//------------------------------// // Birth and Early Years // Story: The Sun's Life // by DiscordFan //------------------------------// Darkness... That was it. Just darkness was surrounding the looker. It was warm and comfortable, so that was good. Suddenly, the being felt like it was being squeezed. The being couldn't do anything though. Just stay surrounded by darkness and be squeezed. Then, it felt coldness. Awful, awful coldness! It began to wail, but it couldn't hear its own wailing. Its ears hadn't "opened." Then the being felt warmth surround some of it. It calmed down. Then, something flooded its nose. Good smells, bad smells, everything. But the most noticing smell were the roses. Of course, the being didn't know that it smelled roses; it only knew it smelled something good. It snuggled into the warm, rose-smelling... thing. It was still dark, but it was warm again instead of cold. Next, its mouth felt dry, and something... below?.. it hurt. A lot! It wailed, but this time, it heard itself. What an awful noise! It wailed louder. That's when it opened its eyes. Everything... Everything was pink! Pink, pink, and more pink everywhere! It was the color of cotton-candy, its world. It cried. It did not like this world of pink! It was bland and weird! Then the pink moved from its sight. That's when it saw a white pony with a horn. The pony's mane (and tail) was orange that faded into blue and purple and indigo, and it was curly. Resting on top of the pony's mane was a golden tiara. The pony's eyes were a light blue and looked caring. The pony smiled at the being. "Welcome, my little filly," the pony whispered gently to the being filly, "Welcome, Celestia..." ===== Seven Years Later... Later, the filly (who learned her name was Celestia or 'Tia) learned she was white, and she also learned she had created that pink world at first! Her mane and tail was the pink, she had a horn and wings, and she white like Mother. Her father was a navy blue pegasus, or a pony with wings. His mane and tail was short and a little curly, but not a lot, and it was light blue with white and yellowish white dots. His eyes were a vibrant yellow that were always cheerful to 'Tia. He usually wore a silver crown, chest plate (that reached over his flank), and slippers. Father's laugh was also the best. They lived together in a castle. 'Tia had learned that Father and Mother were called "King Dusk" and "Queen Dawn." When a pony saw 'Tia, they called her "Princess Celestia." 'Tia didn't know why they called her that, but the "Royal Guard" (whatever that was) just called her "Princess 'Tia." She like that! The name was kinda silly, in 'Tia's opinion. What was a "princess?" 'Tia trotted over to the "throne room." This is where her parents usually were, and the sun was at the top of the sky. Her parents always invited 'Tia to the throne room when the sun was at its highest. They said so it was that they could teach her how to rule Equestria. She opened the doors, struggling a little bit with her magic. 'Tia had only recently been taught, and she even had a "tutor!" She opened the doors and saw Father speaking with the earth pony leader: Chancellor Jello Hooves. She was funny and looked similar to Elder Pudding Head. The Chancellor was a purple with a reddish pink, wavy mane and tail, and her eyes were a cheerful purple. (She also was wearing that Chancellor outfit.) Then 'Tia noticed Elder Pudding Head standing off to the right. She was pink with a darker pink, fluffy mane and tail, and her eyes were a cheerful blue. She was wearing a brown and green toga (signaling she was the Earth Elder). Laughing, 'Tia galloped over to the Elder. Elder Pudding Head greeted her with open hooves. "Hey, mini-Dawn," Elder Pudding Head said in that squeaky-ish voice of hers, "What's new, 'Tia?" "Nothing much, Ed-ler," 'Tia said. She was still working on a few words. She was only seven after all! "How are the eat-th pon-ees?" Elder Pudding Head giggled in that childish way. "They're good! And Jello Hooves is doing a super-duper-wuper-looper job at leading them!" 'Tia giggled at Elder's silly way of talking. She reached up and bopped Elder Pudding Head's muzzle. "I got you firf-st fis time!" Pudding Head gasped. "You did! This calls for sire consequences!" She began to tickle 'Tia everywhere. Pudding Head tickled her tummy, her hooves, her neck, her back, and, the weakest point of all, 'Tia's ears. 'Tia began to make those squeaky scream-laughs. "Stop! Stop! The Pin-sets co-mans you!" "Never," Pudding Head giggled and joked, "You must pay for bopping my muzzle first!" Pudding Head tickled 'Tia's ears. 