//------------------------------// // Day15: Making Landfall // Story: Daring Do and the Daughter of the Snake // by SIMIOCAOS //------------------------------// Dear diary… No, that’s stupid. If I had to choose a set of words to describe how did we came to be here in this instant I’d have to write down Excitement, as it is the strongest one right now, and also Surprise, Unexpected and the Devilishly Terror (I know those are two words, I don’t care!) we have witnessed throughout the day would be on top of the list as well. It’s night outside, and I can still hear the stallions and thestrals working through our campsite, though my heart would very well desire otherwise. Oh great and powerful moor, why must you keep in the shadows what my heart desires to roam! Hoofscript? Nah, too cheesy. The day started early. When I woke up the Victory was already moving to outflank the reef, and the Arcadia was scouting the way ahead of us. At first I thought it had sunk, but it turned out to be a gullible notion, I know Heart Lock won’t go down because of something as simple as a reef. He’s way tougher than a that. It didn’t take me much to know that we were moving in the direction Blaze Flare had pointed us (even against Rig Knot’s suspicions), and if her calculations were correct we would arrive some point past midday. Too bad I didn’t know at the time that she couldn’t count for heck! We sailed around the natural barrier all morning and part of the evening before we reached the famous entrance. By then I have to note that we’ve noticed how the world around us was somehow very different than the blank wall we encountered last day. This day, as we neared the place, the clarity of the world had been substituted by a thick white curtain, and in the midst of the nothingness strange noises filled the quietness of the sea. Yep, definitely hoofscript. Things flew around us in the shadow, strange flapping of wings and chants of throats that had never been seen in the known world ever since the world that housed them forgot their existence, and now we were the ones that heard those chirps since the last soul had died and faded, gone under the unsearchable depths of oblivion, until now… Oh boy I need to discover new continents more often, I’M ON FIRE!!! At first we didn’t know what to expect, but when the tides gave way to the calmer waters of the bay everypony was wrapped in a shrilling expectation, myself included. Our legs were tensed, the hairs in the back of our necks risen. Every member of the crew had been given a gun, (even though I don’t believe in them) and we waited in our posts for the next wonder to come our way. Or abomination, like a sea monster. Our ears were pendant, scanning for any possible sound that may prove different than the rest. Around us the waking land we had entered was embracing us and all of our reluctancy, and who could blame us? We were here, finally, the chosen to discover another portion of our world that had never been seen, not even by the wildest of pony dreams. It was a moment that many of us had waited for our entire lives, and now that it was here… I think we simply couldn’t believe ourselves. When the whole fleet entered the bay the sounds of nature intensified. Away from the sides and the bow, the direction we followed was a complete mystery, even for the scouts that Rig Knot sent ahead. At least none reported the presence of rocks, though I must admit that it would have been interesting to the story, how other ship got sunk because of a boulder that tended to grow too much. We went like this, without sails and pending on the currents of the ocean until Rig Knot ordered to drop the anchors. The next minutes passed in a constant alert for the possible presence of other creatures like the one we just shot yesterday, but nothing came from outside the reaches of our eyes. Just mist and sound. I can’t recall what I felt when I saw it. Really, I can’t. I’ve tried to remember, but the sensation’s just not there. That gust of strangeness, of awe and of fear that something new brings me is futile compared to the shower of feelings I was thrown under when my mind realized what my eyes were seeing in their totality. Strange, that for a writer words would run out at times, and even more for an adventurer like me, but the moment after the mist subsided the white curtain of clouds slowly faded, and before us we could see our destiny, plain and powerful as only its mystery could be, bathed under the golden sun. Mountains meet the sides of our ships, and while the spell that kept hidden the shore faded away, a horizon so long that it may have covered the whole existence came to be just for our eyes to witness. Infinite extensions of green revealed themselves, and from within them the dots of other plantar life shone with vivid and inciting tones, sparks of colors in the shape of flowers that met our eyes like stars in the night sky, which would surely follow the afternoon we set our eyes for the first time in untold millennia over the land that civilization had forgotten. We have reached Katha. BUCK YEAH!!! As I wrote we first couldn’t believe ourselves. It took a few seconds or a minute for the moment to settle in. Then happiness