
by It Never Ends

Chapter 14: A Hitman, Two Princesses, And Some Ponies In One Room With An Annoying Friend

If anticipation could kill then everypony would be dead, except for Spike who was still tired and Vincent though he was still anxious he just didn't show it, like the ponies and little dragon around him but he kept his cool, considering his past he had always known how to keep a calm and focus demeanor in every situation he was or had been in. Even when preforming his hits or his final confrontation with Max on the train, he always kept that calm and focus demeanor. Still his anxiousness was starting to bother him and he really wanted to see where this was going to take him, considering this was all basically about him. A human in a pony world? Yeah this was all just about him. Finally Twilight opened the letter and bean reading it.

Dear Twilight

If what you are saying is indeed true than we must get you, your friends, and the human, Vincent to the castle as quickly as possible. There is much to discuss about this situation and how to prepare for any future events that will involve this human. We have already sent two chariots for you, they should reach you by the time you finish this letter. The guards have been instructed not to bother the human and all the castle staff has been given the day off, to avoid unnecessary troubles, once you arrive you'll have no problems with anypony what so ever. Luna and I hope that this human will be a reasonable individual.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna

Twilight finished. Everypony mumbled to themselves, while Vincent just thought to himself. While he knew he couldn't expect or predict what was going to happen once he met these princesses he had to take a chance at believing that this would work out for him to his advantage. After all things seemed to be going well for him considering the whole being dead and stuck in a world that was filled with so much kindness it made him felt like a snowball that just got thrown into hell, a hell that was surrounded and run by magical talking midget horses... Yeah for a hitman this might as well been some kind of hell. But he was losing himself in his thoughts again, he snapped out of it when Twilight was waving her hoof in his face.

"Hello? Equestria to Vincent?" Twilight said, trying to get Vincent's attention.

"Equestria? Now I know that these ponies have been stealing phrases from earth." Vincent laughed at this thought. "Sorry, I was thinking of something."

"Of what?" Twilight asked, even though the questioning was over for them there was still much more Twilight wanted to ask Vincent. "Of Earth?"

"Something like that?" Vincent asked, he could tell that Twilight was the curious type but he had enough questions he just wanted to move on already. "Anyway what did you want?"

"Oh, the chariots are here. Time to go." Twilight said, pointing out the door to the chariots, her friends where already waiting in one of them. Waiting for the two to get in the second one.

"Alright time to go." Vincent said, walking towards the second chariot with Twilight following right next to him.

Though the guards tried to hide it, Vincent could tell that they were staring and probably wondering how a thing of "myth" Could be walking right by them, but Vincent ignored them, a couple of pegasus guards were not his concern, their two princesses where. Vincent and Twilight entered the second chariot, Derpy, Lyra, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie where in it, while everypony elsewhere in the first chariot. Before they left Twilight noticed that Spike wasn't here.

"Spike aren't you coming?" Twilight yelled, Spike stood by the door.

"No I'm going to stay home and get some more sleep, Twi." Spike said, waving goodbye to them. "Have fun and good luck Vincent."

"Thanks Spike." Vincent said, raising his hand and gave a simple wave to spike, before putting his attention back on the chariot as the pegasus started flying.

"Bye Spike. See you when we get back and don't forget your chores." Twilight said, as the chariot began to rise into the sky, waving as they began to disappear into the sky.

"Yeah, yeah." Spike said, yawning as he closed the door, first a little more sleep.

