//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: Day 3 The eve of the Gala // Story: Something Different // by BlackWingsRed //------------------------------// It was the day before the gala and the girls finally got through the last of what they needed to do for the day. Rarity paced back and forth awaiting her friends to emerge from her makeshift dressing room to admire her work in action. "Are you girls ready yet?" She called hoping the ponies on the other could hear her. "Hold on will ya, this dress is a lot trickier than trying to catch... Oh wait a minute I think I got it now." Applejack responded through the other room. "You know you could just come in and check on us." Added Twilight. "I simply cannot, I rather see my work in all it's glory!..." Rarity stood with all four hooves planted on the ground and her chest puffed out. "But... maybe a little peep won't hurt." She stuck her head into the curtain slowly, then she threw the rest of her body through with extreme giddiness. Her eyes nearly turned into saucers when she saw how well the outfits worked with their color palettes. "They came out better than I expected! They look absolutely ravishing." "I don't see what would get you so excited about these." Rainbow cut in clearly unimpressed. "These look just like our Canterlot Gala outfits." "I don't think a pony like you would be able to notice the little changes I've made." Rarity shot back as she pulled Fluttershy to her side. "I apologize Fluttershy but, I need to borrow your body." "My b-b-b-body for what?" Fluttershy backed away towards the wall. Rarity immediately pulled her back using her magic. "Oh hush now, I didn't mean it like that. Now take notice. I used your old outfits and gave it a much longer skirt. It provides more hoof room to prance about the dance floor and still look positively gorgeous." Rarity took a moment to breath before turning and levitating a chalkboard from another room. "And if you look at how the removal of the elegant over bearing shoulders, creates a suave flow and compliments your manes. And now if you could loo-" she paused as three light knocks could be heard from the living room. "Coming!" Pinkie shouted as she sprang straight out of her dress. "Excuse me? Is Miss Rarity around?" Called a female voice from outside. "Pinkie, please be a dear and let whoever that is in." Rarity began hanging up Pinkie's outfit for the oncoming event. "Oh why hello there Pinkie Pie, I've come to see miss Rarity to purchase a gown for the gala." The mayor stood at the entrance as well as a few other mares and stallions stood behind her. "Looks like I've got some last minute shoppers to attend to. I shall See you tomorrow at dawn." Rarity bided them adieu and tended to her shoppers. The group shortly made their way out of the building through the lines of ponies that had begun to accumulate around the the little shop. It was already evening and the day had already begun its transformation to dusk. "That was fun! I can't wait to see how well tomorrow goes! See you girls later I've got a date with two shortcakes." Pinkie happily hopped around the group and then into the preparing town. "I've gotta go too, I need to help Big Mac haul the baked goods, cider and apples to the mayor's office." Applejack gave a quick look back at her friends before she turned towards the path leading home. "See ya all bright and early tomorrow." "I've got to go too... I need to bring the birds to the DJ for their last recording session and then prepare them for the opening ceremony. See you tomorrow." Fluttershy began to walk down the same path as Applejack before turning onto another path. She waved until she was out of sight. That left just Twilight and Rainbow Dash. "Alright Sparkle, what do you think we can do now?" Rainbow looked eager to do anything. "Just as long as I don't have to deal with-" suddenly, the sounds of thunder in the distance and wings pounding caught her attention. "Rainbow Dash, we need your help with this cloud system!" A light grey Pegasus mare swooped in and landed close by the two friends. "It's a category three and it's coming from the Everfree. It came unexpectedly." "Okay get the rest of the weather squad I'll go ahead and start on it." Rainbow turned over to Twilight who had a look of concern. "Sorry Twilight I gotta go take care of this I'll be back as soon as I can after this." "Okay Rainbow Dash I understand." Twilight replied pulling out a scroll from her saddlebag. "I've done everything on my list so, I'm gonna head home now and check on Spike." With that Rainbow nodded her head towards the grey coated Pegasi. Both of the Pegasi took off simultaneously leaving the purple Unicorn to walk home by herself. "Maybe Spike is home now..." Inside the windmill... Joe laid on his couch wide awake and staring at the ceiling while Spike stood in front of the bookshelf arranging books and notepads. "Are you gonna lay there all day or are you going to tell me about what happened? What in Tartarus gotten you so shaken up?" Spike asked turning his attention towards the human. "They know..." He replied not turning his head away from the ceiling. "Two of them... I've already failed to stay hidden." "Wait who knows? How?" Spike turned away from the bookshelf and took a seat on the armchair. "The Pink one and the Yellow one. They ambushed me yesterday and tried to shoot me with a cannon... A freaking