Marelaysian Battle Squad: The Balance For Harmony

by theshadows64

Episode 2: A Shadow in the Darkness (Part 2)

Episode 2: The Shadow in the Darkness (Part 2)

Canterlot’s market plaza was among the busiest in all of Equestria. Merchants and travelers from all over the world came here to sell or buy the different items that the vendors had to offer. The bustling noise of the market plaza was quite the contrast from the calm and serene streets of Canterlot.

“I don’t get it,” Rainbow Dash asked as they arrived at Canterlot’s market plaza “How can bread seller help us?”

“Pencil Point isn’t just any kind of bread seller,” Lavender explained “She’s an expert in the art of drawing and illustration,”

“I still don’t see how that can help us in any way?”

Rainbow Dash and the others had followed Lavender to Canterlot to meet with Pencil Point. Cobalt had insisted on staying in Ponyville, saying that his blindness wouldn’t at all help them find Pencil Point any faster. He explained to them that Pencil Point was able to help them in their search but Rainbow Dash suspected otherwise but what other choice did she have. This was the only lead they had.

“Oh come on Dashie, where’s your sense of surprise and adventure?”

“Not if the adventure is threatening one of my friends,”

“Please Rainbow Dash, your complaining and constant pestering isn’t helping Lavender find this friend of theirs,”

“Well I still think this plan stinks,”

“You have any better idea sugercube?”

“Hey, I’m just sayin…”

“There she is,” Lavender interrupted as she pointed towards the direction of a stall.

The stall was quite crowded. An array of delicious looking bread of all types was up for sale. Croissants, baguettes, white, whole meal, the whole works. In front of the stall, stood a light blue unicorn with tourmaline pink eyes. Her dark blue mane was cut short and it hung just before her eyes.

It took the group a while to get through the crowd of bread hungry ponies and when they did the smell that came off from the line of deliciously looking breads was so tempting that they almost forgot why they were there in the first place.

“So, what will it be?” Asked the blue mare

“I’ll take this one, and this one, and ohh and those éclairs just look sooooo creamy…”

“Pinkie!” Rainbow dash abruptly placed a hoof in her mouth “We don’t have time for that now and didn’t you just eat a whole cake this morning?”

“But I’m worried about Twilight and when I’m worried I eat and when I eat I fill so good inside and when I feel so…”
Lavender just giggled as Pinkie went on and on. She then placed her attention on the cerulean mare. “Hello, Pencil Point. We’d love to have your specialty.”

“Which one?” She asked.

“The other one,” Pencil Point’s smile almost ripped her face. She merrily jumped up and down before signaled them to follow her

“Tintin, could you please take care of the stall for a while?” She hollered to a sapphire blue pony wearing a blue cap over his orange wulfenite mane.

“Alrite boss,”

Pencil Point led them to a white van that was parked behind the stall. She opened up the back doors and told them to get inside. The van despite its size was actually quite spacious. It had enough space for all of them and some more.
Pencil Point closed the doors behind them and looked at them with a weak smile. “When Lucid Dream came last night… I just couldn’t believe it… are we getting back together?”

“No. We aren’t.” Lavender responded. Pencil Point smile went out like a blown candle. She sighed and levitated a piece of paper from her satchel that was on the floor and spread it out.

On it was a drawing of a very mossy stone building. There was not a single tree in it except for the two trees that stood in front of the stone building, both of them without a single leaf on their branches. The background was dark and murky. A small lightning bolt could be seen at the very far end of the artwork.

“Ermm... what’s this?” Applejack asked

“I don’t know. Lucid Dreams just told me to draw this and give it to you guys…”

“That’s it! I’ve had enough!” Rainbow Dash stormed out of the van “This isn’t going anywhere and most probably this was all
just a wild goose chase so Cobalt could go warn the son of a bitch!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity called out “There is no need to resort to such vulgar words,”

“And for the last time. My husband is not helping Shadow,” Lavender cried out.

“Then why in Celestia’s name did he tell us to go here? And who is this Lucid Dream anyway?”

Lavender and Pencil Point both gave a quick glance at each other before going silent.

“We… can’t say…” Rainbow Dash threw her hooves in defeat and flew off.

“Dash! Wait for me,” Pinkie said as she skipped out of the van and followed the multihued pegasus.

The van turned suddenly silent. Applejack was trying to figure out what the drawing meant and Rarity was calming Fluttershy who in the midst of it all broke into another meltdown.

