indicated door, pausing to look at a fruitbat in a cage. "Hmmm." "Oh, that..." Fluttershy cleared her throat. "That's Rosewing, she's really a very, um, friendly sort." "Perfect! Aye'll be taking her along then." With a smirk and a wink, she hooked the cage onto her coat collar, kicked the door open, and swung out just as Twilight and some other mare burst into the shop. Spike boggled. "Did that pony just steal a fruitbat?!" "Ain't the only thing she's stolen today!" the orange mare proclaimed. "Beg yer pardon, miss Fluttershy, but where does that door lead to?" "The, uh, the alleyway off of Fetlock Street--" "Gotcha! Come on, Twi, Ah know a way ta cut her off!" The two mares rushed out the front door. Spike rose a hesitant claw. "What... exactly just happened...?" "She took Rosewing," Fluttershy murmured. "Um, yeah, I caught that." "She. Took. Rosewing." Spike stared at the pegasus. "...are you... feeling okay?" Fluttershy blinked, turning to look at him as though just noticing he was there. "Ah. Um. Mister Spike, would you mind terribly holding down the fort while I go after that rot-hoofed flood-cursed daughter of sea slime?" she asked sweetly. "Well, I..." the dragon's eyes darted left and right. "I'm not sure--" "Miss Rarity did say you were a gentledrake," the pegasus continued with a wide, twitching smile, "and it would help ever so much." "Ah... I..." Spike's shoulders slumped and he let out a resigned sigh. "Sure. I'll start sweeping up the glass I guess." "Thank you!" And with that Fluttershy shot through the door, her wings snapping out and pushing her into the air the moment she was clear. She winced briefly as she rose above the rooftops, but her eyes darted over the crowd irregardless. It wasn't long before she had caught up with Twilight and the other mare, gliding into a gallop alongside them. "Wha--oh!" Twilight smiled widely, dodging a startled sofa salespony. "Hey! I was just telling Applejack that a pegasus would be a great benefit in finding captain Piepan!" "Well, um, I'll do what I can." Fluttershy somehow managed to look embarrassed even as she slid around a confused pair of window shoppers. "But you should know I, um, have a bit of a problem flying. Fillyhood wing injury, it... never quite healed properly." "Gettin' into the air is more than we can do," Applejack panted, leaping over an oblivious changeling checking his watch. "Why don'cha fly down to tha docks and get whoever's down there on alert?" "Sublieutenant Rainbow Dash," Twilight helpfully reminded her. "Oh." Applejack snorted. "...Well, we need all the help we can get, Ah suppose." "And what's that supposed to mean?" Fluttershy asked. "Dash has always served Pony Island to the best of her abilities!" "Ah know, and if she didn't have her head in tha clouds she'd be a darn fine officer!" Appljack rolled her eyes. "But that ego of hers won't let her do anything less than take all the credit, and part o' being in any military is being a team player--!" "Would you two stop arguing?!" Twilight snapped. "At this rate, we'll make it to the docks before... oh." She skidded to a stop, peering out over the watery horizon. "Uh... never mind then." Fluttershy glided over to the bored-looking officer. "Rainbow Dash! Something just awful has happened! A pony, she smashed into my shop, and she took Rosewing, and--" "Whoa! Slow down Fluttershy!" Cyan hooves gripped the panicking pegasus's shoulder. "Somebody stole one of your animals?" "And a valuable Apple family heirloom!" Applejack added. "Last Ah know she was headed here to make some kind of getaway!" "Right." Rainbow Dash pulled out her notebook and pen. "Do you have a description of the mare?" "Not just a description, an identity." Twilight Sparkle stepped forward. "The perpetrator exactly matches the description of the pirate captain Piepan." The pegasus froze, giving Twilight an incredulous look. "...Captain Piepan?" "Yes ma'am." "The Laughing Menace?" "Yes ma'am." "Fifth most wanted pirate in the Equestrian Remnant?" "Sixth now, ma'am." "How would you--right. Your brother's in the navy." Rainbow snorted. "Look, if there was a pirate on Pony Island, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed their ship in these docks." She waved a