The Strange Case Of Doctor Pinkie And Miss Diane

by Arreis Of Avalon

Epilogue: Mr. Hyde

Twilight stood in the basement of Sugarcube Corner. It had been somewhat cleaned up by now, but the tools of Pinkie’s trade still remained on desks and things.
Pinkie… She closed her eyes tightly. The mare was safe, but for how long? She had gotten Pinkie to the hospital as soon as she could, but her friend was still in an unstable condition. She still hadn’t woken up. What would happen when she did? Who would greet them when she woke up? Pinkie, or…
Twilight sighed. “I can’t keep thinking about it,” she said to herself; her voice echoed around the room. She trotted to the diary Pinkie kept. This had led them to her… it had been convenient. Pinkie owed her life to what this diary contained.
As she picked it up, a page in the diary tore away. She levitated it with her magic and was surprised to see a very old entry - from years ago.

Pinkie Pie, February 20th, 10:47pm

Me and the rest of the gang had a picnic today! It was our first one in a looong line of picnics I think! Twilight seems like a nice pony, and now that we all know that we’re supposed to be together and destined to be these nice Elements of Harmony, I just know I have to make her feel welcomed!
I’ve been thinking about who I am a lot recently. Ever since fighting Nightmare Moon (I still like the name Black Snooty, myself). I’m the Element of Laughter. I do that pretty well, of course, but there’s times when you just CAN’T laugh. Those are the bad times, like when a friend is in the hospital or whenever you favoritest most bestest pet dies. It always hurts a lot when those things happen. I’ve been thinking, what if those times NEVER happened? What if you could ALWAYS laugh and be happy, even when bad things happen? Like, when your friend is in the hospital, you could go and make them laugh and make them feel better? Or when your pet dies, you can laugh a lot about all the funny things they did, and never feel sad, cause they’re in a happy place now? Wouldn’t that be awesome?!
Twilight told me that I always sound like I’m on some sort of happy pill or something. She said it as a joke, but it got me thinking. What if I made some sort of laughing potion? One that could make somepony happy ALL the time?
I could even be a doctor! Doctor Pinkie…

Twilight put down the paper, tears rolling down her face as she did. She had caused this. She made this happen…
She had to fix it.
“S-she’s cursed because of me… I need to find some spell, some potion, some way to cure her…”
She glanced around at the makeshift lab. Her basement was full of even better equipment… “I can fix this,” she whispered to herself. “I can find a cure for this. I can quell that part of her, make it so she doesn’t go wild again…”
She began to pace, her face beginning to form a grin as she thought. “I can fix all of this… I’ll have to hide away my findings, of course. If anypony found out I was doing something similar to what Pinkie did, I’ll be shut down… I’m much better at this sort of thing, though…” She shook her head. “I’d need a name, something to go by to buy the ingredients I needed… Everypony would know if I called myself Twilight…”
She sat in the nearby chair, tapping her head. “Think, Twilight, think… Dusk Shine? Nah, Spike came up with that already… Come on… a name I can…” She looked up, eyes gleaming as she thought of it. “... Hide… under…”
She smirked. “Mr… Hyde…”