A Pink Queen

by Ponyess

A Pink Honour Guard: 11

I had just followed the cyan mare Pegasus back to the new Hive and our Queen Pinkie Pie. Though the first I actually met, is a Unicorn by the name Constelation, who apparently is the High Advasor of our young Queen.

Just to have a Hive and a Queen made me feel relief flowing through my entire body, from the horn to the very edge of my tail. The sensation saturates my entire body, all the way out to the tips of my wings and my hooves. It is a joyous sensation.

What initially shocked me, isn’t the delirious joy of coming home, it is the flow of love instantly emanating from our Queen, the very instant she sensed and recognised my joy. I never had felt this reaction before, although I never had a new Queen either. Maybe this is how the new Queen rewards her loyal subjects, or just the first to submit and join her still vulnerable Hive? Either way, if this was the case, I could find support in the old scrolls from ancient times.

“I am her Royal Queen’s High Advisor, Constelation. Let me welcome you all to the new hive. Our Queen Pinkie Pie will be happy to see you all as her loyal, but happy subjects, she is going to enjoy to see you happy. Now I need to pick out the first of her Honour Guard. In order to pick out the Guard, I need to see your Pony form, as opposed to what you may have used as disguise for any Infiltration post in the past!” she stated.

What Ponies did not know, we all have a natural Pony form, it is magic, not too different from what gave them their precious Cutie Mark, that made us look like the Hideous black insectoid creatures they see. The very same genetics that give them their coat and mane colours is still hidden within us, just as the seed to the Personality with a specific type. Some of us are still Earth Ponies, while others are Pegsi or Unicorns. Then we do have a few other forms, Flutter Pony, Bat Pony, Sea Pony and Alicorn. These are just progressively less common.

Why had our Queen chosen to have a Unicorn for her High Advicor, and why did Constellation mention the colour Pink? I had no idea, it puzzled me no end. Yet, when I finally were free to allow my true self out of the black, chitinous insectoid shell that had protected me, I realised something unforeseen. My coat is a bright pink, as is my mane.

I may not be the only one of us who sprouted out in pink. Yet, others are purple, white, black, or about any colour of the Rainbow.

For some reason, a Pink mare with a tightly curled up bright pink mane trotted into the room, stopping in the Honour spot, before she turned to face us.

“Is that her? Is she our Queen?” a deeply Purple mare to my right inquired in bewildered wonder.

Apparently, that was the one question, the question placed foremost on the lips of us all, yet none had dared to breathe life into. If it was a sign of respect, or just the fear of reprimands or ridicule, but now it had been pronounced, finally.

“May all the blessed mares step forwards and move to my right!” Constellation pronounced with a highly Authorative voice.

I found myself taking a step forwards. Pink mares with pink main and tail by my side. On both sides, that is.

“Just laugh as much as you like? I never got to know your old Queen, or just about any Queen, except Chrysalis. Yet, I think I can promise you. There is the one thing I will demand out of all of you, as strange or insane as it may sound, but please. Smile!” our new Queen Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Smile? Why? What good are smiles?” asked the mare on my right, pink, of course.

Only, as she threw off a tentative smile at the pink mare on the Queens place, she was struck by a shock, feeling the one thing she knew she could never live without. Love. For a moment, she fell to the floor, dumbfounded, confused.

“Why? Because it fires up our Queen, that is why. Just as she is Pink, so are all of her newly formed Honour Guard!” Constellation proclaimed.

“This is bound to be the most festive and happy Hive I have ever been in, even if I have not been in all that many, including the one we just left in search of a site for the Hive of our new Queen. But wait, that isn’t how it feels when our Queen channel love to her hive. She is actually emanating it all by herself. For what, that littile smile?” I thought.

“There are cells for all of you, compliments of the local Princess. Twilight Sparkle. She is hosting our fledgling Hive!” Constellation declared.

“Did she just say that we are given cells to sleep in?” Dawn inquired.

“That is what I heard. If the Princess does have that many cells available, she is bound to be a very close friend to our Queen!” I pointed out.

“Oh silly. Of course I am the bestest of friend with Princess Twilight Sparkle, she has been my bestest of friends from the instant she set hoof in Ponyville. Only she wasn’t a Princess or an Alicorn at the time, just a regular, if bright Unicorn at the time. On the other hoof, every Pony are my friends in Ponyville, but that is extended to any Donkey, as cranky as he may be, or mule, Zebra or Changeling. How could I turn my back on a smile?” Pinkie Pie blurted out in a torrent of words soon saturating my head with the mood behind her statement.

Now, that was promising, while it is confusing and scary, all in the same time. Our Queen apparently did have several tight connections with high places. How a Queen of Changelings got such connections is the confusing part, even if it is the Duty of her Highness to care for and protect her Hive, which is us, in this case. This merely confirmed why I am not the high ranking Changeling, but an Honour Guard. All are important in the Changeling Hive, or it is what I had been taught. Who am I to challenge these teachings, I have seen nothing to counter their words.

