
by It Never Ends

Chapter 13: Meeting The Princesses? Great Idea. Send A Letter First.

Twilight was still a little worried about taking Vincent to see Celestia and Luna, since she still couldn't shake this feeling of unease, she needed some time to think on this a little more. Thank goodness Vincent bought the whole use the bathroom excuse, now she was alone with herself and her thoughts. But no matter how many times she tried to think of outcomes that would reassure her that this really was the best option to make, she still had her worries. How ironic that this was her idea when they first met Vincent, she really had confidence in it at that time, but when Vincent asked himself it felt like it wasn't the best choice to consider. What a bad time to be doubting herself now. A knock than came at the door, breaking the door she walk to the door.

"Who is it?" Twilight asked, she needed to know who she'd be opening the door to.

"It's Rarity, Twilight." Rarity said, Twilight was relieved that it wasn't Vincent.

Twilight opened the bathroom door and quickly Rarity rushed in. Twilight closed the door, locked it, and then turned her attention towards Rarity.

"How's it going down there?" Twilight asked, curious on how her friends where doing but more curious on what Vincent was doing.

"Well Fluttershy is still siting down, I think she's still to nervous to move, Applejack is talking to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo probably asking how they met Vincent, Pinkie Pie is eating some muffins , that she found from nowhere, with Derpy, Lyra is drawing those hand things, and Rainbow Dash is taking a nap. All things considered everypony is ding well." Rarity said, Twilight felt a little more at ease knowing that everypony was alright with the situation now, still Twilight need to know how one particular human was doing.

"How is Vincent doing?" Twilight asked, embarrassing Rarity a little, who couldn't believe she forgot to talk about Vincent when she had just mentioned his name.

"Oh well he's not doing much, except for walking around, taking out your books, and looking at them." Rarity said, noticing that Twilight had a curious face on her. "What?"

"He is putting the books back in their proper place, right?" Twilight asked, even though Vincent was the first human to be in her home, let alone Equestria, Twilight liked to keep her books organized and wanted everypony to keep it that way, even somepo... er one like Vincent.

"Ugh... I think so, I'm not one hundred percent sure dear, I just took a quick notice at what he was doing before I headed up here." Rarity said, a little surprised that Twilight would still worry about that.

"Well me and Spike can always put them back if they get out of placed." Twilight said, her attention was quickly brought back to the matter at hand. "Rarity can I ask for your opinion."

"Of course dear." Rarity said, always happy to give her opinion on something, especially if it was about fashion.

"What do you think, about Vincent meeting the princesses?" Twilight ask, hoping Rarity's answer would put her mind at ease.

Rarity was a little hesitant to answer Twilight's question. Though she understood that the princesses would eventually meet Vincent, since you can't exactly keep a creature of legend hidden from everypony for the rest of his life. In fact Rarity now wondered how long humans live but she shake the thought away when she realized she was digressing. Back to the matter at hand, Rarity figured that Vincent meeting the princesses sooner than later would be a better outcome than taking a chance of some other pony seeing him, making up some crazy story, and then having the princesses sending the royal guard to capture him. Yes she had her answer.

"Yes Twilight I think it be a good idea for Vincent to meet the princesses first." Rarity said, giving Twilight a reassuring smile.

Even though Twilight was hoping for an answer like that, she had to admit to herself that she was pretty surprised by Rarity's response. Regardless though, she was happy that one of her friends thought it was the right course of action to make. Twilight decided that despite her own doubts she was going to take Vincent to the princesses and hope for the best for all of them. After all one way or another things had always managed to work out well for them, why should this be any different?

"Alright Rarity, let’s get Vincent." Twilight said, Rarity nodded her head, agreeing with Twilight and the two mares walked out of the bathroom and head back down to everypony and Vincent.

Twilight saw that Rarity was right everypony and Vincent where doing exactly how Rarity described. Knowing that it was always better to get things going, she called to everypony to huddle up, to which everypony did, except for Vincent who was looking through a book he had just grabbed. Vincent didn't bother to huddle with the group since he heard Twilight say every "PONY" he figured whatever they were talking about didn't concern him and considering this place is basically a children's T.V. show come to life, besides the forest, there wasn't anything here that could pose a threat to him or nothing that he couldn't handle on his own. Hell he had already died on earth and ended up here in this midget horse world known as Equestria. How in the hell could things get any worse than that.

"Vincent you to. You'll want to hear this to." Twilight said, realizing her mistake again.

Vincent put the book back and walked to the group, once they were all together Twilight began.

"Alright everypony and Vincent, here's what's going to happen now. We are going to take Vincent to meet the princesses. Twilight said, as she expected looking at her friends she could see mix emotions on everypony's face, except for Vincent, Twilight had to admit that Vincent had a good poker face, she could not read any kind of emotion from it or get any idea on what he might be thinking. But she knew that was something to think about later. "I know that this seems a little sudden if not a bit implausible."

"It seems kind of rushed than anything if you ask me." Applejack said, Rainbow Dash agreed with her.

"I think it's good to get this out of the way." Lyra said, Feeling that it would be better for both Vincent and every other pony if Vincent met the princesses.

"Shouldn't more thought be put into this plan before we go through with it?" Fluttershy said, Vincent thought it was about time that pony speak up.

