The Dragon And The Mare

by Creative Punch

Chapter 4: News and Eggs

"Sweetie!" Rarity called as she softly shook her little sister awake. "Sweetie wake up. Its already 9. Come on, get up. When you get downstairs I've got a little surprise I need to talk to you about."

Sweetie rubbed her eyes and slinked out of bed. Yawning a few times she finally wandered down stairs. Sniffing the air as the aroma of a well cooked breakfast filled her nose. She followed it to the kitchen and sat down just in time for rarity to put a plate down in front of her.

"What's up with this breakfast sis?" She asked before digging in.

"Well, you know all those boxes and bags I've been packing?" She asked before sitting down. Sweetie simply nodded. "Well, it was all originally to send off samples to clients, but!"

Sweetie gulped down some eggs. "But?"

"But they loved it all so much they asked me to do the entire line for Trotting Tantums. The premier trend setting store in Canterlot! Isn't it wonderful?"

Sweetie nodded happily, clapping her hooves together. "Its amazing. Oh, does this mean I get to help you out more? Cause I really loved learning all those ways to make-"


"Why not?" Sweetie asked, pushing the meal aside.

"Well, it means I've got to move to Canterlot. I've got to be there to over see the details. But you can always come visit!"

Sweetie forced a smile. "That's really cool rarity," She said as she started to fidget. "How long are you gonna stay?"

"Well, as long as I can. It's been my dream to move to a big city. And Canterlot is a gem of a city. If I can, I'm going to try to live there."

Rarity was positively beaming as her sister lost her appetite. "Well, we can hang out today right?" Sweetie asked hopefully.

"What? Well no Sweetie, I'm really sorry but you're going to have to leave after breakfast. I've got movers coming to get all the heavy things. Its going to be very busy. I wouldn't want you getting hurt while they work or getting in the way. So it's either play with your friends or stay in your room till sunset."

With those choices it hadn't taken sweetie long to decide.