The flight to Canterlot was smooth, nothing seemed to be bothering him. At least that's what Twilight was thinking since she couldn't tell what Vincent was thinking or feeling. As he simply looked either down at the ground, probably to get a different view of the surroundings, or he looked straight at the Canterlot, maybe noticing the differences between it and Ponyville, or the at the castle, Twilight guessed Vincent must have been counting the seconds it would take to get there. She wondered what Vincent was thinking or feeling about meeting the princesses, was he nervous? Anxious? Excited? Confident? Scared? Twilight thought about that last one and realized in the short time that she had with Vincent she could tell that fear and Vincent just didn't fit in the same sentence that was a chilly thought. Twilight didn't think too hard on that thought though since she finally felt that she had a word that fitted Vincent's personality. Indifferent. Her thoughts where interrupted once the chariots landed in the garden. Everypony got off and looked around. The girls where always happy to see the castle's garden since it was the most beautiful in Canterlot. Lyra and Derpy had the same thoughts as they had never seen a garden this big or beautiful, it was truly a sight to behold. Vincent had to admit that this was an impressive garden, there was nothing like this back at earth, most environmentalist freaks would kill just get a glimpse of something like this. Still the scenery of this place was nice and calm, but that made Vincent miss his work more, this place just kept giving him a feeling of emptiness.

"Alright everypony. And Vincent it's time to meet the princesses." Twilight said, leading the group inside the castle.

Though the guards were staying in their positions with their blank expressions some did seem to move their eyeballs in the direction of the group to get at least one glimpse at Vincent, who could feel the stares coming his way, it was a little annoying at first but soon enough Vincent just ignored it. He already knew that the staring would be something he'd have to get used to, since practically every living thing in this world was going to stare at him. He would need to be used to it otherwise he'd go crazy and start shooting everypony... Vincent really hated using some of these words.

"Wow this place is amazing!" Derpy said, taking in the every structure of the castle that was around her while also interrupting Vincent's thoughts.

"Yes it is truly a sight to be remembered." Twilight said, still leading the group but also enjoying reminiscing about her time spent in this castle.

"I'll say I've only been her once but I still remember everything." Lyra said, before realizing how much she really remembered. "Well most of it at least."

"I'm sure all of us remember that wedding fiasco." Rainbow Dash said, gaining some laughs from everypony except Vincent and Derpy.

"What wedding fiasco?" Vincent asked, curious as to what Lyra and Rainbow Dash where talking about.

"It was Twilight's brother's wedding" Fluttershy said, that last got Vincent's attention though.

"You have a brother?" Vincent asked, a little surprised he hadn't thought of that possibility.

"Yes. His name is Shining Armor and he's my BBBFF!" Twilight said, excitedly. Vincent knew that people who had siblings did have some kind of bond but Twilight's excitement was over doing it.

"What the hell is a BBBFF?" Vincent asked, he knew the about the whole BFF thing back on earth, a term he thought was really stupid, but three extra B's was kind of strange.

"It means Big Brother Best Friend Forever." Twilight said, quite proudly of the name.

"Of course it does." Vincent simply said, not to surprise by what it meant but also thought he should have figured that out. It's not like these ponies could think of words that where hard to guess. "So what does your brother do?"

"Oh he's captain of the royal guard." Twilight said, obviously proud of her brother's statues.

"I'm guessing he plays an important part in your military, right?" Vincent asked, they may not call it a military but it was practically the same thing.

"Wow good guess Vincent." Twilight said, impressed with Vincent's answer. "What made you guess that?"

"Back on earth I spent some time with my own world's military." Vincent said, though he didn't want to be very open on his past with these ponies, he figured compared to his other secrets he could make an exception for his military career.

"Wow really? What was that like?" Twilight asked, her curiosity now fixated on Vincent's past again.

"Eventful and a learning experience." Vincent said, not wanting to get into any kind of detail.

"Anything specific?" Applejack asked, now joined in on the curiosity.

"Shouldn't we focus on getting to the princesses?" Vincent suggested, hoping that will be enough to change the subject.

"Oh right." Twilight said, focusing her attention back on the leading.

"But wait! I want to know what happened at the wedding." Derpy said, wanting to know badly since she had missed the wedding. "Please I wasn't there that day."

"I promise to tell you later Derpy." Lyra said, patting Derpy. "Let's get to the meeting first."

"Ok fine." Derpy said, she made a mental note to remember that promise.

Though it wasn't too short or a too long walk it was long enough to give Vincent some time to look around and see the architecture. Vincent had to admit that this castle was an amazing piece of work, must have taken them years to get all this down to perfection. Vincent joked that artist like Picasso and Da Vinci would be put to shame. The more Vincent saw what these ponies where capable of creating the more he felt that the human race's achievements weren't too big of accomplishments after all. Funny how they couldn't come up with some of their own original words.