bursted out of us like a fountain. There was a generalized cheer, and everypony embraced each other or celebrated in their own way. Even Down Wind awoke to see the land for himself before he was sent back to his stretcher (I didn’t see any reason though, that colt almost gave up his life for us!). Rig Knot called to order, but he also ordered to open a barrel of rum, and everypony was more than happy to obey. We shared our joyfulness completely, letting ourselves go. It may seem silly, but by then we didn’t have any notion that anything else could go wrong. There wouldn’t be any reserves in our celebration… And absolutely no watchcolts. Now there are many things about this journey that we don’t understand, that they DON’T understand, and one of them was engraved in fire the moment we let our guards down. It hadn’t taken long after we begun celebrating when Katha gave us once again another reminder of its lashes. And yet again it was Down Wind the one who gave the alarm before everyone of us were smashed by the unpleasant surprise that had been wrapped for us from fate: “MONSTER!!!” It was a scream that tore our present mood like a stone against glass. Everypony shut their mouths and stopped what they were doing, the next that happened was that they were picking up their guns and readying the ship once more, the tension felt yesterday flooding in back like a seaquake. The moment the shout went silent I was looking around frantically, searching for the threat in the sky but I had underestimated the nature of this place for the second time. I didn’t see the creature whole, I guess none of us did, but by the moment somepony pointed the direction from which it was coming the screams were already telling us the place. Just behind us, the Moon Shine (because it was a supply caravel it stayed behind) was under attack from a set of tentacles that had just sprung from under the water. So it is true, there really are sea monsters! Take that you naturalist smart flanks! They were near the reef barrier, and the creature seemed to be pulling them from outside. The Night Guards of the vessel were fighting against it, but the tentacles were too much for them and they were being overrun. The monster, in its endeavor to reclaim its prey had tore the anchor’s chain and rammed the caravel against the reef, which was starting to crack and bend in a way no ship should, all the while the terrified crew was struggling against a being that had already overpowered them. As soon as we took notice of what was happening the adrenaline returned, and it would have taken over the crew if it weren’t because in that moment the brilliant direction of Rig Knot set everypony to their chores. Once more, the seasoned captain proved its value to the Royal Navy by readying the Victory for battle in record time. This time we weren’t sent to the main quarters to wait until everything was over (mainly because I believe that many things were happening for the captain to pay attention to us), but were able to witness everything from the privileged position of the ship’s castle. From there we could see the frantic activity that was dawning on the whole deck, and while the sailors readied with almost mechanical precision the ship guns something passed us from larboard. The other ship unsettled the crew members for a moment but it only took me seconds to know that it was the Arcadia, that had weighed anchors and turned around to head for the entrance. Heart Lock true to his dumb genius, was going to face the monster in the open sea. The Arcadia passed us as it sped towards the creature. On its main deck we could hear Heart Lock ordering battle stations… And Rig Knot aside us, cursing for his actions. Not long after they passed us the captain ordered the Victory to be put into motion, and the pegasus crewcolts put their backs into moving the sails that they had just displayed again. In the Moon Shine, the vessel was being torn apart by the appendixes that our new enemy had shown us. The air was bursting with the noise of guns firing, swords being drawn and the screams of those who had reached a macabre end at the jaws of owner of those nightmarish things, hidden under the water. We all watched with anger and dread how that thing only pulled out one thestral after another and sent them undersea, where the bubbles of their breath ceased to be after a few moments of their disseverance. I was freaking out watched in awe at the horrible creature that was responsible for our losses, and personally didn’t think it could get much worse. But our enemy soon proved me wrong. Springing like the rest of its vile body, three separate eyes emerged from within the depths of blue, brighting like diabolic suns and setting its monstrous sight over the desperate souls that were trying in vain to fight it. The creature looked at the thestrals as it took them one by one, screaming into the deepness of their doom, and centered its efforts in tearing apart their ship. It would have destroyed the vessel completely if it weren’t because in that moment, the cannons from the Arcadia opened fire, and before a curtain of smoke its shots hit the underwater body of the monster. Just as the Victory was moving