“Did Lucid say anything at all?” Lavender said breaking the silence “Anything that might help?”
The blue mare sat down and tried to think. “He told me that you were coming… and you need help… then he told me to draw this and give it to you…”

“That’s it?” Pencil Point nodded. “Hmmm… do you guys know what this might be?”


“Not a clue my dear”

“It’s… *sniff*… a mausoleum…”

“What?” They all said together. Fluttershy meeped as the rest stared at her in disbelief.

“Why Fluttershy, how on equestria do you know of such a thing?” Rarity inquired

“Ermm… I don’t wanna talk about it… *meep*”

“Very well then,” Rarity took a look at the drawing “but it now begs the question, why would Lucid Dream, whoever he is, want us to have this?”

“Before that, could somepony please clarify what is going on?”

Lavender began to explain on what had happened. From Shadow arriving to Ponyville to the time he abducted Twilight then coming here for help. Pencil Point was shocked to hear of what shadow had done and was now denying Shadow would do such a thing but Lavender then explained that the princess had found detail accounts of Shadow stalking Twilight’s every move and his plan of abducting her. The light blue mare just stood there in disbelief over what she had just heard.

“But… It’s just not like him…” she denied “It’s not like him at all…”

“I know… that’s why we need to find him…”

Pencil Point stomped her front hoof. She looked at the other three ponies with determination. “I think I know what to do,”
Pencil Point went out of the van and yelled “Tintin! Pack up! We’re going to Ponyville,”

“But we just got here,”

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy was dumbfounded by the Pencil Point’s sudden burst of activity. Lavender took one look at them and giggled.

“I think you might want to go get Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie,”

“On it,” Applejack barged out of the van and started galloping through the streets of Canterlot.

“By the way, Lavender?” Rarity politely asked “Who in carnations did your mane? It’s just awfully dreadful”
Lavender just smiled.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked as Shadow hooked wires onto the three black rings on her horn. Her hooves were bounded to a metal plate that she was now lying on. The room she was currently in was different then her previous dungeon. It was filled with mechanical and electronic equipment just like her lab under the library but the equipment here were unknown to her or were just to advance for her understanding.

Shadow just quietly smiled and continued with his business, only sporadically talking to an orange and yellow scaled dragon for assistance. Twilight franticly looked around the room and at the machinery she was being hooked on. She tried to examine it from where she was. Trying to understand what was going on.

Apparently, the wires that were fastened to the rings on her horn lead to another set of rings and then running through a huge mechanical contraption to which she saw what seemed to be a control panel of sorts and a scale that went from 0–9000. To her left she could see the door. If she could only use her magic she would’ve been able to free herself.

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” Shadow’s voice bellowed across the room

“Shadow I’m sorry but I’m not going to let you do the transfer without me testing this out first!” argued the dragon.
Shadow kicked the air behind him with frustration. “Alright then we better get this done fast. We’re wasting time as it is.”
The dragon nodded and started to pull a few levers on the control panel. Instantly, different multicolored lights began to flash all around the room. The sound of mechanical gears began to hum while the sounds of bits and pieces of metal grinding with each other echoed and clanked.

“Start the test at normal and then we’ll try it at full,” Shadow ordered. The dragon nodded and turned a dial. The contraption went into overdrive as electricity began to flow outwards through a series of wires and then ending at Twilight’s horn. The black rings began to glow a deep purple that was in sync with Twilight’s horn which was also started glow.

“1350, just over the normal magic level of a standard unicorn” shouted the dragon over the sound of the machine.

“Now let’s see what she’s really made of,” the dragon turned the dial to maximum as the device immediately began to shiver and quake. The black rings were now brightly shining. Twilight began feel as if she was overfilled with energy. Her eyes began to glow as a magical energy leaked out of her engulfing her in an aura of magic. Her bounds dissipated into thin air as they were unable to withstand the intensity.

“The scale is sky rocketing!” Twilight’s aura began to randomly shoot objects in the room with magic. “3000… no… 5000… OH SHIT!!! IT’S OVER 9000!!!!”

“SHUT IT DOWN! SHE’ll OVERHEAT THE REACTOR CORES!!” Shadow hastily started turning off the machine. The aura surrounding Twilight began to subside. She felt exhausted as if she had run a marathon.

