//------------------------------// // Seconds // Story: Erased // by SugarOnMyPancakes //------------------------------// SECONDS It hurts. Everywhere. I tried to look at my surroundings. I couldn't see anything at first. When my eyes adjusted it was a horrifying sight. I was bound to the wall behind me. I started panicking and struggling against the wall. Something warm was trickling down my left temple. I know that sensation anywhere. It was blood. There was the red liquid trickling down my head and onto my abdomen. The blood was staining my brown coat as it gone on it's journey to the cold stone floor. I saw something even worse. It was my wife's corpse. Followed by my daughter's. I puked all over the floor. They died in the fire. Their ashen corpses laid there dead. There was nothing in the room to harm me physically. Yet I felt wounded mentally. I didn't know what to do at all. I just waited. I waited for it to come. I'm waiting to die. "What do we have here?" A stallion with a stage prop mask that you would see in-front of a premiere of a theatrical performance. The stallion's mask had a smile. I bet by it's tone that there was a smile also underneath. It had a Black coat and was followed by one with the coat of the same color. Instead of the happy expression one the mask, it had a mask with a frown on it. "Time is running out." The first pony said joyfully. Finally a third one appeared coming out of a hallway. I just noticed it. I mustn't have seen it due to my obscured vision. This time it had a Gray coat with a equally pastel white mask as the others. This time it had a painted goatee and blushing cheeks. It had a joyful expression on the mask and seemed to scare me. "What is your name?" The third asked. "Why does it concern you?" I replied slowly. "Insolence!" It yelled a little louder then I would have thought. "You are here for a performance, of sorts..." She stepped back and pulled a rope which revealed a stage hidden behind red velvet curtains. It was a scene with props made with the coats of Ponies, Griffons, Zebra, and countless other coats that I couldn't recognize. I was paralyzed at the horrid sight before me. It was a play. Then I saw a sign above. Labeled "Eraser", I wasn't sure of what it meant at first. Then I realized. This was my end.