towards our objective we could hear the cheers of victory as the tentacles were severed and torn apart by the cannonballs of Heart Lock’s gallon. In that moment the monster let out a loud roar of pain, and it looked as if it had forties its prize but the relief was short. No sooner the creature backed away from the Moon Shine one of its eyes turned to the Arcadia, and the next moment another set of tentacles had sprung from the sea, wrapping the ship inside a tight grip while the screams of joy and cheer suddenly turned into surprise and alarm. Heart Lock’s orders could be heard from above the noise of the fray trying to direct his efforts in getting rid of the creature’s grasp, and the sound of swords, guns, and even cannon fire reached our ears from the tormented Arcadia. Horror flooded us as we watched how the ship was being mercilessly beaten by the monster’s retaliation and motions to help the Arcadia could soon be heard, but Rig Knot denied them. I thought that the captain was being insensitive, while considering that was Heart Lock’s life in the line I couldn’t blame him. Then I looked into his eye, and I knew he was up to something… While two of our ships were being compromised the Victory suddenly turned, taking away its side from the enemy and showing its bow. At first I didn’t know what to expect, but when Rig Knot shouted his orders everything was made clear: “Prepare the mortars!” No sooner he had spoken his sailors confirmed his request, and at the front of the ship a series of black tubes were displayed from the inferior deck, pointing menacingly at the sky. Sweet Celestia is there a weapon this ship doesn’t have? I guess it’s still full of surprises, just as its handsome captain. Rig Knot’s orders were heard again: “Aim, ninety five yards!” I could hear the response from the gunners and the CLING of the fragmentation balls as they were being loaded. For a moment I thought that we were gonna get out of this unscratched, but then the enemy unfolded its new tactic. Just as the creature had returned attacking the Moon Shine, and was making progress on the Arcadia, the screams of the dammed reached our ears with even more clarity. This time they sounded more clear than the others, but it wasn’t because the people had started to yell louder, it was because it was coming from our own ship! It took me a moment to realize what was happening, but when I followed the lead of the mariners my eyes fixed on what was causing such commotion. And it really costed me my guts not to join them. In the distance, the third eye of the creature had turned, and while the other two were centered on their respective preys, this one had somehow spotted us in the distance, and, springing from the deep, and bowing like hellish submarine serpents, the tentacles of the creature were heading our way, creeping like wretched vines to ensure our demise. Fear swiftly swum ahead of them, but even though the crew was readying themselves to fight for their lives, and even I was starting to struggle to keep my temper, Rig Knot was not moved. Instead, all of his attention, and for what I could see his tension, was centered around a single announce that in those moments crossed the air in his direction. “Mortars ready captain!” shouted the bosun from the lower deck, making his best effort not to scream in terror. Rig Knot then centered his attention to the front, staring into the monster’s eyes, and with a display of his magic he unsheathed his saber (ad hoc, though very dramatic if you ask me) while he shouted so loud that he no doubt could be heard at the bow of the ship: my gosh how strong lungs this stallion has! “FIRE!” The explosions of the cannons suddenly roared, and the power of the detonations were so strong that the mortars rocked the whole vessel. The cannonballs soared into the heights like rockets, and half a minute later fell on their target like falling stars. The creature centered on the Victory, but by the time it realized the trap it was too late. Fire was already raining it from the sky, and the three eyes were showered by the barrage of the frigate while it landed all around them. The next thing that happened was that the bombs exploded, and the eyes three fell like chopped trees. At first the tentacles didn’t retreat, and we thought that the monster would stay for a fight, but when the explosions faded a loud roar emerged from the deep in response (so strong that I don’t understand how did any of the crews of the Moon Shine or the Arcadia went deaf) the tentacles twisted and squirmed, showing the pain that the monster had been set into, and while the crew cheered their victory, Rig Knot’s strategy demonstrated its result when, as soon as the tentacles came, left, and the water revolved as the HUGE mass of the creature went away with an ache defeat. I for once was glad it didn’t swallow us whole, as it looked like it had the capacity to to do so. Seriously, how big was that thing!? There was a general cheer when it was gone, and everyone of us would have gladly thrown ourselves into the celebration, but sadly our work wasn’t yet due. The Moon Shine had been left in a pretty bad state, smashed against the reed, and the Arcadia, though not so