//------------------------------// // The others // Story: darkening skies // by Duskblaze //------------------------------// Chapter 2 I promise stuff happens in this chapter. I am just assuming the humane six are 16-17. I may be wrong. I probably am. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> "So, what do you think of the school?" Sunset Asked after devouring the sandwiches. "It's a school, what's not to like?" I joked. She laughed quietly. So quietly I could barely hear it. "I'm pretty sure that I know what each section's classrooms are use for teaching whatever subject" "Good. You seem so calm about it all. Most people would be panicking abo—" she stopped halfway through the sentence "are you by any chance some kind of demon? Do you want to blow up the school?" "What, no! Why would I want to blow up the school. I don't like school but I wouldn't blow it up. I want to get a job. And I really don't want to go to prison." I responded "and why would you say that I could be a demon?" "Oh, no reason. Look at the time you need to get to class, and so do I. I'd better get going." Sunset said hurriedly. Did I say something? *** Lunchtime arrived quickly. Sunset was in most of my classes but I had very little time to talk to her. She usually ran out of the classroom, her red and yellow hair disappearing round the side of the door. I stuffed my equipment into my bag as soon as the bell rang and bolted through each corridor so I wouldn't be stuck at the back of the line for dinner. Good, the line only goes up to the door. Anyone else could join I took my place at the back. It took a good few minutes to get my food but this gave me time to look around the cafeteria, something I didn't do while talking to sunset earlier. Each rectangular table had about eight chairs on the longer sides. The chairs all had the same eight-pointed star. Above each set of windows there were blue banners with the CHS sigil in the center with gold trimmings. Looking around I noticed sunset and five other girls sitting at a table next to a window. One wore a stetson, another had rainbow coloured hair. I contemplated going and sitting with Sunset but there didn't seem to be any space at their table. So I sat at one at the back of the giant room, one that had no one sitting at it. Thankfully no one noticed me so I could eat in peace listening to my J-Rock. When I had finished eating I noticed sunset rise out of her seat and start walking towards me. I would have got up and left if she didn't call my name. I could've walked off and pretend I didn't notice her. "Dusk, what are you doing hear all alone?" She inquired. "And don't tell me that it's because you have no friends here. You've got me." "I thought about sitting with you. But there weren't any seats." I replied putting my phone into my pocket. "You could of taken an empty seat from another table. And I can introduce you to the others. Although I'm pretty sure that pinkie pie would introduce herself. Loudly." We walked over to the table, I pulled up a chair and Sunset introduced the five to me. "I'm Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you mister whatever your name is." The one with the pink hair that was either not styled or styled extremely carefully to make others think that it is the former. "This is Rainbow Dash." Sunset said pointing to the rainbow haired girl listening to music. "Next to her is Fluttershy" "H-h-hi" she whispered "Across from her is Rarity. Then next is Applejack. And obviously you know me." For the rest of the lunch period we talked about whatever we thought of. But I noticed something, Sunset seemed to be withdrawn from the conversations. "Is there something wrong?" I asked "you don't seem to be too enthusiastic about talking. No one will ever be as enthusiastic as Pinkie Pie but you only make the odd comment then go back to sitting in silence." "No, it's just that I'm pretty new to the group. I've only been with them a couple of months. But you seem like you've been friends with them all your life. How do you do it? "Do what? Engage in a conversation with people I know next to nothing about? I don't know. I just want to make a good impression y'know." "Well it's too late for me to make a good impression" Sunset said wistfully I was about to asked her why but the bell rang and she stood up and walked to her next class. I had a sneaking suspicion that she was happy to get away from me. *** We eventually started talking again. I decided against asking Sunset about her comment. I wanted to be able to talk to her. When she talked to me it seemed like she actually cared. We had proper conversations. She didn't just make short comments while I rambled on about parallel worlds or something. There is just something about Sunset that makes me want to talk to her but I just don't know what it is. Everyone (sans me and the five girls) hated her. I heard what happened at the battle of the bands last month but people still hate her. I wonder why. She reminds me of myself at my old school. *** I crept into my house (no reason other than the fact that I wanted to) and was about to walk into the kitchen of my house but I heard my parents talking. Under normal circumstances I would've just walked in but I chose not to when my name was mentioned. "We need to tell him." Daybreak said agitatedly "if we don't he's going to find out the hard way. He's almost seventeen and you know what she said." "Yes I do, and I remember why we were told to look after him. We can't let Dusk be taken away. We may not be his real parents but he is our son Daybreak." Dawn whispered with tears in her eyes. Did she know I was here? As a precaution I silently stepped towards the door, opened it then shut it after letting enough time pass for me to "enter" the house. Then ran upstairs. What were they talking about? I'm adopted, I know that much. But why would it matter? Who would take me away? Who was "she"?