//------------------------------// // Rainbow Dash // Story: The Selene Knights: Loss // by EquinoxLiege //------------------------------// Loyalty, for a long time I had no idea what my element meant. Loyalty to my friends? My family? Equestria? I couldn't figure it out. My friends all seemed to know and embody their elements. And I just didn't. Fluttershy is kindness no doubt about that one, I've know her long enough for that one. All Pinkie seems to do is laugh. Rarity would give anything to help us, or anyone for that matter. Twilight was magic itself I never told her, but watching her do magic, was awesome. It was different than other unicorn's magic, hers was just better. As for AppleJack, I have no idea. I think she has the same problem as me. And I never bothered to find out. Not until she was gone. How was I so stupid? The moment we realized she was gone, I just knew. I had failed. The invincible Rainbow Dash had failed. I blamed myself, Spike did too. I think he has it worse. He was mumbling about benign in the same room, and not being able to do anything. *** I taked to Spike, while talking to him I realized something. I need to be stronger. I need to be able to protect my friends, at any cost. *** I'm joining the Royal Guard, I need to learn how to fight. For them, for Twi. *** I leave for basic in a few days. The girls aren't really happy with it. Only Pinke was really. "Rainbow I know you blame yourself but sugarcube you don't need to join the Guard to show that your strong." That's not why AppleJack "Uh Rainbow I um think that might be a bad idea, I don't want anyone else to leave town. I uh really don't want you to leave, if your alright with that." I'm sorry 'Shy "Rainbow, Darling, what about your career in the Wonderbolts? You can't join them if you join the Royal Guard!" They don't matter anymore Rares. "Girls just stop." The three of them quieted down when I spoke. "Aj, I'm not joining to prove I'm strong. 'Shy I'm sorry but I need to do this. And Rares? The Wonderbolts don't matter anymore." They looked at me in shock. "Who are you and what have you done with Rainbow Dash?" Ha, looks like I shocked Rares pretty bad. "Girls I'm joining because I need to be strong and smarter, to be able to protect you girls. And I think if Twi was here, she'd let me go." I held my breath. "Go get um Sugarcube." I love my friends. I can barely cope with losing one, I can't lose another. *** The Loyal Rainbow, ever bright soared through the ranks. And became an Equestrian Knight in record time. A position that led her to her soulmate, who in turn led her to her friend.