//------------------------------// // Canterlot // Story: Singing Bass // by jona gold //------------------------------// As Bass stepped off the train he felt as though he was very out of his element. Even though he was with his friends, he still couldn't shake his nervous nature of large cities. ''Hey! wait up!'' he said as he fallowed the grey ,and white mares. ''You two walk pretty fast.'' ''You have to here, Bass.'' Octavia said bluntly. ''Unless you want to be stuck in a crowd.'' ''Don't worry about her, she just has a system for this city.'' Vinyl added. ''I see...where are we going anyway?'' asked Bass, rather confused. ''To the hotel, it is near the concert hall.'' Softly replied Octavia. ''We should find some food for tonight.'' Added Vinyl as she trotted past a bakery with wafting scents aplenty. Bass seemed to be off in his own world. Octavia learned to put up with this. So she lead him past all of the shops. She has a hard time keeping Vinyl in check though. ''Oh come on Tavi! Can't we go in for just a sec?'' Pleaded a needy Vinyl. Her eyes assumed the ''puppy dog'' look as she begged. ''I hate how easily you do that...fine, but only for afew minutes.'' Octavia barely had finished her sentence when she noticed Vinyl had dragged Bass inside. ''Why are we here?'' Bass was trying to figure out why Vinyl was in an antique instrument shop. Vinyl was rushing around looking at all the old violins and violas. Violas...he hadn't played one in so long. ''Umm...miss? would it be possible to see the red lacquered viola?'' He asked as the mare nodded and took it out for him. ''Do you play?'' She asked sweetly. In fact Bass loved to play, but being on hard times had forced his mother to sell his when he was still living with her. Bass nodded and tightened the strings a little. Then, the world seemed to melt away from him.As he played a smooth and sweet composition he learned years ago. His eyes opened after a short while to see a small crowd of several ponies, and his friends. ''Since when do you play?'' Asked Octavia. She had no idea Bass could do anything with an instrument. ''Well, I learned as a young colt till I mastered it.'' He said kindly, as he turned to the store mare. ''How much are you charging for this viola?'' He said calmly. ''Forty bits, but I'd take thirty five.'' Said the mare behind the counter. Bass nodded and fished out a forty bit note. After paying Bass put it in a case that the mare had said it came in. ''Where did you learn to play?'' Asked Octavia as they walked out and toward there hotel.''You seemed to be so out of it when you played. I think I understand what Vinyl tells me I'm like when I play.'' ''Now you get it'' Vinyl smiled. She kissed Octavia sweetly, much to the surprise of the grey mare. ''We have separate beds right?'' Bass asked in a slightly sarcastic tone. Octavia and Vinyl just nodded ,and smirked. As they walked Bass was thinking of when he first started to learn the viola. ''As for when I learned...well, I was a young colt when my uncle Gordy came to our home. He brought gifts for my mother and I.'' He said smiling at the fond memories of his beloved uncle. ''He always had a smile on his face, and a tune to whistle. Well, where was I? Oh yes! He had given my mother a new hat pin. When he gave me mine, I was hoping for a new toy apple cart. When I opened it , my heart jumped! My mother had always told me that one day she would teach me to play, so long as she could get her hooves on a violin. The rest as they say, is history...well, mom did sell my first viola to help with the rent. some snooty rich mare wanted it.'' he sighed at this. He wished he could track it down, and buy it back. '' My uncle made that viola for me, personally....'' ''Your uncle is named 'Gordy'?'' Octavia said a little flabbergasted. ''As in THE Gordy!?'' she had heard of the legendary instrument maker, but never had a chance to get an instrument from him. ''Yes, he meant a lot to me, and was so proud when my cutie mark turned out to be a bass cleft.'' He said as his smile faltered a little. ''FOUND IT!'' Vinyl said ,as she trotted past them and into the hotel lobby. ''I'll tell you more later, ok?'' Bass said after the interruption. ''I'd love that, but why didn't you tell me he was your uncle?'' Octavia said a little confused. ''You never asked.'' He said smiling, and started whistling a tune his uncle had taught him as he held the door for Octavia. ''Hello, welcome to the Canterlot Fellowship Hotel, how may I help you?'' The blue mare asked in a kind tone. ''We have a reservation for four nights. It is under the name 'Octavia Melody'.'' Octavia smiled as the hotel mare's eyes widened with astonishment. ''Oh yes, right away Miss. Melody!'' The mare said as she got things all ready. ''Room 210, two queen beds. Here are your keys.'' She said giving them the keys. ''May I ask for an auto graph? From both you, and Miss. Scratch?'' ''I don't see why not. Vinyl dear, do you mind?'' Octavia asked sweetly. ''Yea, sure. Anything for a fan'' Vinyl said as she ,and Octavia signed a page of an autograph book. ''Would you like his?'' Vinyl asked the receptionist. ''Well, who is he? Oh ,I'm sorry, who are you?'' She switched to talking to Bass. ''Bass Cleft, ma'am.'' He said with a smile. No one had ever asked for his autograph before. ''Never heard of you, sorry.'' She said putting the book away. ''It's ok.'' he said calmly as they all walked to there room. Bass seemed down, as he hung his head a little. He was reminded how low on the latter he was.Compared to Octavia ,and Vinyl at least.