My Little Pony: Beyond Life and Death

by MetroXLR99

The End of a Great Day

Twilight and Alex made their way back to town with Applejack and Spike not far behind them. By now, Twilight figured that Carrot Top had Alex's food all packed and ready to take home, so the party of four were making a bee-line straight for the Golden Harvest Shop.

"Been awhile since 'Ah've visited ol' Carrot. 'Ah wonder how her business has been goin'," wondered Applejack aloud.

"Based on what I saw earlier today, great!" said Twilight.

Alex smiled sheepishly. then, began to speak. "I know I must sound like a broken record, but thank you again for helping me with my errands, Twilight."

Twilight smiled right back at Alex. "You are quite welcome, Alex. Know that if you need anything, you can always count on me."

"Ya' can certainly count on ME," said Applejack, joining in the conversation. "Ah know what it's like ta' need food ta' get by, so iffin you need anythang, anythang at all, you can count on me an' mah family ta' help ya."

Alex smiled. "Wow, ponies really are nice here. Me and my mom should have moved here a long time ago."

Applejack smirked. "Well, it ain't quite perfect, but it's pretty darn close."

Spike giggled as he read his comic book from atop Alex's back. Alex noticed this, and smiled. "Enjoying your new book, Spike?"

"You BET!, This is the best one yet!"

"Maybe we can read it together, sometime."

Spike momentarily pulled his face out of his comic book and smiled at Alex. "Sounds great! I have tons of them back home. From 'Batstallion' to the 'X-Ponies', I've just about got all the good ones!"

Alex didn't understand one word of what Spike was saying, but he had a feeling he would eventually.

In no time at all the group reached Carrot Top's house/store, 'The Golden Harvest.' It was then that Applejack noticed the entrance was missing it's door, sporting an empty doorway, instead.

"What on Equul happened?"

Twilight just scowled silently. "Derpy."

"Oh, I see." responded the farm pony, immediately getting it.

Alex looked and saw a familiar looking earth pony near the cart he left behind. To say it was "full" was an understatement. So much produce was stacked atop each other, that it towered over Carrot Top.

"Hey uhh, Carrot Top," began Alex as he approached.

The mare looked towards him, and smiled wide. "Mister Cosmos, HI! I'm so glad you could make it. I only just finished unloading."

Alex took another look at the vegetable mountain. "You don't say..."

"Howdy, Carrot!" exclaimed Applejack. Carrot Top looked at her and smiled. "Applejack, how nice."

Applejack smiled as she faced the gardener. "So, how's yer' business goin?"

Carrot Top shrugged. "It's had its ups and downs."

Applejack bore a look of concern on her face. "Downs?"

"Hard to keep my inventory stocked." explained Carrot Top. "Ponies are purchasing my food faster than I can grow it, and it's been a tough harvest season."

Applejack frowned. "Well, if you need any help with apple sales, I'd be happy to-"

"I appreciate the thought, AJ, but I must respectfully decline. I don't want to negatively affect your business just to keep mine running."

"Nonsense! I have MORE than enough apples to get by, and I know what it's like ta' struggle ta' keep a business running, I just wanna help."

Carrot Top raised a brow at Applejack. "You know, it probably isn't good for your grandmother's business to keep helping the competition, Applejack."

"Who' ya think yer' talking to, Carrot, Filthy Rich? I only need money to pay off the bills ev'ry month, I ain't greedy or anythang. If you need help, I'd be happy ta' help ya. I'm sure you'd do the same fer' me."

Carrot Top looked down at her hooves, feeling really bad, now. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. I understand."

Carrot Top smiled at Applejack. "I…I guess I could use some more apples."

"GREAT!" chirped Applejack. "I'll bring some right over fer' you later today."

The ginger maned mare smiled. She then turned her attention to Alex Cosmos. "So, is everything satisfactory?"

Alex looked at the piles of produce in the cart again. "Ms. Top, you've packed enough food to feed Celestia's Army!"

Carrot Top blushed bright red, gently drawing her hoof across the ground. "I just wanted to make sure you, and your sweet mother have enough to eat."

Alex looked at the food again. He then smiled, gently chortling. "Well, we certainly won't have to worry about going hungry, that's for sure." He returned his gaze back at the gardener pony. "Thank you, Carrot Top, I really appreciate this."

