//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Discord's revival part 1 // Story: Bonds never break // by Deidara21 //------------------------------// Recap: (just so you know I suck at recaps) Naruto and Sasuke end up in Ponyville, meet part of mane 6 and Discord is coming back. Also, very, very slight spoilers. So read to chapter 700 if you don't want to be upset. tailed beast=bold Kakashi rolled a scroll out on his new hokage desk. It had smears of blood and ink on it. After hearing news that Kurama was in fact nonexistent in this world, it was clear that both of them were alive. "This is a special reverse summoning scroll, it's an alternation of the fourth hokage's Flying Thunder God technique. Now the catch is it will only bring you to the general area of Kyuubi, the rest is up to you." "Your mission is to bring Sasuke and Naruto back." Sakura nodded, she looked to Sai and Yamato who were both as confident as she was. She remembered earlier how Hinata was pleading for her to come as well but of course, she couldn't. "Don't worry Kakashi-sama, we'll bri-" Before Sakura could finish, the door swung open and Ino rushed inside the office. (Good, they didn't leave yet.) Sai turned around and smiled. "Oh hi beautiful, what brings you here?" Ino held up a bouquet of bush flowers in front of Sai. "For you. In case I don't get to see your ghost pale complexion once again." "Thank-you." Sai took the flowers and stuffed them into his backpack. He stared down at the wooden floor planks. (What should I do next?) Before Sai could react, Ino went up and tightly hugged Sai. Tears started pouring down her cheeks, realizing how much she would miss those deep black eyes and that chocolate brown hair. "Please comeback okay...Sai..." Ino begged. "Of course I will, beautiful." "Don't worry Ino, we'll be fine." Sakura reassured. "And I also have to worry about you, won't I?" Ino joked. "Seems you're always getting into trouble." Sakura pumped her fist. "You're going to eat those words Ino. Just wait and see." "Ahem! Sakura, Sai, and Yamato. Place your hand on the scroll, to begin your mission. I wish you best of luck and please...please comeback. Please bring back team 7." "We will...Kakashi-sama." Yamato promised. "We'll bring them back." Applejack looked up in the sky, pink clouds were swirling above them and brown rain started to fall down like crazy. "Rainbow dash, what's with the rain? Er chocolate milk...I mean chocolate milk rain?" "There's crazy weather all over Equestria! Cloudsdale is getting soaked by cola right now but don't worry! I'm gonna get this fixed!" Rainbow dash reassured. Pinkie pie caught sight of Naruto and ran straight towards him. "Hey! I finally found you!" Pinkie pie exclaimed as she pounced on Naruto. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Anyways! WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!" Pinkie pie yelled. "What...the...who are you?!" Naruto asked. "My name is PINKIE PIE! How about you?" "Naruto..." Pinkie pie got off of Naruto, she turned to Sasuke who was nearby. She started to run towards him but he simply got out of the way. "...HELLO STRANGER! WELCOME TO-" "Shut-up already." Sasuke cut off. "Hm. Looks like someone has a case of the grumps!" Rarity finally caught up to them, she held up her umbrella high and walked over to Sasuke and Pinkie pie like she meant it. "Hello Sasuke, can you believe the weather today?" Rarity confidently asked. "...you're the person I met before, right?" Sasuke asked. "No, no. That was my uh...clumsy twin sister." "And you're name is...?" "Rarity." "Hm...Intresting." Rarity turned her head to Applejack. "Also, if there's anything you need without me getting physical, I'll be glad to help!" Rarity chirped. "Gee, thanks Rarity." *random noise* Catching their attention an apple of a nearby tree started growing uncontrollably. A squirrel popped up from behind the tree and started snacking on the giant thing. Another rabbit also popped up and chomped into the giant apple. A shy, yellow pony appeared from behind the large apple. "Angle, I don't think you should've done-" The rabbit's legs started to grow into deer-like legs, three times the size of a regular pony. Fluttershy's eyes bulged out after seeing her rabbit change into a deer-elk thing. "H-how is that even possible?!" Fluttershy watched as her rabbit-deer started to trot off. (I must be...going crazy...) Twilight along with Spike ran up to the group with a spell book. "Don't worry guys! I learned this spell that will fix EVERYTHING!" Twilight