"We're here." Twilight said, as they reached a big door.

"That's a big door." Derpy said, feeling a lot smaller than she wanted to.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked, not sure what Derpy meant. "I never thought it was that big before."

"So this is where this meeting is taking place?" Vincent asked, looking at Twilight to confirm his guess.

"Yes." Twilight said, knowing that behind this door is where the meeting between her mentor and her sister would meet with the only human to ever appear in Equestria, Twilight hoped this would all work out for the best. "Let's go."

Twilight knocked and with that one knock the doors opened. The ponies and Vincent walk in, the room was huge a hundred times bigger than the door, Derpy thought. This room was vaguely remembered by Lyra, this was where the wedding took place, wasn't it? The spell really messed with her head that day. Vincent looked around at the room, with how big it was it really did remind him of those old fairy tale castles, millions kids were told in their childhoods but to him he knew that they were larger just life. Yet here he was in an actual castle, irony was being more of a bitch to him than karma ever could be. Soon finally stopped, Vincent looked and saw two strange looking ponies, no not ponies. What where they called? Alicorns right. They were staring down at Vincent, never taking their eyes of him, Vincent did the same. The ponies all bowed. Vincent just stood there string at them.

"Hello Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Twilight said, though appearing ok she was now a little more nervous now that Vincent and the Princesses where in the same room together.

"Hello everypony." Celestia said, looking at all the ponies in the room but than focusing her attention on Vincent. "And human."

Vincent didn't say anything he just nod his head at her and kept his silent demeanor. Everypony on the other hand had mixed feeling on where this would go and how it would end. While the ponies where thinking and Celestia kept observing Vincent, who was doing nothing. Luna however walked down and past the ponies and walked in the circles around Vincent, examining him. Vincent just watched as the Alicorn walked around him, he figured she must have been trying to see how a human looked up close. Though Twilight and her friends where a little worried for Vincent, since nopony could tell what she was thinking, Celestia just watched her sister walk around the human waiting to see what Luna would do, Vincent on the other hand was nonchalant about all this. To him whatever happened next with whatever this Alicorn was doing would only end of to ways, good or bad but for who that was a question he couldn't answer. Luna circled him one last time then stopped in front of him and looked at him.

"I must say I was expecting you to be taller." Luna said, gaining confused looks from the ponies in the room. Celestia chuckled softly and Vincent though had to admit that he wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah I get that a lot." Vincent said, letting a quick chuckle out.

"Vincent correct?" Celestia said, having walk down and standing beside Luna and Vincent.

"Yeah that's me." Vincent said, looking at Celestia, he was surprised by Celestia's height she was just as tall as him if not a little more.

"Which means you are Celestia." Vincent said, he then looked at Luna. "And you're Luna, right?"

"Impressive, you already know our names. Don't you think so Luna" Celestia said, Luna nod her head in agreement, she was still looking at Vincent curiously.

"I wouldn't say it's something to brag about." Vincent pointed at Twilight and the others. "They've mentioned you and you're sister plenty of time while I've been here.

Celestia and Luna looked at Twilight and her friends. They all smiled and waved at the two sisters. Celestia and Luna smiled back, despite this strange circumstance with a human turning up in Equestria, they were still happy to see Twilight and her friends. Though they were curious as to why Derpy and Lyra were here along with CMC but they decided to ask that later. They focused their attention back on Vincent.

"Well now that introductions are over I believe it's time to get to the matter at hand." Celestia said, looking at Vincent with a face that was smiling but he could tell she was serious about what they would talk abut next.

"What to do with me?" Vincent said, knowing this question would be the one to get this meeting going.

"Yes and other things." Celestia said, walking to a large table with enough seats for everypony. "Please take a seat.