beaten up, desperately needed repair. The Victory set every disposable hoof to help the Arcadia return to the bay, and Rig Knot ordered the salvage of everything that could be rescued on board the Moon Shine. Since the Moon Shine was our supply vessel all pegasus of the crew moved away (me included) towards our friends in need (of the Moon Shine of course, no way in tartarus I’m going to help that honorless scum). As for Heart Lock the Arcadia made its way back through the reef, crossing the sunken line with a low speed. When it was near enough I could see its torn mainmast, and the secondary with a large crack that the beast had given to it. I’m no mariner, but even I know that’s gonna take more than resin and sticking plaster to fix it. Still I gotta say that from afar it didn’t look so bad overall (at least not as the Moon Shine), even though recent rumors said that he actually lost fifteen of his crewcolts and another ten were injured as a result of their engagement. From my position as explorer’s guide I can only pray for their souls, they are the cost that this land has imposed to us and their sacrifice will not be forgotten. The rest of the day was spent moving the provisions from the Moon Shine to either of the two vessels. Since the caravel was so torn that it wouldn’t sail again it had to be abandoned. Captain Thendras, the governor of the ship, moved all of his wounded to the Victory, and left the rest of his crew in the beach. Great, we’ve all risked our lives for this discovery and the bats get to claim it first. The Night Bearers of Thendras quickly established a beachhead, and the whole afternoon was spent to rearrange our existing supplies. Rig Knot and Heart Lock, since they were the only ones with ships, decided to load the provisions in equal shares and also leave a third cut for the main camp that had just been established. That’s precisely what worries me… Even though most of the supplies were salvaged from the wrecks of the Moon Shine we have a ton of injured, and because we’re a ship short we now have an overpopulation in the two remaining vessels. To solve this, captain Thendras volunteered himself and his company to stay on land while the new arrangements are taken care of. So, while the thestrals are setting camp and still using what they can from their ravaged ship Heart Lock and Rig Knot have decided to gather up what they can too, and go back. Now here’s the problem: Even though we expected to be on ourselves for most of the journey, at least we counted on the firepower of our ships to rely in case we need some heavy artillery. A very important part of our plan actually relied on the ships bringing us cover we desperately need in case we should retreat to the coastline, but now that one of our ships is down thanks to that sea monster punk we need to tend our injured and replenish our losses. This means that the Victory will be leaving with all the wounded, and the Arcadia will go along to offer cover (and let’s see, trusting Heart Lock my back? I’d rather go search for that sea monster again…). This means that they both will have to make the two week journey back to Zebrica and then return, which in total should be a one month absence of our mightiest guns at least. Outside the crews are still setting camp. We’ve come to the shore as soon as the salvage operations ended and established a perimeter with the complete force of Thendras’s guards and the ships’ crewcolts. The efforts of both crews has been extraordinaire to raise up an established position, but the thestrals are the ones that have really put their backs into it. Ever since the operation began, the Night Bearers of the Moon Shine have recycled everything in their ship, even to the point of bringing some cannons to the shore! Now there are colts calling, and trees are being taken down regularly in order to set a better position. Under the thestral captain’s directions this campsite has been able to be risen in record time and if I didn’t know better, I’d say it’s beginning to look more like a fort than anything. The Victory and the Arcadia are living similar situations, the first to accommodate everything for he journey and the last to repair its masts as fast as possible. Rig Knot put special emphasis on leaving as soon as the wind would allow, which considering the properties of the isthmus should be around morning. Maybe we won’t even have the time to bid each other farewell. And to say that I’m actually gonna miss that old seawolf… Both Rig Knot and Heart Lock have left a party behind (thirteen from the Arcadia and fifteen from the Victory), and Blaze Flare has brought her whole platoon to shore with her I guess this mare is not willing to spare resources for the prospect of earning a frightful death (just another proof of how valiant or crazy she is reminds me of somepony…). I haven’t seen Burasen in all day. Maybe he’s still on the Victory but that would be unlikely. Perhaps he’s watching us now, from the shadows as he uses to, after all, the night shift is his’. Whatever he does I just hope he does it out from view. By the way he acts and looks at me, I’d be very happy if I didn’t have to bump into him outside of the camp, or in my tent….