I'm coming home

by Dead Nation

Learning to leave them behind

Sometimes we have to learn to let those we loved go. It's painful, but that's the only recovery. I curled up on my soft, cold bed and cried. I cried until I was numb, then I died. My heart still beat, my brain still thought, my blood still flowed, but my soul was gone. I drank because the thirst was unbearable, I ate to fill the void, but I did not wish to live. I was learning, thinking, healing the entire time. I had to let go, forget, forgive. It took a few days, not that I could tell, but I finally got up. I took my sword and left. I wasn't coming back. I was going home to take back my throne. My life. I was going home. The dust path still sat where I remembered it being. It still led up the mountain towerds Canterlot. This was the road I'd remembered walking hundreds of times. This time though, it felt diffrent. It felt like the last road I'd ever walk. I walked it slowly, taking in the sight. Smelling the fresh air. Hearing the birds chirp. Once I was near the city all I would be able to hear is slaves working and dying. Might as well enjoy the sights while I still could. When I was just outside the city I stopped. This would be the end. Of who, or what, I'd learn another time. Now was the time to knock on my own door. But first I took a nap. I'd have to be fresh to see the horrors beyond those gates.
I saw them, both of them. They filled my dreams. I forgave Amythest. I understood him. I loved Stone Cold, because his love was genuine. I hated Mother for making equestria what it was. Thoughts mixed with eachother to form one picture, the ending. I then saw nothing but whiteness. I heard a voice of love and caring. One that belonged to my Mother before she dissappered. Maybe, maybe I wasn't ready. I would be lucky to leave wrapped in white linen, much less alive.