Carrot Top smiled, and nodded. "You are quite welc-"

"But, I'm going to need a little help getting all this home," began Alex. "There's no way I can pull this cart all by myself."

"No problem, Alex." began Twilight as she approached him. "We'll all pitch in to help you."

Twilight then eyed Applejack and Carrot Top. "Riiight?"

"Oh, Sure! You bet we are!" said the two mares in unison.

Alex smiled. "I can't thank you all enough for your kindness."

"You don't have to," said Twilight.

"Maybe, but I feel I should anyway. Thank you, all of you."

Carrot Top then walked back to her house/store. "I'll go get us some rope so we can pull this thing. You all wait right here, this shouldn't take long." With that, Carrot Top disappeared into the cottage. True to her word, she returned in only a few minutes time with some strong looking rope in her mouth.

Alex and company watched as the golden mare fastened the rope to the cart. "Okay, now we just need to take our places," said Carrot Top. "Alex, since we're going to your house, you take the front."


"I'll take the front with him," said Twilight, walking with Alex. "I've been at his house before, so I know where it is, sort of."

Carrot Top looked at Applejack. "I guess we're in the back."

"Guess so," said Applejack.

The team of four all walked up to the makeshift harnesses, and slipped themselves into them.

Spike then leapt onto the cart. "Alright! GIDDY-YUP!!"

The four ponies eyed Spike, who smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. It just felt like the thing to say."

Alex shrugged. "Let's just go."

The team of four began to pull the overloaded cart all at once. At first, it didn't look like the cart was budging an inch, but the wheels slowly began to turn until the cart finally began to move at a steady pace.

"Ugh! Wow, Th-This is a lot heavier than I thought it was," said Alex, huffing with effort.

"G-guess I (gasp, huff!) oh-overdid it a little…" said Carrot Top sheepishly in between pants.

"Probably," replied Applejack.

"Oh, ch-chin up, everypony!" exclaimed Twilight. "It m-may be hard work (ngh!, HUFF!!) b-but, it's for a GOOD CAUSE!"

Carrot Top smiled sheepishly. "You're right, sorry." Carrot Top then looked to Alex. "So, Alex, how far off is your house?"

"It's right at the edge of the Everfree Forest. Past Fluttershy's Cottage."

Carrot Top grimaced, her face becoming as pale as a ghost. "That's…GREAT! Just Won-Der-Fuuul," she said with obvious sarcasm.

"I don't mind." said Applejack. "I could use a good workout, and nothin' strengthens the 'ol leg muscles more than' hauling a heavy load clear across town."

Carrot Top just groaned in response.

Several long hours had passed, and the ponies were just about exhausted, even Applejack!

"How. Much. FURTHER!?" exclaimed Carrot Top.

"Not…L-Long." replied Alex. "M-My house sh-should be right over this hill."

"Thank Celestia," muttered the Gardener Pony, whose lungs felt like they were on fire.

Twilight mustered up some more strength, and planted her hooves firmly in the ground. "Come on, team...all together now. PULL!" with their hooves digging into the earth, the team of four pulled the heavy cart up the hill with all their might.

After what felt like an hour - actually just a few minutes, - they at last reached the top.

"We-we MADE IT!" exclaimed Twilight

Carrot Top, Applejack and Spike looked on, seeing Alex's house for the first time.

"Oh…my gosh." said Carrot Top, out of breath. "I'm at Snow White's Cottage." With that, Carrot Top collapsed from total exhaustion.

Applejack exhaled sharply, but then took another look at Alex house. "While Carrot Top may not be right in the head, she ain't entirely wrong. Yer' house looks like a page outta a fairy tale, Alex."

Alex smiled, blushing bright red. "Well, my mom was the architect. So, that may be it."

Applejack looked at Carrot Top, who was still passed out. "Soooo, how do we get over there with Carrot Top takin' a snooze?"

"LET'S RIDE ALL THE WAY DOWN THE HILL!" exclaimed Spike with zeal.

The ponies looked up at the dragon. "That, has got to be the single dumbest-"

"ALRIGHT!, Let's do it!" exclaimed Applejack, cutting off Twilight.