Everypony and Vincent walked to the table and took a seat. Now that things were between the princesses and Vincent had a good start, Twilight and the others started to feel more calm now than when they first got here, still decisions needed to be made and that would be up to Celestia and Luna. Vincent took a seat, these seats were pretty comfy considering most of the time that he had been here he had either sat on the ground or just kept standing up. He looked to see the others and noticed that Lyra was the only pony sitting down like a human. Vincent already knew that this pony had an obsession with the human race but this was starting to get a little disturbing.

"Alright are we ready to start?" Vincent asked, things seemed to be going well, nothing was bothering anymore.

"Actually we are waiting for another acquaintance." Celestia said, Everypony and Vincent wondered who this acquaintance was but Luna already knew who it was.

"Oh no." Twilight said, with those two little words everypony already knew who this acquaintance was going to be.

Before Vincent could ask a flash came in midair and what happen next left only Vincent in confused. A present landed in the middle of the table and stood there for a good two minutes, since nopony or Vincent wanted to open it. However Vincent noticed that Twilight, and the others were looking at him.

"Don't look at me I'm not opening it." Vincent said, he was not going to make a stupid decision like that.

"I think it's for you." Twilight said, Vincent looked at her like she was crazy.

"And what makes you say think that?" Vincent asked, why the hell would a random this present be for him?

"Well it's got your name on the tag." Twilight said, moving the present closer to Vincent so he can see the tag.

"Son of a bitch." Vincent said, as he saw his name on the tag.

Despite his better judgment, he opened the present slowly with his left hand, while keeping his right hand on his gun. As he opened the present, a explosion happened, but to Vincent's surprised all that came out was confetti, streamers, and balloons as a little sigh came out from the box with a note attached to it that said WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA VINCENT! Vincent had to wonder if there was no end to the weird things going on in this world.

"That's enough games Discord. Come on out." Celestia said, confirming everyponies guess but confusing Vincent.

"What the hell is a Discord?" Vincent said, at that moment a flash came and something completely different from the ponies was standing on the table in front of Vincent.

"That would be me, my good sir." Discord said, doing a pose like he was a model of something.

At this point everything and everypony in the room was quite, though Celestia and Luna stood quite waiting for Vincent to sink in the image of Discord, while the other ponies where to anxious to move or speak since this was the first time Vincent and Discord have met they wanted to see what Vincent would do.

"What the fuck am I looking at?" Vincent asked, still staring at the weird looking creature in front of him.

"This is Discord Vincent. He's a draconequus." Celestia said, still Vincent was still confused as to what this thing was.

"Specifically what is he?" Vincent asked, Celestia could understand his confusion since she had guessed that humans would more than likely have never seen a draconequus before.

"Discord has the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of other things." Celestia explained, Vincent had a good idea at what he's definition was.

"So basically a Chimera?" Vincent said, learning about Greek mythology finally pays off.

"I prefer extraordinary being." Discord said, sitting next to Vincent. "Quite like yourself my young friend."

"So what? Is he like an acquaintance of yours?" Vincent said, he couldn't imagine this idiot actually being their friend.

"To a certain degree." Twilight said, besides Fluttershy everypony still had mix feeling about Discord.

"What that does mean?" Vincent said, he wished these ponies would just give him specific answers.

"Well at first he was an enemy to us but now he supposedly wants to be our friend." Twilight explained, saying that out loud made her realize how much she hated this task.

"Exactly." Discord said, disappearing and reappearing in front of everypony giving them a hug, even Derpy, Lyra, and the CMC. Discord finally reappeared in front of Vincent with angel wings on his back and a halo on his head. "I'm reformed."

The other ponies just stared at Discord with their usual annoyed feelings for Discord, except for Fluttershy who giggled a little and Vincent who off the bat decided that he didn't trust Discord. He didn't care what he said, thanks to his line of work and his past with his dad, Vincent knew that no one ever truly reforms. Everyone stays the same one way or another.

"Discord would you like to take a seat so we can begin." Celestia said, Discord had just finish drinking his tea that he made out of nowhere.

"Oh but of course." Discord said, he snapped his finger and a recliner appeared. He laid back on it and go comfortable. "Don't mind me I'll be as quite as a mouse."

