//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: First Of Many // by CoverArt //------------------------------// Fluttershy brought Maris downstairs on her back as Maris was still weak from the night before. They stopped in the living room and Fluttershy looked over her shoulder at the filly and smiled as she asked, “Are you hungry, I could make you something before we head out, the girls and I were going to have lunch at Sugarcube Corner.” Maris stared at her like she suggested going out to Tartarus to eat, “I hope this Sugarcube Corner isn’t the same as the one I’m thinking of. Oh! Please don’t tell me Pinkamena is going to be there,” Maris begged. She looked genuinely scared about going. Fluttershy looked at her with a confused expression. She knows Pinkie is a bit much but she has never seen someone actually scared of Pinkie. “Well she will be there but Pinkie Pie is nice, she wouldn’t harm a thing.” Replied Fluttershy calmly. She gave Maris a reassuring smile that while it worked it only worked somewhat. Maris was still afraid of going, however knowing Fluttershy was going to make her go anyway she decided not to argue. “Ok mommy, I’ll trust your decision.” “Great, now would you like breakfast before we go?” Fluttershy asked and was answered with eager nodding from the filly as well as the rumbling from said fillies stomach. “Ok wait here, Angel will keep you company while I make breakfast, it’ll be a couple minutes.” Maris watched with a smile as her mother walked into the kitchen to make her breakfast. Maris couldn’t help think to herself about how odd this world was compared to her own world. It was a welcomed change of course, she has been in this world for several hours now and no one has attempted to take her mothers or her own life…yet. All around this world seemed safer to Maris from what she’s seen so far, which granted wasn’t much. A white bunny rabbit hopping up to her on the couch with a carrot in his paws interrupted Maris’ thoughts. Maris looked at him with a smile, “You must be Angel, right?” She asked. She received a nod as an answer. Maris nuzzled the bunny on the head and exclaimed, “ You’re cute!” She received a paw across the muzzle for her natural reaction to the cute animal. It was a light hit and didn’t do any physical damage. It was merely a way for the bunny to say, “Back off.” However Maris’ expression went from happy to angry and she raised a hoof and brought it down on the back of the poor bunny’s back sending him flying across the room where he shot into one of the many dens in the house. Maris, having her mood change again by the display, began laughing… until the scolding voice of Fluttershy cut her off. “Maris! How could you be so mean to an innocent bunny and then laugh at his pain! What do you have to say for yourself?” Scolded the legitimately angry Fluttershy. Maris’ ears flattened against her head as she looked down as any child being yelled at would. “H-he hit me mommy!” She explained looking up to see Fluttershy’s disposition was a bit more calmer having made her point that she was angry. To Maris’ surprise Fluttershy lifted a hoof and ran it gently through her golden mane. “It was probably a misunderstanding Maris but you need to understand that hitting ponies and animals just because they hit you isn’t the answer. You need to go to somepony for help like me. Do you understand?” She asked receiving a nod from the filly, “Good now I want you to apologize and then we’ll have breakfast ok?” Maris got up and walked over to the den that the bunny flew into. As she approached the bunny in question poked his head out with an angry look on his face. Angel shook a paw at her and made various squeaks that Maris had no clue what they translated to. She was about to ask Fluttershy what he was saying when Fluttershy gasped and said, “Angel Bunny! Language! There are foals present!” Maris couldn’t help but giggle, not at the bunny being scolded but by the fact she was being cursed out by a somewhat sentient bunny rabbit. She stifled her giggles and cleared her throat, this caused the bunny to look away from Fluttershy and down at her. “Angel I’m sorry for hitting you, can you ever forgive me?” She asked Angel. He narrowed his eyes as if he was thinking about it in his head; he then looked at Fluttershy who gave him a nod with a smile. The bunny looked back down at Maris and nodded, though still with a grimace on his face. “Thank you,” Maris said as she turned around to go have breakfast with her mother. In truth she wasn’t sorry at all for hitting the bunny. She felt like she was totally in the right in that situation. Her world’s Fluttershy taught her that violence is the answer to violence. Although she would never voice this to this world’s Fluttershy, because to Maris they both were the same mother, the world not mattering, and mother was always right so she listened to her mother. An hour later found the two ponies on their way into Ponyville. Their breakfast was a quiet affair, neither of them finding much they wanted