//------------------------------// // Returning to a life of death // Story: To The End:Eternal Night // by Kickass222urmom //------------------------------// Chapter 2 Fade looked at the crowd of Nightblades, all cheering at his speech. He felt pride at being the one to lead those brave ponies into a final battle. This battle will decide who lives and who dies. He was hooping that they would come out of this battle the victor. He stiffened up and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Nightblades! Lets move out and show Nightmare Moon hell." The Nightblades cheered and began to move out, to battle. Fade hopped he wasn't sending them to their deaths. 5 hours later, 30 minutes into battle Large Ridge, 6 miles from Nightblades HQ Cole hit the ground hard, the electric charges still flowing through his body. One of the creatures had shot him with a magical burst from its horn. Cole fought to stay awake, but the energy inside him was to great to withstand. All around him was a bloody battle. Nightblades and Nightmare Moons forces battling it out. A Nightblade fell in front of Cole, head cut in half. One creature was charging towards him, its sword raised in its mouth. Cole raised his hoof with the bracelet and fired it at the the charging creature. Its left side was removed in a rain of gore and blood. Cole looked over to his left to see another creature, this one use to be a unicorn, pointing its horn at him. There was a glow from the horn and a ball of energy flew out of it towards Cole. The ball of magic hit him in the chest, causing him to slide across the ground. This attack was not like the last, this one was meant to break bones and immobilize the target. Cole could feel himself slowly passing out. He fought it and pointed the bracelet at the unicorn creature. Its body split down the middle at taking a direct hit to its front. The battle around him was slowing down, Nightmare Moons forces was winning. He saw a Nightblade pick up a injured comrade and run out of the battle, towards the HQ. He tried to stand, but collapsed in a heap. Then he felt himself being lifted up. "Hang in there Cole. We're retreating back to the HQ." Said a familiar voice. Cole tried to speak, but all that came out was blood. He blacked out. 10 minutes later Stretch of wasteland , 4 miles from Nightblades HQ Fault was pushing him self, running faster than he had in years. He was doing his best to keep up with the other Nightblades. Nightmare Moons forces close behind them. He looked back and saw that some of the Nightblades was falling behind due to their injuries. The creatures closing in fast. He looked to his friend, Flicker, who was keeping pace with him. "Flicker, I want you to help the Nightblades behind us." Fault said in a ragged, dry voice. Flicker looked at him, "What about you?" "I'll do my best to hold them back, buy you and the other sometime to get away." "No, that's suicide!" Fault tripped over his hoof and almost went face first into the ground. "I know my friend, but I must." He looked behind him at the creatures, who was catching up slowly. "Save them my friend, and save yourself." Flicker's eyes widened, "What, don't..." Fault stopped suddenly and turned towards the oncoming horde. He galloped towards them, sword held in his mouth. He ran past the injured Nightblades and stopped. The first creature reached him and swung its sword. Fault back stepped from the blade, then lunged forward, taking off its head. Another one swung at him, slashing a large gash on his side. Fault winched and embedded his blade into its chest. A third one was coming at him. He pulled at his sword, but it was stuck in the creatures chest. The creature reached him and swung its sword at him. Fault jumped to the side and bucked it in the face, causing a sicking crack to be heard. There was a sharp pain in his hind legs. He looked behind him to see that a creature had slashed off his hind legs. He fell to the ground, blood oozing from his two stumps. The creatures slowly advanced upon him, while most went after the other Nightblades. He only was able to them off for a little under thirty seconds. Fault coughed up blood and glanced around. He pulled his hood down to reveal a horn. "I knew this thing would prove useful one day." He said while coughing, "See you all in hell." His horn began to glow brightly as he prepared a spell. A spell taught to all Nightblade unicorns. The spell was meant to be used when all else failed, and your back was against a wall. Every thing that was within fifty feet around him was engulfed in a blinding light. Meanwhile Stretch of wasteland, 2 miles from Nightblades HQ. Everything was shaking slightly, the ground under him didn't feel like the ground, but something soft. Cole