stopped and shot a beam up into the sky. The beam exploded with a purple, blue shockwave taking effect. Blasting through all the weird oddities in Ponyville. Twilight looked up from her spellbook. Absolutely nothing changed and it was a complete waste of time and magic. "My failsafe spell...failed..." Twilight sighed in disbelief. Spike looked around. "What now? Should we just give up?" "No. That's never an option...time for plan B..." Twilight looked up. "Hey! Rainbow! Could you corral all the clouds into one corner of the sky?" "On it!" Twilight turned her head to Applejack. "Applejack, bring down all the high-strung clouds to earth!" As Rainbow dash spun one last time around the mass of pink cloudd, a rope flew up and tightly circled around the clouds. Applejack clenched the rope in her mouth and pulled the clouds down. "What the...hey!" Pinkie pie yelled after realizing the sudden shortage of chocolate rain. Twilight walked over to Fluttershy and whispered something in her ear, making her worried face, instantly brighten up. "Ahem! I sure do hope none of the animals see any of the chocolate filled cotton candy clouds!" Fluttershy called out. As the animals' ears perk up, Applejack tied down the rope to a nearby fence. Fluttershy cleared her throat and yelled a little louder. "I'd hate to have to share those delicious bundles of joy!" "Speaking of...what is cotton candy anyways?" Naruto questiongly asked. Pinkie pie's mouth hung wide open. "You don't know what cotton candy is?!" Naruto shook his head. "Nope. Never tried it." Pinkie pie pulled out a small amount of cotton candy and stuffed it into Naruto's face. Naruto's face instantly brightened after tasting the wonderful piece of candy. "This is...so AMAZING! Why don't they have this at Konoha?!" "You're telling me!" Suddenly a crowd of critters rushed past them, they started gorging on the cotton candy. Naruto dramatically fell on the ground and lifted up a single hoof. "NOOOOOOO!" "Get up, blockhead." Sasuke remarked. Naruto rolled over to meet Sasuke's face. "Shut-up duck-ass!" "Guys, guys, guys! This is no time to fight each other! I mean what kind of friendship is built on fighting each other." Naruto got himself up and walked over to the rest. "You wouldn't believe, Pinkie pie." Spike sucked in a huge amount of air and spewed out a fiery, green fire blast which magically solidified into a scroll. Twilight levitated it towards her and skimmed through it. "...! Princess Celestia needs us immediately! We need to go to Canterlot right now!" Sasuke and Naruto glanced at each other. "Us too...?" "Of course!" "Wait...who are these ponies?" Applejack asked, motioning to Naruto and Sasuke. "We'll do introductions during the train ride okay, now let's go!" Princess Celestia's palace... Everyone ran in the palace to meet the Princess. "Princess Celestia! We came as fast as we could! Before you ask, this is Naruto and Sasuke!" Celestia walked down the stairs, from the tone of her voice, you could tell it was an urgent situation. "Thank-you Twilight and hello...Naruto and...Sasuke. Now...follow me." The group followed Celestia down a stained-glass hall. "It seems an old-foe of mine, a foe I thought I defeated long ago...has returned." "His name is Discord." *silence* Celestia continued. "Discord is the mischievous spirit of harmony. Many years ago, Equestria was ruled by him, in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. My sister and I saw how miserable life was for all ponies alike so after discovering the elements of harmony we combined our powers and rose up against him. Turing him to stone." "...Why didn't you just kill Discord?" Sasuke abruptly asked. (...he's like my sister...) "Because, killing doesn't solve problems. It only creates." She continued. "I thought the spell would-" "Cut to the chase already. We don't have the time for you to be droning on." Sasuke once again cutoff. "...You're a very impatient pony are you? Very well, ahem! Use the elements of harmony to beat Discord and restore balance once again to Equestria." Celestia stopped at a special door. "This is Canterlot tower, where you will find the Elements of harmony." Twilight bowed her head down. "I'm sorry for his rudeness. He's just not in the best mood today but despite that, we won't let you down Princess Celestia!" Celestia nodded, she put her horn through the hole of a gold sunburst. She hit with a quick shot of magic then she backed away. A vivid blue light shined through the door, in a few seconds, the door slid open, revealing a bejeweled box. Rarity's jaw dropped when she saw the marvelous structure, well the box to be more exact. "...You can keep the elements! I'll take the case!" Celestia flapped her wings open, her eyes softened up a bit. "Have no fear, my little ponies. I believe in all of you completely that you will defeat Discord once again..." Celestia levitated the box towards her. "...with these." She flipped the box open, revealing absolutely nothing making all of that talk and lecture completely pointless. Pinkie pie started trotting away. "Oh well. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside guzzing down all the rain!" Naruto started to follow her as well. "And I'll be eating all the leftover cotton candy!" "The elements...THEY'RE GONE!" Twilight gasped. "Well no shit, Twilight." Sasuke then used his horn and levitated both Pinkie and Naruto back to the group. (Easy. Like I expected.) Celestia started to pace back and forth. "That doesn't even make any sense...there's no way he could've..." "Could've what?" A random voice asked. "Discord! Show yourself!" The puppet image on one of the stained glass windows started to move. "Did you miss me, Celestia?" Window Discord caught sight of Naruto and Sasuke. "Oh boy ponies? I haven't seen one of those since hm...1992." Celestia slammed her hoof on the ground. "Enough! I am the Primcess of Equestria-" "Ah yes, but sadly not the queen." "...what have you done with the elements, Discord?" "Oh. I borrowed them just for the slightest bit." "You'll never get away with this Discord." "Oh," Discord started reclining on the window pedestal. "I think I already have." "HEY! No pony insults the princess!" Rainbow charged full charge at Discord only to smack her head against the glass window. "And you must be Rainbow dash, famed for her loyalty, that must be your element of harmony." Rainbow dash puffed out her chest and extended her wings. "You hit that right! I will always be loyal to the Princess!" "Mm-hm." "I can not believe we're wasting time talking to such a tacky window." Rarity commented. "Oh, the beautiful Rarity." Discord playfully hissed. "Representing the element of generosity, well, the more or less." Applejack walked up to Rarity in an attempt to defend her. "So you happen to know us, big deal." "Well...not everyone, honest Applejack." Discord empathized, eyeing to Naruto and Sasuke. "But in due time, I will." Naruto's rasengan started swirling around his horn. "I'm tired of you Discord! Come out of the window right now!" "That would be a no." "Stop teasing us Discord!" Twilight yelled. "That would be yet another no, Twilight, with the strongest element of them all; magic. Oh and Fluttershy's kindness and my favorite, Pinkie pie's laughter." "Who do you think you are?!" Naruto demanded. "Discord of course. Element of disharmony." "Shut the hell up already and tell us where the elements are, right now!" Naruto yelled. "Oh, potty mouth are you? Fine. I'll tell you in my way. Ahem! To retrieve your missing elements. Just make sense of this change of events. Twist and turns are my master plan, then find the elements back where you began." "Ciao, now." With that, Discord left, echoing the halls in a fit of laughter. Fluttershy bent down and covered herself. "Can we go home now?" Applejack started to ponder. "What do you reckon he meant? Twist 'n' turns and startin' back where we started?" Twilight started to pace around, thinking of one of the second to last stanza in the rhyme. (Twist and turns...twist and turns...) Twilight stopped pacing and looked out of the towering window. Through it, she saw a gloomy looking labyrinth, that's when she had it. "Bingo! The elements must be hidden in the labyrinth!" The team started to run off. "Good luck my little ponies, the fate of the world rest in your hooves!" Celestia called out. "Thanks Princess! We won't let you down!" The maze entrance... The team lined up and the entrance of the maze. Fluttershy started to cower again, thinking of the trials they would have yo face in the creepy maze. "We'll have to go through that?!" "No. I have a faster way." Sasuke reassured, though he didn't have any fingers, he hoped to use the jutsu just by smacking his hooves together. "Fire release: Great fireball tech-" A sudden flash and Sasuke's horn was gone. "Dammit!" Sasuke yelled. Several more flashes and Rainbow dash's along with Fluttershy's wings were gone. One more flash and the once unicorns were now earth ponies. "We can't do any jutsu..." Naruto said in disbelief. "Just like that time I was framed in