
by JustinTime2Win

The Beginning

It was a beautiful day. A day that was by far the most beautiful Celestia had made in a long time. A day that would make any grown pony play like a filly in the park. Sombra was only 8 years old, but he had always wanted to act like a grown colt. "Sombra don't hurt yourself while mommy goes to the store". Sombra who was with his friends by the swings responded "Okay mommy!" Then she left to the store.

"Hey Sombra" one of Sombra's magic kindergarten friends asked

"Yea Twili?"

"Why is your horn red again?"

"Because my daddy painted it."

"Ohhh. Where is your daddy?"

"I don't know."

Then there was a giant flash which illuminated through all of Equestria, and simultaneously Sombra's heart skipped a beat.