//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Best Time of the Year [part 2] // Story: The Totally Tubular and Tremendously Tenacious and Turbulent Transplanted Teen // by Sparkle Fire //------------------------------// Dec. 27, 1988. Bear’s Paw Resort. 7:00am in the morning in Ryder’s (shared) hotel room. Shining Armour had the nerve to wake me and Diamond Rose in the middle of our loving embrace! And at 7am, that is something you don't want to do especially when it's me. -------- I sipped a mug of piping hot tea from the hot water machine and dived into the bagels sent to our room for breakfast, still fuming over Shining Armour shaking us awake. Diamond Rose ran right across the hall into the other room, scared for her life. That was a shame. After that, I sneaked a peek out our window and marked that it was sunny and cold, but I heard no wind outside. Perfect day for playing in the snow, I thought. Shining, 8-Bit, Gaffer, Poindexter, and myself took turns changing into our winter gear. I volunteered to go first, since my stuff was already in the bedroom with the rest of my luggage. I changed into a pair of long underwear, a thermal shirt, my snow pants, my winter coat, a sweater, two pairs of socks and my snow boots. My body felt very stiff. I made it to one of the sofas and plopped down onto it, waiting for the boys to get changed into their coats and such. After a while, I got bored and decided to drop in on the girls, who were presumably doing the same thing. I knocked on their door, and Lyra answered. "Hey, Ryder!" Lyra beamed. "Getting bored?" "I just wanted to check in. How's it going?" I asked. "We're... in various stages of getting dressed. Don't worry about us." "We'll be on the slopes soon..." I turned round and went back towards my room, falling over once I got inside - must have been all the layers. I could hear some girls laughing. About thirty minutes later, we were all ready. From our hotel, it was just a short trek to the tubing runs. We had to buy lift tickets when we got there, which cost us five bits apiece (roughly £2 for me). “I never knew that snow tubing was that bloody cheap,” I said to Lyra. “That’s the main reason the ponyfolk like coming out here,” she told me. “It’s incredibly easy to get to from the hotel itself, and it’s loads of fun.” We each got an inner tube and boarded the magic carpet to the top of the slope. Once the carpet let us off, we all saw the massive snow wall at the bottom that the riders would slam into. We decided that the ladies should go down the hill first for chivalry’s sake, while me and the boys would wait until they were well out of the way. It would then be our turn to slide down. I used my feet to get the process started, while the ponies used their back hooves to scoot down. Gravity then took it from there, rocketing us down the hill at an unbelievable speed. The sheer velocity was enough to send us hurtling towards the snow bank, more often than not crashing into it. It was an exhilarating feeling for all of us. Eventually, we became famished, so we headed back to the hotel for lunch after about three hours of tubing, not including the health and safety lecture that everyone had to sit through before the slopes could be opened. We threw off our coats and laid them on the sofas in our rooms, then headed off to eat. Over salads at the little restaurant they had in the hotel, the girls could be heard having a conversation about me. "He's such a nice boy, isn't he?" said Diamond Rose. "Cuddling with me last night, that's very sweet of him." "I think so," Lyra said. "But he seems so... tied up." "How do you mean?" "He's very close to Gems, and he's been warming up to me at the same time... I don't want him to have to choose..." I thought carefully about my next move. I didn't know what I was going to say to Rose that wouldn't cause a stir. But Lyra noticed me, and said: "Hey Ryder, you wanna hit the sled trails later?" "Totally," I told her. We finished our lunch, put our clothes back on, then trekked up the larger hill to the sled runs, which looked terrifying at first. I could note the ice cream cone shape as it flattened in places to allow sled riders some air time. There were also two big banked curves on the way down the hill, and that was on the main stretch. I could easily see the trip down being a fun one. Once we reached the top, it was ten bits (for me, £5.50) to go down the big hill. (You could go on every trail at the resort for fifteen bits, or about £7, which we opted for.) We paid our tickets and set off. I tested the snow by tentatively grabbing a handful of it. It was dry and fluffy, which Lyra said was just right for sledding. I threw my sled down onto the ground, as the rest did. The ponies 'paddled' in order to start the process; I kicked my feet over the slope, and gravity took care of the rest. I became a speeding bullet going down the hill, building speed and momentum. I leaned my body from side to side to control the direction. Then, I hit one of the flat portions, which sent me flying like a rocket, airborne for a moment in time. I hit the snow on the bottom, leaving a small snow crater in its wake. To brake, I leaned my body and used my leg to 'dig' into the snow in order to create friction and stop the sled, doing so just as I was about to crash into the bushes and possibly through a window. I felt like a million bucks shortly after, and I loved the feeling. I ran back to the ascending trail, craving more. And so were we. We sledded until 5:00, when the slopes closed. We chatted about the experience - some of us crashed, spun out, or otherwise flew through the air. When we got back to the hotel, I stripped down to my thermal shirt and undies in the hope that the boys wouldn't notice when I helped them out of their bindings. "I've had the greatest time," I said to my roommates. "I loved the snow." "I'm glad you say that," 8-Bit remarked. "But the one you should really be thanking is Lyra. She convinced her aunt to pay for all this." I wondered for a moment... "Is her aunt rich, by any chance?... Considering ---" "Considering what?" Gaffer butted in. "Oh, just considering." I patted Gaffer on the head endearingly. I then went off to the bathroom, threw off what was left of my clothes, ran a warm bath, and soaked up the warmth. During my soak, I somehow managed to fall asleep, because the first thing I saw was Diamond Rose reaching her head into the tub and licking my face, rousing me awake. "You need some help getting out of there?" she crooned to me as my eyes slowly opened. "Huh?" "I thought you'd like to join us," she continued. "The girls and I decided to come over and hang out with you guys." I shifted my position in the water. "Alright... just let me get ready. If you could lay out a towel for me to step on, that would be nice of you." She rolled one out next to the bathtub. "Here you go." "Thanks, sweetie." She kissed my forehead and left the bathroom. I had to run to the bedroom and put on a change of clothes since I forgot to bring one into the bathroom with me. I simply slapped on a simple black shirt and a pair of sweatpants and joined the festivities. Lyra called me over and asked me to have a beer with her; I happily obliged as she popped the cap open for me. She told me that she was going to call up a place in Morin Heights and order some pizza for us. That would be necessary, as we were all going to be getting the drunken munchies very soon. Thirty minutes later, and the pizza delivery colt showed up, who also got a ten-bit tip for his troubles. I finished my beer and put the cap from earlier in the pocket of my shirt. Diamond Rose comes up to me and says, already showing signs of intoxication: "Hey baby... the stars are all out... wanna go out on the balcony?" "Absolutely," I said, my insides turning out. "Don't freeze your ears off," Lyra called after us. I grabbed my coat and threw it on as well as wrapped a blanket around Rose to keep her warm as well. As soon as we were outside we kissed, and my arms went around her. I held her close to me; we were both amazed at all the stars we could see. It was almost like sitting front row at a concert, except we were the only audience for miles around. "I've never seen so many stars..." I said, mouth agape. "That's because there's no city lights, traffic, pollution -- any of that," she told me (but in a huskier voice than usual because of the alcohol). There was no traffic on the road fronting the hotel that we could see, and we were far enough from Canterlot that the lighting wouldn't pose much of a problem. I could smell the alcohol on Rose's breath, but that was about it. "I love to look at stars." "I love to look at you." "Aw, Ryder... you magnificent bastard..." Rose gave me a noogie with her front hoof. When we got back inside, the electric fire was on, half of the pizza disappeared, and everypony was stretched about the front room, cackling amongst themselves with dazed looks on their faces. Cheerilee, usually straight-laced, held an aluminum Pepsi can to her mouth with a hole cut on the other end of it; a lit match was being held through the hole as smoke leaked out. That's when I realised that the gang was smoking dope. I confronted Lyra about it. "Why are you lot smoking dope?" "It's not drugs, in case you were wondering," she told me. "It's from a special plant that grows a lot in the mountains that the zebra tribes used in medicine for a long time as well as in special ceremonies." "Is it marijuana?" "Not maryjane, silly -- they called it 'blueberry koosh'," she quickly corrected me. "It's totally legal, too. Wanna try some?" "I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to try it once," I said, taking a roll of the stuff that looked like a Cuban cigar, but instead of tobacco, it contained a mixture of fuzzy green leaves and near-dehydrated berries. Lyra was kind enough to light me up using her magic, and soon, the end of the blunt was fully engulfed. "You have to inhale it, Ryder," she told me. Once I did, the flame was almost immediately extinguished. I choked on the cloud of thick white smoke that entered my lungs while, at the same time, coughing violently and breathing even more heavier than I did on the slopes. Diamond Rose patted me on the back a couple of times while the end of the roll smouldered and let off some sidestream smoke. I recovered fairly enough, then went back to the joint. I held it to my lips and took a long drag, then letting the smoke leak out of my mouth and dissipate into the air. "It kinda tastes like fruit pie," I marked. "It doesn't fuck you up as much as weed does, and it's also cleaner and cheaper than the hard shit smuggled from across the lake. It won't make you an addict, either, so that makes it much better." I felt a burst of energy rush through my head after a few more pulls. I took another drag, popped the joint out of my mouth; I then tilted my head back and exhaled like a factory belching out smoke and pollution. My tongue felt tingly. I had to breathe in and out through my mouth to clear my lungs. Cheerilee set the Pepsi can down and noticed me. "Damn, Ryder, you're