//------------------------------// // A Stranger In The Dark // Story: Pact of Shadows // by CletusTheFetus //------------------------------// CHAPTER 1 A STRANGER IN THE DARK Darkness cast its black shadowy cloak over the land of Equestria, the same this night, as any other. The only beacons of light are the moon and scattered stars across Luna’s jeweled night sky. Nopony used to appreciate the true majesty that the night brought to their world. Instead they would lock themselves away in fear and shunned what might lie in the darkness. This lead to Luna’s deep jealousy and ultimately her transformation into Nightmare Moon, a monster she never wished to be again. “Luna! Are you coming back inside?” Celestia’s sudden call startled the young alicorn, who was deep in contemplation of her past. “Yes, sister, I’m coming!’ Standing up from her cloudy perch, the princess of the night flew towards her royal home in Canterlot. Landing on the balcony outside her royal chambers, Luna walked inside slowly, the tasks of the day finally feeling complete and her burden once again temporarily relieved. She gave a big yawn as she made her way to her bed. “Goodnight Sister, I’ll see you when the sun rises. Sweet dreams.” said Luna, softly bidding Celestia a restful night. “Oh Luna, you’ll see to it that we all have a wonderful night of dreams, as you always do.” replied Celestia with a bright smile on her face. With another yawn and a slight chuckle Luna nodded in agreement. Yet something was deeply troubling her, though she couldn’t determine what. She sought to discover it in the morning and drifted to sleep. Meanwhile, the newly found Princess of Friendship, and her friends were celebrating their victory over Tirek, though they had just had a royal ceremony for it earlier that day. They decided it was only fitting they get to celebrate it alone, as friends without the teaming crowds and royal speeches. “Wahoo! Party cannon!” Pinkie Pie shouted followed by an enormous bang and a shower of glitter and streamers. “You mind keepin’ it down sugar cube? Our neighbors are probably trying to sleep.” Applejack replied. “Relax AJ, I don’t think they’ll hear a thing through solid crystal walls.” Rainbow Dash said with a snicker. “Well I reckon y’all are right, but still it’s the principal.” Applejack answered. “She’s right though girls, even if they can’t hear us we should be respectful, everypony needs sleep.” responded a worried Twilight, fearing their happy celebration may be quickly getting out of hoof. “Um…I think Applejack is right, we should start quieting down…if you want to.” the soft voice came from Fluttershy, whom was sitting in the corner startled from Pinkie’s original outburst. “Y’alright sugar cube? Ya seem a bit shaken up.” Applejack responded with a look of concern on her face. “Yes, I’m fine, Pinkie just caught me a little off guard.” Fluttershy answered returning to her cheerful mood. With a stretch and a yawn, Rarity, who had been sitting on her nearby ‘Throne of Generosity’ as she liked to call it, climbed to her feet. She flipped her curled purple mane in the air as she stood. “I say, it is getting quite late, perhaps we should get to sleep for the night. Twilight does have a big day ahead of her tomorrow after all. Her first day as the official Princess of Friendship won’t be one to sneeze at.” said Rarity. “You’re right, Spike has already been asleep for some time, I’m amazed Pinkie’s ballistics didn’t wake him up.” Twilight exclaimed, with clear signs of fatigue in her eyes. “Well alright gang, I best be getting back to sweet apple acres, even if it is almost midnight, seven am comes early either way.” said Applejack, with obvious signs of exhaustion beginning to show. “Nonsense, Applejack, you’ll stay here and we’ll accompany each other on each of our ways home in the morning.” cried Rarity “Yeah! A slumber after-party! Woohoo!” shouted Pinkie with a wide grin on her face. “Um, Twilight, if it’s okay with you I’d like to check on my animals before we all bed down for the night.” whispered a nervous Fluttershy. “Of course, Fluttershy take all the time you need!” replied Twilight. “I’ll help you if you want, Fluttershy, it’ll make it that much easier right?” Rainbow Dash asked, still full of energy. “Yes it would, thank you.” Fluttershy answered. Rainbow opened the door for Fluttershy and closed it behind them as they