The Song of Musical Prowess

by The Euphonium Brony


The Story of Musical Prowess: Chapter 1

You might think growing up in a city as large as Manehattan would be a blessing. The lights, the sounds, the smells, they are all so overwhelming. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live anywhere else, and that’s the problem. Inspiration is something I need, something I crave, yet here, there’s nothing but grey’s and brown's. I feel like the longer I stay here, the more disillusioned I become.

Ever since I was born, my mom told me I was special, heh, if she could see me now. Working for 4 bits an hour at a fast food restaurant doesn’t exactly scream special to me. No, my problem is that my cutie mark is defective in a way. I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I was still a foal at the time, and a Colt came in by the name of Brassy Blue. He came around to show us a wide variety of musical instruments. From clarinets and trumpets, strings and percussion, I was so overwhelmed. Then I saw it, this instrument that was bigger then a trumpet, but much smaller then a Tuba. I asked Brassy what this instrument was, and he said in high defiance, “Oh that? That’s just a Euphonium, no one plays that instrument, it isn’t worth your time.” I picked it up, and blew into the mouthpiece. The sound I heard coming out of it was one of the most beautiful tones I had ever heard. suddenly, a glow emanated from my flank. Everyone stopped and looked, and my cutie mark appeared! It was just a simple treble clef, but I knew that day, that music was the answer to everything!

At least, that’s what I thought. Looking back on it now, it’s just a distant memory. A ghost of the colt called “Musical.” What happened you ask? Well, lets just say that everything is more complicated in Manehattan. Shortly after I obtained my cutie mark, my mother passed away from a prolonged illness. I try not to think about it to much now, but she was at peace in the end, knowing I would be taken care of. My father wasn’t in the picture and I was effectively left on my own. Sure the city helped to provide me with a place to live and food to eat, but I was left alone in a city that never sleeps. I tried to apply to the Academy of Music here, but without a Euphonium of my own, I was denied on the spot. The story remains the same at every music establishment in the city. I was simply not someone of enough interest or renown to warrant them using resources on me.

Embarrassed, angry, and annoyed, I obtained a job working at a fast food place, trying to save enough money for an instrument to call my own. Above everything else though, I was upset at my cutie mark. Why did it have to be music? Ever since that moment when I thought music was the answer, I’ve had every door closed in my face, and why? I wish I could tell you, but lets just say the answer isn’t in Manehattan. All I want is to start over, but lets say I leave Manehattan, what then? I’ll run out of money quick, will be virtually homeless, and be no closer to obtaining an instrument then I am now. You can see my problem now, can’t you? My life is nothing but sadness after sadness.......

......and that’s when I met Octavia.

While working, I overheard two colts talking about a performance later that day in the Manehattan Orchestra Hall. A mare all the way from Canterlot was doing a rare performance outside of the capital, and it was all the buzz around the city. What if this was the inspiration I needed? What if this was my escape from this awful city? I knew I had to meet this Mare, but how? The tickets were probably all sold out, and even if I could get one, how could I meet her? I knew it would be almost impossible, but I had to try.

One useful thing about Manehattan; everypony knows everypony.

I asked my boss to take the rest of the day off and got in contact with a buddy of mine who was a ticket scalper.

“Do you have tickets to the Cello performance tonight at the Orchestra Hall!” I said, exhausted after the run.

“Of course I do, depending on the price you’re willing to pay.” A crooked smile appeared on his face, and I knew this wasn’t going to be good.

“Anything, how much?”

“200 bits, not a penny less.”

I was stunned. In all my years of saving, I had 214 bits to my name. Was this worth giving up all I had saved for? The instrument I so desperately desired? The career I’ve dreamed about since I was young? If there was even a chance of leaving this city, I had to take it. I took out my check book, and wrote him a check for 200 bits.

“Perfect, here’s your ticket, you’re in seat 203A, front row of the balcony, lucky you!”

