//------------------------------// // The Truth, The WHOLE Truth // Story: The Siren Song: Razzle Dazzle // by Shadowmane PX-41 //------------------------------// The light finally stopped, revealing to The Dazzlings the arena where their darker sides met their demise. It was clear as day now, with the place completely deserted. There were some cars driving on the road behind the stage, but other than that, there was nothing more than the cold wind and the audience seats. "Where are we?" Adagio asked, seeing that The Blasters had appeared in front of them. She still saw her brothers had turned towards a more malefic side, but that didn't stop her from raising the question. "This is where the darkness was enveloped by the light. The very stage where the contaminated Right Souls of Fury met their demise, at the hands of seven seemingly harmless teenagers..." Fortissimo said, his voice as philosophic as usual as he addressed all of The Dazzlings. "This is the stage where you three were felled for the second time," Allegro decided to add on to the explanation. "At this time, the three of you were corrupted with Dark Magic, making your voices sustainable through a pendant only. You needed to feast off of the hatred of others to restore your strength." "At this point, your family just snapped down there in that cellar," Orchestral pointed towards a certain part of the stage that looked like a trapdoor to a hidden cellar. "They'd finally snapped on how much Auntie Rainbow Dash was hogging all the limelight. All it took was one little snap and the whole band was in tatters..." "And once they started to go for each other's throats, you three harvested the strongest power other than Lyrican Magic itself..." Fortissimo said, pulling out some rainbow coloured mist from the direction of the cellar. "Equestrian Magic. And not just any Equestrian Magic, the fabled Magic of Friendship; the largest source of power in all of Equestria..." "They say that it was a power that could give anyone power beyond comprehension, even enough to match the levels of a Lyrican Siren like us..." Allegro continued with the explanation. "The six Spirits of Harmony all broke down into a feud, spilling the magic from them, and bequeathing it to the rightful owners." "You three fit the roles of all of your aunties, Dazzlings..." Orchestral said, as if to fill The Dazzlings' minds with distrust. "They gave you all that power, so why would you bother to sheathe your blade at the final battle?" "A TRUE Lyrican absorbs all of the magic, instead of leaving some for the buzzards," Fortissimo said, circling all of The Dazzlings, with his two brothers close behind him. "Since you three failed to take all the magic, I guess that means you really were 'harmless teenage girls' in the end..." "What a shame... Our little sisters reduced to weak and infantile humans after failing to take ALL of the Magic of Friendship..." Allegro said, his head quite close to The Dazzlings as he and the other Blasters continued to circle and demoralize their little sisters. "With all that in your head, the battle with The Rainbooms was truly one-sided in the end, wasn't it?" "It truly is a shame, isn't it?" Orchestral teleported straight in front of The Dazzlings, making them flinch. Then, he appeared right behind The Dazzlings and spoke another demoralizing sentence. "If only the three of you had known..." "If it makes you feel any better, now we'll show you how your 'Mommy and Aunties' defeated your darkness and saved the Siren species..." Fortissimo said, returning right in front of The Dazzlings and raising one of his hands towards the sun, making it reverse and rewind all the days that had passed since The Dazzlings' defeat at CHS. The Dazzlings could only watch as all the days that had passed now went in reverse, with the sun and moon quickly cycling around the city, reversing the time stream. With one final flash, The Dazzlings watch the Final Battle Of The Bands that The Blasters claimed had "saved them". The Dazzlings that were in their childish states were high above the stage, with a clear vantage point of the final battle. They could see their past selves already mesmerizing the crowd with their otherworldly perfect harmony. They looked and remembered those clothes quite well, as they were the ones that Sunset had given them at Christmas. They watched as the song finally began with the lyrics, with The Dazzlings interacting with the crowd as they performed. Once that segment entered another phase, The current Dazzlings looked over at the Rainbooms, who were now preparing for their counterattack. "Wait... Is that..." Adagio looked completely shocked at who was waiting on the top of that hill. It was Twilight, Sunset and the Humane 5, all dressed in rather bizarre outfits. They brandished their instruments, watching as a random car pulled up and transformed into a DJ booth. "Seems rather normal, wouldn't you agree?" Fortissimo said, appearing right behind The Dazzlings on what looked like a cinema chair with a bag of popcorn in one hand and a drink in the other. "Oh, where are my manners? Do you girls want some?" he offered his food and drinks to The Dazzlings as the next portion of the song went on. "It actually does seem normal, brother..." Adagio finally agreed with Fortissimo as she took a handful of popcorn and watched the fight continue. "But why did you decide to show us this? It just looks like we're doing what we always did..." "Yes, but look at your transformation..." Fortissimo pointed back towards The Dazzlings of that period of time, who were just now unleashing their true selves mid-verse. The Dazzlings that were watching were quickly blinded by the explosion of light, but quickly used their hands to adjust to the light of the transformation. They could quickly see that not only did they get hair extensions and Hippocampi wings as normal, but they also grew pony-like ears at the