//------------------------------// // Ch. 2 In Peace, Vigilance // Story: Conscripted // by SterlingCabin //------------------------------// Scootaloo lunged from the sky, teeth snarled and eyes stabbing into Duncan. Sweat bled from Duncan's face as he avoided her strikes and swipes, though it was easier said than done. The moon was high in the sky and it seemed to enjoy the battle that unfolded below it. Scootaloo was in a frenzy, trying everything she could to break Duncan's guard. But each time she jabbed and cut at him, he effortlessly dodged them without a second thought. Only once had she managed to cut his lip with her wooden sword. Feeling pain her her muscles she desperately swiped at Duncan's hooves one last time. But he simply kicked her aside like a rag doll. The breath flew out from her lungs as her rib cage compressed. Scootaloo's limp body fell to the grass, making a muted thud as it did so. She laid there for a moment, gnashing her teeth and planning her next move. Duncan tilted his head down at her, maybe he had overestimated the force of his kick. He took a moment to let the cool air calm him and trotted slowly towards the still Scootaloo. As he drew closer he was glad to see that her form slowly rose and fell. Perhaps she was playing dead ? But in the next instinct Duncan's thoughts broke apart as Scootaloo launched off the ground and hurled herself towards his chest. Duncan looked down to see a ball of orange fur slam into his chest with an intense speed. He immediately lost his balance and was knocked down to the ground, with his lungs being crushed in the process. Duncan skidded backwards across the grass and slide up against a tree. Scootaloo pried herself from the ground and with a smile of satisfaction looked towards her mentor. But through her self praising she felt a little apprehensive . She tired laughing it off but when she saw Duncan slumped up against a tree, her excitement died . He was nearly consumed by shadows, and Scootaloo feared that she might of actually done something to really hurt him. But she was a mere filly, and Duncan was a grown stallion. She doubted that she could even severely hurt him, and yet he sat lifeless under the tree. After a bit of silence Scootaloo ran towards him, hoping that he wasn't dead. '' Ugh Duncan ? '' Scootaloo called out. No answer came and Duncan's body was non-responsive, even despite Scootaloo's various slaps to his face. His coat and mane was riddled with dirt and even in the darkness he looked incredibly beaten down. Scootaloo thought he was made of sterner stuff. She tried rocking him awake but he wouldn't budge. And when he did move he just slumped over onto the ground. A startling realization surfaced in her thoughts, maybe he wouldn't get up. . . '' BAH ! '' Duncan shot up with his hooves in the air and screaming like banshee. Scootaloo recoiled in horror and fell face first in the ground screaming. In response Duncan gripped his sides and started laughing madly . After he was done he wiped his tears of joy and shakily got up from under the tree. Scootaloo soon calmed down soon after and punched Duncan in his leg. '' I think training is over for today, and nice job breaking through my defense. Even if you tricked me. '' He said. '' Anything to win the fight, right ? '' Scootaloo said. Duncan said nothing but chuckled a little as he walked off towards the camp. Scootaloo left her broken sword on the ground and trotted off to join him around the blazing fire. Her whole body ached from the day long training session, and her mind begged for sleep. But despite this, her patience had grown thin over the past month. Tonight she would get answers. She took a seat around the campfire and finished the onions she had for breakfast, it was always onions. '' So 'Duncan,' if that is your real name, why are you here ? I mean you've told me a couple of legends about these ''Grey Wardens '' but when I searched them up in Twilight's library I got nothing. '' '' And you won't. The Grey Wardens are far from glory, now most of the order is made up of aging librarians. Locked away in a crumbling fortress in the Crystal Mountains. Sadly There's only a few like me who are actually willing to scout for new recruits. But I haven't heard of any of the other's, and that scares me. We're gonna need everyone in Equestria to combat the Blight. And if the Archdemon is near as I suspect . . . We're gonna need a lot more little filly's to kill that thing. '' Duncan's usual happy smile turned sour as he spoke. Scootaloo felt goosebumps run up her neck. Duncan had told her of the Blight, and how it nearly consumed the whole of Equestria centuries ago. She doubted his story, if Twilight hadn't even heard of it it probably didn't exist, but the warden seemed genuine in his intent. '' So you think another Blight is coming ? That's why your here. Are you going to make me a Warden ? '' she asked. '' I Know the Blight is coming and It's not as easy as just slapping a title on you kid, we have rituals for that kinda stuff. The blood of the Darkspawn gives us our strengths. You become a Warden by drinking a portion of their blood, but only the ones with the strongest wills can survive. And sadly they're fewer than fifty able bodied Wardens in Equestria. Even with out hinted strength and senses we can not stand up too thousands. . . '' He finished. Scootaloo's throat became raw and her head felt lighter then ever. If what Duncan told her was the truth, Equestria would become overrun with these Darkspawn, perhaps even Celestia wouldn't be able to stop them. She hadn't done much in her life, but this was a chance to help, really help ponies. The joining sounded but if it dreadful, and was ingesting diseased blood really a good idea ? But if it meant to at least help in some way she would do it. Scootaloo stood up, puffing her chest out as she did so and was about to proclaim why she could be a Warden when Duncan cut her off. '' Save it. '' He said. Scootaloo slumped back down and was about to tell him that she was willing to become a Warden before he cut her off again. '' If your willing to became a Warden, then spend tomorrow with your loved ones and come back to me. It's a pretty lonely life, so spend as much time as you can with them. And If they're more ponies like you out there, we just might survive. Now go, I have to think '' And with that Duncan waved Scootaloo away and she hesitantly agreed. The moon was a high crescent overhead as Scootaloo slowly walked back to her home, thinking on what Duncan had told her. The snow had been plowed away but still,the chill has biting. As she clung to her coat for warmth she thought in circles with the offer she had been given. She could be a hero to all those around her, even Rainbow Dash ! But at what cost ? Would she really be willing to drink infested blood for power ? The very idea disgusted her. Yet, if Duncan was right all of Equestria could be in danger, and was she just going to sit around and wait for this Blight to happen ? Doubts tugged at her but she wanted to do this, had too. If Duncan was right, tomorrow she would become a Grey Warden. . . . Scootaloo shot awake with the cold hand of winter air gripping her face. She listened to the beat of her heart in her ears, her dreams were less than pleasant. Dreams of monsters that bit into her flesh, could it of been the Darkspawn ? Scootaloo shook the thought away and looked over to her clock and cringed, it was past twelve. Scootaloo wiped the weariness away her face and wrestled with herself with to rather stay in bed or out with her friends. Then she remembered what Duncan had told her, this might be the last chance she had to hang out with them. Shaking the grogginess from her head Scootaloo gripped her saddlepack and trotted outside, shutting the door behind her. As the door to her home came to a close, Scootaloo could feel an uneasy feeling crawl up her spine. But she ignored it and continued towards town. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sat around a table in Sugar Cube Corner, watching lazily as patrons trotted by. However their faces lite up when they saw their friend shyly slip through the door. They waved her over and Scootaloo hesitantly agreed, her hooves slightly shaking in place. They asked about the training sessions that she was attending and Scootaloo gave vague answers like '' It was good '' and '' learned some new tricks ''. Applebloom gave a curious and slightly annoyed look, in the past they asked Scootaloo about this subject and again she given the same answer, more or less. '' Come on I'm sure you have at least one flashy move to show us. '' Said Sweetie Belle as she perked up in her seat. Scootaloo shrugged the question off with a roll of the eyes. Sweetie Belle scoffed and pressed further with the subject. '' Okay, okay so now that your a secret agent or something your not allowed to have fun with your friends right ? All you need now is a suit and tie, oh and some over sized sun glasses '' Sweetie Belle continued. Scootaloo couldn't help herself but to let out a small chuckle. '' Fine, fine, fine get off my back I'll show you a few moves. ''Scootaloo said, giving in to her friend's request. The trio summoned the strength to venture outside from the warm confinements of the shop and into the chilly streets of Ponyville. Scootaloo led them to an patch of trees just outside of of the town, near Apple Acres. She found three short wooden branches half submerged in the ground. She quickly collected them and tossed one to each of her friends . Sweetie Belle missed hers and the makeshift sword fell to the ground, but Applebloom managed to catch