Bravery's ascension

by Stucks-24_6

Entering Las Pegasus

Bravery noticed the Apex Protector jump silently over the rooftops while he and his team slipped past a narrow alley between two destroyed buildings. As he and his team slipped through, Bravery and his team could smell something rotting but ignored it since he had idea of what it was.
All of a sudden, Bravery heard two familiar voices in his head as he move out of the alley and remained close the wall. "We're close Brvaery, find me at Alpine street and I will give you your next direction." said the voice, it sounded like Shining Armour's and Bravery could hear the second voice in his mind that was in more sophisticated and deeper voice. "Do not fear these voices in your head Bravery, the voices belong to me and Shining Armour explained the Apex Protector in Bravery's thoughts. "Your princesses have given all the soldiers and me a physic link that has connected us all through thought. We are one in this fight for freedom, good luck friend"

Eventually, Bravery and his team of four lunar and royal guards came together to Alpine street where Shining was hiding himself behind an invisibility spell. "Has the human reminded you of our mental link, Bravery?" Shining whispered so that he would not attract any unwanted attention. "He has Shining, it will surely prove useful in our infiltration." Bravery whispered back; he and Shining were crouched down with all four of their legs bent down to keep themselves covered behind the debris at Alpine street.

"Look out, we got company!" said one of the lunar guards using the mind link. Bravery and his team turned their heads around to see the snarling air patrols high in the sky hovering above a burning structure just fifty metres away from the team. "Quickly soldiers, form up on me!" Shining ordered loudly in his mind. Bravery and his team obeyed and moved instantly close to Shining Armour, they then heard some kind of crackling magic sound and found themselves to be invisible. Shining Armour was using his invisibility spell to keep the team in veil from Sombra's necromancy soldiers. As the monstrous creatures passed overhead, Bravery could feel Shining's sweat touch his body as he struggled to keep the spell established, Bravery did not know how he could last with five other ponies. He dropped his down hiding the fear in his eyes, if Shining could not hold it then it was all over.....