cannon man." He rubbed the top of his head for a bump that used to reside there. "I think you had a run in with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. I know them, they're actually friends of mind and not bad ponies. I think you can trust them." Spike jumped up smiling. "You don't get it. They know I'm not a pony." Joe quickly responded. "Ohh..." Was Spikes only response as he sat back down. "After they knocked me out, I woke up at some little cottage in the woods and-" The scene shifted back to the cottage. "Crap... Crap... Crap crap crap crap... I couldn't even do this right..." Joe panicked and jumped off the couch. Still feeling dizzy, he scooted himself back until he felt a wall behind him. "Hey why don't you want a party?" Pinkie bounced over and looked him in the eye. "I throw the best parties here in Ponyville. Right Fluttershy?" There was no answer. "Fluttershy?" She noticed the pink tail sticking out from under the couch and went over to it. "C'mon Fluttershy you should at least say hi. You're gonna look bad in front of the new-" she quickly went up to their guest. "What are you?" "Uhh?..." Joe responded with a confused expression. "The new Uhh... So at least come on and say hi or something." Pinkie excitedly pulled Fluttershy out by the tail. "H-H-HH-Hi..." Fluttershy stuttered out barely audible words before retreating behind Pinkie. "So you don't even want a single party? I've never met anypony that didn't want to party... Well except for Cranky but that's cause he was very cranky. But then there was that one time..." Pinkie began talking to herself and forgetting all about what was in front of her. Seeing that she was distracted Joe saw his opportunity to snag his pendant that the Pegasus had dropped. His red aura wrapped around the little thing and slid on over into his palm. "-Which brings me back to the topic at hand why don't you want to have a welcome to Ponyville party?" Her attention returned back to her target. He did not answer yet again. "C'mon you can tell me." Joe sighed as the mare got closer. "I just don't want one... I don't really want anyone to know I'm here." He answered with a confused expression. "Where am I?" He thought as he looked around and quickly noticed he was here before. "This is her place." Even the rabbit was there watching from the window sill. He turned his attention back to Pinkie. "Not even a house party?" Pinkie held her head low. "How about a small picnic or something?" She looked very close to crying. "I just can't have anybody know what I am. I'm really sorry." Joe honestly replied clutching the pendant hard. "But can't you just wear that little pendant thingy to look like a Unicorn? That way everypony would just think you were a pony too." Pinkie pointed at the hand with the pendant in it. "I just don't think I can. I just can't have one." Joe tried to stand up but smacked his head on one of the empty birdhouses. "Ouch." He patted the bandages and pulled them off. There was a small amount of dried blood from earlier. "Hey, how long was I out?" "About twenty minutes." Fluttershy quietly hid behind the sofa. He smelled his jacket and noticed how sticky he was. "I really need to get home. It's getting late." Suddenly, Pinkie's eyes lit up signaling that she had just gotten an idea. "Well since you don't want a party now, why don't you at least come to the Gala tomorrow? There's gonna some tasty food and dancing and the Princesses are going to be there. Besides you can wear a cool suit and all sorta of things." "But I don't-" he was interrupted. "No! No No! You're going. You're not leaving until you Pinkie promise that we'll see you there." She had an excitable grin on her face. "Pinkie promise?" He sighed holding his pinkie out like he was ready to do a regular pinkie promise. "I don't think you have enough digits to do it." "No not like that you silly willy, like this." She did the motions and recited the words. "Cross My Heart, Hope to Fly, Stick a Cupcake in my Eye! Now you do it." Joe began to make the motions as Pinkie did them as well. "Cross My Heart, Hope to Fly, Stick a Cupcake in my Ey-oww" at the last part he literally poked his eye. Just as they finished, the sounds of wings flapping and knocking at the front door broke the mood. "Hey Fluttershy? Did Pinkie give you the stuff? Fluttershy?" Came the voice of the Rainbow one. "Oh crap. I've gotta go now! That's one of the ones that's been following me around." Pinkie showed the zipped lips motion as she pointed for them to go into the kitchen. "I'll keep her distracted, Fluttershy you show him the back door." She went to the front door and answered it. "Oh high there Rainbow Dash." "Oh there you are. So, did ya give Fluttershy the stuff like I asked ya? And where is she ? Is she home?"Rainbow dash tried to force the door open but, Pinkie's hooves kept the door from opening. "Well are you gonna let me in?" "Well you see Fluttershy is actually in the bathroom right now." Pinkie shot back as sweat beaded on her forehead. Behind her Fluttershy helped Joe to the back door leading him outside. He threw the pendant on causing the bright flash to make its way into the house. "What was that?! Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash let go of the door letting Pinkie close it. She popped in through the window to find Fluttershy walking out of another room with the sound of a flush behind her. "Oh hi there Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy put on an innocent look as her friend looked her over. "What was that just now? I saw a bright light?" Rainbow seemed troubled. "A bright light?... I didn't see anything." Fluttershy replied feeling rather uneasy. "I coulda sworn I saw something... Nevermind, did you get those weird boot things? Rainbow quickly changed the subject. Outside, Joe had gotten some distance from the cottage and sighed with his head low to the ground. Back in the Windmill. "Either way I'm screwed..." The human finished placing his arm over his head. "Stop being such a drama queen. You can trust them." Spike replied throwing himself back onto the armchair. His eyes floated back towards the books on his shelf. "You've got some books that we don't even have at the Library yet. The Princesses must really see a lot of potential to give you the latest stuff." He quickly changed the subject. "Tomorrow is the Gala, you really should go." "Like I have a choice... The pink one made me promise." Joe replied rather sadly. "I've gotta go, it looks like Twilight's gonna be home soon and we've gotta rest up for tomorrow. I'll bring a few more books over for you after the Gala so see ya there." Spike picked up a few scrolls and put them into his bag and headed towards the door. "Take care." The human let out before sighing and watching the door shut. The room was quiet except for the lulling sound of the windmill. He attempted to fight the urge to sleep by sitting up. With a few blinks he closed his eyes. When he opened it again he was in the white void. "Oh great this again." The sound of a party favor being blown snapped him out of his sleepy daze. He turned his head to see the scarlet suited man sitting in the armchair spike was just on. "Congratulations you've once again exposed yourself to ponykind." "C'mon man I'm not in the the mood." Joe replied turning his gaze away. "What are you talking about? This is great, you know that! You're the great Canterlot Monster, the very same one that infiltrated the Royal Castle and had performed a curse on everypony's great leader... Says the post in the papers." A large newspaper appeared behind him. The newspaper lined up just enough so that it looked like just having him sitting on the couch was the main headline. The human refused to change his expression. "Fine... Onto something serious then." Giving up, he slumped himself back in defeat. "I've come to give you a warning." Joe turned his head to listen. "There is something coming your way and there's no way you can stop it." "Stop what?" The now curious human thought aloud. "There is an event coming. An event that will try to change everything. This event could very well endanger your well being and the lives of others." The old man softly spoke. "What the heck are you talking about?" Joe tried to stand up but found it quite difficult to do so. "Why do I feel so heavy?" "I thought it would've been better for you to remain seated. I can't tell you when and what this event is nor when it would be. Take my words to heart when I say this. You're never going to be safe... Not for a long time." The old man's face gained a more impeding tone. "Not all of the ponies in this world are good, not at all. Some will try to many ways to ensure whatever they want happens... Unless you side with me." "So that is what this is about..." Joe began struggling to make himself move. His hands were the first to be free followed by the rest of his body. "I'm going out." He stood up and put the pendant on. Once transformed, he shook his head and walked into the space. "Going out to where exactly?" The old man placed a kazoo in his mouth and tooted out a tune. "I guess I'll speak to you later then." He continued his time watching the now unicorn walk out. His hoof reached out until he pushed against something large. "Well lookie there. He found his own way out of here." He walked through the doorway and shut it. Outside. Red walked slowly away from the windmill without any thoughts on what to do. He began to walk aimlessly into the streets. Spike had gone home, he had already practiced magic at the field, the windmill was cleaned, already got groceries in the kitchen and thankfully no one was following him at least to his knowledge. He walked quietly along the grounds for the gala. While on the way to the library Twilight walked in silence as well, going over a scroll. "Tomorrow is gonna be so fun... But... Why do I feel like it isn't?" She stopped and stared along the path feeling unease towards what's in store for them tomorrow. She approached the Library but, did not enter. Sure enough Spike was home, the lights were on and the aroma of something cooking was in the air. "I just need a walk, clear my mind a bit how about a little bit of star gazing. Let me just..." Her horn lit up and one of her telescopes floated down and gently tucked itself into the saddle bag. "Spike wouldn't mind if I just left this here." She pulled out a piece of paper wrote a quick message and slid it under the door. She sighed and began to walk her way through the town. Everyone trotted through town adding last minute decorations and getting whatever they needed for tomorrow ready. The ponies faces were filled with glee and nothing was going to ruin the gala. She confidently made her way through the town unhindered by the still awake town. Along the gala