//------------------------------// // the spell // Story: SPIKE IS A PONY // by Trollolol //------------------------------// It was a bright, sunny day in Ponyville, which made it the perfect occasion for Twilight to stay inside the library, reading. “Come on Twilight,” protested Spike, hanging onto the door knob. “Let’s go outside! It’s nice out! You’ve been inside, reading that thing for hours.” Twilight looked up from her book distractedly. “Don’t play with that, Spike, you’ll break it,” she said absently. Spike let go of the door knob and flopped face first into the ground. “But Twiiilight,” he said, his voice muffled, “let’s play outside!” Twilight sighed, looked up, and out the window. Birds flittered by, and some of the neighbourhood kids were playing with a beach ball. It was nice outside, and besides, reading outside could be a good idea. “Okay, Spike,” she said, standing up and tossing the book into the bag. “We’ll go outside. She grabbed the spikes on his head neatly in her mouth, and tossed the baby dragon onto her back. “All right!” Spike shouted, as they walked out into the sunshine. “So what are we going to do first? Play tag? Ooh! Let’s blow bubbles. No, zip lining! Hey, Scootaloo made a hopscotch game…what are we going to do?” Twilight sat down in a shady tree. She opened her book. “Study,” she said. “Noooo,” Spike groaned, flopping face down into the grass. “You know, Spike, there are a lot of interesting spells in here,” Twilight said a few minutes later. Spike was running by, chasing the beach ball. “Any ones that can turn me into a pony?” Spike asked with interest. He tried to grab the beach ball, but it was nearly the size of him and kept slipping away. He stopped the chase to listen for Twilight's response. Twilight looked up, amused. “And do tell, Spike. Why would you want to be a pony? Don’t you like being a dragon?” “Yeah, because I can do this!” Spike picked up a stick, reached into Twilight’s bag and pulled out a marshmallow (“When did you put that in there?” Twilight demanded, but Spike didn’t answer), and stuck it on the stick. He blew fire on the marshmallow, and then ate the roasted marshmallow. “So why would you want to be a pony?” Twilight asked. “Wmmph, Rwiwy,” Spike started to say, but Twilight’s stern look told him he should swallow his snack and then speak. He did so. “Well, Rarity is a pony. Remember how she was all ‘Ooh! I’m going to marry Prince Blueblood! He’s so handsome!’, but then didn’t like him?” Spike pulled at his tail, trying to make it curly in imitation of Rarity's curly tail. “Yes.” Twilight kept her face straight. She knew that if she let it on that she found Spike’s Rarity imitation funny, it he’d never stop doing it, even if he did have a crush on the pretty unicorn. “Well, I figure, I would be a handsome, manly, and super awesome pony, and Rarity would want to date me right away!” Spike shouted triumphantly. He threw the stick in the air and it got stuck to his scales. Twilight carefully removed it with magic, wiping him down with a cloth after. “Spike, throw the ball back here!” Snails yelled. “Okay, okay,” Spike pushed the ball back and it rolled away. Snails chased it happily, while Spike watched. He turned back to Twilight, his eyes sparkling. “So?” “Well, I did find one,” Twilight began reluctantly. “You DID?!” Spike’s eyes seemed to get bigger. And more sparkly. “But…it looks a bit difficult. And besides, Spike, maybe it’s time we had a little talk about Rarity.” Twilight said kindly. It was cute that he had the crush, but he did need to know that he was too young for Rarity. “What’s to talk about? She’s beautiful! I have a crush on her! She has a lot of delicious gems that she won’t let me eat, but we can work on that.” Spike paced around Twilight. “We can talk after the spell, right?” He looked at her with puppydog eyes. Twilight rolled her eyes. Clearly, he was not in the mood for listening. “Okay, I’ll give it a go. But I don’t think you’ll be exactly a prince charming.” She studied the spell, and concentrated. “Hold still!” Twilight ordered Spike, who was bouncing around. “I am!” Spike insisted, but he did stop bouncing. There was a flash of light, and Twilight felt rather tired. She looked up, anxious to see what happened to Spike. He would, she knew, be a little boy pony, just like he was a little boy dragon. But try explaining that to Spike. Spike! Where was he? There was nothing in front of her. “Spike? Spike! Where are you?” Twilight looked around frantically. What could have happened to the dragon? She didn’t lose him, did she? “I’m down here,” Spike’s voice sounded rather grumpy. And smaller than usual. “Why did you shrink me, Twilight? I thought I was going to be a pony.” The grass moved slightly. “Spike! Oh dear, don’t move. We’ll figure this out!” Twilight stepped carefully towards the grass spot. She didn’t want to step on Spike. “Hey wait, I am a pony! I have hooves. Maybe you just turned me into a tiny pony, like Applejack after she got into the Poison Joke.” Spike, as usual, wasn’t listening to Twilight and was trying to climb the grass. “Hold still,” Twilight said. She was standing above the grass spot, when something small shot up into her face. “Hey!” She protested, thinking it was a grasshopper. And there, in front of her, was not a grasshopper, but a pony. A very tiny pony. A very tiny colt, with Spike’s colouring. But on his head stood antenna, and on his back were tiny translucent wings. “Oh, I have wings! Neat! Aw, I don’t have a Cutie Mark,” Spike complained. “But…” Twilight was staring. “Do I have to go out and earn one? I want one that says ‘Spike is Awesome’ and a picture of me as a knight. Is that possible?” Spike flew shakily around in a circle. “But…” Twilight looked down at her book. Then back at Spike. “What. Twilight?” “I thought Breezies were just a myth!”