to talk about. The truth was they both were afraid of what they would find out if they asked any questions. “It’s about nine o’clock,” said Fluttershy to the foal on her back, “We can go to the market real quick and pick up a few things then we will go over to Sugarcube Corner to see Twilight and the girls for lunch.” “Sounds like a plan!” Maris exclaimed happily, finally being able to see the outside world for the first time since she got to this world. The first time being when she flew from the portal and she didn’t quite remember that after slamming into a certain yellow pegasus’ house. It was a lot more colorful then she expected. More greens, blues, and other vibrant colors and less of the reds, blacks, and oranges she was used to back in her rebel ridden world. Her head lifted and her eyes widened as she saw a distant city built into the side of a mountain. “Hey! It’s home!” She said excitedly pointing towards the city and bouncing on her mother’s back. Fluttershy raised her wings and gently urged the young filly to calm down, which after a minute she did. “That’s Canterlot Maris, you lived there in the other world?” Fluttershy asked surprised. She received a nod as her answer. “You were the queen of Equestria so you needed to rule from the center of it!” Maris said as if it was common knowledge, which in her world it was. “Hmmm, there’s a lot you’re going to need to tell Twilight, I’m sure the others will be interested too. I know I’m a little interested and a little terrified of what I might find out.” This got the young filly eerily quiet, which shook Fluttershy up inside a bit more. Trying to make herself feel better, Fluttershy changed the subject and asked, “So, what do you like to eat so I know what to get you at the market.” This got the young filly smiling again. “Well I like haycakes with butter and syrup, umm dandelion soup …” The list of her “favorite” foods was about as long as Equestria was wide. But then again did Fluttershy expect any less from a foal. Granted some of the foods Maris listed were less sugar filled and healthier but most of them were sugary. But the question did manage to keep Maris occupied until they got to the market. Fluttershy brought Maris to several of the stalls to get various items: hay, vegetables, and flowers. Now one of the last things on the list before the two would have to go to Surgarcube Corner were apples. As they approached the apple stand Fluttershy gave a happy smile to the stands proprietor, a large red stallion with a green apple for a cutie mark, Big Macintosh. “Miss Shy,” Big Mac said with a nod and a small smile of his own, “Here for yer usual order?” “Oh Big Mac, I thought I said you didn’t have to be so formal with me, but yes and one Pink Lady apple please,” she replied just as the young filly on her back poked her head from behind her Fluttershy’s and gave an excited “Hello!” Big Mac raised an eyebrow at the appearance of the filly, with Fluttershy no less. He looked over at Fluttershy with a questioning look, “Ah didn’t know you had a kid Miss Shy. She’s practically Bloom’s age too.” “Oh, well that’s something we need to ask Twilight about, but anyway Big Mac, this is Maris, say hello to Big Mac Maris.” Fluttershy spoke over her shoulder. Maris tilted her head slightly before announcing, “But I did already!” Fluttershy and Big Mac received this with giggles and chuckles. “Hello there young mare, ah assume this here apple is fer’ you?” Big Mac asked as he handed an apple to Maris. Maris nodded as a response and gave an enthusiastic thank you. Fluttershy put the Bits she owed on the counter. “Oh look at the time, we better head over to Surgarcube corner, bye Big Mac and thank you again!” Exclaimed Fluttershy, as the two of them started to walk away. They made it about two feet before Big Mac called out to them. “Ya might want to go the long way Shy, Dancing Blade is over that a way in th’ market,” He warned. Fluttershy gasped at this before turning around. “Thank you for the warning Big Mac, goodbye.” As they walked around the market Fluttershy only ever took her eyes off the center of the market to look at the road in front of her. This is why she nearly jumped when Maris, whom she forgot was on her back, spoke up, “Who is Dancing Blade?” “Oh…. Well um…. He’s an ex coltfriend of mine, that’s really all I feel comfortable saying. All I will say is get to know the person before you date them, even if they seem perfect.” Replied Fluttershy sadly with a small sigh. They made the rest of the journey silently towards Surgarcube Corner. The two of them approached Surgarcube Corner and much to Fluttershy’s relief, Maris seemed calm and seemed not to recognize the place. They were just about to pass the mailbox when it suddenly burst open revealing the head of a certain pink party pony. This incited squeaks of surprise from Fluttershy and Maris, as well as them jumping. Fluttershy felt Maris hide in her mane and could also feel the fairly frightened filly shaking. Pinkie didn’t seem to notice Maris but