smoking like a fuckin' chimney... can you pass it around, dude?" "I'd be glad to." I offered the joint to Diamond Rose, who took a quick puff before handing it off to Bonbon. "Sure," she said before taking a few drags, proving that the cream-coloured mare could loosen up if she set her mind to it, offsetting her usually tightly-strung and regimented personality. I grabbed another beer and sucked it down. Bonbon offered the silly stick to Moondancer, who knocked back some more of the smoke. The coagulum of ash and black soot on the end of the blunt suddenly fell off and landed on the carpet, resulting in a bit of a mad dash to prevent a massive fire. Moondancer asked Cadance, who politely turned her down; she then handed it back to me. I set the blunt down on the table, seeing that Cheerilee was already high as a kite. Cadance then went back across the hall to retrieve a bottle of very choice whiskey - a Wild Turkey, to be exact. Gaffer dug a bottle of Tanqueray gin out of the cupboard, and Berry Punch pulled a bottle of rum out of her saddlebags and set it on the table. Gaffer made me a glass of tonic and gin with a lemon slice, and I had it with some of the pizza that was left over. Lyra smoked some more of the blueberry koosh while I was at it. Once that was downed, Cadance wanted to pour some shots of whiskey for all of us. We each had a shot and continued until the bottle was drained. I had four shots myself, and I was feeling quite odd. Then, Berry Punch asked me to have some rum; she thoroughly washed out my glass and poured some of it, mixed with a splash of Coke, before preparing one for herself. I ate some more pizza with that. By now, it was obvious that I was drunk. I was stumbling and slurring my words as well as tripping over the empty bottles that were scattered about the floor. I had to sit down; I popped a squat next to 8-Bit and Poindexter, who were passed out on the couch. For some reason - and I don't know whether it was the weed or the alcohol acting on my behalf - I started fiddling with Poindexter's ears, rubbing them, biting down on them, and licking them all over. They would perk up and twitch at times, and I would laugh, as he was incapacitated himself. After about fifteen minutes of that, Diamond Rose bit my hair and tugged me in the direction of the bedroom. She pushed herself on top of me and we kissed. I broke it in an instant. "Whaaaaaaa..." I said, having no idea what was going on. "Don't worry about a thing. You're gonna make Rosie feel very good," she told me. She started rocking back and forth on my leg as our kiss gained even more depth and my fingers began pulling on parts of her mane. My eyes closed; nothing else existed but me, my Rosie and the moment that we were sharing. I felt a slight dampness on my trousers as I heard her moan things like "Yes..." and "Oh yeah baby..." softly into my ear; that dampness evolved into a sticky and wet puddle of something. Her body wasn't there anymore, from the feeling of it. I bravely reached down, took a sample with my finger, and tasted it. It had a strange honey flavour to it that was hard to identify... and then she had to open her mouth. "I just came..." I put two and two together in my booze-addled mind, and concluded that not only had she just used me for her own personal sexual pleasure, but I also tasted her vaginal lubrication. I felt dirty, but also naughty and delighted at the same time, and that put a smile on my face. I fell asleep with her on top of me, her sopping wet crotch on mine. ... Dec. 31, 1988/Jan. 1, 1989. Back in Canterlot. New Year’s Eve party at Ryder’s place. There were roughly twelve of us sitting on the living room floor around our coffee table. On that table, there were a few bottles of wine in various states of consumption, as well as a £75 bottle of champagne that was to be opened at midnight. We sat around that table, chatting amongst ourselves and drinking wine while we reflected on the last year. We had fired up the record player so we could play some of my albums I brought with me from the motherland. Some of the girls were talking about me, and again, they seemed quite concerned about me. I listened in: “How’s come you haven’t made a move on him yet?” I could hear Sweetcream Scoops say. “Well… I was kinda hoping that he’d break out of his shell first,” Gems said, knocking back the rest of her wine. “And then you go on to the next level?” Diamond Rose postulated. “Obviously,” Gems retorted. “then I become his special somepony.” “No, I’ll become his special somepony,” Rosie shot back. “I will!” “No, I will!” "I will!" "I saw him first!" "If that were after promotion...!" ...and it devolved into a drunken-filly-shouting-match argument from there. Clearly, I have a big decision to make soon. "So how was the sledding?" Kim asked me as she came out of the bathroom. "It was incredible," I told her. "We did every sled trail there... I had some near-misses with trees and flipped over a few times, but other than that, it was great." "Glad to hear it." "I loved the snow in my face!" At midnight, I opened the champagne bottle as we sang Auld Lang Syne. I took a drink straight from the bottle to celebrate the new year, then passed the rest of its contents around the room and we toasted. We continued the party until about one in the morning, when everypony went home. Thankfully, Rosie was able to help me clean up the party mess. Once that was done, she went home as well. I put the corks back in the wine bottles, set them back on the counter, and went to sleep on the couch for the night.