hoof around. "And hey, none of these look like pirate ships to me! So I'm pretty sure I can absolutely guarantee that whoever stole your stuff, it absolutely wasn't--" A pink hoof shoved her aside as a mare in a tricorn and long coat hopped into the floating washtub, slicing the rope and pushing off with a single swing of her sabre. "Fair tides, me hearties, and thank ye for the loot! Yarrhaarharrhaarr!" She grabbed the double-ended paddle, attached it to a metal gadget under her sleeve, and held it behind her as it began to spin rapidly. The ponies stared as the washtub suddenly darted forward like a powered boat. Applejack rose an eyebrow. "...You were sayin'?" "...Oh just shut up and let me catch her." The cyan pegasus propelled herself forward, her wings flapping mightily as she gained momentum. The pink pony glanced behind her with a wild grin, resting her other foreleg on the edge of the speeding tub. "Hail, me lass! What seems to be the trouble?" "Captain Piepan, you are under arrest for-owOWowOWowOW--!" "What was that?" Piepan asked, lazily holding up the still spinning paddle and smirking as the officer backed off. "Aye heard somfin about arrrrrrrrr rest, arrrrrr ye selling rooms what be in some sort of inn?" "AAAAUGH! Rainbow reached for the sword on her belt and swung it at the spinning paddle. "There! Now what are you going to--WHOA!" She dodged the pirate's own sword swing, strafing around. "Oh, think you're clever, do you?" "Lass, Aye manage to outwit the best ye regals throw at me every week!" Piepan parried the officer's blade with an unworried giggle. "Aye dinnae merely think Aye be clever, Aye know it fer a fact!" "Oh yeah?!" The pegasus twirled her blade about, spinning it round the sea captain's sabre with lightning speed. "Well out-think THIS!" She suddenly darted up, grabbing the top of the primitive mast and levering it down. The washtub tipped over into the pale white water, filling quickly as the pirate and her loot spilled out into the shallow current. "How are you going to get away without a boat?!" Captain Piepan smiled. "...Ye didn't read me file very well, did ye?" "I don't need to to know that not even you can swim out far enough to get away before I can drag you back to the island and put you in a cell where you belong!" "Lass... Look down." Rainbow blinked, looking down at the water beneath her. It... seemed far whiter than it had been mere seconds ago. And come to think of it, the way the water was flowing seemed almost as though there was something-- A great mass of metal suddenly burst out of the ocean, water cascading off with the sound of a mighty splash. The wooden tub rolled along the surface, flinging the pegasus off its mast before the pirate brought it to a stop with a single hoof. A large round hatch slid apart behind her, two ponies hopping out and gathering up the cargo that had spilled out onto the deck. "Take care with that fruitbat, she probably be in quite the panic fer now!" Piepan gave Rainbow a shrug. "Ye be right, lass, Aye cannae swim meself out to sea on me lonesome. Lucky fer me, Aye dinnae have to." Rainbow growled and lunged at the pink pony, but she swung up a leg and kicked the air out of her lungs with a laugh. The other two ponies, having passed their cargo down into the depths, rolled the bucket boat into the hatch and disappeared. Piepan glanced behind her for a second, then turned back to the hovering pegasus with a wide grin. "Aye like ye, lass. Ye've got heart, courage, and no small amount o' skill with the blade. But Aye be afraid Aye must cut this little soujourn short." Blowing the officer a final kiss, the pink mare backflipped into the hatch seconds before it snapped shut. Rainbow could only stare in simmering rage as the metal surface sank once more under the waves. She flew back to the docks after a few seconds, letting her hooves hit the wooden boards before she walked up to the three anxious mares. "I'm sorry. She... she got away." Applejack let out a sigh. Fluttershy hid her face behind her mane. "I mean, the pony had a freaking submarine!" Rainbow Dash grumbled. "How in the hay was I supposed to know that?!" Twilight Sparkle brought a hoof to her forehead and dragged it down her face slowly.