she did however notice Fluttershy. “Hi Fluttershy how’s it going came here for the meet up I just came to get the mail and I see you and I thought I’d surprise you isn’t it fun…” The rapid-fire speed of the words Pinkie was saying was a bit too much for Fluttershy, she tuned it out slightly and Fluttershy barley caught what Pinkie said last, “What was that Pinkie?” “Iiiiiii asked why your mane was shaking is it like a new shampoo like what the princesses wear you know that’s a funny word shampoo its like cumquat and chimmy-cherry-chonga…” Pinkie then noticed Maris’ head slightly poking out of Fluttershy’s mane, “ HEY you have a filly with you that’s why your mane was shaking what’s your name my name’s Pinkie Pie and I’m Ponyville’s number one party pony and because your new here you have to get a PA-“ Pinkie was cut off by Maris’ hoof being pressed to Pinkies lips. “Is there an off button on you…” She exclaimed before lowering her voice to a mumble that only Fluttershy could hear, “I knew she was an information getter but that kind of torture is too much.” Fluttershy chose to ignore her inappropriate behavior and comment because while she loved her friend she was bringing to get a headache herself. “Pinkie this is Maris, she’s going to be staying with me for awhile, I wanted to introduce her to the girls, especially Twilight. Maris has a problem that I think involves us… but I’m not good with that kind of problem solving so we’re going to ask Twilight, are they inside already?” Fluttershy asked. The Pink pony nodded and led them inside. To Maris it appeared as if as soon as they entered Pinkie was gone, she caught the faintest glimpse of pink go through the doorway to the kitchen. Knowing her own Pinkamena, Maris was scared by this action, especially how there were only a few differences between Pinkie and Pinkamena. Her thoughts were cut off by another pony’s accented voice. “’Nother lost foal surgarcube?” Maris looked to wear the voice came from and she saw a face she was familiar with: Applejack. Her orange coat, blond mane, and three apple cutie mark was expected from Applejack. What she didn’t expect was the Stetson; she never saw that on Applejack before, however new world meant a lot of things she didn’t expect. “Umm… sort of Applejack. This is Maris everypony. She’s going to be staying with me for a while. Say hi Maris.” Fluttershy said looking over her shoulder. Maris did so while looking at all of the familiar faces. There was the unicorn Rarity, her white coat and purple mane as well kept as always, Rainbow Dash, still the same as she knew, but her eyes stopped on the pony in the middle. She knew the face, however there were some added bits to this pony that she didn’t have before, namely wings. Standing in front of her was Princess Twilight. Maris couldn’t help but stare. Applejack waved a hoof in front of the staring filly’s face while saying. Uh… Ah think ya broke ‘er Twi. Ya seem to be doin that a lot lately.” This was answered with a sigh from Twilight. Fluttershy looked over her shoulder at the filly and scolded softly, “Maris it’s not polite to stare.” This got a reaction from Maris who shook her head before explaining, “Sorry mommy, it’s just I knew Twilight was a powerful mage but I didn’t think she was so powerful she could ascend!” Everypony giggled at this, all except Pinkie who wasn’t in the room and Maris who was looking at the others with an eyebrow raised. Twilight was the one to explain their reaction. “I’m flattered Maris but I’m just a norma- wait Fluttershy. Did she call you ‘mommy’?” She asked looking over to Fluttershy. “Oh, um, yes that was something I needed to talk to you about Twilight, apparently Maris isn’t exactly from our universe…. I think.” Fluttershy explained. “Whoa, whoa Fluttershy start at the beginning and maybe I’ll understand this a bit better.” Twilight responded with a questioning yet intrigued tone. Fluttershy went on to explain, starting with the portal and then going on to explain everything since then, the dream and everything Maris told her. Twilight was writing what she heard down on a pad she conjured and gave appropriate reactions to what she was hearing, as did the others. When Fluttershy finished, Twilight lowered her note pad and asked, “Wow Fluttershy that vision sounded horrible, and to think that’s supposed to be a memory of the other you. Was that all?” Fluttershy responded hesitantly, “Umm… well there was something else but I’d rather tell you that in private.” “Ok, we can talk about it in the other room, this could be huge for the scientific communi-“ Twilight was cut off when Maris asked a question, looking around nervously, “Has anyone seen where Pinkamena went?” “Right here!” Came Pinkies voice from behind Maris as she popped up behind Fluttershy and Maris. While Fluttershy yelped and jumped a bit, Maris softly shrieked and shot upwards landing on one of the rafters near the celling a good 10 feet in the air. Fluttershy turned to look at Pinkie, “Pinkie you scared her.” Pinkie frowned