//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Shadow's // by Secret-Lover //------------------------------// She woke up to hard style blasting from the stereo set Vinyl gave her. Such an amazing way to wake up. It was about 10 o'clock. Normal time to get up. It was just another Wednesday. 'Great time to get ready. This should be just another wonderful day.' she said sarcastically in her head. She hated Wednesdays. It was the day He had dumped her. The day she gave up on all stallions because all they had done was hurt her. So every Wednesday she woke up feeling like crap. It had been almost a month since he had broken her heart. Destroyed her mind, and broke what had already been broken. Yet she still wasn’t able to pick herself out of this ditch. She knew she was only being stupid. Yet still, she had trusted him. Told him everything and hoped he would stick around. Believed him when he said he would help her. So she trusted him. More than she had trusted any other stallion before. More than she probably ever would. Of course she was probably only being stupid. Yet still, no one else had hurt her this bad before. And she had been through hell and back. She turned to look over at her Apple Alarm Clock. "Only 10:05," she whispered to herself. She could already tell that this was going to be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day. 'Great Grand Wonderful' she thought to herself. She slowly began to uncover herself from the mess of blankets. It was always a job and a half to do. Yet somehow she always managed it. She trotted over to her dresser. Looked through her collection of CD's and chose the one her best friend had given her. It was nothing but hard style. It was the only type of music that could and would keep any of the bad thoughts out. That was mainly because she couldn’t hear herself thing over the music. That was always a good thing. She turned it as loud as her stereo would go. Knowing she would be shaking the entire house with her bass, but really not caring at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ She finished getting ready fairly soon, and went to go turn off her music. Sadly her stereo was right by her window and she couldn’t help but look out and notice the fact Caramel and Vinyl were walking side by side. Anger filled her from the inside. If she was able to she would have burst into flames. Instead she just turned off her music and walked away. Knowing if she had stood there any longer it would have ended badly. Hatred filled every inch of her pony body. She couldn’t help but let a tear fall. Yet that was it. Only one tear, neither was worth any more than that. She may have hated caramel with every inch of her being for what he did to her. Yet she only could find love for Vinyl. Knowing she was only with caramel because they went to school together every day. Vinyl was not one to break habit. So Applejack didn't question it any farther. She slowly walked to downstairs. Trying to steady her self. Anger was not her friend when it came to being still. All she wanted to do was bash face. Yet instead she grabbed her apple pod, and headed to school. While everyone else had school supplies she didn’t. She never did. She never needed them. She was smarter than most at school; yet never showed it. So instead she just failed everything but quizzes tests and exams. Everything else she didn't care about. If she had she would've graduated a long time ago. But it was easier being "stupid" than being smart some days. So she just played music throughout school, and talked to almost no one, except for Vinyl and a few others. The teachers would ask her questions and she would just glare back. Finally they gave up on her, and she really didn’t mind. She was passing and that’s all she cared about. Anything else would be too troublesome. She left her house, in no rush to get to school. She was almost always late now. That was because Caramel was in her first class and she tried to avoid him as much as it would allow. Yet it was hard when they had the same collection of pony friends. Yet she managed as best as she could. They shared maybe a few words a day, but that was getting shorter and shorter as time went on. There was no way to tell when they would stop talking but she always hoped it would be soon. 'I wonder were they’re sitting today. Looks like I get to find them. I could use a hug from Vinyl right now.' By now vinyl realized some days were harder than others for her. So normally when Vinyl saw apple upset, she would rush over and hug the shit out of her. Of course never literally because that would end up award. Most of the time; that small token of friendship of kindness, and daringness is the only thing that kept apple through the day. Sometimes it would help others though. Well she would just add to the amount of scars on her body. It was horrible, she knew it. Yet no other pony did. They thought she stopped. And she had. She stopped doing it in certain places. But what pony would guess? She made it to school a little bit earlier than she had wanted, yet it at least gave her a chance to talk to vinyl for a couple minutes. She saw vinyl and started to walk over to her. A small smile breaking out. I guess you could say being with Vinyl was always the highlight of her day. Yet even though they were friends forever, a little more couldn’t help but be felt. Apple always shunned it away. And even now when happiness over took her every trot towards Vinyl, she still denied every possible feeling towards this mare. 'It's not right,' was all she thought to herself as she goes to were Vinyl was. Still happier than ever. Until she saw somepony that made her want to gag. No it was not Caramel, somepony much worse than that......