Still wondering if what I had done was the right decision, I ran to the hall, just as the doors were closing. Sitting in my seat, the anticipation was building. The lights dimmed, and the mare’s and colts' all hushed as one of the most beautiful mares I had ever seen walked onto the stage. Her bright grey coat was only matched in beauty by her stunning, mulberry eyes. As if nothing else could be more perfect about the pony sitting in my presence, see began to play. The sound that left her strings we’re some of the most beautiful melodies I had ever heard. She played the strings as if they were an extension of herself. She was one with the music, and she was in complete control of the audience throughout the performance. Whether is was fiery and up-tempo, or slow and melodious, the audience was completely captivated. I was so entranced that when the standing ovation occurred, I didn’t realize the concert was over. Had I really been sitting here for an hour and a half? I saw her leaving the stage, and I bolted from my seat, hoping to see her before she left the hall.

Outside, I looked around and saw an ornate carriage and knew it was hers. I waited for a few moments, and there she was, walking out the back entrance. I ran to catch her but was stopped by a rather large security stallion.

“No way, Ms. Melody is not taking visitors, now leave.”

Refusing to budge, I yelled, “ Ms. Melody, please, I need to speak to you! Ms. Melody.”

Halfway into her carriage, she paused, looked at me, and came over. “It’s okay Muscles, he looks harmless, what can I do for Mr....”

“Oh, It’s Prowess, Musical Prowess.” I almost couldn’t form words. Her eyes buried unto my heart with the strength of a dagger. “Well, Ms. Melody..”

“Please, call me Octavia.”

“Okay, um, Octavia, well, ever since I got my cutie mark, I’ve known music is my dream. It’s all I ever think about, but every time I try to go for it, I’m told to do something else, that music isn’t for me.”

I could tell she was listening to every word I had said, and after I was done, she asked, “What instrument do you play?”

Completely embarrassed, I replied, “Well that’s my problem, I want to play the Euphonium, but I can’t afford it, and I used all of my savings to be able to come and listen to you play.”

It was here that her whole demeanor changed. She went from stern and almost unresponsive, to understanding and upset over my current situation.

“Well, you certainly are foolish, aren’t you Musical?”

Stunned, I lowered my head. “I’m sorry I bothered you Ms. Melody”

As I turned to leave, she laughed and said, “No, no, I men you’re foolish to have given away your life savings! As thoughtful to me as your actions have been, I would be remise to not do something about your current situation.”

Even more puzzled then before, I’m able to sound out, “What...what do you mean?”

“How about this, what if I was to give you the bits you’d need to purchase your own Euphonium?”

“Excuse me?” I was completely caught off guard, did she really just ask me that? “What do you mean exactly?”

She giggled, I could tell she was enjoying seeing me turn a slight shade of pink. “What I mean is, that I can’t so much as let a fellow musician move forward without an instrument, can I? Here, I’m going to write you a check for 1,000 Bits to get a professional Euphonium, how does that sound?”

My body acted on its own when I gave her probably the biggest hug I had ever given anyone in my life. Initially unresponsive, she reciprocated it and could tell how emotional it was for me. I was beyond overjoyed, I don’t think any word could describe it.

After a few moments she said, “I’m doing this so long as you come to Canterlot and play for me once you become a professional, okay?”

Wiping the tears from under my glasses, I gladly accepted her offer. She proceeded into her carriage and shortly after, came out holding a check.

“Follow your dreams Musical Prowess, and know that I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”

She handed me the check, gave me a wink, to which I blushed horribly, and she left for Canterlot.

I couldn’t help but wonder where this was going to take me, but two things where made very clear. I have a promise to keep to Octavia, and I will make it to Canterlot, and also, I finally am able to purchase a Euphonium! Finally, after so many hard years, so many doors shut in my face, it took tho kindness of one mare to change everything for me. The past is now behind me, and I look towards a future of endless possibilities.

By: Connor Bentley
"The Euphonium Brony"