She rubbed the burning sensation that she now felt from her horn. It was only then did she realize she was no longer bounded. She looked at her kidnappers, both of which were checking bits and pieces of the machine. She silently dragged herself off the metal plate. Taking one cautious step at a time, she went for the door.

“I told you the machine couldn’t handle her,” the dragon said to his partner

Shadow sighed “How long till its operational?”

“I don’t know,” the machine suddenly gave off a spark “A day or two, I guess. I’m going to have to do some modifications.”

“Well, then I’m just go…” Shadow had turned around and to his horror Twilight was gone, the door wide open. “FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU”

Twilight heard a loud scream from behind her but she pushed it aside. She had to get out and fast. She quickly went through torch lit passageway. It seemed like she was in a catacomb of sorts. Suddenly she found herself in a large square room triple the size of the room she had just been. There were corridors on all sides.

“Where’s the exit?” She thought to herself. She began to panic. She looked behind her, there was no one there. She then remembered that she could use her magic. She anxiously started to pull the rings on her horn off but to her dismay, the rings were still lodged to her horn and the pulling made the burning sensation only worst. She stomped her hooves in frustration.

“Don’t move,” Twilight froze as she heard a voice, no, a whisper close to her ears. She blink and there right in front of her stood a cream colored colt on his hind hooves while he pointed a blade that was attached to the side of his right hoof at her.
The colt flicked his long ghastly mane. Twilight tried to move but the colt quickly pushed the blade towards and left it inches away from stabbing her. Twilight heard the clopping of hooves behind her.

“Twilight… you shouldn’t run off so suddenly… we’re not done with you yet.” The dragon quickly grabbed the violet unicorn.

“Stop… let go off me… please…”

Whack. The dragon had hit Twilight’s head causing her to black out.

“Ironhide! Be careful,” Ironhide just grunted as he took Twilight back to her cell. The cream colored colt sheathed his blade and went on all four. “Swift Whitemane,It’s a good thing you caught her before she got out. I’m so glad you’re on our…”

“I do what I’m paid to do Bright Shadow. Don’t you forget about that,” Whitemane turned around and within moments disappeared into the shadows.

“I never did,”

“So what are we doing here again?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Pencil Point continued on with her drawing not taking notice to her surroundings. She had placed a very large canvas on one of the walls of Cobalt’s store and was now drawing a life size illustration of the picture from before.

“Well…” Cobalt started to explain “Pencil point thinks that Lucid Dreams might have given her a picture of where Twilight might be held. Seeing as the picture is a mausoleum and the person behind the abduction is Bright Shadow, I’m guessing she’s right.”

“And how is a large drawing gonna help?” Applejack asked as she scratched her head.

“And who in Equestria is Lucid Dreams,” Rainbow Dash butted in. She sounded a bit irritated.

“Lucid Dreams is a friend of ours. That is all I can say. As for the picture…”

“Done,” Pencil Point smiled proudly over her masterpiece. The artwork was miraculous. The wall now looked as if it had been torn down and on the other side was the dark and gloomy stone building. “You ready Cobalt?”

“Wait a darn second. You still didn’t answer the question.”

“Do you want to save your friend or not?” Cobalt took his violin and his bow

“Yeah, but…”

“Then there is no time to explain”

Cobalt began to play a low and eerie tone. The notes he played brought everypony there to shivers. He swung his hair aside to reveal a horn underneath. It started to glow a bright blue as he channeled his magic to his violin. Pencil Point’s horn also started to glow as she pointed it towards the large portrait.

The music started to get more invigorating and upbeat. Everypony there felt a sudden warmth overwhelming them. Pencil Point’s horn began to glow more brightly and with more intensity. The portrait began to glow and within minutes the whole group felt a cool breeze coming from the picture.

Cobalt slowly let the music die out as Pencil Point stopped the spell.

The picture was now moving. The trees in the background were swaying. A flash of lightning cracked in the sky as the thunder was heard all around the room.

“What in tarnations?”

“It’s amaterialization spell,” Pencil Point said as she grinned ear to ear. “I learned it a few years after I got my cutie mark.”
She showed them her flank and there it was a pencil with three black blobs under it. “The materialization spell lets me make anything I draw come to life. In this case I made the drawing real so we could just pass through it and go there in an instant.”

“Then why didn’t we do it in Canterlot?” the blue pegasus cried out

“Well because I couldn’t do it alone. I needed Cobalt to...”

