//------------------------------// // Escape // Story: Lite Step's Story // by thekid0536 //------------------------------// When Lite Step was growing up, he had an abusive father. He would beat on his mother constantly with every chance he got. Lite Step would usually listen to dubstep in his room when this happens so that he could escape reality. One day, his father came home obviously drunk and started calling for his mother. She responded, and came to where he was. Lite Step was in the living room at the time watching TV and saw his father come through the door with a knife in his mouth. His mother saw him and started to run away from him while yelling out "Oh, no.......NO, PLEASE! DON'T HURT ME AGAIN THIS WEEK!" He ignored her request and pleads and ran after her. She locked herself in the bathroom. Lite Step ran to where he heard constant banging noises. Right when he got to the door of the bathroom it was too late. He could hear screams, yelps, and moans of pain. He just stood there, crying while he heard his mother constantly yelling "HELP, PLEASE! SOMEPONY, PLEASE HELP ME!" The calls for help started to get quieter by the minute. He tried his best to bust through the door while this was happening. What he saw when he finally opened the door is too much for even me to describe. Lite Step vomited at the very sight of his mother sliced and diced. Blood, mucus, and guts everywhere. The last words Lite Step heard exit his mother's mouth was "Lighty, why didn't you help me?" He felt like he was just stabbed in the heart with a long piercing sharp sword. All those times he just stuck himself in his room listening to music, he didn't not once think to help her at all. All he cared about was his stupid music. He started to cry even harder than before as his deep, persistent, and piercing wound in his heart, can never be healed. He started to run out the door of his home into the street. It was storming, hard. His dad was running after him with his knife, now drenched in blood, in his mouth. Lite Step didn't know where to go, all he knew was that he needed to keep running. He stumbled upon a Police station. He didn't dare to look behind himself, not even once. He busted through its doors, drenched in water, and had an expression that showed the look of death written all over it. Everypony started to stare at him, with a confused and concerned look on their face. A Police pony walked up to him and asked him what was going on. He just pointed outside and said out of breath "Dad...killed...*a slight pause*....he's....chasing me!" The Police pony could barely hear a word Lite said besides him hearing the words "kill" and "chase" get mentioned. He was actually the of Head Police ponies and ordered other Police ponies to get back up while some stayed behind. He said whispering to Lite "We'll help you. Go sit over there, we'll have you to explain yourself after we catch whoever this pony is." As Lite Step was about to heed his directions, the Police pony stopped Lite in his tracks and asked "Do you know who's chasing you?" Lite Step replied, barely being able to replenish any breath "My Dad." The Police pony then asked him to describe him. Lite described him as being light blue with dark blue hair and red eyes. He also described him to have a bloody knife in his mouth with blood drizzling out of it. The Police pony asked his final question "Do you know who he killed?" Lite Step paused for a second, he couldn't believe what he was about to say. He started to feel himself starting to cry again, that sword started to dig deeper and deeper, making this even more painful to say "My....My...." he stuttered. The sword in his heart got to it's deepest, lightest, and softest point. He just couldn't take the pain and regret anymore. He needed to let it out. He yelled out "Mom!" at the top of his breathless lungs. He started to cry even harder, even more than he had did before. The Police pony looked like he was just struck by lightning. He looked at Lite Step in disbelief. He was about to speak again before he heard yelling from outside that sounded like a crazy pony that sometimes, in fact, most of the time in the afternoon, runs past the Police station. He then turned around as he heard somepony bust through the door, smashing their body through the door into a nearby wall. Lite Step started to back away until he found his back along the wall in the hallway. That pony wasn't just anypony. It was his Dad. Lite started to mutter "no" to himself repeatedly, while his face and voice was flooded with terror. His dad got up groggily and started to run towards the Police ponies as they started to huddle in front of Lite. Lite's Dad's head met with a punch by the Head Police pony. He backed away and fell. He got back up and tried again and ended with the same result. This time when he got back up and tried again, his head met not one, but several bullets instead of that dreadful punch. The Head police pony sighed and turned to Lite and said "All clear, buddy. No need to be scared of him anymore." The Police pony smiled wryly at Lite. Lite Step never felt so relieved in his life as a colt. But he started to think deeply about one particular question. What now?