//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Tour Guide // Story: College Roomates // by Penguin_Pop34 //------------------------------// As Sunset Shimmer walked through the doors of Canterlot University, she gasped in awe. This isn't at all like Canterlot High. Sunset explored as she pulled along her luggage with her. "Hi! I'm Sonata! Im assigned to give you a tour around the campus!" Sonata said. Sunset nodded her head with delight as she followed Sonata around the University. So far, she learned about the classrooms, café, lounge area, and the principal's office. "And now, for the final thing I'm going to show you..." Sonata declaired. Sunset's face grew with excitement. "The bathrooms!" Sunset's face fell. "Are you sure? Because I don't think looking in bathrooms on a tour is right," Sunset said. "Okay, well, at least let me show you which dorm you're staying in," Sonata said, as she directed Sunset to the dormitory. "Here you go! Home sweet home!" Sonata said happily. Sunset Shimmer brought her luggage inside and took out some school supplies. "I'll leave you alone to pack," Sonata said. "Don't you mean, unpack?" Sunset asked. "Oh, yeah! Sorry!" Sonata blushed with embarrassment, and shut the door. Sunset sighed with relief. "Finally! Peace and quiet!" A minute passed, and a girl about the same age as her opened the door. "Why, hello darling!" a voice said. "Oh, hi! Umm," Sunset said. "Rarity. Nice to meet you. I suppose we're roommates," Rarity introduced. "Oh! That would explain that queen bed over there," Sunset realized. "Want to have breakfast at the café with my friends?" Rarity asked. Well, I haven't eaten breakfast yet, and this is a good opportunity to make friends. Sunset thought. "Okay, darling. Come! Breakfast isn't going to eat itself would it?" Rarity said, as they walked to the elevator. As Sunset walked into the café doors, she felt the warm and sweet scent of cinnamon rolls, fresh bread, and coffee awaiting her. She grabbed a tray eagerly and grabbed some muffins and coffee. "Sunset, I would like you to meet, Applejack, she bakes breakfast every morning including Granny Smith. She is a student here like us. And, maybe a little too old fashioned," Rarity said, as she waved to Applejack. "Howdy, Sunset! Nice meeting you here!" Applejack said, kneading some dough to make bread. "Hi," Sunset said, then she looked at her food, her mouth began to water. "Sunset dear?" Rarity asked. "Oh! Sorry!" Sunset said, embarrassed. She sat down at a table, along with Rarity. "Sunset, I would like to introduce you to Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rainbow, you know Applejack, and a new student like you, Twilight Sparkle."