“Yes, what was that exactly,” Rarity interrupted “I felt so refreshing and so warm inside”

“Yeah, I’ve never felt so happy and so full of energy as if I could just party all night long,” Pinkie began to bounce and pop randomly around the room knocking down a few instrument that were there.

“Hey watch it! Those things are fragile!”

“Another thing,” Applejack fixed her hat which pinkie pie had just popped out of “You never told us you were a unicorn,”

“First of all, you never asked. Second, that was a type of auditory magic. Depending on what song, it conjures different effects. The song I just played increases a pony’s strength and ability from within him or herself.

“All this magic fro fro is giving me one heck of a headache,”

“Well don’t worry about it,” Pencil Point took her satchel “Let’s go save that friend of yours. Tintin, you coming?”

“I think I’ll pass boss,”

Pencil Point shrugged “Suits you,”

Pencil Point took a deep breath and stepped into the picture. It started to ripple as if it was water. Once she was on the other side she took a look behind her. A picture of the music shop lay suspended in mid air. The next one to go through the picture was Rainbow Dash and then one by one the others went through. Rarity and Fluttershy had remained just in case Twilight was able to free herself and come back.

Pencil Point’s eyes widened as Cobalt and Lavender came through the portrait.

“I thought you didn’t want to tag along?” She asked

Cobalt shrugged and smiled “Well it has been awhile since I was on the field…”

Pencil Point replied the smile “That’s the Cobalt I know,”

They continued on into the mausoleum. An old cobblestone stairway leads them down to the catacombs below. The dark passages only lit by the dim lights of the torches that seemed to have been recently put up.


“Did ya’ll just hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“I swear I heard something,”


“There it is again,”

“I heard that too,”

They all started to look around, trying to find were the noise came from. Slowly in front of them from out of the shadows they saw a hoard of skeletons wearing metal armor coming closer and closer.

“You think they’re all friendly?” Applejack asked as she readied herself for an attack

“I don’t know, why don’t you ask?”

The horde immediately charged at the group, steel swords in their mouths. Applejack stomped the ground which caused some of them to be stunned. Quickly Rainbow Dash took this opportunity to grab them and smash them onto the walls. Pinkie Pie had suddenly pulled out what seemed to be bottles filled with red liquid and were now throwing them at the skeletons. Rainbow Dash eyed her in confusion.

“What?”Pinkie shrugged “Everyone knows healing kills undead,”

“This is going nowhere,” Pencil point shouted to the rest. “There’s too many of them,”

“Go,” Cobalt shouted back “Lavender and I will handle these. Go take care of Shadow and save Twilight,”

Applejack charged straight into the horde making way for Pinkie and Pencil Point while Rainbow Dash flew from above. The horde quickly surrounded both Cobalt and Lavender.

“You ready honey?” Cobalt readied his violin and his bow

“Ready when you are sweetie,” Lavender said.

Cobalt started to play a very catchy and happy melody. Immediately vines started to grow from the ground covering the floor. Lavender used her magic to wrap the vines around the skeletons and squash them.

“It so good to be back on the field,”

Pencil Point and the others had finally reached a large room with corridors spreading on each side.

“Now what?” Asked Rainbow Dash “Which way do we go?”

“How am I suppose to know,” Pencil Point retaliated

Suddenly Rainbow Dash was knocked out of the air and fell to the floor. A cream colored earth pony landed next to her. He slammed his right front hooves to his side and a blade slid out from a gauntlet that had been equipped to it. He quickly placed the blade to Rainbow Dash’s throat before she could pick herself up.

Applejack readied herself for an attack but the cream colored earth pony pushed the blade closer to Rainbow Dash.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,”

Applejack gave a snort and backed down. Pencil Point took one look at the mysterious pony and gave a gleeful smile

“Whitemane? Is that you?”

Whitemane glanced at Pencil Point and was stunned in his place. He backed up a bit and sheathed his blade back into the gauntlet. “Pencil Point?”

Rainbow Dash took this opportunity and tackled Whitemane to the ground. Pencil Point rushed towards her and shoved her off of him.

“Rainbow Dash, He’s one of us.”

“He attacked me!”

“He’s only doing he’s job. Well… are you?”

Whitemane picked himself up and brushed off some of the dirt. “Yes I am. Shadow is paying me to guard the catacombs from any intruders.”

He looked at her with a slight confusion “Why are you here?”

“Shadow kidnapped the Princess’s star student and we came here to save her. Wait… you know that don’t you?”
Whitemane was silent.