prison..." A ball of light appeared before them, in seconds the ball of light transformed into Discord. "Ha-ha! You should've all seen the look on your faces, priceless!" "Give us our wings and horns!" Twilight demanded. "You'll get them back in due time." Discord motioned to Applejack. "I only took them to ensure no one cheats. You see, the first rule of our game is no flying, magic or juke, whatever you two call it. Was it technique or...whatever, none of that." "And the second rule?" Sasuke asked, a rather bit forced. "Everypony has to play or the game is over and your's truly wins. I wish you all, best of luck." With that he snapped his paw then disappeared. "Never fear anypony! We can all do this!" Twilight reassured. "Together!" Everyone...I mean pony took a step into the maze, only for a row of hedges to emerge from the ground and separate them all. "Oook. Plan B. Everypony head to the middle as fast as you can then we'll regroup from there!" "Dattebayo!" Naruto called out. "Whatever." Sasuke remarked. "Yee-haw!" Applejack yelled "Moving-out!" Rainbow dash yelled. "See you guys there!" Pinkie pie exclaimed. "See you in the center!" Rarity added. As everyone started running off, Fluttershy looked around, finished from hyperventilating. "...what the...who...GIRRRLS!" Fluttershy screamed. Sasuke cut around a corner, and started running straight ahead at full speed. Just as he was about to cut around another corner, he immediately stopped. He saw his brother, standing there with his back turned. Showing the Uchiha clan symbol. Sasuke turned around and walked the other way. It was just...wishful thinking. A surge of guilt started to spawn in his chest but he dismissed it and kept on walking. "...Sasuke...you're just going to leave your older brother?" Itachi stoic-ly asked. Sasuke stopped. It wasn't even possible. "...Itachi...?" He turned around and galloped towards her older brother. Itachi motioned towards Sasuke, he poked his forehead. "This is the last time Sasuke, I promise." Tears started uncontrollably falling down his pale blue cheeks. "...Itachi...everything thing you ever done for me...and I..." Itachi grabbed Sasuke's duck butt hair and pulled him up so their eyes could fully meet. "Messed it up. You messed it all up, Sasuke. It's all your fault." Itachi's eyes started glowing yellow, red rings started swirling around his eyes. "So why don't I brighten your attitude? And then maybe you'll see things in a new light." Itachi hissed in a completely foreign voice. Itachi dropped Sasuke, he disappeared leaving Sasuke to suffer. Sasuke slowly got up, the color of his already pale coat drained out to a dull gray. The hedge just behind him, fell into the ground. Revealing a worried Twilight. "Sasuke! I'm so glad I found out!" Twilight exclaimed. "Um...who were you talking to? I heard voices." Sasuke turned around. He smiled? "It doesn't really matter who I was talking to when I'm laying my eyes on the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria." Sasuke pulled out a random rose. "For you. A rose almost as pretty as you." Twilight jumped back a little. "Are you hitting on me, Sasuke?!" "The question doll, is it working?" "What?!" Just beyond them, Naruto was running through the thick twist and turns. He looked around. "Left or eh...right?" Kurama, not noticing what at all was happening, recently woke up. He looked ahead to see a weird combined animal staring at him. "The hell? How'd you get here?!" "I can do whatever I want. This is after all my universe. Let me just borrow some of your power here and there then I'll be off." Kurama smirked. "Heh. I would like to see you try." "Gladly." Discord said with a playful smirk. Naruto felt a stabbing pain in his chest, he felt weaker. He opened his eyes to see he was somehow in Kurama's den...only it was different. He looked down, his hooves were replaced with orange, furry paws. Discord walked up to Naruto who was now behind the cage. Even Discord looked different, he know had orange fox ears and an orange tail growing out of his body. "It's not fun being looked upon as a demon, is it?" Naruto started getting paranoid. "...What're you going to do?!" "I'm simply letting you see yourself how everyone else saw you back then. A demon. Now let's turn the tables. What if those who changed your life, never existed?" "Those who changed my...what happened to Kurama?!" "I'm going to let you see life a new way." Discord started deeply, hypnotically into Naruto's eyes. Making him become tranced. "Welcome to Ponyville, Menma."