//------------------------------// // The Tale of Soarin // Story: My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Tales From The Stallion Six // by SuperPinkBrony12 //------------------------------// "I can't wait to hear how the rest of that race went." Rumble said excitedly, as he and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders raced towards Rainbow Dash's house. "Me either. It must've been exciting!" Sweetie Belle said happily. "How much do you wanna bet that winning that race is what gave him his cutie mark?" Apple Bloom asked. "I just hope Soarin can tell us where we can find Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo said with concern "I'm getting tired of these really sappy stories." "They're not sappy." Apple Bloom spoke up. "Whatever, let's just keep moving." Scootaloo shrugged. A few moments later, the familiar site of Rainbow Dash's cloud house came into view. Scootaloo had been over only once before, but she'd been quite impressed. If only her parents would let her have sleepovers at Rainbow Dash's place more often, instead of having them at Carousel Boutique with Rarity, or with Fluttershy at her cottage. Heck, one time, they'd even dumped her off for the night at Sweet Apple Acres. "Do you see anypony?" Sweetie Belle asked Rumble. "No, not yet." Rumble replied, shaking his head. "You don't think Thunderlane was lying, do you?" Apple Bloom whispered to Sweetie Belle. "I heard that!" Rumble said crossly "My big brother would never lie to me!" "I was just asking a question was all." Apple Bloom defended "No need to get all hostile." "Hey, there he is!" Scootaloo shouted, as she brought her scooter (and the wagon that was attached to it) to a halt. Sure enough, there was The Wonderbolt Co-Captain, right where Thunderlane said he would be. "Hey Mr. Soarin!" Rumble called, having to shout at the top of his lungs to make sure he could be heard. "Rumble? What are you and your friends doing here?" Soarin asked, as he descended to the ground. "We're trying to find Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo explained. "And we were also hoping that you could tell us how you got your cutie mark." Sweetie Belle added. "Thunderlane told us that you once defended his honor in a Wonderbolt Tryout." Apple Bloom explained "Is that true?" "You bet it is!" Soarin said happily "I'll never forget that day!" "Oh boy, here we go again." Scootaloo muttered under her breath. "It all started when I was just a colt." Soarin explained "Back then, Captain Spitfire and I were childhood friends. We hung out occasionally, even shared a good laugh or two. But after flight school, everything changed. Spitfire was a few years older than me, so she was chosen to replace the retiring Captain Dizzy Twister." "Say, Dizzy Twister is my mom's name!" Scootaloo interrupted "She never mentioned that she use to be captain of The Wonderbolts!" "Well, she was fairly young when she retired." Soarin explained "Most Wonderbolt captains don't retire until their 50's, some even serve for life, like Captain Firefly I our fonder." "I thought her name was General Firefly?" Rumble asked. "That's what her name was prior to forming The Wonderbolts." Soarin explained "In any case, Spitfire became the new captain, but I was too young to apply with The Wonderbolts for a couple of years. In the meantime, I'm not ashamed to admit that I became a huge Wonderbolt fanboy. I had Wonderbolts posters, Wonderbolts t-shirts, Wonderbolts flags, even Wonderbolts pajamas. It still amazes me that I had time for anything else, let alone school. But I managed to achieve good grades. As soon as I was old enough to apply, I did so. And you all know about what led up to my race to defend Thunderlane's honor." "So what happened after the race began?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Did that race cause you to earn your cutie mark?" Apple Bloom asked. "It most certainly did." Soarin explained "And this is how all it went down." The instant Thunderlane waved the flag, Soarin's mind was focused on one thing, and one thing only. "I have to win, for Thunderlane's sake." Soarin thought to himself "I've got to put those bullies in their place!" Soarin was unaware that he had knocked Thunderlane off of a cloud, but even if he had been, he wouldn't have cared. There was little he could've done, and if he went back to help he would've lost. Besides, Thunderlane seemed like a strong enough flyer. And there was suppose to be a magical barrier in place beneath Cloudsdale for these types of races. As Soarin rounded the first bend, he was in the lead. But Dumb-Bell, Hoops, and Score, weren't too far behind. "Give up Soarin, you'll never beat us!" Dumb-Bell taunted. "The three of us are unstoppable!" Hoops boasted. "You can't win!" Score said firmly. Soarin took no notice, and kept on flying as fast as he could. "I've got to win! I've got to win!" he said to himself. He was flying faster than he had ever flown before. It was a good thing he'd been practicing, or by now his wings would've likely cramped up. Even so, Soarin wasn't certain if he keep up the pace all the way to the finish line. "No! I can't think like that! I've got to keep my eye on the prize!" Soarin thought to himself "Pops always said that a true Wonderbolt NEVER give up, no matter what! If I can't handle the pressure now, then I'll have no right to call myself a Wonderbolt!" And he kept up the positie thinking, as he rounded the second bend. By now, Dumb-Bell, Hoops, and Score, were starting to tire out. But Soarin seemed to have plenty of energy left. And his lead began to widen, as the race continued. "I hate to admit it, but that Soarin is really good!" Hoops said serioulsy "He might be as good as that pesky Rainbow Crash that kicked our butts at flight school." "If that's true, then what can we do?" Score asked. "What