//------------------------------// // Our Story Begins With Confusion // Story: One Step at a Time // by GuestD579 //------------------------------// It was mass confusion. Ponies where running everywhere. Flames covered the palace. And the Cinnamon Princess was gone. The Lord of Flowers looked at the sky. Smoke chocked the city. He was desperate. She disappeared on his watch. All he could think was I lost my princess. The council will want answers. Answers he did not have. I need to know how I let it come to this, I need to think. The sun was was rising lazily, its predawn light breaking the eastern horizon. The Lord of Flowers sat in his private chambers, with his glasses on his muzzle as he sipped his tea reading though the rush edition of the Kingdom Express. As the most reputable media outlet in the Northern Kingdom, it held little more than dribble or gossip. This morning, however, the entire paper was dedicated to one article- the exploits of the Elements of Harmony. The magic thief, Tirek, had escaped from Tartarus. He cause destruction and devastation everywhere he went until he was returned to Tartarus once more. The greatest kingdom on the planet was brought low, almost snuffed out by hatred, but once again the day is saved by Twilight Sparkle. For one as old and powerful as Celestia I am appalled by her inability to handle threats to her nation. It was wise of the Council to break away from Equestria. The princesses have too many enemies and they are too vulnerable. We would be fools to leave ourselves so vulnerable, not with so much at stake. A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. A loud slam started him from his thoughts. What madness is this? It is not even daybreak and ponies have need of me, can none of them think for themselves? Dark blue magic enveloped the door pulling it open. Standing tall above the guard at the door The Lord of Flowers was an imposing figure. His hight, and his horn rivalled that of the princesses while his dark blue coat and sky blue mane were offset by his deep red eyes. The guard delivered his message quickly under the withering glare of the lord. "Milord, I am sorry to disturb you so early but there is a matter that requires your immediate attention." Sighing, the Lord of Flowers began probing the guard for information "Tell me, what is the situation?" "I do not know Milord, I was only told that you were needed in the dungeon and that General Sky Watcher would fill you in." stepping into the hall and closing the door with magic the Lord of Flowers motioned to the guard, "Then let us wait no more, the general is not know for his patience." The guard fell in step by the lords side, though he struggled to keep up with the lords longer strides. The pair carried on in silence, their hoof-falls the only indicator of their presence. The bright marbles and colours of the main corridors gave way to the hewn stone of the servants corridors, the gloom intensified as they crept ever closer to the castles bowels. The final door to the corridor stood as a sentential, a final bulwark against the inner sanctum. Passing through the entryway the pair came upon the stairway to the dungeon. Gone was the artful masonry work, the fitted stones of the world above. This dark place hewn from solid stone which few ever dare to enter, where the air was still and lifeless, here the dark hung like a shroud over everything. No light could pierce the veil, this is where General Sky Watcher waited. "You are dismissed Sergeant." The guard said nothing giving a crisp salute and turned, leaving with a word. The General turned to The Lord of Flowers, "My lord, this morning before sunrise we captured an intruder within the city. A Minotaur." "We have trade agreements with the Minotaur nations," This could be a diplomatic nightmare "I am sure there is a good reason as to why this one was detained, general?" The general did not miss the venom in the Lords words, "We caught him as he was infiltrating a watch tower, he has heavily armed and was carrying enough explosives to punch through our walls. I believe he was working in consort with others. From what information I have been able to gather he is with a group of slavers that work out of the southern barrens. Other than that I don't know for sure. He has been, resistant, to our truth spells." The Lord of Flowers let this information sink in, the possibility of an attack seemed far fetched but never once had he questioned the generals instincts, "General, do you think they may know?" "I'm not certain, but what I am certain of is that no good will come +of this." The General began to walk down a hall, "he is in the cell, the guards will let you in." Walking to the cell he was promptly let in by the guards attending to the door, stepping inside he saw the Minotaur, he was large, larger than most of the traders common in the city. He 6'12" with massive rippling musculature. The glow of magical restraints evident around his wrists with the conventional shackles torn from the wall. The bronze plated horns curved in a deadly yet elegant arc, his pale eyes set deep under his brow. He bore a brand upon both cheeks, one a star with an inlaid crest of a harp. The second was a coiled serpent. No doubt a warrior, but a slave as well? "Tell me, what were you promised?" The Minotaur made no efforts to acknowledge the question, "I wonder, was it power? glory? gold?" The prisoner sat staring ahead like a statue, "Or was it, Freedom?" The word hung in the air, and as if freed from a spell the Minotaur stood and looked in the eyes of The Lord of Flowers. "Tell me what I need to know and I will guarantee much more." "What is it," The Minotaur spoke slow, words slightly broken "you wish to know?" "What is your mission?" "This one, I, was to take watch tower, lighting signal fire. Masters sent this one, me, because this... Because I never fail. But Iet ponies see, so masters take no pony. Masters take many, now I change that. More will come since I failed." "Why are they coming? Are they looking for something?" "Masters come for slaves, nothing more." The Lord of Flowers sighed, At least they don't know "I will make good on my word as long as what you told me prove to be accurate." "Take me, I help, I serve new master." "Your help is appreciated, but further assistance is not required." "Pony need me, I know masters plans, take me, I serve you." "Very well, I will kill you if you prove to be a liar, do not doubt this." With a quick spell the shackle was removed. "I will have a guard get your equipment." "Have no fears master, 42 never lies." It was a matter of minutes before the guards had retrieved 42's gear.