//------------------------------// // Side Chapter: Scrambled Eggs // Story: My Little Pony: Sonic Gen. Underground // by Jake Witt //------------------------------// Hard Boiled. Those guys... Nega especially. But how can I ruin him? Time will turn me into that fat lard with the epic suit... A distorted voice speaks from behind me, "Who was that, love?" I turn my head from Bokkun's extra TV, to see a black humanoid insect lady with a horn and wings, holes on her limbs, horn, and hair. Ever since my cell materialized in her hive she kept me as her crush/slave, doing her best to get me to like her. She even attempted to upgrade Metal Sonic, now whenever he attempts to talk seven minutes of random music will play resulting in a remix. Speak of the devil. Metal also seems to have intelligence equivalent to Orbot, resulting in me staying behind bars as he spies or lounges around. His shell is reinforced with changeling magic giving him a green-blue color to him and he sprout green spiked wings. Hopefully he doesn't become like his older model or Neo Metal Sonic, yeesh that was the worst month of my life... which is the best day of my life, because Loki has to be such a showoff. "Chryssy? Are you here to let me out?" I asked hopefully, grasping the bars of my cell. "Not a chance, Eggy!" She said. I noticed her maid outfit and shrugged it off, sitting down I gained frown from her. "Seriously? That was only a shot!" Eggman got up, pacing and rubbing the sides of his head, "Oh my Archie, I really am soft..." Chrysalis gave a sigh, "Who is this Archie guy you keep talking about? Archie damn it! Oh my Archie! Archie hates me! Who is he?" Hard Boiled starts his boring workout routine, "You might want to sit." She pulls up a smaller version of her throne and while Metal Sonic lied on the top of the cell. "I'm a bit rusty on the details. It was told that a celestrial being before your Fausticorn-thing became a god through a domino effects, leading up to creating the world and its inhabitants. His name was Sega Archie, the Dreamcaster." "And you think you're not in his favor?" "I do not think, I know! He's one those gods that either treats his work like a game or a dramatic story." He then starts some complex yoga poises while bones popped, "So do you know if your god likes you?" "[]Nope. She loves us. That's why we're creepy bug ponies that can only consume love! Its not as if my whole hive is starving![/] What do you think?" Eggman stops his stretching and grabs the iron bars, "You can consume love? That's fantastic! How does it work?" Her head jumps up from her hands, "You really aren't from around here. Um... I assume, its magic? There IS love magic..." Music starts blaring then a scratch, broken voice surface over the music, "sIR ThEse BuGZ hAv a HIVmind. thEY WoUld maKe A LOYal aRMY. nEEd LuvVvv? tHEre'S A PinKk heDgEhoG iNnN TtOooWnn." He continues to strain his voice, "SHeeEe iz FoOLiShlY In lovE WId sANac. if we CanN AVOid hER hamMEr... MEr... MEr..." He swan dives to the ground and smashed his head, "You can absorb her love FOr tHe BLuE OnNnE." "Well, that's actually a good plan," he paused. "Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself." Chrisalis tilts her head, "Foolishly in love? How so?" "Ifff A HEdGEhoG, No MAtTeRrr WHaT cOlOR, is WIThin a MiIiILE oF heR She wIlL asSuME Its HiM." Discord's laugh escapes from the song he plays as he continued, "thAT GirL nEEDZ ConTActZ. I wILl noT fail you, master... Oh, and I would let you OUT iF tHIs qUEEnNN DidD NNnoTtT OutRaNK yOU." He flew off, leaving the two alone. Eggman lied on his bench and sighed, "Hey, let's make a bet." "If it involves you leaving... no." "You suck. I hope Archie burns you issues..." [CONNECTING]... .. ... . ... ..... .....[SUCCESS] Once my connection is established, somebody should answer. I only have a minute and it cant be in vain, "Sally?" A sweet voice responded on the scratchy connection, "Nichole? Thank Faust, you're okay-" "I don't have time! What I do have is important information." I heard a screech, either from the connection or a chair. "What is it, Nichole?" "Every Eggman and Robitnik are contacting each other for some reason, world rings are involved, the changelings might be a problem, and Sonic has returned." "Sonic is priority one. Where is he?" "He is in the small town of Ponyville. The location of said town is unknown." "I know where it is. Well, crap. Its too far away. Do you know if we can send him a message?" "I don't know. Bye Sally." [CONNECTION LOST] Well, this will be awhile. I access the eyes, my initial shock gone as I remember I cant die... wait. Never mind, the point is: Metal Sonic is flying over a desert. "Metal... are you sure you want to do this?" A smooth sounding male voice responds, "Lord Eggman bids me to do this Nicky... I must do it." "He also bids you to kill Sonic's friends, but I'm still here." "What he doesn't know wont hurt him... or me, mostly." We make a dive under the tree line of a jungle, Metal showing off his flying skills. "Besides, you render my programming dull instead of null. You gave me my free will... my wings. Without you and discovering friendship magic I would be grounded... I want to be free." "Then come with me to New Knothole!" I placed my holographic body next to him, flying with him. I'm a Lynx, but my purple dress is replaced by an identical blue one, my black details replaced with green to match my feathery green wings. I look like this because of my stay with Metal Sonic... feels a bit forced. I found myself flying ahead as his avatar appears next to me, looking like a slightly altered Sonic. Can you guess what's different? "I can't! I cant leave him just yet. He's my father and... he hasn't deserved my rebellion... not now." Our "bodies" return to Metal's real body, flying in silence.