we do best!" Dumb-Bell smirked "If we can't win this race fairly, then we'll just have to win 'un'fairly!" "So, what's the plan?" Hoops and Score asked. "It's simple, we take out the competetion by any means possible!" Dumb-Dell explained. "Sounds good to me." Score chuckled. "That Soarin has met his match!" Hoops smirked. "This isn't over yet Soarin!" Dumb-Dell said with determination "Not if I can help it!" Soarin continued to fly as fast as he could. He rounded the final corner with ease, and in the distance he could see the finish line with a crowd of ponies waiting to see the results. Among the faces, he swore he could make his childhood friend, Spitfire. Even if she was now Captain of The Wonderbolts, she was certain to recognize Soarin's face as soon as she got a good look at him. "I'm going to win!" he exclaimed happily. His victory seemed all but assurred at that this point. "I don't think so!" Dumb-Bell shouted, suddenly appearing besides Soarin. Soarin was surprised "What?! But how did you-" "Now!" Dumb-Bell shouted, interrupting Soarin. Hoops and Score suddenly flew out, blocking Soarin in front and behind. Soarin tried to shake them off, but they wouldn't budge. "You're not gonna get away with this!" Soarin growled. "On the contrary Soarin, I already have!" Dumb-Bell smirked, as he bumped into Soarin, sending him spinning out of control and away from the finish line. All hope seemed lost for Soarin, but then suddenly, there was a burst of violet-pink magic. It washed over Soarin like a wave, creating a small forcefield that managed to bring him back under control. Soarin had little time to wonder how this was possible however, as he saw that Dumb-Bell, Hoops, and Score, were about to cross the finish line first. "Oh no you don't!" Soarin shouted, the determination inside of him providing the adrenline he needed to catch up. "What?! You've caught up?! IMPOSSIBLE!" Dumb-Bell exclaimed. "Oh, it's possible all right." Soarin smirked "Just try and sabotage me now." "With pleasure." Hoops said fiendishly, and slammed into Soarin with all his might. He bounced harmlessly off of the forcefield, the force of impact knocking him into Dumb-Bell and Score, causing them all to wipe out. As the chaos was unfolding, Soarin, with one last burst of speed, whooshed through the finish line and skidded to a halt. The crowd went wild, and the judges were most impressed. "He's done it mares and gentlestallions, give him a hoof!" the loud-speaker encouraged. That was all the motivation the crowd needed to give Soarin a thunderous round of applause. "I did it. I really did it." Soarin panted. He had won the race, and now he was practically guarnteed a spot on The Wonderbolts. After years of practice and determination, his dream had become a reality. "Very impressive Soarin." Spitfire said happily "I expected no less from you. I've been waiting for this day for a long time, the day when you and I would be a part of the greatest stunt flyers in all of Equestria." Then, she noticed something on Soarin's flank "And that's not all. It seems like you've earned something else as well." "What?" Soarin asked. "Just look at your flank, and see for yourself." Spitfire encouraged. Soarin did so, and when he did he saw a yellow lightning bolt depicted on his flank. He had earned his cutie mark! He was amazed "I can't believe it! This is the greatest day of my life!" he exclaimed happily. And he gave Spitfire a tremendous hug. "Settle down Soarin." Spitfire pleaded "I know you're excited, but you're kind of crushing me with this killer hug of yours." "Sorry." Soarin apologized, as he released Spitfire from his arms "Guess I got a little carried away." "No kidding." Spitfire chuckled. "As a result of my impressive skills, and come from behind victory, Spitfire was able to get me into The Wonderbolts as Co-Captain." Soarin explained, as he finished his story "I realized that it was my love of flying, and being part of The Wonderbolts, that given me my cutie mark. And since that day, I've been determined to do my best to live up to the reputation that comes with being Co-Captain of Equestria's ace flyers." "That, was, amazing!" Rumble exclaimed. "That story was even better than I thought it would be." Sweetie Belle said happily. "So, was that too 'sappy' for you Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom teased. "Okay, okay. So it was a good story." Scootaloo admitted "How could anypony think otherwise?" "See, I knew you had a soft side." Rumble said, chuckling slightly. "That's so funny, I forgot to laugh." Scootaloo muttered, and she quickly changed the topic "So, have you seen Rainbow Dash anywhere?" she asked Soarin. "Sorry, havent' seen her." Soarin apologized "I've been stuck house sitting since early this morning. Not exactly how I'd want to spend my day, but whatever." "Do you have any idea where we could find her?" Scootaloo asked. "Nope." Soarin said with a shake of his head "Odds are she doesn't want to be found. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to get back up to Rainbow Dash's house, and make sure nothing's been stolen." "Well, that's just great." Scootaloo sighed, as she watched Soarin take off "If even Soarin doesn't know where we can find Rainbow Dash, then I don't know where to look." "Maybe we could ask my sister Rarity." Sweetie Belle suggested "Perhaps she'll know." "It's worth a shot." Apple Bloom encouraged. "Yeah, what have we got to lose?" Rumble asked. Scootaloo couldn't think of a good counter arguement, so she merely hopped onto her scooter. Once Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Rumble had climbed into the wagon, and put on their helmets, she took off as fast as she could. "I just hope Rarity doesn't try to put a dress on me." Scootaloo thought to herself, as she headed for Carousel Boutique "I hate dresses!"