left. Twilight walked upstairs and gathered blankets and pillows for all of her friends. With a flare of her horn, a magenta aura surrounded the items she chose and they slowly levitated off their respected shelves. Walking back to her friends, she peered out a nearby window noticing a lone white stallion draped in a hooded cloak almost as black as the night sky itself. He appeared to be looking directly at her, though not menacingly. He flipped back his hood revealing his face, it showed great concern, and what Twilight suspected was also a sense of dread. Before she could continue walking he turned and opened his wings, which contrasted his dark surroundings with great ease, and he took flight. With a shrug Twilight continued back to her friends, not thinking much of the strange pegasus. Yet something started to pick at the back of her mind. Could it be possible she’d seen him before? If so, then where, or a better question was when? It was in her deep thought she hadn’t realized she was standing in front her three friends that were still present. “Something on your mind, Twi?” asked Applejack “Oh no, it’s nothing, just lost in thought.” responded Twilight Twilight set the blankets and pillows on each of her friend’s thrones, releasing them from her telekinetic grip. The magenta glow that once surrounded them and her horn slowly dissipated into nothingness. “Now Twilight, I am the element of honesty, I know when you’re lying to me.” Applejack answered with a look of concern. “I’m not lying Applejack, I was just lost in thought. This mysterious Pegasus was outside, and I couldn’t tell if I’d seen him before or not.” Twilight answered, mildly annoyed at being called a liar. “Well, what did he look like darling?” Rarity questioned. “I didn’t get the best look at him, but he was white with a black and red mane, and he was wearing a black cloak.” Twilight answered. “Oooh, spooky!” Pinkie shouted. “You don’t think he's a possible threat do you, Twilight? Not that your alicorn powers couldn’t take care of him if he was.” Applejack replied with a bit of concerned. “No, not at all, in fact he looked intensely distraught about something. Almost like his own thoughts were eating him alive, and then he just turned and flew away.” Twilight answered. “Well, nothing we can do about it now, best we try to find him another time and ask him ourselves. I wonder if he likes parties!” Pinkie exclaimed. “You’re right, Pinkie, oddly enough.” Twilight answered, a bit perplexed by Pinkie’s wiser than usual response. A short time later Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash returned. Giving a light knock on the door letting the other four mares know of their presence. They walked inside both with smiles on their faces, but noticing what appeared to be a serious subject being discussed they slowly faded away. “Uh, is everything okay?” Rainbow questioned. Twilight filled them in on what had been discussed, Rainbows demeanor turning from tired and cheerful, to energized and angered. While Fluttershy was surprisingly contempt with what she had heard. “Whats wrong, Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, who’d begun to get nervous with Rainbow’s sudden turn in emotion. “No! Some creep has been eyeing us for only, Celestia knows how long! What if he’s trouble?!” Rainbow snapped. “Rainbow, if he really meant us harm why would he look so concerned?” Twilight asked. “I guess you’re right,” - Rainbow sighed - “I just don’t trust shady characters like that.” “Well it’s late, and we all have long days ahead of us, we should get some sleep. We’ll track him down another time.” responded Twilight. With that each of the six mares grabbed their sleeping supplies and curled up. Twilight turned out all the lights, and lay down to sleep herself. Adjusting herself to get into a comfortable position, which still wasn’t easy with her wings. “Goodnight everypony.” Twilight said. A collective ‘goodnight’ came from her five friends. As she drifted off into sleep all she could think of was the mysterious stallion she’d seen. Why was he there? What had him so concerned? How was she going to track him down? So many questions ran through her mind, it was making sleep almost impossible. She shook her head, and cleared her thoughts. The morning would provide all the opportunity she would need. Shortly after she drifted off into the land of sleep.