//------------------------------// // The Lunar Princess' Rise // Story: The Veins Run Deep // by Thunderblast //------------------------------// Many days after Night Shadow's unexpected return home, he was back on duty in the capitol city of Canterlot. He felt more relieved than ever to have returned home and made up with his family again, even if on the first day it turned disastrous. Lucky for him, while he was gone, nothing else had happened in the city which relieved him as well. One warm, calm afternoon, Night Shadow patrolled the streets, just like any other day after his promotion. Ponies trotted up and down the cobblestone streets, some walking from store to store or staring through windows at magnificently-designed dresses, while some younger colts and fillies ran up to a toy store window, watching a toy train on display chug into a small station made out of wooden blocks, or to see the newest Pretty Pony Princess dolls that had just arrived straight from Baltimare. The day was more than average, and particularly quiet...a little too quiet, and boring. Although, after the changeling encounter back where Night was from, he was happy the day was going to plan. That was, until a rolled-up scroll appeared out of the blue in a pink burst of magic directly in front of his face, which did more than startle him. He leapt back a few inches, letting out a light squeal from the sudden teleportation of the letter, which now laid on the ground tied perfectly in a red silk ribbon with a golden stamp where the ribbon was tied. Night glanced around, his cheeks heating in embarrassment when he saw some ponies staring at him. He hoped everyone in Canterlot didn't hear his scream. Instead of darting off, he chuckled in embarrassment. "I uh, didn't see that coming," Shrugging it off, the ponies who had stopped to look at Night Shadow continued their day. Soon, the awkward blush faded from his face, and he picked the scroll up and stared for a moment. Sliding the ribbon off of the scroll neatly, he stood in position, opening and reading the letter. Dear Private Night Shadow, It is requested that you return to the palace as soon as you can. You are to meet with a new pony, and I have a feeling once you two meet, you will be the best of friends. When possible, please do come to my throne room. We will be waiting here until you do. ~ Princess Celestia ~ Night Shadow's eyes widened a little at the letter. He eased himself to know nothing had gone wrong, but was curious to know who this 'pony' the princess mentioned in the letter would be. Without any hesitation, he took to the skies, on a path back towards the Canterlot Castle. Not long later, he landed outside, trotting casually inside after showing his badge to the entrance guards. Minutes after, Night stopped at the throne room door, which was heavily guarded as always. After giving a password to enter, he did so, slowly walking into the ever so long throne room which seemed to go on for miles, although it didn't. At the end of the hall, sat Princess Celestia on her yellow throne, smiling brightly like the sun. Beside her, stood a much shorter alicorn mare. The mare's coat was a perfect midnight-blue, and had a moon-blue tomboy-ish mane and tail. Her cutie mark from what Night could tell, was black splotches of what he thought was stained oil. Stopping feet from the throne, Night Shadow lowered himself, bowing to the both of them, and assuming the shorter mare was also royalty. "Good afternoon, Private Night Shadow," Princess Celestia spoke in a rather cheerful voice, perhaps more cheerful than he's ever heard before. "Afternoon, your highnesses," Night bowed for a few more moments, then stood back up at a half-attention stand, smiling to the two alicorns. Standing up as well, Princess Celestia walked calmly down from her throne to Night Shadow, while the blue alicorn continued standing beside Celestia's throne, looking in another direction. "Luna, come down here please." The mare sighed and groaned slightly. "Yes, big sister," she spoke, having a bit of an older-teenager's voice. The alicorn then walked down from the throne, soon coming to a stop just before Night Shadow. "Is this Princess Luna?" Night Shadow quietly gasped, speaking to himself mentally. "Introduce yourself, little sister," Princess Celestia stared down at the smaller alicorn. The alicorn glanced up at Celestia worriedly, then nodded slowly and returned her attention to Night Shadow, who was just a head shorter than she was. "Greetings, I am Luna, Princess of the Moon," she nervously spoke. Night Shadow smiled to the smaller princess. "Pleased to meet you, Princess Luna. I am Night Shadow," He extended a hoof to shake. Princess Luna backed away a few inches, staring at his hoof in concern. Night Shadow's smile dropped into a slight frown, and slowly pulled his hoof back. "Hmm. Luna, Night Shadow will be serving under your guard, as will the rest of the Lunar Guard, and as they did before and during the rebellion. But for now, I'll leave you two for a little bit," Princess Celestia then walked past the two, and out of the throne room. Night watched the Sun Princess disappear behind two tall, golden doors as they shut after her, then he turned back to Princess Luna. "So...you're the new princess?" Luna took some time to reply. "I am not, how you say, 'new'," she then sighed a little. "I was once a monster, imprisoned on the moon for what felt like an eternity. Before that, I was a princess, just like my older sister. We ruled Equestria together, and brought peace and harmony for thousands of years." "Well...what happened?" Night curiously asked, sitting before the mare. Watching Night Shadow, Luna slowly sat herself. "We would prefer not to talk about it." "Alright, that's okay," Night smiled towards Luna. "It is an honor to finally meet you, Princess Luna." "R-really?" Luna slowly looked up, staring Night Shadow in the eyes. "Of course," he continued to smile. "Well...we thank you for your...honor. Where are you from, Night Shadow?" Night's pupils shrunk a little, the question had returned. He was afraid to say where, but knew somepony had to know eventually. "Can you keep a secret?" Princess Luna nodded in response. "We can." "Alright, please don't tell anypony," Night inhaled a little. "I come from a bat pony colony near the Vanhoover area." Luna stared, puzzled. "But, thou has the wings of a pegasus?" "I can't explain that. But, I do have these," Night Shadow opened his mouth for the princess to see. Immediately, she spotted his fangs. "You do have fangs," Luna gasped. "I've missed my dear bat guards all of this time, it pleases me to see one is back in the Royal Guard. But, why aren't there more?" "Your sister hasn't told you, has she?" Night sighed. "No. What hasn't she told me?" "Supposedly after the rebellion, the bat ponies attempted another attack, but were mostly destroyed by the-" Night stopped to think. "...elements of...I forgot what they are called. The remaining bat ponies scattered around, beginning their own colonies to rebuild. Since then, no one but you knows we still exist, and are thriving." "Why would...my sister do that?" Luna gasped, putting her hooves to her mouth. "I can't remember all of the story, my father told it to me when I was just a colt." "But, that does not explain the missing presence of bat guards?" "It does, actually. Since the second rebellion, peace was never made again between the country and the bat ponies. We're independent of Equestria these days." "Hmm," Luna thought for a second. "I will speak to my sister about this." "Please don't, I beg you," Night's eyes widened. "But, why not?" "If you tell her, she will question me until I rot. It's best if I try and take care of the situation. Look, it's nothing personal. I just think it would be better if I brought it up to her instead." Luna nodded in response after a moment. "I understand. When do you wish to bring it up to my sister?" "Soon, whenever I can get an opportunity. Now I would say isn't the time, then again, I don't know what time would be good."