The Intervention

by EverlastingWishes

Chapter 2

Rarity gulped, letting her hand drop from Pinkie Pie, looking at the now completely silent mare. Why was she so quiet? The anticipation building up in made her sigh dramatically and as her breath ended mid-through, she arched a brow. Was she even sure that she wanted to hear Pinkie? The pink mare was already sickly in essence, it was abnormal for her to be calm...ever.

The drugs normally took their toll by this time and made her crazily exuberant. Which is how Twilight came to know Pinkie Pie, not that she had gotten the chance to know the sweet and gentle Pinkimina. The one that they had let drift off and never come back.

"I'd like my things."

Pinkie's voice was smooth like malt liqour, yet the impending yeast taste was evident. Her eyes glided coldly to her friends, tracing them towards her bag. "Please..." The subtle need that you could hear from her sentences brought yet another chill to Rarity's back. This was so horrible. She glanced back to her friends, the widened expressions they wore, brought her eyes to a quick close. Rarity did not want to recognize the air of sadness in the room, if there, in fact was any. The fear was beginning to overtake that tenderly given emotion.

She wanted this to end. Now. If it was possible. Again the pink mare formed her lips as if she was going to speak, letting the other's down once again. She didn't understand this. The way that Pinkie's gaze traveled down to them, as if scorning them silently, yet she was calm. Her face did not project this statement as you could tell her patience was drawing to a near close. Pinkie's silence was yet to be trifled with, however, her friend's had no clue as to what events they were to expect in the near future.

"I. Want. My. Damn. Things. Now."

Pinkie Pie's words were cold and lifeless, if one was not looking directly at her as the three were now, they would not have believed that they had been spoken by Pinkie. She was pleading with them. Withdrawal already? The time she was kept in here had yet to strike an hour, but nonetheless she wanted her things. This was bad. Dispicable, really. Since they had not known the full extent of Pinkie's addiction it had been hard to establish a reasonable way for them to help their friend. This choice, apparently, had been a darn good one.

Considering how well it was doing already.

Rarity shook her head, she was going to keep her hoof to the ground on this one. This was to save Pinkie Pie. She looked back at her two friends, her back again, pointed to Pinkie, who's efforts to escape her small imprisonment became more and more useless as time progressed. The sound of her struggle was the only thing audible in the room, the rest, had yet to utter a word, still in obvious shock as to what was happening. Deciding that she would disturb this quiet, Rarity inched closer to Pinkie, who looked up at her with saddened eyes.

"I'm very sorry Pinkie dear, but I am afraid that you will not be leaving anytime soon. You know this is better for you."

Rarity nodded her head, agreeing with herself silently, before leading her eyes to the direction of Pinkie. The pink mare's expression had changed, her anger bubbling up dangerously, "no. Let me out now. Now. Now. I don't want this darn intervention, I'm fine."

Before Rarity could interject, Apple Jack stepped up suddenly, walking over to Rarity's side.

"Look here. You're not leavin', and if you continue to speak so darn unnice like, I will be sure to tighten those knots. Seems like someone's havin' problems actin' like a lady."

Rarity did not glance back to the two friends in front of her, instead she drew her gaze to Flutter Shy. The pony's face was covered with her hair and left hoof., her other hoof was drawn up to her knee as she sat. This was breaking everyone's composure surely, but they needed to stay strong. For Twilight and Pinkie, innocence was a thing to cherish, this was going to end. Her thoughts shook back to reality at Pinkie's threatening chair movements, she was dangerously close to scooting it across the floor. A threat she ended quickly, when obvious exhaustion hit.

"I'm going to go check on Rainbow Dash, you will both be alright making sure Pinkie does not hurt herself?"

Rarity turned to them both, watching them nod slowly, content to know Pinkie was in good hands. She trotted to the barn door, squinting as the light hit her eyes, Rainbow Dash was definitely having an off day. Beginning her walk to her destination, she heard faint talking in the distance. If the brightness of the sun was not an indication of this strange day, surely the whispers were. Rarity made her way to small chimes of the now familiar voices, stepping into where they became visual.

Her eyes widened at the sight of them both, Princess Celestia and Spike speaking alone in a secluded place? Strange...
It wasn't her conversation to interrupt, but as she listened in she could hear faintly what the conversation subject was....

"I've tried looking for her man, but I don't see her anywhere. Pinkie Pie is no longer in Ponyville or something, don't know why."

Spike spoke the words smoothly, his last sentence ending with a punctuated laugh, probably due to the current state of narcotics in his system.

Princess Celestia's face scrunched unhappily and she threw up hooves "impossible.What is going on Spike? I had a very simple mission for you and yet you continue to disappoint me at this time." Shaking her head she looked down, lifting her gaze back to the purple dragon in front of her. "Find her, give her the drugs. Wait till she needs more. Was that not a simple task for you?"

Rarity's eyes widened. P-p-rincess Celestia was the one supplying Pinkie Pie with the drugs? But why?

To be continued.......