"B-B-BUT-!" before Twilight could protest any further, Applejack had already unlatched herself and Carrot Top, and had carried the unconscious mare onto the cart. She was now sitting right next to Spike, anticipating their ride.

"Come on, Twi! It'll be just like a good, ol' fashion Hayride at the farm!"

Twilight's jaw hung open. flabbergasted, she looked at Alex, who just gave her a neutral look, and shrugged.

Twilight exhaled deeply and grumbled. "I need to get my head examined for agreeing to this." Defeated, Twilight unlatched herself and Alex. The two then hopped atop the cart with their cohorts in questionable means of quick transportation.

"How do we even stop this thing once we get down?" said Twilight, slightly annoyed. "I don't see a safe, soft place to stop, and I DO NOT want to destroy this cart!"

"Not to mention break every bone in our bodies," added Alex, having equal reservations on this activity.

"You can just use yer' unicorn magic to slow us down," said Applejack, rather calmly.

"Hmm…you know, that does make sense," said Alex.

Twilight just groaned in her throat, eyeing both her old friend, and her new one. "You're all idiots," grumbled the unicorn.

"Oh, lighten up, ya' sourpuss. GIVE US A MAGICAL PUSH!!" exclaimed Applejack.

With a grim scowl on her face, Twilight ignited her horn with amethyst energy which slowly began to turn the wheels of the cart. As they neared the steep hill, Twilight canceled her spell, and allowed gravity to take over.

In half the time it takes to blink, the heavy cart went from very slow, to extremely fast, to too fast, as far as Twilight was concerned.




As the cottage began to grow closer, Twilight quickly attempted to stop the cart with her magic, and was horrified to find that it wasn't working.

"Oh, NO-NO-NO-NOOOOOOOO!!" Panicking and short on time, Twilight did the only thing she could think of, and teleported herself, Spike, Alex, Applejack, and Carrot Top off of the cart and onto safe ground.

Where they stood, the four all watched as the cart slammed right into the house. The impact reduced the cart to piles of wood, and scattered the piles of food.

Twilight and Alex stared at the disaster scene with eyes so wide, they looked about ready to pop out of their heads.

"That..." began Twilight

"Was..." said Alex

"AWESOME!!" exclaimed Spike.

"DARN TOOTIN!!" agreed Applejack with a smile.

Twilight and Alex were now staring at the orange mare and purple dragon.

"Are. You. CRAZY!?" exclaimed Twilight. "WE COULD HAVE ALL BEEN KILLED!!"

"Yep, but we weren't."

Twilight was again flabbergasted, left in total shock and awe at her friend's uncharacteristic lack of safety. "What is WRONG with you?" shouted Twilight. "Since when are you like RAINBOW DASH?"

Applejack snorted. "Since that zippy pegasus claimed she was an extreme sports Goddess, and that Ah couldn't do anythang other than workin' if mah' life depended on it."

Twilight stared blankly, and then hoof palmed her face. "Oh, not THIS again."

"Anythang Rainbow Dash can do, Ah can do just as good. Maybe even bett-"

"I sure hope mom didn't hear that crash," said Alex, not paying the slightest bit attention to Twilight and Applejack.

"IS SOMEPONY OUT THERE!?" called a voice.

Alex froze like a statue. "Oh, snap." cursed Alex.

Sensing Alex's worry, Twilight immediately went to work on covering up the crime scene. Using her magic, she mystically repaired the cart and fruit, placed them all back in their proper place, and moved the cart to a less suspicious location.

It was at that very moment that two Pegasi mares stepped out. One was pink with an orange mane, and the other was golden-yellow with a light pink mane.

"MOM!" said Alex.

"Fluttershy?" inquired Twilight.

Alex mother, Jessica, and apparently Fluttershy as well, approached the four. "Alex, whatever was that noise?"

Alex darted his eyes. "Uhh…the cart?"

Jessica looked at the cart of food. "My, that is a lot of food, isn't it?"

"It was Carrot Top." said Alex. "She gave me all of this on the house."

At that moment, the pony in question rose up. " S-Snow White…is that yoooooou?" Carrot Top again collapsed with a thud.

"Oh, my," said Jessica, slightly worried.

Applejack used herself to support Carrot Top up. "She's just' tired, is all. It was a long walk from her shop to here." Applejack then looked at Jessica. "By the way, Ah'm Applejack, Granny Smith's granddaughter. Ah sold Alex the apples."