slowly came to his senses and quickly noticed that he wasn't on the ground. But instead he was on the back of a Nightblade, a earth pony probably because of the lack of wings. The ground wasn't what was shacking, it was the vibrations from the galloping of the Nightblade under him. Cole looked around him at the passing scenery and Nightblades galloping next to them. He turned his head to look behind him. The creatures were far behind. He coughed and spit out some blood, he needed to get to a medic unicorn and fast. The wind started to blow past him in a fury and a bright light filled the night sky. Cole turned around to see a large dome of light engulfing the ground far behind. Cole coughed again, "Looks like a unicorn is using the fail safe spell. May Celestia rest his soul." He said as he slowly blacked out again. The dome of light slowly fading away, leaving a large crater where it had been. 8 minutes later Nightblades HQ, rehabilitation center. "So am I able to go into combat now?" The nurse looked up at the Pegasus in front of her, a Pegasus with wings that don't fit a Pegasus. The Pegasus's wings was more robotic and machine than feather and bone. The mane and tail was black with red in them, and slightly spiked. His body had red strips on it, like a zebras body. His left ear was slightly torn at the top, evidence of a rough life. His eyes was hidden behind his special goggles, with read lens. The cutie mark was also hidden behind his black cloths, a small cloak with no hood and a smaller version of the Nightblades special operations battle suit that only covered the body and front legs, but he had the sleeves rolled up. The nurse smiled sweetly, "Let me check yours charts." She leaned down and browsed through the folders. "Ah, here we go." "Well, whats it say?" She flipped through it, "It says here that your wings was removed by the Dark ones. And replaced with wings made by the scientist, interesting." He looked around and back at her, "Please, I don't want to talk about it. It was horrible." "Oh of course, I understand." She looked back at the folder, "I don't know about going into combat, it says you need more time to adjust to your wings." The Pegasus shook his head, "I'm fine, those wings work fine with me." "Well, it says you shouldn't do anything physical for a while." "Fine, but I'm going to fight if I have to. I'm not much for just sitting around." She smiled again, and waved him off, "Do want you want, just don't come crying back here when your in pain." A smile broke across his face, "Thanks miss." He turned to leave, but she stopped him. "Wait, just try to rest for a day at least, please Girokon." He turned and smiled warmly, "Sure." She watched him leave, his combat boots thudding against the hard floor, and felt a feeling of concern for him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Girokon walked down the hall, listing to the thuds of his boots against the hard floor. "One days rest, I can do that." He walked to his room and started to open his door when he saw a note stuck to it. It read, 'Girokon, you are to report to the front gate as soon as possible. The HQ is about to be attacked, hurry.' Girokon groaned, "Well, there goes a day of rest." He stretched out his robotic wings, feeling the metal feathers rub against his back as he extended them. "Meh, I think I can do this without a rest." He walked in his room and put his sword on his side. As he turned to leave, he saw a box on his bed. He walked over and examined it, there was a note that said, 'From Necro, please enjoy my old friend.' He smiled, Necro was his oldest friend he had, and he always had something new for him to test out or use. Necro has been in the hospital part of the HQ for the past two months, but it looks like he could still do his work in there. Girokon pulled the top off the box to reveal two bracelets with little devices on the sides. There was a second note, 'Those are weapons that shot out metal projectiles, a project Princess Celestia had me working on before this all happened. Just finished them, so please enjoy. Instructions to reload them are with them, and the ammo for them are also there, plenty to go around.' He laughed at the note, "I see he is still looking out for me. Ummm, interesting, weapons that fire metal projectiles." He looked at one of the rounds, "Don't look dangerous, but if Necro says its a weapon then its a weapon of some kind." He slips them on and loads them using the instructions. He turns for the door and stops. The words from the note on the door finally sinking in, "Wait! The HQ is about to be attacked, why am I just standing here." He galloped out the door and down the hall towards the front gate. He had a long day ahead of him. So much for rest.