I Wish Upon a Star

by NightDancer


I appear in a world so familiar to me. I look across the sea of green grass. I gaze into the blue sky, untouched by the claws of pollution. The sun is blazing down on life here, but the coolness of the dewy grass meets the advances of the summer heat. I look off to the horizon and spot a little town.

"Ponyville..." I start running in the direction of my beloved home. My friends, my life. This world I haven't seen in so long. I seem to be running faster than I ever have before. I could almost consider myself gliding close to the ground. I am just on the outskirts of Ponyville in a short thirty seconds. I glance at the beautiful bridge that I used to take my walks over when I went on my afternoon walks through the green fields. I race over the bridge with my feet pounding on the dirt path. I get some glances and weird looks but nothing too serious. I was probably going at speeds most ponies wouldn't notice me.

"No way... this cannot be real." I hardly remember why I remember so much about this place. Why do I remember this place? Why does the condemnation of the power of love fill the depths of my soul just being here. Like a dream fading away, a flooding back of memories began collecting. The tree house... Twilight... Pinkie Pie... Rainbow Dash... Applejack... Rarity... Fluttershy... Spike... I remember all of them.

"Twilight's tree!" I point and shout as I stand in front of a familiar tree house I still loved. The ponies around me shrugged it off until they saw something they never saw before. Me. I didn't realize it though, I kept going. I barged into Twilight's library as an old friend that returned from the war. Glancing at Twilight directly in front of me I greeted her.

"TWILIGHT! IT'S BEEN... three.... four? How many years-" I was cut off

"W-who are you? H-how do you know my name?" She replied to me, fear in her voice.

"I know it's been a while... but Twilight." I kneeled before her and looked her dead in the eyes. I took her hoof and asked her. "Will you marry me?" I jokingly teased with a hardy laugh only to be received a nasty slap to my face from a pretty hard hoof. Though it flexed strangely.

"WHO- WHAT- WHY ARE YOU- YOU-" She condensed energy in her horn and pretty recognizable sound of a lazer being charged rang in my ears. I ducked for cover in time to avoid an explosion which would of been a lot worse than the destroyed wall behind me right now.

"Twilight! Don't you recognize me? It's Lee! Me, Lee, the human-..." The more my memories collected within me the more I began to realize.

"Y-you... don't remember me... do you?" I asked her as she stared at me with a terrified gaze but suddenly, it changed and twisted to a confused stare. The type I gave my math teacher.

"No... I don't remember you." She replied.

This was bad... I started remembering why this all seemed so unreal, why I had been so happy to see my lost friend. I felt like breaking down right in front of her... tears streaming from my eyes I got up and looked her dead in the eyes.

"H-hey what's wrong? Why are you crying I-"

"Twilight! Something very wrong and twisted is being taken place right now. Come with me." In a commanding voice almost echoing.

"What are you talking about everything is fine! Who are you in the first place?! Why are you barging in like this?! WHAT ARE YOU FOR PETES SAKE?!?!" She went on and on, I drowned her out. I forged magic in the palms of my hands. The swirling sound of wind overpowering any other. I drowned out her voice until she clenched her eyes shut and got down on the ground with her hoofs to her ears. At the peak of my magic a loud bang. All was silence. There was no sound. There was nothing there to make any noise. There was just the breeze. There was merely the breeze, me, and Twilight.

"W-what's going on?" She asked me once again. We found ourselves in a sea... an ocean... an ocean of grass. Infinity stretching out all around us. The grass goblin's finest, and above our heads the ever changing sky. The sun would shine through the mist of the clouds, breaking through showing marvelous gold light. The gold light changed the colors of the clouds. Come morning, come night, come morning again. The same patterns. Changing the sky from breathless hues of blue, pink, red, orange, gold, and violet. There we were. I looked her in the eyes of what might be the last time I myself... would ever look her in the eyes. All I am was just a collection of memories... what else do we have? And all of that was about to be taken away from me. I slowed my breathing, focused my breaths. Twilight just stared, and listened.

"Twilight, right now we are asleep. In my world. I created. Why does an artist seek white paper? Why do we look to create? Look around you. What do you see?" She continued to look at me, closing her jaws she replied.

"It's... it's beautiful..." The wind danced through her mane and the glow of the sun revealing the flowers in the meadow beyond us.

"Look... this isn't easy... but please just listen." Twilight took a concerned look on her face and awaited my response. "There was a time when I was friends with you, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, all of them. We had fun and fond memories. We lived our lives to the fullest. But life isn't fair as I've learned. It's never wanted to be fair, because life is like us. It wants to fulfill it's own needs."

"Why are you telling me this?" She questioned.

"Because Twilight, time has been turned back. The clock has been winded and twisted to the past. I am what was of the future... and I will die. Before I do I need to tell you Twilight! I need to share with you the good times we spent together. I w-wanted... I needed... I needed to tell you Twilight, that I loved you."

Taking Twilight by surprise, her eye's widened. She was in shock. She had no idea what to make of this or why it was happening, but she accepted what was happening anyways.

"W-why would you love me?" She pleaded with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Because Twilight, you were the one who took me in. You were the one that guided me through the way. I want you to know something Twilight... when you wake up I need you to do me a favor..." I explained to the purple mare solemnly

"A-anything!" She choked out through her tears. She didn't know why she was crying, or why she felt this way, but she did. In the moment she let it take her over, she let it guide her.

"I need you to go to the clock tower in Ponyville... I will be up there under the bell, waiting." I told her clearly.

"O-okay! I will!" I saw determination in her eyes. I knew that look. I knew how it was formed.

"Twilight... one more thing... no matter what happens. No matter what you go through, don't ever let me know up in that clock tower, don't ever tell me that I ever loved you." She looked unto me in disbelief. Though through her tears she nodded anyways and smiled. The once peaceful land we were in had changed ambiance. The sky had hues of blood red, and blood all around us started to seemingly rise. The waves and splashes of the fierce blood red ocean crashed as I whispered to her one last thing. I was weak, I wanted her to know. I screamed it as loud as I could. It was no use. The crashing waves drowned me out, and I kept getting weaker. As the blood rose I got weaker, and weaker, and smaller. The blood reached my ears as I lay down on the ground.

"NOOO!!!" Twilight screamed, as I was drowned. It was the one thing that tore me up more than anything. After all that happened... after all that... AFTER ALL THEY DID TO END ME! TO GET RID OF US! That was the saddest moment of my life... Though... I accepted it... I let death rush over me as the waves of the dead ocean. I faded off. I flew up out of the world, and into the sky. With a twinkling of an eye, to be remembered.


"NOOOOO!!!" I screamed while bursting up off of my bed only for gravity to pull me down I felt a cold sweat on my back and a bothersome atmosphere. My friends eyed me worriedly.

"What's wrong sugarcube?"

"Yeah you have been out like a doozy!" Chimed Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity were all there as well, crowded around her bed.

"O-oh, it was just a bad dream is all. Must of been that spell I did, yup... hehe... Quite a doozy!" I played off.

"Oh darling what spell was it? I dread if you have been practicing black magic again I'll-"

"Oh no! Nothing of the sort, I was just making a spell... to um, make ponies fall asleep faster! While having amazing dreams. Hehe..." I quickly replied to Rarity, leaving her to lower her raised brow.

"Well as long as your ah'll right, I guess I can just go home now." Applejack stated suspiciously. The others nodded their heads, wished me good luck on the spell and not to hurt myself like that again, and left. I was home in my library with spike, and I was shaken up. What. Just. Happened.