"Oh, so it was you," said Jessica, with a smile. "It is ever so nice to meet you. Ms. Fluttershy told me all about you."

Everypony finally looked to Fluttershy, who looked timid at all the attention. "Fluttershy, not to be rude, but what are you doing here?" asked Twilight.

Fluttershy blushed, but soon spoke. "I…I remembered how you said that Alex lives with his mother not far from my home. So, I thought I'd pay her a visit and w-w-welcome her to Ponyville."

Jessica smiled warmly. "She's told me about her friends, and every other pony in town." Jessica then looked at her son. "I think we made the right choice in coming here, Alex. This town feels like Paradise."

Alex cast a glance at Twilight, then smiled at his mother, chuckling lightly. "I think so too, mom."

Twilight couldn't help but smile, satisfied that her new friend and his mother were going to be happy.

Jessica then looked back at the cart containing the piles and piles of food. "Well, I appreciate all this, but it's going to take some time and work to get all this food stored."

"We'll help," said Twilight.

"SURE!, It's the least we could do!" added Applejack.

Jessica smiled. "You are all so very kind."

Twilight and Applejack immediately started on carrying the various food items into the cottage. Even Spike helped, and it wasn't long until Alex started helping as well. Jessica however, tended to the still tired, and somewhat delirious, Carrot Top.

"Mirror, Mirror, on the f-f-floor…" mumbled Carrot Top. "Who's the prettiest pony that EV'RYPONY Adores? HAH, HAH, HAH!!"

"Let's get you out of the sun, dear," said Jessica, as she carried the gardener mare into the house.

"Soooome…DAY, my Priiiince will COOOOOME!!"

After about half an hour or so, all the food had been properly stored, and everypony (and dragon) were now gathered at the den for some much needed rest.

By now, Carrot Top had recovered somewhat, and groaned as she drank some ice water with a cold pack over her head.

"Stallion..." grumbled Carrot Top.

"LANDSAKES, Carrot! I don't think I've ever seen a case of heatstroke quite like yours!" said Applejack, half worried and half amused.

Carrot Top took another sip of ice water. "I'm not used to that much sun and work. I have a small garden, not a whole farm!"

"Point taken."

Jessica then walked into the room, balancing a tray of refreshments on her rump. Just as soon as she did, Alex got up from where he sat and walked up to her.

"Here mom, let me help you with that," said Alex, as he took the tray in his teeth.

"Oh, why thank you, Alex."

As Alex laid the tray down on a table, Fluttershy smiled. "That's very sweet of you, helping your mother like that."

Alex blushed bright red. "Thanks, but it's no big deal. I just want to be helpful, is all."

"Don't be so modest, Alex," said Jessica, as she sat down near Twilight. "Not many stallions your age are so thoughtful. There is nothing wrong in taking pride in being good."

Alex smiled weakly. "Yeah, I-I guess you're right."

Twilight looked to Jessica. "You do have a point when you say that not many stallions are like him. Alex is so polite, and so nice that it almost seems too good to be true."

Jessica smiled. "I can assure you, Ms. Sparkle, it is true. Ever since he was a young colt, I've taught my dear Alex to always put others first, to be kind, honest and unselfish, and to treat others as he would wish to be treated."

Jessica looked at Alex, and smiled with a pride that could only come from a mother. "Alex is a good colt, always has been, and continues to be. I am truly proud to call him my son."

For some apparent reason, Alex looked down at this, actually frowning. However, he quickly put on his best smile.

"Well, I believe it." said Twilight. "I've spent the whole day with Alex, and he's never once gotten angry, or shown any ill will towards anypony, even when he had every right to."

"Of course not." said Jessica "It isn't in my son's nature to be violent, or hateful." Again, Alex looked troubled at his mother's words, and again he hid it with a smile. "But, I must thank you, Ms. Sparkle."

Twilight looked at the pegasi mare, confused. "For what, exactly?"

"For being such a good friend to my son. Alex, he…he's never had any real friends growing up." Jessica shed a tear, wiping it away. "Apart from myself, you are the first to ever show my Alex any kindness, and I am grateful for that."

Twilight smiled. "Everypony needs a friend." Twilight then looked at Alex, and then back at Jessica. "And I hope he'll have more. LOTS more."