area. Red continued to walk around and examined the rest of the area. "Bluish, purplish, dark bluish, bluish again." He continued to repeat the patterns of the color scheme until he came up to a board that listed the events. "The Pink one made this didn't she." He looked at the little picture of ponies heads lined up with a few of the events including Rarity, Applejack, the Pink one, the Yellow one, and the Rainbow one. There were even little heads for the Princesses since they were attending. "This has to be one hell of an event to put so much effort in." He whispered to himself. "Yeah we did!" Shouted a voice right beside him. "Ahh! What the heck?!" The sudden shout caused him to jump at least a story high. His hooves latched onto a street light above the board. "Hi!" Pinkie sat right below him watching the rest of him dangle. "It's you! What was that for?" Red hopped down and landed right beside her. "Your name was... Pinkie right?" "Yeppers that's me." She quaintly replied. "I was just heading home from the store. I just needed to get a few more ingredients from the store since we ran out of frosting. But why are you here? Does this mean you're going?" "Yeah... I guess it does. I made a promise and the Princesses." Red hesitantly replied. "I just hope everything goes according to plan." "Alrighty then. I've gotta get this baby formula right back to Sugar Cube Corner. See ya tomorrow!" She beamed a smile as she galloped away. "I'm so dead." Red sighed as he got up and walked away too. This time, out to the park. Along the gala area. On the path to Sugar Cube corner. "Yes! Everything is going according to plan!" Pinkie's inner voice shouted. She bounced with a bag of groceries on her back. Several ponies were turning their lights on for the evening. She approached the door to sugar cube corner and opened it. Inside was a cart prepared with a banner and a few party supplies. "All that's missing is the cake." She threw herself into the kitchen and began her work. Outside (briefly passing Sugar cube corner) Twilight continued her walk briefly humming a song to herself. Her mind was full of thoughts on what events she and everypony else were going to do once the gala started. She continued to walk without focusing in the path ahead of her. Soon enough, she was already walking into the park until she was stopped by somebody she was unlikely to meet there. She froze as something wet brushed against the side of her fore hoof. She slowly turned her eyes to her side to see a brown furred farm dog sniffing at her hoof. "Winona? Why are you out here so late? Applejack is probably looking for you." She gently petted the farm dog with the same hoof she had been sniffing earlier. "Hmm... Do you wanna watch the stars with me tonight?" Winona happily barked and wagged her tail happily. The two of them walked a short while until they had reached the top of a small hill. It took only a few seconds for her to set the telescope up and take a look through. "I'm all set... And the stars should be all out pretty soon." She stared up at the darkening sky as Winona curled up next to her. Inside the darkness of the forest. Two creatures could be seen wandering through the thick brush. Their bodies as well as their blue eyes shined in the thinned light of the evening. They smiled as they entered a small secluded area. A small green ember erupted from one of their horns creating a small ring of fire exposing what looked to be a pony hidden by a grey hood. "This is the last place we tracked him to." One of them hissed. "Good... Once you've successfully locate the human, capture it and bring it to the meeting spot. That is your top priority." The pony stared at them with an angry expression. "Raff, Riff... Do not fail me. If you do the general will be quite disappointed so, if you wish to return to the hive I recommend you to not fail. Do I make myself clear?" The two nodded in unison. The flames slowly died out as the Two Changelings faded into the dark of the evening. Back in town. Red marched his way towards the one area of the town that was probably the least busy. Looking up at the sky he noticed the stars emerging from the darkness and decorating the sky. He didn't travel too far into the park, only far enough until he found himself a comfortable spot to sit, think and examine the night sky. "At least they look the same... A little more clearer on this end but the same." The moon slowly rose from behind the mountain containing Canterlot creating a wonderful silhouette. "That's cool... This reminds me of when me and everyone were back home at the beach." An image of the past popped into his mind. "We were sitting at the beach waiting for the New Years fireworks. The moon was right behind the island's old watch tower. The fireworks shot up right behind it. The view was just spectacular... But, after that fireworks were banned on island after the Governor's favorite car got all burnt up." The memory soon faded as he pulled a small book out. "Maybe I can." His horn lit up as he held the spell book in front of himself. He grunted after a small stream of multi colored lights erupted from his horn giving a small display. "That'll do for now." The lights spread out and began exploding I to smaller shinier lights. He sat back and enjoyed the lights as the entire spot was lit up. On the other side of the park. Twilight silently observed the constellations