//------------------------------// // Reach for the Stars // Story: Fallen Star // by SenpaiStarFeather //------------------------------// "It's so... Pretty..." Star couldn't believe his eyes as the Royal Airship broke the cloud barrier and up into the endless blue surrounding it. "Yes, it is quite the sight isn't it?" Celestia looked over the edge of the ship to look at the fluffy layer of white below her. "CLOUDSDALE UP AHEAD!" The pilot called from the back of the ship. OK Star you can do this... Everything has been just fine, so why would anything bad happen now? Star tried to calm his building nerves but with little effect. "Still nervous? Usually a trip around Canterlot is enough to take ones mind from their nerves." "Uh, Celestia? Can you...Um... Stop reading my mind?" "Why? I do hope you haven't been thinking anything...Naughty..." "W-what?!" Star exclaimed in surprise, what did she mean by 'naughty'? "Oh I'm only teasing, but seriously. With a reaction like that I would be inclined to believe you were... Perhaps It could be linked to your wings and Sunset Shimmer?" "Yeah, about that. Why does that happen?" Celestia eyes looked like they could pop out of her skull, Nopenopenope, too young! "M-maybe when your older... Eheh..." A loud 'POOMF' was heard as the airship docked into Cloudsdale. "Ah! We're here, thank you Artemis." "Just doing my job Princess." Star bounced around on the clouds with a massive grin until Celestia lifted him with her magic and turned him towards a huge complex. It was a group of golden colored buildings with cones, hoops and a single catapult in what Star could only assume was the training area. "That is where you will learn to fly and eventually embrace your gift." "So this is the little starchild!" Star and Celestia turned to see a mint green Pegasus wearing a blue and yellow uniform. An orange Pegasus filly resting in her spiky red mane. "Star Feather, this is Avia, she will be your flight instructor." "Pleasures all mine, is it alright if Spitfire watches?" She asked, motioning to the filly in her mane. "Of course." Celestia replyed as she began walking to the compound. "So you beat him up?" "Yeah, that's how I got this!" Star lifted his mane to show Spitfire his plastered wound. "That's so badass!" "Sunset said so too!" "Hey Star! Ready to fly?" "Yes Ma'am!" Star gave an exaggerated salute, sending Spitfire into a fit of giggles. "Hey don't get to close to my Spits or her coltfriend will come after you!" "Moooom! Soarin' is not my coltfriend!" "Alright kiddo, just sit back and watch." Avia tested Star's flying skill and was surprised with the experience he already had, Spitfire and Celestia joined them in the sky to have cloudfights and mess around until the sun began to set... "Ok, now explain to me how Star Magic works." "Star Magic is a variation of Pegasus Magic that allows Star Ponies to breath in Space and command stars like clouds. It is used unconsciously and consciously and causes the points on the Star Ponies eyes to grow to form a 5 pointed star as well as the iris glowing brighter. Star took a deep breath and looked to Celestia with hopeful eyes. "Perfect. We will take off in 5 minutes." Star went to sit next to Spitfire on a cloud bench and noticed her eyes were sad and dark, despite the late suns rays reflecting off them. "Good luck champ, your already better than I'll ever be..." "That's not true!" "Dude, I appreciate that. But your destined to fly around in space while I can barely go to my top speed for 10 seconds..." "So? Just practice and let others help you." "What?" "Like when I kept messing up that turn over and over again, then did it first try when you gave me advice!" "But... How can Mom help me if she's always flying with the Wonderbolts?" "It doesn't have to be your Mom." "Nopony else will help me..." "Don't you have any friends?" "Soarin' and Fleetfoot..." "Then they can help!" "I-i guess...But..." Spitfire turned to Star with wide, slightly teary eyes. "Why? Why do you even care? You have everything perfect! You have an awesome destiny without even getting a Cutie Mark, you live with Princess Celestia for her sake!" "Because I can't stand seeing others upset." "What?" "I suppose I just want to give everypony...Hope..." Spitfire could have sworn she saw his eyes flash when he said 'Hope' but thought nothing of it. A tear rolled down Spitfire's cheek. "Thanks man... I know you gave me Hope..." Spitfire hugged him briefly then pushed him away with a burning face. "Cmon, don't wanna be late for takeoff do we?" Star and Spitfire arrived at the take-off are, Star taking his place next to the catapult. "Do we have to use the catapult?" Celestia asked, worry evident in her voice. "Yep. His wings aren't strong enough to get out of the atmosphere on his own." Star curled up in the catapult and heard Avia counting down. 3... 