//------------------------------// // New Introductions // Story: Fighting for a Cause // by Gryphon //------------------------------// Slowly the first train to Canterlot was pulling into station. The sun was still below the horizon and many ponies were still asleep or beginning the first steps of their daily routine. Although it was still early, many ponies had gathered on the platform as the train hissed to a stop. Many were waiting to board or looking for family members getting off the train. As the train emptied out and the last passengers disembarked, one pony stood out among the crowded platform. The gray pony stood at the end of the platform looking at the other ponies. Crimson Storm watched as ponies greeted each-other then moved on their way to begin the day. Been a long time since someone's greeted me at the stop. Crimson thought as he began his long walk towards the palace centered in Canterlot. Crimson was a gray pony with a light blue mane cut short, although most of his body was covered by his own custom set of armor. Crimson was a contract guard and wore a set of sandy colored plates that formed around his body tightly, along with a set of matching tan gauntlets that stretched down his fore legs. His armor resembled that of the royal guard but had clearly gone through some rough times, while the guard's was always clean and polished, if not brand new, and bore different markings around his chest piece that were etched on by Crimson himself. Normally Crimson did not like wearing his armor in public due to the unusual look of it but he was short on time and couldn't stop at his house first. Crimson followed the cobblestone path as more and more buildings came into view as he neared the palace. As he came closer to the palace the sun began to breach the horizon, and crimson felt the eyes of many ponies watching him as more and more started to go about their day. Crimson never liked having every ponies eyes on him and was beginning to regret his decision to keep his armor on, although he had a tight schedule to keep and never liked to stray from one. He had just returned from Saddle Arabia after finishing his latest contract and had to get his next contract renewed by princess Celestia before he could do anything else. Crimson turned a corner between two building that both seemed to be shops with the owners sweeping the front steps and straightening anything that might have been bumped out of place the day before. Crimson saw the gates to the palace up ahead, joined by two large stallions with a brilliant set of matching gold armor and blank faces as they studied every pony that walked by. Crimson paused for a moment as the sun rose higher in the sky and covered his body in a slight glow. He felt the warmth as the morning cold was subdued by the suns heat, then turned his attention back to the unicorn and Pegasus guards. Well, let's get this over with, then I have the day to myself. Crimson Couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of a free day to do whatever he wanted. Crimson approached the two royal guards as their attention turned to the armored pony walking towards them. Both guards spears came down blocking the gate. "Halt! What business do you have in the palace?" one of the large ponies asked. Never did like having to say that, crimson thought to himself as he cleared his throat. "Crimson Storm here to see Princess Celestia." Both guards looked at one another before lifted their spears to clear the path. "The princess is expecting you. Please continue." The large iron gate swung open as the unicorn guard surrounded it in magic and forced it open. Crimson inhaled deeply before entering the long corridors of the palace. No matter how many times Crimson walked the corridors of the palace he couldn't help but feel like he would get lost in the seemingly infinite number of corners and stairs that filled much of the palace, Though each time he came his path felt shorter and shorter, at this point he could walk it blindfolded. Crimson finally reached the two large doors he had been looking for, with one unicorn guard standing by it, presumably waiting to let ponies in and out of the royal court room. "Crimson storm I presume." The guard asked as Crimson neared the two large doors. "How'd you know?" Crimson asked, stopping next to the unicorn. "I couldn't miss the armor, and the fact you've been in and out of this place more than any other pony." The guard replied as a small smile grew across his face. "Brass, it's always good to see you again," Crimson said as a similar smile grew on his face, "How's royal guard life treating you lately?" "You know, opening and closing doors and dealing with angry ponies not satisfied with what the princess had to say, same old. What about you? I heard you made a little trip out to Saddle Arabia on your last contract." Brass said. "Yeah, had some things had to take care of out that way. Nice place but I could never get used to the heat." Crimson replied shrugging a bit as thoughts of his last contract began to flood his mind. " Well the princes is dealing with a small group of ponies complaining about taxes again, so she'll be ready for you in a moment." The unicorn leaned back onto the wall as he scratched around under his helmet. Crimson let out a little laugh as continued looking at the large doors. Their size never ceased to amaze Crimson even though he's seen them a hundred times. " Glad to know ponies