"Well Vincent are you ready to answer some questions for us?" Celestia asked, she noticed that Vincent's facial expression had changed as he let out a small grunt.

"Seems like all I've been doing since I got here is answering questions." Vincent said, truth be told he was getting tired with answering questions, though he'd expected he would have to when he met these princesses. Still it was getting annoying.

"I'm sorry to hear that it is becoming a bother for you but I promise we will try to get through this as fast as possible." Celestia said, she could understand Vincent's frustration, being asked questions nonstop can become annoying.

"Right. So first question?" Vincent said, wanting to get this over with.

"Your plant earth, what's it like." Celestia asked, Vincent was a little surprised to hear Celestia say earth.

"You know about earth?" Vincent asked, Celestia smiled and was happy to answer his question first.

"Yes. Being alive long enough we've heard the oldest legends that the newer ones are based on." Celestia said, Vincent had to admit the history of this place could be interesting to discover.

"Earth's a complicated planet. It be impossible to describe, hell we probably be here longer than need be. But in simple terms life on Earth can either be good or become a living hell, depending on the cards you've been given." Vincent explained, His explanation wasn't what the ponies where hoping for, however Celestia and Luna understood what he meant, especially Luna. Discord on the other hand was just reading a newspaper he got out of nowhere.

"I see. How are other humans on Earth?" Celestia asked, she took a quick glance at Twilight and saw that she was writing down what Vincent was saying. This made her chuckle.

"Everyone is different from each other and if they say otherwise than they are full of shit. Everyone's got their own agendas for themselves." Vincent said, thanks to his line of work he knew that all too well."

"And what where you're agendas Vincent?" Luna asked, startling everypony a little.

"To always do my job right." Vincent said, since his profession was really all he had in his former life.

"What was your job back on earth Vincent?" Luna said, Vincent really intrigued her.

"I solve problems for others." Vincent said, he'd had expected for one of these ponies to ask him that question sooner or later.

"Pray tell what kind of problems?" Luna said, she had a feeling this human had some secrets.

"Specific problems, but they mostly involved me talking with people for others." Vincent said, good thing he was well prepared for this.

"Just talk?" Luna asked, she found that hard to believe.

"Yes. Sometimes certain people in businesses have problems that need to be fix and that's were I come in." Vincent said, it wasn't too hard to think of this lie back on earth so here was no problem.

"By talking?" Celestia said, Curiosity seemed to be growing among everypony.

"We'll it starts off as talking then ends up something else." Vincent said, that something else would be a bullet.

"Something else? What would that be?" Celestia said, seemed like Vincent was full of answers but more questions came along with them.

"Boring stuff. I could take the whole day explaining to you what goes on after that but trust me we'd all fall asleep by the time I'm down. I'm sure we've got more questions to ask." Vincent said, the ponies all looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"I agree!" Discord said, standing on his floating recliner and pointing at the ceiling. "I have a question of my own to ask."

The ponies looked at Discord with confused faces, why did he have to be so dramatic? Fluttershy giggled again, to her Discord was just being silly. Luna looked at Celestia. Who could see that her sister wanted to ask her why Discord had to come along for this, Though Celestia had originally planned to not have Discord show up for this but he had begged her to let him come, plus he had offered her a cake to come and well... Celestia couldn't say no to that. Vincent just looked at Discord, if he thought Pinkie Pie was annoying than Discord was going to be the drive him crazy.

"Ok Discord go ahead and ask." Celestia said, the faster he asked the better.

"So Vincent." Discord, floated in circles around Vincent.

"Yes?" Vincent said, this felt like a waste of time.

"Are you a fan of chocolate?" Discord said, Everypony face hoofed, though Twilight smacked her head on the table, while Fluttershy just giggled again, and Pinkie Pie stood up wanting to hear Vincent's answer.

"Ugh..." Vincent said, that had to be the stupidest thing anyone had ever asked him and he should know since he had been to every city that homed the weirdest of people. "Sure."