'Tia began to scream-giggle even louder. "Elder," Father said calmly, "please, stop. We have much to discuss. You know this." Pudding Head stopped and sighed. "I know, my King," Pudding Head said sadly. She rubbed 'Tia's head playfully before they continued their discussion. "So, Chancellor Jello," Father said seriously, "do we have any idea why the droughts and famines happened?" "No, King Dusk," spoke Chancellor Jello Hooves. "We only know that the droughts caused the famines." Father brought his right hoof up to his chin, and he rubbed it in thought. "Shall we summon the pegasi and ask them, my king?" "Yes," replied Father. "We'll ask Commander Twister and Elder Hurricane. Ink Quill! Send a summoning to the pegasus tribe. Tell them to come in one sun or in two suns." A black unicorn with a white, gray-striped mane nodded, and he wrote a letter. Ink Quill read what he wrote, "Dear Elder Hurricane and Commander Twister, Several droughts recently struck the earth pony tribe. This caused famines. Because the cause was of droughts, we would like to discuss the lack of rain. I am willing not to punish if you state a good reason. Please come within one or two suns. Thank you. -King Dusk" "Thank you," Father said, "Ink Quill. I'll sign it." Ink Quill nodded and levitated the paper and a quill over to Father. Father grabbed the paper with his wings and the quill with his mouth. He signed his name. "Please send it, Ink Quill." Ink Quill nodded and trotted away to find the messenger, Derpy Wing. Then, Father asked, "Would you like to stay overnight, Earth Elder and Chancellor Jello Hooves?" "Would I," asked Elder Pudding Head, "Uh, yeah!" "King Dusk," replied Chancellor Jello Hooves, "we would be honored, and, besides, we would also like to discuss with the pegasi." Father nodded. "Fa-fer," 'Tia said, "can Ed-ler Pudding have a sweep-ofer wif me?" Father chuckled. "I don't know," he responded. "Ed-ler might get bored. She would never make it!" Elder Pudding stomped her front left hoof, "Is that a challenge?! If it is, I want 20 bits at sunrise if I win!" Father (since they weren't in public) brought his hoof up to his face (he facehoofed). "Fine, I'll give you 20 bits." "Yay," 'Tia shouted, "Come wif me, Ed-ler! To ta sweep-ofer hall!" 'Tia, giggling, galloped away. Ed-ler Elder Pudding Head followed in the same manner. Chancellor Jello Hooves looked down and shook her head. ===== Ta Sweep-ofer! 'Tia smoothed out her yellow and orange blanket on the floor. Pudding Head smoothed out her pink blanket on the floor. The "sweep-ofer hall" was the bedroom hallway. (Father and Mother "made" it there, so they could put 'Tia to bed if they had to.) Elder Pudding Head was no longer wearing her toga. It was then that 'Tia saw three balloons on Elder's flank. "Ed-ler," 'Tia asked, "Why does your fwank have twee bawwoons?" "Oh," Pudding Head said, "that's my cutie mark!" 'Tia blinked confusingly. "A what?" Her eyes were full of curiosity and awe. "A cutie mark! It's something that shows what your super special talent is! Mine is having fun and sharing that fun with others!" "Ooo..! Why bawwoons?" "I don't know... I'll bother the narrator, DiscordFan, later about it!" *sigh* Of course you will... "Who?" "Nopony!" I (, DiscordFan) facehoofed the best I could with hands. "Hey! You wanna tell silly sleepover stories now!?" "Yeah! Wet's tell sil-we sweep-ofer stowies!" ===== The Next Sun Commander Twister and Elder Hurricane had arrived as soon as the sun rose. Mother had been helping raise the sun with 'Tia watching. They were on throne room's balcony. She greeted the two pegasi warmly. "We received King Dusk's letter," Commander Twister said seriously. "We are ready to discuss, argue, and or or debate." Mother nodded. "Come, 'Tia," Mother said. "Let's go get your Father." "Don't wor-wy, Mother," 'Tia said over-cheerfully. "I'll get Fa-fer!" 'Tia galloped away. Mother heard the door open and close... ... But then she heard, "FAAAAA-FEEEERRR!!!!!" "Well," Elder Hurricane chuckled, "'Tia's voice has grown." They heard the clopping of tippy-toeing hoofs. "Fa-fer is coming, Ma-fer," 'Tia said. They heard something moaning walking into the throne room. "'Tiaaaa," Father moaned, "what do you need?!??" Mother facehoofed. Father's eyes were closed, and he was leaning on the archway of the balcony. He was drooling slightly. Mother spoke to Father, "Dusk, the Wind Leader and Elder are here." His eyes snapped open, and his wings snapped opened as well (a wingboner). "What?"