//------------------------------// // Creature Catching // Story: In the Mist // by NightDancer //------------------------------// Apple Bloom sat in school ignoring the teacher going on about fractions, she couldn't get her mind off what she saw yesterday over the weekend. Everything about it seemed so weird... so strange... so mystical. She would have to confront Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about what happened. "Alright my little ponies! Any questions?" She asked only to be received with bored stares. "Very good, I will now hand out this weeks homework packet. It's on fractions so I hope what you learned today will help you in the weeks problems." She replied with a resounding ringing from the school bell. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Scootaloo Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, all rush out of the wooden school house, down the front steps and into the grass area where they all met up. They all saw Apple Bloom had something to say, and they looked to her with a waiting patience. "Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! I'm so glad you guys are here, I have something that may get us our cutie marks!" Apple Bloom states excitedly. "What is it?!" They both replied in unison looking at her intently. "I want to tell you more, but let's go to a place a little quieter." She then lead them both off in the direction of a darkly dense forest, the Everfree. They walked a ways through a beautiful meadow with a orange haze lifting off the grass from the glow of the sun. They approached the shade of the canopy and stopped. "Why are we coming here!?" Sweetie Belle questioned worriedly. "I know it's weird but don't go freakin' out on me. You both know how I usually go off to Zecoras to learn how to brew potions?" "Uhuh..." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both uttered. "Well I went off exploring a little to gather some ingredients for Zecoras potions-" "YOU WHAT?!" Piped up Sweetie Belle. "Oh come on Sweetie Belle! Let her finish the story! We both went creature catching in the Everfree before, that turned out alright didn't it?" Scootaloo stated. "Yeah Sweetie Belle, it's not like this is anything new to us." Apple Bloom replied. "Yeah but we could of got turned to stone! Remember that!? If Fluttershy wasn't there we could of-" Apple Bloom cut her off "Don't worry about that, Zecora let's me borrow some potions of hers before I go out searching for things. I also have a special safe place in the Everfree. It's actually really beautiful." She sounded with pride "You could of told me this before I freaked out." Sweetie Belle quipped. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Scootaloo sounded while dashing into the brush. The cutie mark crusaders walked through a thin layer of brush following the lead of Scootaloo and found a dirt path that lead to a special zebra's hut. They silently clopped down the dirt path, Apple Bloom confident and the others quickly whipping there heads around preparing for anything to attack. Zecoras hut soon came into view and they all walked up to the door. Zecora was making herself some lemongrass tea when she heard a knock at the door. She swiftly walked to the door and opened it. The door creaked open to reveal Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle which were all happy to see a friendly face. "What brings you to my home? Are all three of you here alone?" She asked the three of them. "Zecora!" They all sounded together. "Zecora me and my friends want to go explorin' in the forest a little! Can we stock up on some of your fancy potions?" She asked hopefully. "What inspires you to venture so deep? Do you think this challenge is a little too steep?" She questioned further. Scootaloo replied, "We can take it Zecora! Apple Bloom said this was somehow a quest to get our cutie marks!" "And besides! I hear you have some pretty fancy potions to help us through!" Sweetie Belle sounds. "If proving your marehood requires a picture, how does this inquire going through this adventure?" "Well, we are going to search for a super rare creature! Once we catch it, we'll name it and take it to the mayor and get an award or somethin'!" Apple Bloom replies. "A creature? What type of creature?" Sweetie Belle asks. "Yeah this is news to me! What did it look like?! Did you see it?" Scootaloo asks curiously. "Yeah it was weird lookin'! It had on clothes, and it was walkin' around on two legs, and it had two arms on it's sides. Worst of all it had white glowin' eyes." As Apple Bloom makes her description of what she saw, Zecora piped in. "I do not know if this creature is real, though if it is my potions you want, then my potions you won't steal." "What do you mean?" Apple Bloom asks in confusion. "For my potions you need, my supplies you must feed." Zecora states firmly though with a smile. "You mean we have to gather you more ingredients for your potion shop?" Sweetie Belle inquires. "Simply put, yes." Zecora replies soundly. "Anything you say!" Apple Bloom responds confident they are up to the task. "Um, Zecora, what type of ingredients do you need?" Asks Scootaloo. "Good question to ask, for I am giving you this task. I need some white feathers for speed, and more ashes from spires blazed with dragon fires." Zecora informs. "No problem Zecora! We'll be sure to gather you some of those ingredients while we are on our search. Now about those potions..." Sweetie Belle replies. "Oh yes, some are in my saddle bags you might guess." She states as she unbuttons her left saddlebag with her teeth and digs out two glass bottles filled with bright red liquid. She sets them on a humble wooden table nearby what you might call her kitchen. The table is seated with four small stools fit for sitting. "These potions of healing, will perk your feeling. I have some potions of destructive power, I made them with a wisdom flower. Let me go get you some more, I will go look inside my drawer." She says as she leaves to go inside her brewing room. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo go and sit on three of the four chairs at a small table in the kitchen and gaze and the glass bottles of healing. "How do you use them?" Sweetie Belle asks. "Well, whenever you get a cut or wound, you pour the liquid over your wound and it magically closes up your wound and mends everything. Zecora says it won't even leave a scar!" Apple Bloom says. "Wow, I wonder what other cool potions she'll give us!" Scootaloo says excitedly. As if on cue Zecora trots out of the room and walks up to the table laying down various different colors of potions. "This pink one is used for protection, for when you drink it you'll pass detection." She says as her points out the glass bottle filled with pink liquid. "I hope it tastes good." Says Sweetie Belle with curious eyes. "Who cares! If this will make you invisible which I think she is sayin', then we can go walking up to any creature at all without them even seeing us!" Scootaloo exclaims excitedly. "Indeed the effects don't last, so try and save this one last. It is quite rare, so make sure to handle it with extra care." Zecora points out. "There is a blue one and a grey one, what do those do? I'm not sure I have seen those before." Apple Bloom asks intently "It is quite true, I have not shown you what these potions can do. The blue one explodes flames and fire, while the grey one makes you as hard as stone, making an attacker to leave you alone." Zecora states with a hint of pride. "Did you invent all of these yourself Zecora?" Apple Bloom asks full of awe and wonder. "Indeed it's true, young Apple Bloom, I made these all myself in that room." She says while pointing to her brewing room. "Woooow..." They all awe in unison. "Now take all of these on your adventure, I hope you all obtain your desired treasure." She tells all three of them with a smile. "Alright Zecora, we should be going now. Thanks for all your help! We'll be sure to get those ingredients you asked for." Apple Bloom assures her. All three of them each give her a hug and take the potions that laid neatly in a leather bag Zecora gave to all of them. Feeling prepared and ready for the journey they all walk out the door of the hut and head out on their journey. Apple Bloom leads them farther down the dirt path leading up to a small cross sticking up out of the ground to the left side of them. "This is it." Apple Bloom says pointing to the cross sticking out of the ground made with two sticks and some grass to tie them both together. Apple Bloom continues to lead them past the cross and through some thorny bushes of which they all managed not to cut themselves on. They approached a large wall of grass and Apple Bloom pushed the grass to the side revealing a beautiful glistening small pond where the sunlight reached. It had a beautiful tree overhanging the water with bright pink blossoms flowing in the breeze. Some of the small petals glittered down from the tree and landed softly into the water. All around the pond was tall grass hiding them away in their little paradise. "Whoooa...." Scootaloo admired. "I know..." Sweetie Belle sounds. "Well guys, this is my safe place, and not only that..." She looks at the two of them intently. "This is where I saw, the creature." She says seriously. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's mouths drop open. "Are you serious?!" They both exclaim. "Well of course I'm serious! I wouldn't fib on something like this, but that's also why I set traps all around here, and only we know the safe place to come in." She states while looking at the grass that they parted to walk into their little area. Apple Bloom sets the leather bag down at the roots of the tree and goes to her little hideout supply she stashed a little while ago. In the base of the tree there is a hole carved out by an unknown animal in which Apple Bloom used to hide various items. "I have in this tree here a map of the Everfree forest, Zecora gave it to me so I would never get lost if I had to go deep in the forest. There are also five speed potions for out runnin' dangerous animals, but I haven't had to use em' yet. Lastly there is a book I got from Twilights library. It lists lots of the plants and animals around here." Apple Bloom says while pulling these things out of the bottom of the tree. "Wow that's cool, let me see that book." Scootaloo says while bringing the open book's pages to her and Sweetie Belles eyes. "Timberwolves, Cockatrice, Porcupines, Tree Dragons..." Scootaloo reads off looking more and more worried the more she lists off. "Heh heh... glad we have those potions!" Sweetie belle gulps nervously. "Speaking of which, how about we give ourselves an edge right now?" Apple Bloom pipes up. "Really? Right now? We haven't even started searching for that creature you saw..." Sweetie Belle states. "Ah know, but I think before we go off tryin' to get our creature catching cutie marks again, we should start off strong. Here take a sip of this." Apple Bloom replies while taking out the grey potion and tossing it to Sweetie Belle. "This will really make my skin as hard as rock huh? We should give it a name!" She says and then swiftly taking a sip of the bottle and then squinting. Sweetie Belle coughs a coupe of times before she says anything. "Wow... strong stuff." She laughs. "Let me have a taste!" Scootaloo grabs the bottle out of her hooves and takes a hefty gulp. "WOW! Tastes like pinkie pies fruit punch!" Scootaloo inspects. "Alright now for me." Apple Bloom takes the open glass bottle out of Scootaloo's hooves and finishes off the last remaining drops of the bottle. "Oh mah goodness! That'll wake you up in the morning!" She quips. "Well I guess we are all as hard as rock now aren't we? I don't feel very different though. Although I thought of what we should name it! We should call it Strong Stuff." Sweetie Belle muttered out still recovering from the strong liquid. "YEAHH!" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo shouted in agreement to the name. "Here let me test it out!" Says Scootaloo Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow "Hey Scootaloo what are you-" CRACK!! "Hey it works!" Exclaims Scootaloo having just broke a large branch over the head of Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle, having a hard time to process, what had just taken place Apple Bloom speaks up. "Well I guess we all are hard as rock! Are we all prepared?" "YEAHH!" Shouts scootaloo "Yeah... I guess... we are all hard as rock... we're prepared for anything!" Sweetie Belle says finally regaining her composure. "WELL LET'S DO THIS THING!" Apple Bloom shouts while jumping through the wall of grass and back into the forest. "YEAH!" Scootaloo shouts while following Apple Bloom's lead. "OFF TO ADVENTURE!" Sweetie Belle finally joins them and jump's through the grass joining her friends. The three friends head off into the forest feeling prepared for anything and ready to face what was to come. All determined to get their cutie marks in creature catching, and just enjoying the fun of adventure they run off into the forest.