To be completely honest Vincent wasn't the biggest fan of chocolate but he never had a problem with eating it, it was a good snack. Though Vincent figured that since this world, Equestria was inhabited by a population that didn't eat meat and probably only sweets, like chocolate, he was sure his appetite for any kind of sweets was going to die off soon. If diabetes didn't kill him first.

"Great! Ok, that's all I needed to know." Discord said, another flash happened and he was back siting on his recliner. "Please continue."

Not much was to be said about how much of a time waster Vincent thought Discord was. As for the ponies in the room they just hoped that Discord would just be quit for the rest of this meeting. The princesses wanted to continue on with this before Celestia had to put the sun down and Luna had to raise the moon.

"Yes well, Vincent now that are here in our world, what do you plan to do?" Celestia asked, this was the most important question that needed to be answered.

"In all honesty I don't know." Vincent said, he had always managed to come up with some kind of plan but for once he could. This was a situation that he couldn't think of what to do next.

"Wouldn't you like to return home?" Luna asked, feeling a sense of sympathy for Vincent.

"Yeah I would but I doubt that would ever happen." Vincent said, Dying on earth and then waking up here basically summed up his chances of going back to earth.

"You really think there's no way to get back to earth?" Celestia asked, it seemed fate could be just as cruel to humans as it could be to ponies.

"Trust me I know I can't." Vincent said, not much to say than that. A small part of him would miss earth it was his home after, even if it was a shit hole but he would mostly miss the adrenaline rush of his hitman life. Only one thing for him to do. "I guess since I'm stuck here I'll be living here from now on right?"

Luna and Celestia looked at each other. This was one of the possibilities they had previously discussed before the Vincent, Twilight, and the others arrived. Since it seemed like it would be the most likely outcome. After all a human, creature of myth shows up in Equestria with no explanation it wasn't hard to figure out that the human himself wouldn't even know how he got here. Celestia and Luna thought about searching for magic spells that could send a creature from one world to another even though there was nothing they had he heard of before, they would have to search on that later. Back to the decision at hand, Celestia and Luna thought for about seven minutes, though to the others it felt longer, before they finally had their decision.

"Vincent." Luna said, her eye never leaving there focus on him.

"Made your decision?" Vincent said, this was it whatever they decided he would have to accept and deal with for

"You can stay in Equestria." Luna said, smiling hoping this was the best decision for all of them.

"Great. Thank you." Vincent said, it had been a long while since he had said thank you to anyone.

"You're welcome." Celestia said, like Luna she hoped this was the best decision for Vincent and the ponies of Equestria. "Do you know where you will be staying?"

"Actually I do." Vincent said, he wouldn't have asked to live here if he hadn't had the majority of it planned out. He looked at Twilight. "Twilight can I stay with you?"

"Ugh..." Twilight said, she felt that she would have been last pony in Equestria to have the only human ask her to live with her. "Sure I don't mind.

"Thanks." Vincent said, after thinking about his options Vincent knew that Twilight was the best option.

"You're welcome." Twilight said, this would be great! Who knows how much info she could get from Vincent now that he would live with her!

"Oh but are you sure you wouldn't want to stay with me." Discord said, floating next to Vincent and patting his shoulders.

"Very sure." Vincent said, not bothering to look at Discord in the eyes and shrugging his shoulders to get Discord away from him.

"But we could be roommates. Read books together, talking about chaotic things, and so much more." Discord said, as random things such as pillows, books, and all sorts of things you'd see college roommates have, start coming out of nowhere in front of him.

"Do me a favor." Vincent said, finally looking at Discord straight in the face.

"Why of course I'm always happy to be of help." Discord said, moving his ear closer to Vincent.

"Fuck off." Vincent said, normally he was a cool, calm kind of guy but he swore that he really wanted to shot Discord.

"Well you my dear sir are rude." Discord said, he pouted and went back to his recliner.

"Anyway is there anything else you want to discuss." Vincent said, whether they did or not didn't matter, it's not like he was in a rush to get to his new home.