2... 1... "FIRE!" Star spread his wings and flew through the night sky so fast he was invisible against the inky blackness. Untill he reached his top speed that is. When his Pegasus Magic kicked in and a silver trail appeared behind him. Star Feather? "Celestia?" Oh thank me your alive! "Thank you!" Um... Ok.... Just keep flying straight! Star did just that. and soon he could see planets, comets and the Moon directly ahead of him. Alright! Can you breath? "..." Star Feather? "......" STAR FEATHER!? "O-oh! I'm sorry Celestia! It's just...So... Beautiful..." That's quite alright, but try to pay more attention next time? "Will do!" Star flew around in zero gravity, it was a little harder to control sometimes but similar enough to regular flying. Now, let's try moving a star. Star found one of the 5 pointed nightlights and stood on one of the side points. Only to slip off and drift away. "Uh... Lets try that one again!" He managed to stand on the star this time and just like Celestia had instructed, began to push it around. Sunset Shimmer walked down the pristine halls of Canterlot Castle to her bedroom, it had been a long day of studying. She glanced at Star's room with a small sigh, as much as she hated to admit it, Star was fun to have around and livened up the place a bit. She entered her room to see Trixie in her sleeping bag on the floor. "You really don't have to sleep there you know. "What's a sleepover without sleeping bags?" "Touché" Sunset looked out of her massive window and gazed into the night sky. "Look! A shooting star!" Sunset jumped at Trixie's sudden cry, when had she left the sleeping bag? But true to her word, a shooting star could be seen soaring in the night sky. Sunset closed her eyes and made a wish. I wish for Star to fulfill his destiny... OK, stop now. Star came to a full stop and noticed something was stuck on his vehicle, little slips of... Paper? It seems you have picked up some wishes... Star plucked one of the slips from its resting place in-between to points of the star. It rippled like water from his touch and had a picture of a young stallion with a sandy mane and a coat as red as an apple. Ah wish Papa would get better... "I do too..." I'm afraid we cant do anything about that one... Try another. Celestia knew the condition of her Apple Supplier all to well... I wish Bon-Bon would believe in Humans.., "Humans?" Don't worry about that one... "OK..." There was one more wish on the star, it had a picture of... Sunset Shimmer!? I wish for Star to fulfill his destiny... "Sunset..." Despite the amount she teases you, It seems she really does care... Star smiled as the wish vanished. That one he knew he could grant. Alright, time to come back down. "OK!" Star flew back over Cloudsdale and began concentrating on his Star Magic for re-entry. It is time My Little Star... "What?" Star, who are you talking to? Fly to the Moon... "OK..." Star? What are you doing!? Celestia began to panic, was somepony else communicating with him? The only pony who had ever had as much magic needed to telepathically speak this far was... No... It couldn't be... Star flew at his top speed towards the Moon. Celestia tried to convince him to stop but to no avail. Come on... You're almost there! "Don't worry Luna! I'll save you!" Luna! Please stop! Hurry Star Feather! Star felt himself being propelled faster towards the Moon thanks to its gravitational field. He was almost there... Just a little further... Now...! BOOM "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Star screamed in pain as he was launched away from the Moon and into zero gravity. He was nearly launched right into the atmosphere of Equus again. The last thing he remembered was a burning feeling on his wings and back, followed by a dark shadow rushing towards him...