“YOU KNEW AND YOU STILL TOOK THE JOB!?” Whitemane rubbed his newly slapped cheeks.

“What was I suppose to do Pencil Point? After M.B.S. everything just went downhill. At least you had your bread business. All I have is this. This is all I know.”

“But I never thought you would ever stoop so low,” Pencil Point turned away, unable to bear looking at him.

“You know, I still owe you money,”


“Maybe it’s about time I repay it,”

Pencil Point glared at Whitemane. “Well, it’s a start,”

Whitemane smiled. “Twilight is in a cell a few feet in that direction.”

He pointed to a corridor that was west of the large room. “Shadow is in his lab up front,”

“You guys take Twilight and get her out of here, Whitemane and I will handle Shadow,”

Rainbow Dash nodded and led Applejack and Pinkie Pie towards Twilight’s direction. Pencil Point approached Whitemane.

“You do know you owe me a lot of bits, don’t you?”

“Well I guess I’m just gonna have to guard you till I finish it,”

Pencil Point gave a small peck on his cheeks and it immediately went red.

“It’s so good to see you again,”

“How long will it take?” Shadow inquired as he paced around the lab

“Just a few adjustments here and there and it should be done,” Ironhide responded

“Well better hurry up they’ll be here any…”

The wooden door threw wide open as Whitemane and Pencil Point barged in.

“Whitemane! What the hell?”

“I got a better offer. Deal with it.” Whitemane equipped his blade and took up an attacking position.

Pencil Point took out her sketch book and pencil. “Shadow, what’s going on here?”

“Ahh, Pencil Point. It’s been awhile,”

“Cut the crap Shadow. Why did you kidnap Twilight?”

Shadow sighed “Years ago, when I was studying at Celestia’s school of gifted Unicorn’s, I had heard that the Princess was in search of an apprentice. I studied my…”

“Yes yes… you studied but the princess had chosen Twilight instead. What does this have anything to with all of this,”

“It has everything to with all of this. Don’t you see? If she chose Twilight because of her potent magic then all I have to do is take that magic and the princess will have no choice but to choose me.”

“That’s insane! Taking her magic will KILL her!”

“Then so be it!”

Pencil Point gently placed a hoof on her face. “What happened to you? This is not the Bright Shadow that I know. What happened to helping ponies with their troubles?”

“HELPING PONES? Have you any idea what has happened to the other’s when M.B.S. was disbanded?”

“Well…” Pencil Point was staggered

“Well let me tell you,” Shadow began “Solid Tube is now a common guard because of that god damn arrow, The Longcast Sisters lost their home and are going from one town to the next, Switch is still in Trottingham in that small dump he calls a workshop and don’t get me started on Harbinger,”

“The fact is, we did all we could to help ponies but what have they done to help us? NOTHING! All I am doing is taking what I deserved,”

Pencil Point sighed “I’m sorry Bright Shadow but you leave me no choice,”

“Vice versa”

Shadow’s horn began glow a dark navy as skeletons emerged from the ground. Whitemane zipped passed the skeletons and with a leap tried to strike the dark blue unicorn but mid-air he was tackled by Ironhide and the both continued to scuffle on the ground. Pencil Point, who was drawing at the time, crumpled up the piece of paper she was drawing on and lifted it up into the air. The crumbled up paper abruptly began to burn with an intense blue flame. The blue flame quickly subsided as the smoke from it began to take shape and solidify into a large bear.

The bear quickly charged into the group of skeletons attacking them with such ferocity and after each one of them was subdued, the bear exploded into bits and pieces of paper.

“Ahh, it seems you improved since we last met,” commented Shadow “But it’s hardly enough to outmatch me,”

Shadow’s horn began to glow more fiercely as he concentrated all his magic into his next spell. A pentagram emerged in front of him. Green fire sparked ablaze as a big horned demon was summoned in front of her eyes.

Pencil Point franticly started to draw as fast as she could but the demon was already charging for an attack. “Whitemane!! A little help here!!”

Whitemane kicked Ironhide aside knocking him towards the wall causing him to blackout. He quickly engaged the demon but his attacks were quickly brushed off. The demon threw a few jabs at Whitemane to which he quickly evaded. He slashed one of its horns cutting it in half. The Demon roared in anger and began to flail its arms around in rampage.

“You done yet Pencil Point?” yelled Whitemane as he dodged the rampaging arms.

