
by Sh4dowWalker96

New Faces

I wake up to sunlight streaming in through my bedside window, onto my face."I need to remember to close the curtains next time," I groan. Not entirely awake, I stumble to the ground floor to make some coffee with the pot and beans I bought yesterday. As I grind the beans with my magic, I noticed that I left the cupcake pinkie gave me on the table. "Well, finding breakfast was easy," I say as I put the ground coffee into the pot of now boiling water to brew. Picking up the cupcake in my magic and carefully peeling off the paper, I realize the frosting is the same shade of pink as she was. "Interesting," I say, incinerating the paper and lifting the cupcake to my mouth, "A nice touch." Having eaten the cupcake, which was quite good, I grab a mug out of the cupboard as the coffee finishes brewing. Pouring myself a cup, I hear a loud crash come from outside. "Huh, wonder what happened," I think to myself, as I drink the coffee. Setting the mug down, I say "Well, I planned on going to the library today anyway, might as well check out what happened on the way"

Putting on my coat, and making sure my door was locked behind me, I head off towards the direction of the library. Once I arrived, I noticed a decently large hole in the side. "Huh, so that's where that crash came from. Mystery solved," I say, walking up to the library door. As I raise my hoof to knock, I hear a mare say "Just a minute!" from inside. "Huh, must be a unicorn," I thought.

"Spike can you get that, please? I'm kinda busy, since Dash crashed through the wall again," I hear the same voice from before say.

"Spike? interesting na-" I was cut short by the door opening in front of me, and ushered inside by a dragon hatchling that I assumed was Spike. "A dragon? Interesting," I say, as Spike closed the door behind me.

"Yeah, Twilight hatched me from an egg," he explained.

'And Twilight would be..?"

"The unicorn."

"Ok, so the pegasus she looks ready to kill must be Dash?" I asked.

"Yep. This isn't the first time it's happened either."

"Why am I not surprised..." I say, as I watch Dash attempt to calm Twilight for what seemed like the millionth time. I look around, waiting for them to finish whatever they were doing. It was a decently sized library, relatively small compared to the ones back in Canterlot, but still might have what I'm looking for. "Excuse me," I say, as it seemed that this was going nowhere fast, "I was wondering, do you have anything on the Elements of Harmony?" At the mention of the Elements, they both froze. "What? Was it something I said?" I ask. "If you don't, it's ok, I'll just be leaving then." Still no response, as they both looked at me in shock. "Okayyyy, I'll just be leaving then," I chuckle nervously. As I turn to leave, I hear Twilight call out, "Wait!"

"Yes?" I say, turning back around.

"How do you know about the Elements?"

"From a book of mine, but everypony knows they're just a myth, right?" I ask nervously.

Twilight and Dash exchange a quick look, and Twilight says, "Yes, a myth. Just a myth. Nothing else. Totally not real and most definitely not bound to the souls of certain ponies," visibly going insane.

"Um, I'm going to leave now," I say, opening the door, "It was nice meeting you, I guess."

Closing the door behind me, I look up to notice that it's High noon. Lunchtime. "I think a bite to eat will help me clear my head," I say, going to a random restaurant.

Having eaten, and feeling a bit better for it, I decide to explore Ponyville for a bit. After a good 20 minutes wandering the town, and getting a few strange looks from the locals, I find a quite fancy looking building, which looked out of place next to the standard housing style around here. As I approached the building, I hear a familiar voice say, "Hi there! Glad to see you're not cooped up in your boring old home. Well, I guess it would be a boring new home for you."

Turning around, I see the mare that introduced herself as Pinkie last night. "Oh, hi Pinkie. I was just going for a bit of a walk."

"Walks can be fun, although why walk when you can bounce around like me?" She says, bouncing. Still no idea how she does that.

"Fair enough, I guess. Hey, since you live here, and probably know every building in town, what is this place?" I ask, gesturing to the fancy building.

"Oh, that? That's Carousel Boutique. My friend Rarity lives there, she likes to make clothes for ponies."

"Clothes, eh? Well, I might have to go get my bits and pay her a visit, then," I say, turning to go get said bits.

"Okey doki! Well, see you around.... what was your name, again?"

"Lunaris. Lunaris Sericos, but I prefer just Lunaris."

"Lunaris Sericos... What an interesting name! See you later, Lunaris!" She says, bouncing away.

Turning to head home to finally grab my bits, I check the time by looking at the sun. "Hmm, about 1:00. I have time," I say, trotting towards my house. After arriving home and grabbing what I came for, I head back towards the Boutique. As I walk to the door, I think, "Hmm, lets see, what I really need is a nice cloak. Yes, a black leather cloak will do nicely." Having arrived, I carefully push open the door. As I do, I hear the chime of a bell, I hear a mare say from the floor above, "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique! I'll be with you in just a moment." Noting the use of Prench, which likely meant she was from Canterlot like me, I waited for her to finish whatever she was doing. Turns out I didn't have to wait long as she came down the stairs soon after, saying, "How may I help you, dearie? Oh, and I must say, that is quite a nice coat you have there. Wherever did you get it?"

"Oh, this? I got it about 10 years ago, from somepony that was very close to me. It's all I have to remember him by."

"Him? Say no more dearie, I understand completely," she said. "Now, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing like that," I chuckled, "He was my mentor, and was like a second father to me. Anyways, I heard you make clothes?"

'That's a bit of a relief to hear," she says smiling, "I'm not used to dealing with.. those kind of stallions. Yes, I do. What would you like made?"

"A hooded cloak, made out of black leather, if you have it."

"Black leather? Why yes, I do have some. I'll have to get my leather-working tools, I don't often get requests for anything besides the usual cotton or silk."

"Alright," I say, pleased, "And what time should I return to pick it up?"

"Let's see," she says looking at the clock, which read 1:15, "it should be done by 3:00. Does that sound alright?"

"That sounds just fine," I say, nodding and turning to leave, "I don't really have many plans, so I'll most likely just go home and study till then."

"Study?" she laughs, "You sound like my friend Twilight."

At the mention of the name Twilight, I turn and say, "Twilight? As in, the librarian?"

"You've already met her?" She says, looking a bit surprised. "Well, I shouldn't be surprised, it seems logical that one of the first places you went would be the library."

"Yeah, met would be one way to say it," I chuckle nervously, "More like I asked her something and she went insane."

"Insane? Whatever could you have asked that would have caused that?"

"I simply asked if she had anything on the Elements of Harmony in the library."

At the mention of the Elements, Rarity freezes, saying, " The Elements? Well, I could see why that would have an effect on her. Anyways, I simply must get working on your cloak. Ta ta for now!"

Exiting the Boutique, I wonder, "What is with everypony and the Elements? Maybe that book will help me figure this out." Arriving home, I place my coat on it's hook, with the bits tucked safely inside. "Now," I say, "To see if that book can help me figure out just what exactly it is abut the Elements that makes everypony act so weird."