"Just one more thing. You see Vincent since you are the only human to ever appear in Equestria we would like to have a town meeting to reveal you to the rest of the ponies." Celestia said, better to have all the ponies meet him sooner than later, that would be one less thing to worry about.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Vincent asked, he knew he would eventually have to reveal himself to the rest of this world but everything seemed to be moving on fast with the whole "there's a human in Equestria" thing.

"Yes. It's best to show you sooner than later. Unless you want to stay hidden in Twilight's home for months?" Luna said jokingly, everypony in the room chuckled, even Vincent laughed a little.

"Good point. But tell me will there be any cameras?" Vincent said, thanks to his line of work where keeping yourself out of any kind of public eye, he had developed bit of a discomfort of cameras.

"Yes there will be. They news ponies will need some pictures of you for their newspapers so other ponies across Equestria can see. Will that be a problem?" Celestia asked, though she didn't see what the problem could be but to be polite she had to ask.

"No." Vincent said, he wasn't going to let something as insignificant as cameras keep him down.

"Well than we are in agreement of everything?" Celestia said, though her and Luna's word was law she wanted to be fair to Vincent since this would affect his life the most out of any of them.

"Yeah, sounds good to me." Vincent said, at least as good as he'll get since his options were, if not basically nothing.

"We shall send you a letter after we have decided when the meeting will take place." Luna said, waiting for her sister to

"Well than Vincent, Twilight, Discord and every other pony this has truly been an interesting day but I'm afraid me and Luna have other matters to attended to." Celestia said, being a princess kept them busy and short of free time, though they would have liked to continue talking with Vincent they had things to handle and prepare.

"Of course princess." Twilight said, she, Vincent, and the other ponies got up out of their seat.

"Well Vincent we hope to talk with you more soon." Luna said, giving Vincent one last look before leaving.

"It was a pleasure to me you Vincent." Discord said, shaking Vincent's rapidly. Discord had random food come out of nowhere in front of Vincent. "We should grab lunch together."

"Don't hold your breath." Vincent said, despite what they said about him being reformed Vincent didn't trust Discord. He then continued walking away. As the ponies passed Discord by, he waited for Fluttershy.

"We are still on for tea right Fluttershy?" Discord asked, giving a big smile that anypony else would have found annoying but Fluttershy just giggled.

"Of course." Fluttershy said, smiling at her friend.

"Maybe you should consider asking the human to join us." Discord said, looking towards Vincent's direction.

"Who Vincent? I don't think he would enjoy himself Discord." Fluttershy said, though she and Vincent hadn't had much interactions with each other, she could tell that tea wasn't something he'd be interested in.

"I think it be good for him to feel like he's welcomed to hang out with any of us." Discord said, Fluttershy had to admit Discord had a point, so she thought about it.

"Ok I'll ask him." Fluttershy said, she gave Discord a goodbye and then followed the rest of the group. Though she didn't want to admit, Vincent did kind of scare her but now he would be living her in Ponyville with Twilight. Be best to at least include him in some activities and get to know him better.

As the group continued walking out of the castle. Everypony was discussing with each other about how things were going well and how they were all happy that Vincent could stay, especially Lyra, Derpy and the CMC who knew that though Vincent was the strong silent type he had to be a good men. After all he had saved their lives already. Applejack and Fluttershy looked forward to getting to know him better even if they thought he was kind of odd, Rarity was happy that she would be able to discuss with Vincent about his suit, even though Rainbow Dash had a bit of a rough start with Vincent she did think there was something cool about him to she wanted to get to know, Pinkie Pie was busy thinking in her head about what kind of party she'd throw for Vincent, and Twilight herself was very excited to have Vincent live with her. She would be able to learn all sorts of things from him just by watching him. Speaking of Vincent Twilight noticed that Vincent hadn't said anything about what he was thinking. Wasn't he happy that things went very well? That he was able to stay and leave here? Twilight decided she would wait until they got back to her home to ask him. The group returned back to the chariots and took off flying back to Ponyville. Vincent looked down from the chariot at Ponyville.

"New life... Great." Vincent said, feeling indifferent about all this.