The first reader pony

by Booker Longlegs


“What do you mean you don’t have the next book yet?!”
Twilight sighed. Rainbow had come over first thing to get the latest in the Daring Do lineup. “Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight, “for the last time, I don’t have it!”
“How can you not have it,” Rainbow retorted, “You’re a princess AND a huge Daring Do fan. I’m not so good at math, but I’d say that adds up to early access!”
“I’m not going to use my status to get special treatment, Rainbow,” Twilight said, “Besides; didn’t you order a copy already?”
“Of course I did,” Rainbow said, “But express delivery doesn’t ship until tomorrow, and I just can’t wait that long!”
“I know that feeling,” said a voice from the entrance. Turning, Twilight and Rainbow saw Pinkie Pie leading a stranger into the library. He was a blue unicorn, with a yellow mane. He continued, “There’s nothing worse than waiting that last day before the book you want gets to you.”
As Pinkie and the unicorn came closer, Twilight took the time to study her guest. He was very tall, she noted, and he looked dazed and unfocused. Most curious, though, was his cutie mark. Twilight made a mental note ask about it at the first opportunity. “Hello there,” said Twilight, “My name is Twilight Sparkle.”
“My name is Booker Longlegs. Pleased to meet you,” Booker replied.
“And you as well,” said Twilight, “So, what brings you here?”
Before Booker could respond, Pinkie piped up, “I did! See, he came into Sugar Cube corner looking for a cake, and then-“
“Wait a second,” Booker interjected, a frown creasing his face, “I just realized something. Don’t you have to finish your shift there?”
Pinkie gasped, “Oh, that’s right! I completely forgot; I was so excited about introducing you to Twilight.”
“Well, consider me introduced,” said Booker, “Now, go if you need to. We’ll be fine here.”
“Alrighty, I’ll see you later then” Pinkie took off. Booker looked after her for a moment, slowly shaking his head, before turning to face Twilight.
“Where in Equestria did you find her?” he asked tiredly.
Twilight blinked. “Was that an insult or a compliment?” she said slowly.
“Yes,” Before Twilight could respond, Booker turned to Rainbow. “I don’t know you. What’s your name?”
“I’m Rainbow Dash, and,” she looked Booker in the eye, “I don’t appreciate people making fun of my friends.”
Booker met her gaze. “I wasn’t making fun of her, just pointing out that she’s a little off.”
Rainbow considered that for a second. “Fair enough.”
“Speaking of being a little off,” said Twilight, “I couldn’t help but notice something like that with you.”
Booker clicked his tongue. “So close to a new record. What a shame.”
Twilight gave him an odd look. “What are you talking about?”
“It took forty seconds for you to mention my cutie mark,” Booker explained, “Impressive, but the record is thirty-seven seconds.”
Now Rainbow gave him an odd look. “You time how long it takes for ponies to mention your cutie mark? She didn’t even mention it!”
“When you have to hear the same old nonsense every time you introduce yourself, you do anything to lighten the monotony,” Booker said, “And as for her not mentioning it, I’m sure that’s what you were getting at.” He looked at Twilight. “Am I right?”
“Yeah…you are,” Twilight said, “Your cutie mark is books, and only books. Authors usually have a quill in their marks, and librarians-“
“Librarians usually have a shelf or ledger, blah blah blah, I’ve heard all this before,” Booker finished.
“Well, if you’re not a librarian or an author, what is your talent?” Twilight said.
“Reading. Just reading” Booker said.
“Your talent is reading?” asked Twilight. Booker nodded, and Twilight said, “This is odd. I don’t think there’s ever been a pony whose talent was reading. I’ll do some research later, and-“
“Don’t waste your time,” said Booker, with a slight bitter edge, “There hasn’t ever been a reader pony in Equestria. At least, not that I’ve found in my research.”
Twilight said, slightly offended, “Do you know how many books I have?”
Booker grinned, “A better question is; do you know how many books I have?”
Before Twilight could respond, Rainbow said hotly, “Is that how you talk to a princess of Equestria?!”
Twilight was glaring at Rainbow, when Booker said, “Well, she’s a princess, and I was talking to her like that, so the logical answer is yes.”
“Why? You know she could throw you out of this castle, don’t you?” Rainbow asked.
“First of all, she introduced herself as Twilight, not ‘Princess’ Twilight,” Booker began, “Second, she didn’t have me thrown out after my first sarcastic comment. Third, I don’t think a close friend of Pinkie Pie would stay a close friend for long if they stood on formalities. Finally, I just don’t think from this conversation that she’s that sort of pony.”
Rainbow looked somewhat mortified, and Twilight said, impressed, “You certainly are observant.”
Booker shrugged, “I get a lot less time in the real world than other ponies, so I tend to notice everything.”
“What do you mean by the real world” asked Twilight.
“I spend most of my time lost in between the pages of a book,” said Booker, “Honestly, Pinkie said you liked reading. I was sure you’d understand.”
Twilight thought for a second, and then said, “I understand exactly what you mean.” A suspicion took hold of her. “Wait a minute, if you notice everything, then surely you would have made the connection that Pinkie would be skipping her shift at Sugar Cube Corner.”
Booker smiled. “You’re not so bad at observing yourself, Twilight. You’re right; I did realize I was dragging Pinkie away from her job. However, the place had no customers, it was a short trip, and I think anywhere Pinkie works would need to be tolerant about that sort of thing.”
“Even so, it’s still wrong!” Twilight scolded.
Booker laughed. “It was also wrong when I pulled some strings to get early access to the next Daring Do book. That didn’t stop me from doing it!”
Rainbow gasped, rushing toward him. “You have the next Daring Do book?!” When Booker nodded, she squealed, “You have to let me read it!”
Booker looked at her thoughtfully. “Maybe I’ll let you borrow it. Buuut, you’ve been pretty rude to me all the time I’ve been here-“
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please, just let me borrow it!” Rainbow pleaded.
Booker held a straight face for another few moments, but then a grin broke through. “Of course you can borrow it. However,” he said, growing serious again, “If I find any of the pages torn, dog-eared, of otherwise damaged, I can’t be sure of what I’ll do. Please be careful, I’d rather not begin my stay in Ponyville by attacking somepony.”
“I’ll be careful,” Rainbow promised, “Where’s your house?”
Booker chuckled. “It’s the biggest available house in town. You can’t miss it.”
“Why did you get the biggest house?” Twilight asked.
“Because even with the biggest house I could find, and only giving three rooms to living, I was still hard pressed to fit every book I have in there.” Booker replied
“Now you’ve piqued my curiosity,” said Twilight, “Could you show us your house? I’d love to see this collection, and Rainbow would love to read that book.”
“Well, I did need to get a cake,” Booker said, “but I think Pinkie’s got that covered in her welcome party. So, why not?”
As Booker led the way out of the library, Twilight reflected on this strange new pony. After meeting Pinkie, she hadn’t thought anypony could really surprise her. But this new talent, and a potential new way for ponies to live their lives, fascinated her like nothing else. I’m walking with a pioneer, she thought, I can’t help but wonder, though, what’s the point of a reader pony? Where do they fit in the grand scheme of things?