"Doesn't sound like a plan at all to me. We go met these princesses, I talk with them, they say some things, something is ordered that more than likely ends up with me living here whether I want to or not, and then some other shit happens while I live here. Since I can tell there's never dull day in this world." Vincent said, the ponies where surprised that Vincent had thought all that up just now.

"Did you make that all up just now?" Derpy asked, asking the question that everyone was now thinking.

"No, I've been seeing that as my only option since the second day I've been here." Vincent said, he was truthful on that, since he knew there was little to no chance at all in hell that he was going to find a way back to earth.

"Is that the only option you've limited yourself to?" Rainbow Dash asked, still a little unsure that Vincent's idea could be right at all.

"I’m a realist. This is the most reasonable and likely outcome that I'll get." Vincent said, the ponies where dumbfounded that Vincent could believe that and still keep his calm demeanor. "Look I'm not one for wasting time so how about we go ahead and just go meet them already?"

Though the sentence was in the form of a question, the ponies could tell that Vincent's tone was more of a demand than anything else. Before Twilight could say any kind of response, everypony was distracted by the sounded of a door opening, small footsteps walking down the stairs, and a yawn coming from a small purple dragon, who still half sleep. Spike rubbed his eyes to help wake himself up more.

"Hey Twilight I've been hearing a lot of voices talking. Are the others here to –" Spike stopped himself from finishing his sentence when he saw a strange creature standing right next to Twilight and her friends, he also saw that the cutie mark crusaders where with them, along with Derpy and Lyra. But still he couldn't take his attention away from this strange creature that walked on two legs like him.

"Umm Twilight? What's with the strange looking creature next to you? Did it come out of the Everfree forest?" Spike asked, much to the amusement of everyone since they themselves had some ridicules thoughts like that also when they first met Vincent. Spike was still waiting for an answer.

"Spike this is Vincent." Twilight said, Spike was a little surprised that it had a name but more surprised that his name was Vincent. What a strange name. "He's a human."

"A human huh? I thought those things where only a myth?" Spike said, he knew the legend of these humans to.

"Well I'm living proof that we exist." Vincent said, again surprising Spike.

"It can talk?" Spike said, much to the annoyance of Vincent.

"Why is that's all anyone can think of to say, whether it’s my world or this world, what does every species not have an ounce of originality left in them?" Vincent said, getting the attention of everypony in the room. With expressions that seemed to think that was kind of rude. "Don't look at me like that, I say what I'm thinking."

"Anyway, yes he does Spike. Vincent is the first human in Equestria, isn't that amazing?" Twilight said, trying to change the mood.

"Yeah that's pretty cool." Spike said, still trying to take the whole "human in Equestria" thing. "So what's he going to do now?"

"Well we are going to take him to meet the princesses." Twilight said, saying that herself made her feel less nervous for some reason. "In fact, now that I've I think about it. Spike can you write a letter to the princesses?"

"Yeah sure." Spike said, as he pulled out a piece of paper and a feather with some ink on it. Vincent was curious as how Spike had managed to do that but decided not to ask. Spike ready to write as Twilight began to speak.

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna

I know what I'm about to say may sound impossible but you must believe me when I say that that here is a Human in Equestria. Yes an actual Human here. With me, my friends, and two other ponies have already met him. His name is Vincent and he wishes to meet you both. I know this is sudden and short of details but more can be explained when we met up with you two. I ask that you please tell us where in the castle we should met you?

Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle

Once Spike was done writing he tied the letter and held it close to his face. Vincent had to admit he didn't see any logic in this. There's nothing wrong with writing a letter but how where they planning to get it to the princesses in a short amount of time. He doubt that they were all going to wait for a week for another letter to arrive at her door step. Just then green flames came out of Spike's mouth and spread onto the letter, burning it, and finally turning it into ashes that disappeared into the air. Vincent was surprised by this but still kept his cool demeanor, though he did have his right hand holstering his gun. He chuckled at himself for not thinking sooner that since Spike was a dragon he could breathe fire, though green fire was new, since back on earth it was usually red fire, but that was irrelevant Vincent wonder why they would write a letter just to burn it.

"Twilight?" Vincent said, catching Twilight off guard since that was the first time he used her name, it was kind of chilling for some reason.

"Yes, Vincent?" Twilight asked, regaining her cool.

"Why did Spike burn the letter?" Vincent asked, curious to what answer he would get.

"Oh well you see, it’s necessary. See to get the letters to the princesses Spike has to burn it because his fire transports the letter to them and also brings their letter back to use when he burps fire. That's how we always send and get letters." Twilight explained, she saw that Vincent seemed to be impressed by this, wow looks like Vincent wasn't a stone wall of emotionless expressions.

"Wow that's some fast mail delivery." Vincent joked, gaining some chuckles and giggles from the ponies and the dragon. "Anyway how long do we wait before another letter is delivered?"

Before Twilight could answer, Spike burped, green flares came out of his mouth, and with it came a letter that landed on the ground. Spike picked up the letter and walked to Twilight and handed it to her. Vincent, Spike, and every other pony in the room gathered around Twilight anxious to see what was written on the letter, what the princesses response was, what they had planned for them. Especially for Vincent.