are still complaining about stupid things back here." "Yep, it never gets old. Anyway I wanted to ask you if you've talked to-" Brass was cut off by the sound of the two large doors sliding open and a group of ponies walking out. Many seemed to be angrily talking among themselves while one older looking stallion lead the group towards the exit of the palace. "Doesn't sound like they’re too happy." Crimson said as he watched the group turn one of the many corners of the palace. "Guess they didn't get what they wanted. Well I guess that means you’re up Crimson, the princess is ready to see you!" Brass said giving Crimson a little nudge as he was still looking where the group of ponies had turned the corner out of view. "Oh ya, thanks Brass, I guess I’ll talk to you later then. Enjoy the rest of your shift." "I’ll try, you just get through this meeting without spacing out again." brass replied turning toward the doors. " Yeah yeah Brass, very funny." Crimson snorted as he passed Brass into the royal court room. The room was a magnificent monument of pony construction. Giant marble pillars lined the walls on both sides that reached up to the roof, made of more marble with a large glass window filling in the middle of the ceiling. A long purple carpet lead through the middle of the room all the way to the throne of princess Celestia, who was busy talking to one of her servants standing next to her. "Crimson Storm of -" an older mare began to announce, "Thank you Quilt, but I know Crimson, how could I not seeing as he visits about as frequently as Twilight." Princess Celestia said as she turned her gaze upon Crimson. " How are you doing today Crimson?" Crimson gave a sincere bow before looking up at the princess." I'm doing fine today princess, and how about yourself?" Crimson asked "Quite well actually, considering the last meeting I had. I suppose you witnessed the group leaving before you entered?" Celestia asked giving Crimson a heartfelt smile. Crimson chuckled, "They seemed like a handful." Crimson couldn't help but return Celestia"s smile. "I'm guessing your here for another contract?" the princess asked. "Indeed I am your highness, I have to get my next work schedule after all." Crimson responded as he shuffled his hooves as he tried to get the irritating itch under his gauntlets taken care of. "Well, at the moment I don't have anything needing your services, think of this as a little vacation for yourself. After all you have been working for months straight without a break. You really should take some time off every now and then to clear your head and relax a bit." Celestia said giving a slight nod towards Crimson. "I know princess,this is the job I signed up for, but it looks like ill get to relax for a little until another contract shows up." Crimson replied continuing to give Celestia a nice smile and another bow. Celestia returned the bow and Crimson began to leave the massive court room. "Oh Crimson, before you leave," Crimson stopped and turned back to the princess, who was now walking down the throne and towards him, " I wanted to thank you personally for your last assignment, I know it wasn't an easy one." "Princess, like I said, this is the job I wanted and I enjoy it, no matter the task." Crimson replied, frowning a bit before giving the princess another smile. "Well then Crimson if there is anything you ever need, feel free to ask anytime!" "Thank you princess." Crimson bowed, but hesitated as he turned towards the doors. “And Luna, don’t think I didn’t see you back there.” Crimson smiled again before trotting out of the courtroom. Celestia giggled a bit as she looked at one disappointed Luna leaning against a column in the corner of the room. “Am I that obvious?” Crimson passed through the iron gates and paused to look at the town around him. Crimson hadn't been inside the palace for months but the town around the palace had become as busy as he had ever seen it before. The streets were crowded with ponies going every way. Crimson shuffled in his armor again as he began to feel like all eyes were on him. "Well, I've got the entire day to myself now...I don't even know where to start." Crimson thought to himself has he inhaled the morning air and began pushing his way through the crowded streets towards his home. *** Crimson closed the door to his house and slipped off his armor. He relaxed as the heavy armor was finally off his body and hung it on the armor rack in the corner. Crimson took a deep breath and looked around his living room. it was a small room with a couch in the middle accompanied by a small glass table. There was a bookshelf next to the door with only a few books and one picture frame of Crimson and his parents. There was also a small rectangular window with a withered plant on a small shelf adjacent to the window. The entire room looked as if it hadn't been touched in months, everything was perfectly aligned and arranged in their determined positions. Crimson walked over to his couch and collapsed onto it. Nothing had felt better to Crimson than to finally relax with nothing on his schedule. The gray pony sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Crimson sighed and slowly opened his eyes to glance around the room. "I'm going to need to find something to do all day..." Crimson said to himself as he continued to look around his stale room. *** A bright full moon hung in the night sky showered all of Equestria in its white glow. Crimson