//------------------------------// // Prolauge // Story: The Wrath of a Thunder God // by MacJack //------------------------------// POV Thunderlane The storm clouds rumbled and the sky flashed with lighting but I watched it completely entertained. I sat, looking out my bedroom window as the storm raged and to think that it was the simple act of setting up a lighting rod to set of light bulbs that made my cutie mark appear, a black cloud with a lighting bolt coming out of it. "Don't worry my child, the power of the lighting will becomes yours in good time."said a mysterious voice in my head. "Who? Who are you?" I asked. "My name doesn't matter right now, what does matter is that you will become so much more when the time comes. You have been gifted and in time that gift will change the world." "Change the world how?" I questioned but there was only silence. I sighed, wondering if maybe I was just hearing things