To protect the Queen, that is indeed a very important duty. I will gladly lie down my life in the service and protect our Hive and Queen. Is there any higher purpose? Of course, I would much rather live out my life happily, seeing our Queen and Hive safe. Yet, if our Hive and Queen are challenged or threatened, what good is my life if our Queen falls, and then the Hive shortly thereafter? Matters I shy away from, hoping them never to be relevant. I merely take up the burden of the responsibility, in hope to keep both Hive and queen safe.

“Wait, do you mean to say that she was not born an Alicorn and princess?” I inquired sceptically.

“We all have a destiny to full-fill, even if it isn’t written on your forehead when you hatch. We all have to struggle to find out who we are, and what our destiny is!” she giggled.

Apparently, anything could set her off, sending her into a fit of giggles. She is anything but the looks of a Regal arch type, but if she is our Queen, then I follow her to Tartarus and back.

Since a smile can fire her up, I am honour bound to keep smiling, not just when she is close by and in clear sight, but at all times. I enjoy the feel she gave me, emanating the much needed love to any and all of her subjects and friends. In this regard, if not in all other aspects, she still is my perfect Queen. She keeps me safe and well-fed. She provides everything a Changeling like myself could ever wish for.

There is a glimpse of something else, something very different. Not just from Changelings and Queen. Exactly what it is, I have no idea. Maybe it is just the restless energy or the constant smile and giggles. Oh yeah, the giggles and smiles, that is very much unlike any Chageling or Queen or regal anything.

Then it hit me, like a load of bricks from a clear blue sky; she is different from the Ponies she is so energetically mingling as well. On the other hoof, some of her closer friends are also very different from the fellow Ponies around us. The Princess named Twilight Sparkle wield magic of a magnitude with such ease, there is the Pegasus that carries the essence of a rainbow, not just the symbol of it in her mane. There is the other Pegasus in her group, the one who stare down the opponent, once her charges are threatened.

Of the once I had seen, there is not just the great power, but the potential for true greatness. Woe is the friend of those opposing her and her friends. Woe is not my friend, she is not one I like to keep as my company.

I like the bubbling joy and happiness that surrounds and shrouds our new Queen. I can but smile at her, in and out of her presence. There is the feeling, she knows far more than the mere Pony her age. If it is just not forgetting the lessons learned, or if there are sources yet unseen behind the knowledge and wisdom to her. Who am I to say?

Why am I here, simply because I am Pink? Why is being Pink of such import? Colours never mattered to us before, but we never had a Queen quite the likes of her either. Of course, smiling and happiness really never had any place amongst us Changelings either. Yet, now it seems to be the uttermost priority and import. It is what our Queen commanded, thus we follow her words. To us Changelings, the word of the Queen is Law, and one does not even contemplate disobeying these. Simple as that.

“In your case, it is clearly written all over you, my Queen. Yet, destiny is not revealed upon hatching. At least; that is what the Tutor told us. Of course, I can only hope to serve you well, my Queen!” I responded.

“I started out as a grey little filly, living on a Rock Farm. Then one day, Destiny spirited me out of that life and made me throw my first party, by inspiring me to sense the first spark of Happiness, personified by the rainbow, or Rainboom on the sky, ignited by my friend Rainbow Dash. Apparently, she is the only Pony capable of performing it. It is so rare, Ponies ridicule it as an old mare’s tale. They were forced to eat these words, as they all saw it in plain sight over Cloudsdale, home of the Pegasi pride. With a few episodes, I found myself here, not just the Princess, but also Queen!” she put forth.

“Wait, you started out as a grey filly, but now you are Pink. Grey is merely a lighter shade of the black we were all as little hatchlings. If any one of us could be half as lucky as you, your Hive will thrive and reach greatness never heard of. Had it been my choice, these would have been the words to sway me. Yet, I merely follow, where I am lead, and it did take me to you. My only fear is to have too much of your love since failure isn’t even contemplatable in our world!” I responded, feeling lightheaded in her mare’s presence.

“Yeppers, deppers. I lived several years, as that little grey filly, never knowing the warmth of joy or smiles. One instant, the rainbow was on the sky with the loudest of booms, and the smile was plastered all over me. A moment later, I threw a party for my family, in order to share the joy with them. That’s where my destiny was revealed, and the mark appeared. My bestest and closest friends found the same joy, through the same rainbow. It united us. Only now, the entire Village is my friend; every last Pony and Citizen, that is. I, or we are going to make Ponyville into the greater Capital Parties of Equestria in no time flat. Then the joy will flood the lands like a tidal wave, unstoppable!” she merely declared in her common torrent of words, making the point in the pure flood of her words.

“That event has been recorded throughout the lands, even amongst us Changelings and most likely by the Zebras as well; we just never saw the effects of it, just as we have no clue as to how others reacted upon the events as they unfolded, back when it happened. Once we have established ourselves here in Ponyville, we can move forth and spread your glory throughout the lands. There can be no stopping us as we have you behind us, our most glorious Queen!” I responded.

“That is bound to have been seen far and wide, should have been more surprised if none actually saw it, even given the time it did take place. With you by my side, it is time to step forth!” she merely declared.

“Yes, Queen. We will do as you command!” we all responded in chorus.

A command had been delivered, we have our orders. What more would we need? Tradition had it, you follow the commands of your Queen to the letter, this is what I had been told. It is the life I had been hatched into. Who am I to rebel against my very nature?

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