“Just… about… DONE!” She threw the paper to the ground and just like before, it burst into blue flames and from the smoke came a large blue Dragon. The dragon took a deep breath and out of the depths of his throat came an intense flame that went hurling towards the demon. Whitemane quickly leapt in the air escaping the flames by just inches before landed right next to Pencil Point. The flames incinerated the demon and as it died out all that was left were ashes.

“I’ve underestimated you,” Shadow said slyly. “But this next… Is that music?”

A soft tune could be heard from within the room. Pencil Point took a quick look behind her and noticed Cobalt playing his violin with Lavender standing next to him.

“53 steps forward, 20 steps to the right” Lavender whispered into Cobalt’s ear. He nodded and increased the volume of his playing.

“Ahh Cobalt, I’m glad to… oh wait… I know this song…” Suddenly the earth beneath him covered his legs locking them into place. He tried to blink out from his imprisonment but suddenly Cobalt changed to an eerie tone. Pencil Point’s sketch book and pencil fell from its levitated state. “Damn you COBALT! How could you do this to me?”

“You played me for a fool Shadow. You had me help you in finding Twilight and for that alone, I resent you.”

“ARRRRRGGGHHHHH” Shadow began to throw a tantrum. Twisting and turning around, trying his best to break free but even with his best effort he couldn’t. After awhile, he just stood there, defeated.

The Royal guards came to apprehend Bright Shadow hours later. Later he was admitted to an asylum after he was deemed psychologically unfit. Ironhide on the other hand, served prison time for being an accomplice to the kidnapping.

After they all arrived back into Ponyville, Pinkie threw a big party to commemorate Twilight’s safe return. It was grand. Cobalt played some tunes on his violin as requested by Rarity. Pencil Point and Pinkie Pie shared baking tips. Even Princess Celestia dropped by from her busy schedule to see her favorite pupil unharmed.

But that was not all she was there for. As the party subsided she asked to see Cobalt, Lavender, Pencil Point and Whitemane privately.

“I would like to thank you personally for your help in rescuing Twilight.” the Princess began “But I couldn’t resist in asking all of you about… your past… M.B.S. was it not?”

Cobalt sighed “M.B.S. or Marelaysian Battle Squad was…”

“I am very aware of what M.B.S. was mind you. Equestria does have an espionage service.”

“Then what do you want to know?”

“Nothing, just… I would like to fund the group,”

Pencil Point gasped. “What really?”

Cobalt jaw dropped “But why?”

“It’s very complicated but all I can say is that we need ponies such as yourselves to help not just Equestria but most probably the world.”

“And why us?”

“I have yet to find any other ponies that are as capable as you all are,”

“Why not asked them to help,” Cobalt pointed towards Twilight and the gang.

The princess quickly shook her head. “No, they do not know of the world outside of Equestria and would very like it that it remains that way.”

“Ok, let’s say we do help but what are we actually helping with? Who is the enemy? Who…”

“Oh come on Cobalt,” Pencil Point interrupted “We’re getting our old jobs back. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this?”

“Pencil Point, do remember that M.B.S. was disbanded for a reason,” Cobalt retaliated “I just don’t want what had happened in Cat Town to happen again.”


“I may have been too forward and for that I apologize,” Celestia expressed regret “If it burdens you then you can forget the offer. I will just have to…”

“NO! Just… wait a moment princess,” Pencil Point pulled them all to the side. “Come on guys. This could be our only chance
to back on the field again. To be where we all belong. In the middle of the action.”


“But what Cobalt? This isn’t like before. This isn’t some company that proclaimed itself to be government funded. No. This is the princess we are talking about. Don’t you trust her?”

“Hey I’m just trying to look out for you guys ok.”

“I know but come on didn’t you like being back on the field?”

“Hmm… I’ll agree if the rest are ok with it,”

Whitemane nodded “As long as I’m paid,”

“And you Lavender?” asked Pencil Point

“I go where Cobalt goes,” Lavender smiled

“Then it’s decided!” Pencil Point turned around and went to the princess “We’ll be happy to work under you Princess Celestia.”

“That is great news,” The princess took out a scroll “I already have an assignment for all of you,”

Pencil Point took the scroll and leapt in glee. “M.B.S. is back!”

“Whoa there Pencil Point we still have our first order of business before we can go on the assignment,”

“Our first order of business?” Pencil Point gave Cobalt a bewildered look on her face “And what would that be?”

“We get the others,”