slightly and looked up at Maris, “Oops sorry Maris.” Maris, still on the rafter didn’t look down but replied with an “It’s ok.” Pinkie smiled again and bounced over to the table they were all sitting at and placed down a tray of sweets. Fluttershy looked up at Maris, “It’s ok Maris, nopony’s going to hurt you, you can come down now.” “No I can’t…” Maris replied shaking her head but still not looking down at Fluttershy. She turned her head and looked down at her slightly… and froze, “I’m afraid of… heights.” She said the last word with a little squeak. This caught everyone else’s attention. “She sure is related to you ‘Shy,” Rainbow Dash commented as she flew up to go get her, “Ok squirt close your eyes and you’ll be down in a jiff,” She said while putting her forelegs around the filly. Maris complied and was brought down. Maris opened her eyes and quickly ran over to Fluttershy and nuzzled her foreleg. Fluttershy nuzzled the top of Maris’ head before looking up to Twilight and was about to speak to her but Twilight was ahead of her, “Well now that that crisis was averted do you want to talk in the other room Fluttershy?” Fluttershy nodded and looked down at Maris, “I’m going to go talk with Twilight ok? Can you stay with the other girls for me, it will only be a couple of minutes.” Maris nodded, so Twilight and Fluttershy walked into the next room while Maris sat down at the table with the others. “So Maris dear, you said we were Fluttershy’s servants. Now what exactly did we do? If you don’t mind me asking.” Rarity asked with her proper etiquette. Maris had expected this question. “Well, you Miss Rarity were mommy’s personal dress maker. I think a lot of the higher-ranking ponies wore your dresses to mommy’s balls. Although in the last few weeks of me being home mommy didn’t host any balls. General Rainbow Dash was the leader of mommy’s army, but I haven’t seen her since she went on a mission around the same time mommy stopped having balls. Twilight was mommy’s head mage and scholar; she was the one who came up with the magic for the portal. Dame Applejack was the Royal Chef as well as the head of the farmers guild… and then there’s Pinkamena who was mommy’s information getter, I never saw her in action but from what I heard I’m glad I never got to see.” “I got to design dresses for royalty, as well as nobles! However, the only question I have is why didn’t you have any balls for a few weeks before you came here?” Rarity asked. “Yea, and why was I on a mission that I got lost in. That is so uncool I’d surly come back.” Rainbow added. “Well no one wanted to risk going out when the rebels had the city surrounded, and it wasn’t just you who disappeared, all five of you did, although we found Rarity a few days ago.” Maris looked down when she talked about finding Rarity and the tone of her voice became saddened. “Where was I darling?” Rarity asked. “Um… well I didn’t see it personally but what we were told was the guards found you… hanging from the front gate to the castle…” Maris looked up at the four. They all were staring at her with their mouths agape. Rarity turned a slightly lighter shade of white when she heard it. “Oh…Oh my. Th…That’s… scary.” Rarity said trying to compose herself, “Umm can we talk about something a little less… morbid please?” “I was actually rather intrigued Miss Rarity” Came a voice from the front door. Fluttershy followed Twilight into the living room of Surgarcube Corner. Twilight turned around to face Fluttershy, “What did you want to talk to me about Fluttershy?” “Well I’m a bit concerned about Maris.” Fluttershy responded. “I can see why, what with the environment she seemed to be raised in. Thinking everyone is gonna kill you has got to be hard on a filly.” Twilight said. “It’s not that it’s about something that happened more recently.” “Oh that’s nothing to worry about Fluttershy. Some pegasus foals are afraid of heights but when they start to get used to flying they usually get over their fear.” “No, no this happened this morning, I was making Maris breakfast and she was in the living room. I walked in and I saw her send poor Angel flying into one of my other animal’s hole. I mean hitting him is one thing but what worries me is the fact that she was laughing after she did it.” Fluttershy said was a worried tone. “Hmm… I’ve never heard of anything like that, I’ll look into it ok? Was that all?” “Well not really, what about the portal, what if it opens again and brings one of the rebels here, they could try to come after Maris if she is the queen err my daughter.” Fluttershy said even more worriedly. “I’ll look into it Fluttershy, and I’ll send word to the princesses, they’ll no doubt send some guards to keep an eye on things.” Twilight put a reassuring hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. They walked back into the café part of the building again and along with the rest of the girls and Maris heard the regal filled voice from the front door. They all looked over with gasps. There in the doorway was Princess Celestia.