sighed as he looked up at the crater ridden orb in the sky. Crimson had spend most of his day cleaning up around his unused house, buying more things to fill any open spaces and enjoying his schedule free day. As the day wound down, Crimson found himself walking through one of the small parks in Canterlot. Crimson watched as the sky slowly turned from a light blue into a blend of oranges, reds and deep purples. He quickly found himself turning off the cobblestone path as the the sun finally set. After pushing through some small hedges and bushes a small grassy clearing opened up as the the sunset gave way to night. Crimson settled down in the middle of the clearing and watched as the moon slowly rose. Something about the moon had always interested him, whether it be how it always seemed to calm him down or how he always felt at peace whenever he looked up at it, no matter what was happening around him. Crimson continued to gaze at the moon, but couldn't help to get a little itch on the back of his neck, as if something was watching him. Crimson adjusted himself as he sat in the small open patch of grass. "I knew you would be here." Crimson jumped as the words reached his ears. Crimson stumbled as he tried to get up before turning to face the pony behind him. The midnight blue pony walked closer showing more of his features. He had a short black mane that was slightly spiked at the front,(a very close resemblance to crimson's) and two fiery red eyes. "Somber...why do you always have to sneak up on me like that?" Crimson relaxed as the pony a few meters away became recognizable. "Oh c'mon bro, a little scare is good now and again." Somber replied, laughing a bit as he walked closer to Crimson. "I could always find you in this spot... any time you were ever hurt or scared, always the same spot under the moon." Somber said as he looked up towards the bright moon. "Just something about it." Crimson responded turning back to look at the moon before pausing and looking back at Somber. “How did you know I was here?” “Like I said, Anytime there is a moon like this you always come here.” Somber said still looking into the night sky. “No I mean, how did you know I was back in Canterlot?” Somber turned to look at his brother with a sly smile creeping across his face. “I may have had some friends look out for you when you got back." “So you were spying on me again?” “Hey! It’s not spying! Its just a little notice upon your return.” Somber replied laughing a bit. “Hey I’m meeting a couple of friends soon, wanna come with?” Crimson turned to his brother who was now staring at him with a mischievous smile. “Cmon bro! Maybe we can introduce you to a couple mares! Celestia knows you haven’t had a good night in a long time!” Somber gave Crimson a playful nudge before turning around. Crimson turned to follow Somber who was now walking away. “ Alright Somber, lead the way.” *** “Somber! Over here!!” Somber and Crimson both moved through the crowded restaurant towards the table full of ponies. Crimson paused for a moment when he reached the table. He hadn’t realized from the door all the ponies he was meeting tonight were all...different. “How about a little warning about who we we’re meeting…” Crimson whispered to Somber as they sat down. “What did you expect? I’m a night guard! There aren't that many ponies in the night guard! But Don’t worry Crimson they don't bite,”- Somber nodded towards a batmare sitting in between two other bat ponies.- “Except for Star, I’d watch out for her.” Crimson couldn’t help but look at the batmare only to find she was looking back at him. Crimson nodded and gave her smile before looking back to Somber. “So, Somber, you going to introduce us to the newbie?” One of the bat ponies questioned looking over at Crimson. “Ya sorry, everyone, this is my older brother, Crimson.” Somber said pointing to Crimson sitting next to him. “Crimson, this is Aegis, Star and Midnight.” Aegis was a large, black batpony with a short blue mane and was definitely taller than Crimson, but didn’t seem as strong as he did. Star was a smaller dark purple batpony with a long light grey mane and seemed to match Crimson in size. Finally, Midnight was a dark gray batpony with a long black mane and seemed to be in the middle of Aegis’s and Star’s size. “I Didn't know you had a solar guard in your family, Somber.” Star said nodding towards a metal tag hanging around Crimson’s neck. “Oh he’s no-” “Actually, I'm not in the guard, more of a guard for hire," Crimson said interrupting Somber, “I do whatever jobs the solar or lunar guard don’t have time for.” Aegis raised an eyebrow as Crimson spoke. “Hmm, sounds interesting, you like it?” “It takes me around the world, so ya I do.” Crimson responded looking back at Aegis. "Well, now that introductions are out of the way, how about another round of drinks?" Somber said standing up and motioning towards a waiter. "I'm buying!" "I think that sounds good." midnight agreed. Crimson couldn't help but let a small smile slip onto his face. It had been so long since he had actually spent a night with other ponies and being with his brother made it all the better. Not to mention interactions with ponies that didn't deal with work or a mission given to him by Celestia. Crimson relaxed as Somber dropped 5 glasses onto the table and let the moment sink in, after all, he didn't know when the next chance for a night like this would show itself to him again.