//------------------------------// // Part 6 - A Night to Remember? // Story: An Octav's Story // by DashCamp(IDBrony) //------------------------------// Julian – CsCamper – DashCamp(IDBrony) Part 6 – Night to remember? The Gala went good, it was really quiet, nothing was really interesting. Octav and the others played a soft looping classical music. Octav felt bored, it wasn’t what she think about. Nopony noticed about the play, not a single pony cared about it. While playing, Octav could heard some ponies talking about their life, some not so-important topics, about the Equestria, and lots of other topics. It was really boring where she could only stood on the stage, played the same looping song on her Cello. She tried not to fell asleep, she also observed her surroundings while playing. The floor, the ceiling, the windows, the carpet, she observed every single things in the room. Nothing really interested her, until a pink pony opened the hall door, she was wearing a funky candy dress. Octav grinned a bit when she saw the hyperactive pink-pony, bounced around the hall, greeted every ponies in the hall, the pink pony even sang a loud song. But it seemed that not a single pony wanted to greet her, the pink pony then sat down for a while, disappointed. It wasn’t very long since that pink pony sat down, not even more than a minute. That pink pony bounced around the hall again, but this time, she got up to the stage, and suddenly just disappear. Octav blinked twice, couldn’t believe her own eyes, suddenly the pink pony was already at next to her. She whispered to Octav to play the Pony Pokey, it seemed the whole band agreed to play. The song went pretty good, Octav felt a bit happier when she played Pony Pokey, that Pink Pony sang pretty good too. The longer they played the song, the more energetic that pink pony became, she appeared (almost) anywhere in the hall, sometimes appeared and disappeared by herself. Octav didn’t really care about it until that pink pony came behind her, held her hooves and make it move faster, Octav couldn’t control her balance and fell. In only seconds, that pink pony already appeared in the middle of the hall, finishing the pony pokey. Everypony looked in disgust at her, and then they continued their talk. Octav And the other players decided to stop the play, since they think that pink pony destroyed the entire thing, but Octav had a different thought. Octav then decided to take a rest, not so long, she heard noises from the hall, when she arrived, she saw cake creams everywhere, broken pillars and structure, and small animals running everywhere. Octav thought the best thing to do was to get out of there, she left Canterlot castle as soon as she could. Arrived back at her home. She couldn’t sleep, she kept thinking about what happened at the Gala, what if it was actually her who caused all the mess, she couldn’t stop thinking, she even thought about herself in the moon if Princess Celestia found her. She was really frightened, she had stayed in her house for almost a week, even she was really scared to went outside and bought some food. Then she heard another soft knock on the door, she hid quickly, she thought the guard must be looking for her. That pony opened the door, she forgot to lock the door, she was really frightened. She hid in the wardrobe, the louder she heard the hoofsteps the more she sweat. And then somepony opened the wardrobe door, Octav almost cried, she slowly opened her eyes, and saw Vinyl looking at her confused. Octav was very relieved, Vinyl came to check about her, she was pretty worried because Octav just disappeared after the gala. Octav then told everything about the gala, every single thing she saw and she did, she also told Vinyl why she hid in the house for about a week. After Vinyl heard everything, she looked a bit sad, she then handed Octav a letter from the Princess with the royal seal, she looked at the letter, and fainted before she touch it. She woke up in the middle of her bedroom, wait.. , it wasn’t her bedroom, a unicorn guard opened the door, the guard then took him to the Princess. Octav was very scared, even she was scared to look at the Princess. Princess Celestia told her to stand up, The Princess looked pretty happy, perhaps it was because she got someone to banish, she thought. But everything was different, Princess Celestia gave a pack of bits to Octav, and she thanked Octav for last week, The Princess told her she was going to give those to her after the Gala, but she thought Octav wasn’t in the house because no pony answered. Princess Celestia explained to her about the gala last night, she told Octav that the gala was pretty boring, she then heard the pony pokey, it liven up the gala a bit. And about the disaster, The Princess told her it wasn’t a disaster, it was a fun disaster, since it made the gala more like a party. Octav thanked Princess Celestia, then she left the castle. She went back to her house, everything went better than expected. She arrived at her home, her Cello and Vinyl waited for her in the living room. Wait.., what was Vinyl doing in her house? She was a bit confused, Vinyl approached Octav and said that she had something to told her. Octav told Vinyl to calm down a bit, they then sat down on the couch. Vinyl showed her some pieces of paper, it got Octav photos as a foal, Octav asked her where she got all of those papers, Vinyl replied, Ponyville. Octav was shocked, ponyville, the place she had left for years, even she almost forgot about her family, the place where she was born and everything she had left behind, her friends, her family, the ponies whose close to her as a foal. She rushed to the train station, then bought a ticket to Ponyville, back to her hometown, she got into the train and sat down. Slowly, her old memories came back into her mind, her foalhood, her past life. She cried, she couldn’t hold her emotion, Vinyl then joined her, she chased Octav to the train. They both then went back to Ponyville. Went back to Octavia’s past life. To be continued...