Jessica looked at all the ponies and the dragon in the room. She then looked back at Twilight, and smiled. "I have no doubt about that, Ms. Sparkle."

After a brief moment, Applejack spoke to Alex. "Hey, Alex, mah Aunt n' Uncle Orange will be coming from Manehattan to visit mah' farm. If it ain't too much trouble, why don't you, an' yer mom come visit to meet them?"

Alex looked at Applejack. "Are you sure? I-I mean, I wouldn't want to intru-"

"We'd be all but happy to have you there. You could even get to meet mah' little cousin, Babs Seed."

"Oh...well, okay then, if you say so." Alex then looked at his mother. "Mom, you feel like-"

"Of course," said Jessica, softly. "I would love to meet them."

"GREAT!" exclaimed Applejack. "It's a date, then."

At that moment, Spike began to yawn real wide and loudly. Twilight looked out, and saw that it was already nightfall.

"Night already? Wow, I've been so busy, I didn't even notice the day go by," said Twilight.

"Then, perhaps it's time for you all to go home."

"You sure?" inquired Carrot Top. "B-Because, if you need any more hel-"

"Oh, no, you've all already done more than enough for me and my son. I shouldn't keep you any more than I already have."

The ponies looked at one another, then shrugged. "Alright. If you say so." began Applejack. "Ah suppose Ah should be headin' out, got a lot of work ta' do tomorrow."

"I should go, too." said Fluttershy. "My bunny Angel gets grumpy when I don't read him a bedtime story."

The ponies all stood up onto their hooves. when Carrot Top tried, her legs grew wobbly, and she fell down.

"WHOA, now!" said Applejack, trotting over to Carrot Top. "You must still be feelin' tired."

"Uh-a little, " replied Carrot Top.

"Then, Ah'd better help git you back home."

Carrot Top looked at Applejack and smiled. "Thank you."

The ponies all made their way for the front door. As they all left, Twilight and Spike, who was riding atop her back, remained.

Twilight looked back at Alex and his mother. "Alex?"


Twilight paused, as if trying to find the right words to say. "We…we had fun today, didn't we?"

Alex smiled and nodded. "Yep, we sure did. We had a few problems along the way, but in the end, we had fun."

"Yeah, let's do something fun tomorrow. I don't have anything planned, and I don't imagine you have any more errands to run."

Alex looked at his mother, who smiled, and shook her head 'no.' Alex then smiled as he looked back at Twilight. "No, I don't think I do."

"Great, then meet me at the library, and we can do something fun together, just the two of us."

"Sure. Do you have anything planned?" asked Alex.

"Not yet, I don't! but, I'll make up a list tonight."

Alex frowned. "Oh, I see."

Twilight looked at Alex, puzzled. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. It's just, well, what if I might have some ideas on what to do tomorrow?"

Twilight grimaced, then blushed bright red in embarrassment. "Sweet Celestia!" she exclaimed. "How inconsiderate of me! But of course you can make your own list! In fact, YOU should make the list." Twilight chuckled nervously.

Alex smiled. "Oh, it's okay. You can still make your own list. The point is that we both have fun."

Twilight smiled as she turned and faced Alex. "Wow, you really are selfless. I wish more stallions could be more like you." Twilight then paused. "No, wait, I'm wrong. I wish more ponies could be more like you."

Alex looked away, blushing. "I'm…n-nothing special."

"You are to me," said Twilight. Then, without thinking, Twilight gave Alex a quick peck on the cheek, leaving Alex frozen like a statue, and Twilight herself blushing like a tomato.

"Good night." said Twilight, as she left. Alex finally broke from his shock, and watched as Twilight walked away, eventually disappearing from view.

"Good night, Twily." said Alex, his voice quiet.

As Alex shut the door, he stood silently. "You were right, mom," said Alex, at last.

"About what?"

"Not all unicorns are like my father," said Alex, a single tear in his eye. "Twilight Sparkle proved that to me today."

Jessica frowned at this. "oh, Alex…"

Alex finally turned, and approached his mother. "Are you really proud to call me your son?"

Jessica was stunned at this question. "Of COURSE I am, Alex! why would you ever doubt my words?"

Alex glanced away, a frown still present on his face. "Because…I'm not."

