//------------------------------// // Anomaly // Story: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Cheesecake // by Master Cheese Cake //------------------------------// Episode 15: Anomaly The Cutie Mark Crusaders were bored of the competition between Trixie and Sponge. The only thing that was really interesting to them in that whole event was the fact that Sponge was an earth pony that knew how to use magic. And after that it was just spell after spell an endless, repetitive game. Well... until every spell had been conjured up. The Crusaders had marched back to Rarity's Boutique and been trying to get another cutie mark. That involved mixed media art which was harder than it seemed because they destroyed every ponnyquin in the whole shop. They attempted to create something totally cool but ended in complete failure. Then Rarity barged through the front door and came running through her shop. The Crusader thought for sure that she would be a volcano blowing its top, but instead turned out to be a rain cloud soaking the ground. She quickly ran toward her room dropping a huge box first and then smashing the door to her room shut. "Uh... what just happen?" Applebloom scratched her head. "I think my sister had something bad happen to her." Sweetie Bell walked up to her sister's bedroom door. "Rarity, are you... okay?" "Go away! I want to be left alone." "Ugh... come on sis you can tell me." The door opened quickly and Sweetie Belle was dragged in spontaneously. "Well what do we do now?" Scootaloo looked at Applebloom. "Well this is a private moment between sisters, so let's just go... and listen to what they're talking about." Both Scootaloo and Applebloom put their ears on the door to eavesdrop on the two sisters, but the conversation was practically inaudible. Rarity was already in her nice, comfortable, soft, fluffy, furry, plush, fantastically fabulous robe. She had already gone through three tissue boxes and had plenty more in stock. Sweetie Belle was waiting until her sister stopped crying. "Rarity, are you going to talk to me?" She continued with her sobbing. Rarity is probably never going to stop crying. She looked at pillow her sister's tears were soaking up. Yup, this is going to be a long day. Back at the challenge The Great and Powerful Trixie and Sponge Cake were neck and neck with their spells that the score tracker had left to get a triple digit counter. However, Trixie was starting to hesitate longer in between turns and Sponge seemed to be at the ready. This was such an intense event that vendors from local stores started selling snacks and refreshments. They even got an announcer to narrate this little showdown. "Oh and looks like Trixie pulls the old chicken out of the hat trick, but Sponge retaliates with the pull the hat out of her mouth trick, and oh it looks like it's Trixie's wizard hat. This is simply astounding folks never seen a long standoff of magic tricks since the game between Star Swirl vs. The Trickster." The announcer lifted the cup of water and took a long guzzle of water. Then he goes back to his job. "I swear this game could go on for another three hours folks, so find some comfy seats and grab some snacks because this is going to be one hoof of a match." Twilight was chewing some popcorn. She had been here since the challenge started and now it kind of irritates her because now Trixie knew more spells than her, along with Sponge being an earth pony who knows how to use magic urges her to begin research, but she didn't want to be rude and step out. I could just step out for a moment. I mean no one's going to notice right? And plus this isn't something that is really important, but Sponge is my friend and I want to be here and support her. Oh! I know I'm going to make an excuse to the others and go and perform a quick research on the matter. Yes, an excellent plan. Okay here I go. "Hey, guys I'm going to go to the bathroom be right back." She smiled and took off toward her library. Wow Twilight, really… the bathroom. What kind of excuse is that? You could have come up with something better, like say I don't know... never mind I got nothing. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Spike running and calling at her. "...Twilight, can you get some gem on the way back?" "Sure, I'll stop by Rarity's to see if she has any extra gem when I done with the re... restroom." Then Spike started heading back to the group and Twilight continued her way to the library. The moment she opened the door she started pulling books off the "G" section in hoping of find a book on genetics of colts and ponies. The books float through the air and to her. She looked at the cover to find her book. Then she found it. The Study of Genetics of All Life 27th Edition, a book on all things relating to the genetics of colts and ponies... and everything else that is known relating to life. She turned the book over and looked through the index of it for "P" for "ponies". She found the section and moved her hoof to guide her eyes carefully. Then she found the what subject she needed "genetic anomalies, Ponies, 1-214" and then she flipped the book to the cover and started there. Then she remembers the excuse she made. She had to get the gems back to Spike and make another excuse otherwise it will attract suspicion. So, she packs her book into a saddle pack along with some quills, her notebook, and several bottle of ink before leaving to meet Rarity. Rarity had finally calmed down enough that Sweetie Belle could understand her conundrum. "... so... I tol... him... tha I love... him." "There only one question I have for you. Who is he?" "Che... Cheese Cake." She blew her nose into a tissue. "Huh, never thought he'd be your type sis." Rarity inhaled through her stuffy nose. "But he's so dashingly handsome and funny and... nice and charming and nice." "I know that's your type, but he has his randomness and that doesn't fit you at all." "Well... he just caught my heart." I just don't understand, my sis is usually attracted to only other ponies such as herself or other with great standard, but Cheese Cake doesn't fit the puzzle. Sure he's great, but also sometimes acts so immature or random. Maybe I shouldn't judge I basically act the same way every day. Sweetie Belle came out of her head and noticed that Rarity was writing in her diary. She barely sees what she was writing, but she could see all the picture of Cheese Cake that she pasted in her diary. Wow... that's a lot of pictures of Cheese Cake in that diary of hers. What's up with that? Hoof I'm really curious now. Ugh... there has to be a reason why she likes him. Wow... I'm really desperate. Eh, but a mystery is a mystery. No pony can resist. "Hey um Rarity, may I please see your diary?" "No... never you can't, it's too personal!" "Okay then... can you answer this question? Why do you love him?" "Like I said he's charming, handsome, and ni..." "No, is there something else than his looks or personality." "Why does it matter? You know what? I don't want to talk anymore. Get out." She picked up Sweetie Belle, opened the door, and threw her out with the other crusaders. "What was that all about?" asked Scootaloo. "Sorry Scootaloo that's stuff is between me and my sister." Sweetie Belle dusting herself off. "I think we should all just leave you guys. I've never seen her so broken up before." "Are you sure? We haven't finished with our art yet." Applebloom pointed to the remaining ponnyquin. "Yeah I don't think mixed media art is our thing." They all start walking toward the door. "Oh come on Sweetie Belle tell us something." Scootaloo stopped her from walking any further. "No I will not betray my sister's trust." Then walked around her and opened the door. She was surprised to find Twilight there. "Uh... hi Twilight." "Oh, hey Sweetie Belle is Rarity home?" "No... no she isn't home right now." "Uh ye..." Sweetie Belle plunged her hoof into Scootaloo's mouth. "We were just leaving." Twilight stepped aside and let them carry on with their business. Hmm... interesting. Why would Sweetie Belle lie to me like that? Twilight then just notices that they left the door opened. She poked her head through to see the mess the Crusaders left and called to Rarity. "Hello Rarity, are you here? It's me Twilight." "Go away I just want to be alone." "Why, what happened?" "Please just go away." "Okay... well if you need me I'm going to the hospital to ask Cheese Cake something." Twilight exited and shut the door behind her. Wait, why does Twilight need to ask Cheese Cake something? Unless... she going to ask him out first. No no no... wait she doesn't seem to have a crush on him, does she? Rarity! What are you doing, don't just lay there while she takes your colt. You're right I should be out there right now salvaging my chances, not letting them be permanent. Rarity was now motivated and ready to retry. She was ready to ask him out on a date. A/N: Chapter 16 might appear tomorrow... maybe. Oh and I noticed that I didn't edit the thoughts or bold-ed some thing in Ch. 14 because I forgot that this website makes you do it manually when you copy and paste.