and mentally noted which ones were out. "Taurus, Orion Ursa..." Her voice became lower and barely audible as she listed them out to herself. The evening was nice a calm until her vision was abruptly obscured by sparks of light. "What?" She took her eye off the scope and looked for the source. Far off in the distance was a bright warm light. She focused the lens a little bit better until the clear silhouette of somepony sitting in front of the display. "What is that?" The silhouetted pony continued his little display until the last sparkle fell. She continued to watch him even though a few minutes had passed. He just laid there and put his head under his hooves. "Him again what's he doing here." She watched him leave the area with his head low to the ground. She dismissed his departure and continued her stargazing. She cleared her throat and returned to naming each constellation. After a while she looked at the spot once again and noticed that the red pony left something there. She quickly packed away her telescope and made her way over to investigate. Once there's she found a black book but some of the writing made no sense. Other than that, the rest of it was mostly spells and notes. "This must belong to him. I wonder what kind of language is that? Time for some research" A certain Princess of the night watched from above. The next day. The sun eagerly sat above everything without a single cloud in sight. The ponies in town were happily laughing and talking as they set all their little stands, tables and decorations. A group of five ponies approached the library. "I can't wait to see Twilight and and Spike in their outfits. Yet I wonder why we haven't seen them yet..." "Maybe they're getting ready still?..." Fluttershy whispered at the back. "Or maybe while getting ready Twilight got the dress dirty and they went home to clean it up." Said Pinkie pie as she took a breath from hopping around in her dress." At the very idea Rarity gasped loudly and ran towards the library. "Twilight! Twilight are you in there?! Twilight! The material needs to be run under lukewarm water post haste!" She banged on the door loudly and rapidly. She didn't even stop to notice that Spike had opened the door and that she was pounding away at his face. "Somebody get this door open!... Oh! Spike..." She stopped when she noticed her hoof go through where the door was and that Spike had moved back enough not to get pummeled. "Hi there Rarity." He calmly replied as She levitated him up and dusted him off. "Well don't you look rather dashing in that suit. Sorry to barge in like this but has anything happened to Twilight and her outfit? " "Nope, nothing bad... Except that she's... Well... You should see for yourself." He opened the door to expose twilight standing at the living room writing on a chalkboard. Rarity walked in with the others. "Twilight? Why aren't you ready? The Gala is going to start." Rarity scolded. "I know I'm almost done here I just got through reading through right different languages and I think I've found one that's close to this one." She had a enlarged image of some of the words. On the board. The journal lay on the little table with a large magnifying glass. "They look very close to how the symbols on that bag had." She threw herself into the closet as she searched for it. "Spike where is the bag with those unidentified devices at?" "They uhh... They should be in there." Spike gulped as he made his way out the door. "I've got to go check on something I'll see you all at the Gala. Bye!" He quickly made his way away from the Library. "Ohh... Come on where is it?" Twilight groaned from within the closet. Suddenly she was levitated out with Rarity's magic. "Twilight as your bestest friends and fellow Elements of Harmony it is our job to ensure that chain of friendship remains beautiful. We can't let our friend be eaten away by curiosity and overthinking. Besides I do believe it's almost time for the Princesses to arrive." Rarity explained as Twilight levitated before her upside down. "Yeah Twilight! You've been like this for the longest time and we're worried about you." Explained Pinkie. Everypony agreed in unison. "But!..." Twilight tried to say something before Rarity Whisked her away towards her room by levitation. "This is for your own good." Rarity explained as she and Twilight made their way upstairs. Everypony watched as they disappeared up the stairs. Twilight voiced her disapproval but at the same time the sounds of a tub filling could be heard, then finally the sound of a very loud splash. Meanwhile At the windmill... "Spike hammered his little claws on the shield that surrounded the place. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon open up already. Suddenly the shield gave way and was despelled. He quickly made his way through one of the open windows and found the living room empty. "Joe! Where are you? Hey Joe?" He paused for a moment to notice the state of disarray the living room was in. "Geeez what happened up here?" He continued to search the entire upper floors only to find that nobody was in there. But as he came down the stairs he noticed an extension cord. "That's odd..." He began to follow the lengths of extension cords that ran from the top of the stairs down into the basement. Inside was a very dim flickery light and a light hum of some kind. "Hello?" He said aloud as he continued down the steps. As he came even lower he found exactly who he had been looking for but asleep hunched over the old chest. On the side of the chest was the end of some little black box with a tiny green light glowing on it. He gently tried to nudge him awake but hesitantly. The human's head slowly rose as he yawned. "There you are for a second I thought something happened up there. Now listen I think Twilight's gotten a hold of one of your notebooks." "I did it... I stayed up most of the night but I fit it! I finally managed to get it to charge! It's slow but strong enough to charge them." He opened the chest to show the charging indicator and the sound of the laptop fan both in working order. "Once this is done I could charge up the rest of the stuff and finally be able to use them again." He lifted the screen up I see a bright light start up but quickly die out. "Looks like it'll need a lot more time to charge." He closed the lid and stood up. "Now what was all the noise upstairs about?" "It's Twilight! I think she found one of your books! She came home last night with it." Spike brushed off his coat to keep it clean. "Book? Last night?" He grabbed at his back pocket to check for something. "Crap... My book of favorite spells... I dropped it when I was hanging out at the park..." He shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "I guess it's ok for now I wrote those out in English and it's not too important. For a second there I thought she had found one of that Starswirl guy's own." "I guess that's fine then... I'll grab it from her when she isn't looming over it." Spike sat down on the steps. "Today is the Gala, are you gonna join?" Suddenly the image of Pinkie Pie popped into his mind making him cringe. "Yeah... I have to I made a promise with somebody and the Princesses are coming." He walked towards the stairs allowing Spike to walk up them first. "What's with the suit?" "My friend Rarity made it for me. She makes almost all the latest fashions of clothing around here." Spike gave his jacket another brush. "Maybe Rarity could hook you up with one." Joe made his way to a window and looked out. "Would ya look at that..." Several ponies were in fact in various sophisticated looking outfits. "But aren't they all usually just walking around in the buff?" "Sorta, sometimes they wear em to events or to look like something I guess." Spike explained. "I don't get it... Sorta..." Joe gave a look at his jacket and shrugged. "This is good enough." He got up and looked towards the kitchen. I think I'm gonna grab a bite to eat. Want an apple?" "No thanks I'm waiting for the banquet. Spike picked up the few books that were placed in certain spots around the room. "Suit yourself." He reached into that bushel that he had gotten a few days ago. Only one apple remained. He sighed as his stomach growled. "Looks like I gotta grab some groceries later. I guess I better make use of today." He sighed and turned to where the living room was."hey what time is the Banquet?" "It starts at lunch." Spike's voice radiated from the living room. "Yeah I think I'm going..." Joe walked back into the living room to find it completely cleaned up. "Dude, that's creepy. You clean way faster than I do." He walked over to Spike who had his head buried in one of his books. "You have some really bad penmanship. I think I know why Twilight was having a hard time decoding your sticky notes. Aren't you using your magic to write?" "Nope. That spell is a bit too 's what happens when you constantly switch between a quill and then a pencil." He began walking up the stairs and took off his jacket. "I need to go wash up before I head out so I guess I'll meet you there. Thanks for cleaning the place up though I'll be sure to grab you something cool after this whole Gala thingy is done with." "Alright see you there!" Spike happily agreed as he made his way out the door and back towards the library. Back in the library. Everypony sat downstairs awaiting the two Unicorns that had disappeared upstairs. Finally Rarity made her way down with her head hung low. "I've done all I can..." She then set herself down on one of Twilight's library seats. "And voila... " she perked her head upwards with a smile as Twilight made her way down wearing her dress and her hair and face similar to Rarity's. Everyone gasped as they poked between the two. "Thanks Rarity but I think you went a bit too hard on the make up... And the hair." Twilight exclaimed as she tried not to stumble. "Nonsense, you look wonderful." Rarity got up and trotted on over to the rest of the group. "I look like you..." She pouted before turning and going to her chalkboard. "No, no,no none of that now. Were going to party hardy today." Pinkie pulled on her tail to the rest of them and then through the door. The rest of the crew followed them through the door and out into the finely dressed street. Twilight's eyes squinted while the rest of the girls enthusiastically began to chatter away with each other and lead each other down the path to the center of the gala. Out in the Everfree Zecora prepared herself infront of a brass mirror. She turned and ventured out of her home. Outside was odd, the trees were still and it was quiet. She continued on her way through the forest. Along the path she noticed that the usual wildlife had completely vanished, but she could feel the eyes that gazed upon her. Suddenly... A/N:Kinda been hella busy