Jessica looked at her only child with softness. She then stood near him, spread out her wing, and held him close. "Alex, you are my son, my baby. I love you, and I will ALWAYS love you. NEVER think any different."


"Shh! it's over now. He cannot harm us, anymore."

Alex shed some tears, which Jessica wiped from his eyes. "I love you, mom, and I'm sorry."

"There is no need to apologize," said Jessica.

"I know, but I will say it, anyway."

Jessica smiled, then gave Alex a soft kiss on his head. "I truly have raised a good son."

Alex smiled. "I had a good mother to teach me."

Jessica smiled again, then gave him another kiss. "Come," she said, parting from Alex. "Time for bed."

"Really? Y-You sure you don't need me to-"

"No more work tonight." said Jessica, walking Alex to his room "It's time to rest."

Alex reluctantly followed his mother into a semi-empty room. As Jessica pulled back the covers with her hoof, Alex hopped into bed and laid down as his mother covered him up.

"Mom?" said Alex.

"Yes, son?"

"This…this place, Ponyville, it's really nice, isn't it?"

Jessica nodded. "Yes, it is. Though small, it is quite wonderful.

"Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy, they're really nice TOO, aren't they?"

"Yes," said Jessica. "We are fortunate to have friends such as them."

Alex smiled as he rested his head on his pillow. Jessica then stroked his mane gently, and hummed a soft, soothing tune. Alex's eyes grew heavy, sleep beginning to overcome him.
Before he drifted off into Luna's realm, he spoke one last time to his mother.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Goodnight. I love you."

With that, Alex fell asleep. Jessica smiled, her eyes wetting. She then leaned forward, and gave her son one last kiss.

"Goodnight, my son. I love you, so very, very much."

Twilight walked through the front door of the Golden Oak Library, and gently closed it.
With Spike still fast asleep, she silently trotted up the staircase to her bed at the upper level of the hollow tree.

Approaching her bed, she used her magic to gently levitate Spike into his little bed near hers.
She laid his tiny head onto the fluffed pillow and covered him up with the small blanket. She then gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, and smiled at him. "good night, Spike. Sweet dreams."

With that, Twilight quietly walked away and returned to the ground level of the library.
Approaching a writing desk, she unfurled a blank piece of paper and took an ink-wetted quill.

"Dear Princess Celestia," began Twilight, as she wrote her letter. "Today, I made a new friend in Ponyville, and I am left to wonder if the hoof of fate was at work. I first met him when my mind was on other things, and I quite literally ran into him. We departed as strangers, until I encountered him yet again when I accidently hit him on the head with an apple."

Twilight blushed bright red as she recollected both events, and then continued writing.

"Remarkably, he showed no anger at my unintentional assault upon him, and gladly accepted my help in aiding him with some errands that he had to complete. Apparently he had only just recently moved to Ponyville with his mother, who both live near Fluttershy's cottage at the very edge of the Everfree Forest. And, after spending the entire day with him, I am convinced that Alex Cosmos is the kindest, nicest, most polite stallion whom I have ever met."

"I feel we are both going to be VERY good friends."

Twilight paused for a moment as she thought about her own words. "Hmm, yes. Friends." She resumed her writing.

"After I helped Alex get settled, I introduced him to all my friends. He appeared to get along well with everypony. Even the Crusaders like him! The only one who hasn't warmed up to him yet is Rainbow Dash, but that isn't too surprising."

"She never trusts anypony right away. I hope that Rainbow will trust him SOON. I am sure she and him can be good friends, if she lets him. I am looking forward to seeing Alex tomorrow. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight rolled up the letter, and tightened it with a seal. She then looked to a lone owl on a perch.


The Owl opened its eyes. "Hoo?"

"Can you please take this letter to Princess Celestia in Canterlot?" asked Twilight. "Normally I'd have Spike use his magic flame, but he's sleeping."

"Hoo." said Owlolicious, who took the scroll and flew out the window.

Twilight smiled. She then snuffed out the candle lights, and made her way back up the stairs and approached her bed. She at last got into her soft bed, pulled the covers over her and rest her head onto the soft pillow.

Letting out a loud yawn, she closed her eyes, and in no time, drifted off to sleep.

It was the end of a very good day in Ponyville.