The Life of Princess Luna

by RoboCheatsyVA TM

1: Sun, Moon, and... Cutie Marks?!

I paced around a bit. It was past my bed time but I wasn't tired yet. I was very bored. No, scratch that; extremely bored.

I went to my sister, Celestia or as I call her, Tia's room and poked her in order to wake her up. "Tia, I'm bored. Can we play?" I asked. "Sure Luna," Tia said. "I couldn't sleep anyway."

So Tia and I walked to the, uh, whatever the heck that room I was just in was called.

Oh, forgive me. I forgot to introduce myself. Ahem.


That was my royal Canterlot voice. I don't really use it much. I only use it really when having a serious debate with the delegations of other kingdoms and stuff.

So like I was saying. Tia and I went to play. We played a game we called "Equestria Siege"; a game where we each take turns being a bad guy we made up every time we start playing. Tia's villain is Solar Flare and mine is Nightmare Moon.

It was Tia's turn to be the bad guy.

"Rawr! I am Solar Flare!" Tia growled initiating play. "Fear me Princess Luna!" she continued.

I giggled at Tia. She wasn't the most intimidating pony.

"Never Solar Flare! I shall banish you to the moon!" I said sternly. "I will protect my subjects from you!" I added.

"LUNA, CELESTIA, COME QUICKLY!" a panicked voice disrupted our play time.

We came running.

"Star Swirl! Where in time did you travel for your beard to turn white like that?!" Tia asked worriedly.

When Tia says Star Swirl, she's talking about Star Swirl the Bearded. Star Swirl the Bearded is a unicorn friend of ours, skilled in magic and had recently coronated me and Tia Princesses of Equestria.

Yes, you heard me correctly. Tia and I weren't always Princesses. Star Swirl and the leaders of the other pony races (except for alicorns) came to us and told us that they need a common leader so Tia and I, being alicorns, would be the best representatives because as Alicorns we represent everything Equestria was founded on.

"I didn't time travel actually," Star Swirl replied.

Tia and I exchanged worried glances.

"Then what did you do?!" I asked skeptically.

"I tried to raise the sun and moon by myself," Star Swirl asked.

"But doesn't that take six or so Unicorns?!" Tia said.

"Yes, but we were running short on Unicorns who were up to the task," Star Swirl said.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" I exclaimed.

"I didn't want to burden you," Star Swirl said, "You are probably busy as is."

"Actually we haven't been very busy," Tia said.

"Besides," I said, "Raising the sun or moon sounds like fun!"

Tia looked at me concerned.

"But wouldn't we lose our magic because of all the energy it requires?" she said concerned.

"Actually, a task like that is good for your Alicorn magic," Star Swirl said.

"Cool!" I said, "I wanna raise the moon and do the stars too!"

Tia broke into an excited smile.

"In that case, I would like to do the sun!" she exclaimed.

"Alright then. It's time to raise the moon; Luna care to do the honor?" Star Swirl asked.

"Would I?! But do I get a cookie for this?" I asked.

"Sure, little one," Star Swirl said kindly.

I better get a cookie for this 'cause it sounds difficult. So anyway, Tia and Star Swirl followed me while I found the perfect spot to raise the moon.

"Here. This is the perfect spot!" I said.

"Alright. Let's watch you raise the moon," Tia said.

I nodded. I focused my magic on the moon. I could sense it moving and I stopped when I felt like it was in the perfect position.

All of the sudden I took a long gasp for breath. I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath in anticipation.

"Is... is it there?" I asked.

Tia looked at me and grinned.

"What? The moon or your cutie mark?" she asked.

"Tiaaaaa, I don't have my cutie mark yet," I protested.

Why would she make reference to me having cutie mark? Unless.... I looked at my flank.

Oh my gosh yes! I got my cutie mark! Eeek! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

I bounced and fluttered around a bunch. I even caused accidental fireworks because I accidentally used my horn.

Tia and Star Swirl threw me a party celebrating getting my cutie mark. I decided to call it cuteceñaera. We invited ponies from all over Equestria to attend it! We were having a blast!

My new friend, Platinum (she was the Princess of Unicorns before Tia and I were coronated) came.

"Luna, congratulations on your cutie mark!" she said.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed.

"Luna, Melvin's here do you want to go greet him?" Tia said trotting up to me.

"Melvin?" Platinum asked.

"A Manticore, the one you met," I said.

"Eeeek!" Platinum exclaimed.

"It's okay. He's nice," I explained.

"Well, if you say so," Platinum said, "I shall come with you then."

"Okay! Let's go!" I said.

Melvin was waiting at the door for me.

"Hi Melvin! Pretty kitty. Who's my cute widdle kitty?" I said petting Melvin.

"Widdle?" Platinum said.

The party lasted a long time. Platinum and I had a really awesome idea; why not make a cuteceñaera a tradition for when a pony gets his or her cutie mark? We approached Tia with the idea.

"Make cuteceñaeras a tradition? Why Luna that is a wonderful idea!" Tia exclaimed.

I knew Tia would like it. Before I knew it, it was time to raise the sun. I nudged Tia.

"Tia, it's time to raise the sun," I said.

"Oh gosh! Let me get on that!"

Tia ran off so Platinum and I followed Tia to what turned out to be the same place where I raised the moon. We watched her raise the sun. If my hunch is correct, raising the sun ought to get Tia her cutie mark. 'Cause Celestia sounds so sunny, plus my name literally means moon and Celestia is my sister, so yeah.

I held my breath until my face turned blue (well it's already blue but you know what I mean) in anticipation. I saw Tia's flank flash. Ohmigosh, Tia's getting her cutie mark! It's a sun!

"Is... is it there?" Tia said.

I giggled. 'What the sun? Or your cutie mark?" I teased.

"But, I don't have a cutie mark," Tia said.

She looked at her flank.

"Oh my goodness! I got my cutie mark!" she exclaimed.

"Congratulations!" Platinum and I exclaimed.

I set off fireworks to celebrate.

I threw Tia a wonderful cuteceñaera and we had so much fun!