hers between her teeth. A sly smile crept onto Scootaloo's mouth as she took her position, crouched low to the ground like a cat with the stick hovering away from her stomach. Applebloom laughed at her friends foreign pose and etched Sweetie Belle towards her, '' Hey you wanted to see some moves didn't ya ? '' she said. Sweetie Belle gave a worried smile back at Applebloom and proceeded to form herself in a fencing position she had seen in a play once. Scootaloo didn't waste a moment, she made quick work of her, sliding right past her '' defense '' and putting her stick up to Sweetie Belle's chin. Sweetie Belle let out a giant sigh and fell lifeless to the ground. Applebloom stood over Sweetie Belle and poked her with her stick, it seems that she had fainted. Applebloom and Scootaloo shared a laugh and quickly prepared for the second round. The two locked eyes, both determined to surpass the other, it seems this game had turned into something more. Scootaloo took the same cat like position with was a complete contrast to Applebloom's stance. She stood tall, well as tall as a filly could go and held her stick close to her chest. With not another moment to spare Scootaloo pounced and tried to knock Applebloom to the ground, but to her surprise her face plummeted into the cold hard ground. It seems that in her haste, Scootaloo had tripped herself. And this wasn't the first time either. Applebloom let out a giggle, then handed a hoof to Scootaloo for support getting up. A thought crossed her mind and Scootaloo grabbed hold of her friends hoof and pulled her to the ground. They rolled around in the dirt laughing like hyenas. And all day they practiced like that, and once Sweetie Belle woke up they showed her how to improve her defense. By the end of the day everyone had new bruises and scars. The sun had nearly sunken into the horizon and the sky was a deep purple hue with bursts of pink and yellow streaking across it. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had said their goodbye's for the day and gone home, barley able to walk. Scootaloo sat on a grassy hill overlooking the whole of Ponyville, admiring how it's lights gleamed in the night. The usual chill was replaced with a welcome and surprisingly warm breeze and Scootaloo was about to fall to sleep right then and there. But as she started to drift away a thought resurfaced in her mind. Duncan. Scootaloo's body reacted before her mind did, launching from her spot on the ground and racing towards the direction of Duncan's camp. The cuts and bruises on her legs stretched as they slammed into the ground like spears, but she ignored the pain. Hopefully the Warden hadn't left town, and hopefully he hadn't forgotten about her. . . . It took about twenty minutes to get to Duncan's camp and Scootaloo guessed that it was around eleven at night. She clumsily emerged through the thicket, unscathed and saw Duncan standing over the fire with his head tilted down. As the fire's glow kissed her cheek and the feeling of haste left her as she took a easy stride to cover the remaining distance. Duncan's face was illuminated by the fire's light and shadows danced across his features. His eyes were closed, looking like they were glued shut and his face looked pale even in the orange light. Scootaloo drew closer, stepping right in front of the fire. Duncan was saying something under his breath, what that was Scootaloo couldn't tell. He drew his head up, his eyes almost glowed in the dim light. '' Celestia smiled sadly on her Grey Wardens, as no sacrifice is as great as theirs. Becoming a Grey Warden is lost honor, but I know in the time to come we will rise to glory once more. If you decide to join, the order will be your death, as it will be mine. It is the fate of all Wardens. But when the time arises as the world is threatened to be consumed by the Blight, we will stand as Guardians. The Darkspawn are close to finding their Archdemon, I hear it in my dreams. And once you join, you'll hear it too. This is your last chance to decide. '' Scootaloo hung onto every word and once Duncan was done her mind was a swirling stew pot of emotions and doubts. Goosebumps crawled up and down her spine as she tried to find words to say. This was far greater than her. She knew that but still, Scootaloo found it dashing to imagine herself as a protector of the masses. Despite the means of becoming a Warden It was an attractive thought nonetheless. She even briefly imagined herself as a hero of Ponyville. Scootaloo shook away such trivial thoughts and bowed to Duncan. If being a Warden meant to protect others she would do it regardless of praise. With a raw throat and prickly tongue she summoned the words, '' I-I-I don't know what to say, but thank you. There's thousands of other ponies who stronger than me, but I'll give it my best. ''