//------------------------------// // chapter 1 where i'm i and why am i in a dark forest? Edited // Story: A beginning in a new life? // by Night_Striker //------------------------------// My phones alarm went on, beside my ear, indicating it’s 6 am. “Yeah, it’s too early to get up now. I only need to be at school around 8:30,” I grumbled. But I know better than that, so I rise out of bed throwing on some clothes and trudged my way to a quick breakfast. I sat down in a chair, eating my sandwich, looking out the window. “At least there’s good weather- not like the weather is bad often, here in Sweden.” After the breakfast, I walked to the toilet room and brushed my teeth. I went to school and as usual, my classmates were acting as 5 years old and could not stay quiet for a fucking minute! I feel like I’m the only one with a brain in the group- some of them are okay, but yeah. After I had done what I must in school, I took the subway and then bus home- taking me roughly an hour. I mostly keep to myself, not often striking conversation with folks. When I got home I threw off my shoes, greeted my dog- she is very kind- and said a quick hello to my sister before clambering on the bed with my laptop. A few hours passed by. . . Right in the middle of watching Youtube videos on my computer with music in the background, my sister suddenly yelled, "MARTIN! Go walk the dog!" Sigh. . . “Yeah, I’ll get to it soon,” I stalled, though I knew it was not going to work. "No, the dog needs to go out Now!" she retorted. "OK, I'm on my way," I stood up, putting some heavier clothes on, taking my keys and heading out the door, while putting my shoes on and calling my dog, "Kiara time for a walk!" A moment later, I could hear my dog running through the house towards me. I grabbed the blue leash, tying it on her collar and headed out the door, taking the elevator down to the bottom of our apartment complex. As I walked out the doors, I inhaled the cold evening air and took a look toward the sky. The moon was a beautiful blue color, but it was sad that I could hardly see any stars in the sky. "Sigh, it's too bad that all this pollution in the air and the light from the buildings blocking most stars in the sky" I told no one in particular. Meanwhile, I was walking with my dog, or rather my family's dog, to a nearby forest and on my way back home. I don't know why, but the wind ALWAYS blows in my face with a distant force, slowing me down a bit. "Why does that happen to me so often when I'm coming up here?" I thought. When i was finally home, i took off my shoes and lie down and just relaxed a bit. after a while i went to brush my teeth and i went to sleep. I decided to dream something violence, in the way off guns shooting everywhere death and explosions and a few death cry because why not. I was running to cover and taking potshot of enemies. but awhile later i started discover something was wrong, i felt a small tingling sensation on my full body. I tried to wake up by open my eyes, but for some reason it doesn't work. Then i tried to move my body however, when i did just that there was a flash of light and "ooofffff. . . ouch that. . . was. . . something?" I said while i was putting myself in a sitting position and felt a little dizzy, and put my hand on to my. . . "okej why do i not feel any off my fingers on my hand? and why does it feel rounded" i thought and slowly open my eyes and in front of them was a hoof. I was looking at it completely blank. then i moved my head to look at the rest off my body. "it look's like i have been transformed to a pony? and i have a very dark blue almost black color on my body, my tail and mane have a very dark brown color also almost black" I took in everything and i don’t know how to react. "man once in a while life really like to just fuck everything up... sight""well it's not good to panic i may still be dreaming some how" i thought so i took up my hoof to my mouth and bite it. (not hard mind you i'm not that stupid)and yup no dream. "okej if this is not a dream and i'm in a pony body i should probably come up with a new name, and i got a feeling i know where i may be" I sitting there and trying to thought of a name until i took in my environment, i was in a very dark forest and one thing come to my head. "no time to stay put i need to get out off this forest" so i standing up and start to walk in a random direction, but while i was walking i started get a feeling that something was watching me. i stop to looking around me and there i saw 2 pair eyes looking straight at me. " 4 greenish glowing eye's yup time to run like the devil was right behind you!!" so i turns around and start running. My running wasn't the best, because i was not born to run on four legs, that did so i nearly tripped and that is the last thing i want to happen. My predators enemies most have notis. i saw them and the chasing have begun. I heard a wolf howl so i look back, and instead of two of them it was now six!!! "SHHIIITTTT WHY DOE'S THIS HAPPENING TO MEEEEE!!!????" One off the wolves tried to leap at me, i quickly turn right and as response i got a yelp from the timberwolf as i crashed into a tree. well isn't that ironic or what? suddenly i heard a shriek and i also saw black fire? "DAFUQ??"and i heard the wolves yelps but i ignore it and just keep going. after a while off non stop running, i finally could get a break. "dam what was that all about?" now that problem have got solved i could finally relax, so i lie down on the grass and just to try to collect my thought. "okej i somehow got teleported from my home, to a forest and if the timberwolves is something to go by then i must be in everfree forest. fuck, it's just has to be MY FUCKING LUCKY DAY ISN'T IT!?!?!?!?!?" sight. . . i stand up and looking around and i saw a river nearby. "well i can at least get something to drink hurray" i walking to the edge bent my head down and took a few gulps. i also saw my mirror image. "huh well good to know i'm a unicorn and i still have my brown green eye color! well more brown than green" "so i get to keep my eye color and my dark brown hair color as well almost" I heard a wingbeat nearby, so natural i turned that way. and what i saw was a phoenix? it was black colored and it's eyes was blue colored. "well that's something you don't see every day" the phoenix tilted its head and look intelligently at me. "I wonder if, eeeh worth a try" So i locked eye contact with it and said unsure. "do you understand me?" and it actually nod it's head as response. "okej I did not expect that to happen and maybe it can help me" i look to the sky but to no use "stupid trees blocking the sky ugghhhh..." I turn back to the bird and said the first thing on my head "you don't happen to know which way is out off this forest?" it spread out its wings flapping as it flew over my head and shriek as it went down stream. "okej only one thing to do, FOLLOW THAT PHONEIX!!!" and I went after it. after i don't know hours of following a possible and incredible rare Phoenix race. i finally reach the edge off the forest. "nice finally out off that stupid forest and i'm so going to return when I can DESTROY THOSE FUCKING WOLF'S WHITH FIRE" I looked up to the sky and was welcomed with a beautiful night sky, "well i'm not in sweden that's for sure and I am 100% that i'm in equestria" "well Luna did a good work whit the night" i heard a few wing beat and the sound of something landing nearby, so i turn to the location where i heard the sound and there was the same Phoenix sitting on a very convenient placed rock. "tack's for helping me out off that forest" the Phoenix squawk in respond. i saw it's have something on it's claw and made off gold. I took a quick look on my neck and yupp I did not have my necklace on. so i look back to the black Phoenix, and only did the obvious. "did you find that necklace in the forest?" the bird nod it's head and stretched it's claw out towards me, i don't know how but i used my magic to take the my necklace on. (and being completely unaware about it) "tack's and would you like to be my companion?" and to my surprise the Phoenix fly upp and landing on my back and squawk in response. "I fink i'm calling you shadow how does that sound shadow?" i said while turning my head towards Phoenix "squeak" was the only reply and i took it as a yes. "okej shadow my name is hmmmm.... Night_Striker" shadow just tilted hes or she head confused. Ignoring shadow for now i look around and found that, i was not far away from a very familiar village and all it's pink houses. "why do i get a feeling that i will regret when i encounter the pony folk's, eh whatever happens happen" I take a look around and find a place to sleep for the night. I walk up next to a tree, while shadow flies up to de tre off my back and landing on a branch. I lying down and slowly drift off to sleep.