tops of their heads. When the transformation had finished, the past Dazzlings were now covered in a radiant red glow, their wings and ears now visible for all to see. Their hair had also grown, but that wasn't the fact that bothered the current Dazzlings. "Now then, do you think you can pinpoint what's wrong here?" Fortissimo said, suddenly stopping the image with a remote control that was covered with red and blue crystals. "I don't really see anything wrong here, brother. It only looks like you've just shown us singing like angels, albeit with our wings and extra hair..." Adagio said, looking at the picture that she found rather normal. "Take a closer look, Dazzlings..." Allegro said, holding his palm out towards the past Dazzlings, letting out red pulses of energy. The red pulses of energy impacted with the past Dazzlings, revealing a rather interesting new detail. Each of The Dazzlings of the past now had a demonic beast show up behind each of them. Each of the demons was a perfect copy of them, but a few feet larger, and made of different colours. While the three demons mostly had black and green magic as their flesh, their was one more part that was a different colour. Each of the demons' right wings were wrapped in black vines, obstructing almost all of the red-coloured magic. It truly looked like a horrifying image, as each of the eyes was coloured green instead of red; like a normal Furen's eyes would be. "W-What are those?" Aria looked shocked at this new discovery. The mere sight of these three demons now terrified her. She knew otherworldly magic, but nothing like this. "These are the Right Souls of Fury, Dazzlings..." Fortissimo said, as he saw The Dazzlings' horrified expressions as the picture never changed. It was there, clear as day for all to see. "Only thing is, they've been tainted with Dark Magic, as per your little accident..." "Let's watch the rest of the show, shall we?" Orchestral said, pushing the remote once more, getting the fight to start back up again. Once the image began moving once more, The Dazzlings of the past were interrupted by The Rainbooms, who were singing a well-thought song to counter that of The Dazzlings' song. Whilst they sang, light enveloped them, giving them extended hair with multi-coloured streaks, pony ears, and even a few wings of their own. "So The Rainbooms want to turn this into a REAL Battle Of The Bands?" the Adagio of that period of time taunted, her gaze locked on The Rainbooms as she took control of the music once more. "Well let's battle!" The song continued, but this time, The Dazzlings' eyes flashed red for a brief instant, a sign that they were unleashing their true power. When they stopped singing, a red spark linked itself with all three of the red pendants before The Dazzlings unleashed a large flash of red light. In the midst of all this madness, The Dazzlings let out their Hippocampi, turning the sky red as blood. With their human bodies motionless in mid-air, The Dazzlings' Hippocampi charged towards The Rainbooms and began a real attack. The Dazzlings of the past were met with some resistance, but even that wasn't enough for The Rainbooms to stop them. After batting away one of Twilight's notes, Adagio, Aria and Sonata let out a malefic-sounding symphony of destructive voices on The Rainbooms. Their symphony was quite powerful, and eventually knocked The Rainbooms on their knees and made them drop the microphone in surprise. They looked at their defeated band with sinister gazes as they thought that had won, but they didn't know that it was only going to end poorly for them... "Sunset Shimmer, we need you!" Twilight reached out for Sunset, her last chance at battling back against The Dazzlings of this timeline. She was down in her knees, the impact of that last attack being more powerful than she'd anticipated. The Dazzlings of the present looked at The Rainbooms, their faces looking rather guilt-ridden after that little event that had happened before their eyes. If only they could have seen what monsters they had truly become in that past, then they could have tried to stop themselves. For now, though, they could only watch as Sunset threw off her black jacket and took the microphone in her hands, ready to fight back against The Dazzlings of the past. With Sunset's added voice, The Rainbooms were quickly back into the battle, blasting all of The Dazzlings' Hippocampi away with a burst of rainbow-coloured light. Their song also reached the ears of the audience, who now turned to support them instead of The Dazzlings. The Dazzlings of the past only watched as their eyes returned to normal, a sign that their link with the Hippocampi had been severed, leaving their summons stopped in midair as The Rainbooms prepared the final words. They allowed Sunset Shimmer to grow her own ears and tail as she took on a transformation of her own. With her new parts, The Rainbooms song unleashed a torrent of rainbow-coloured energy into the sky, transforming into a ball of tesla, which would incubate the summon that they'd pull against The Dazzlings of the past. The Dazzlings of the past flinched in fear as they saw a giant rainbow-coloured alicorn appear in the sky. Then just watched as the beast unleashed a massive deluge of Equestrian Magic down onto them, completely destroying the Hippocampi and shattering the pendants that sustained their voices. Once the song had finished once and for all, The Dazzlings were now strewn on the stage, down onto their knees as they finally came back from the aftermath of their assault. Their pendants were completely shattered when they finally got a glimpse on their surroundings. Not only that, but their added hair and wings had completely vanished. They tried to win the crowd back once they got back onto their feet, but to their complete shock and dismay, their voices sounded like a completely out-of-tune train wreck. Their damaged voices were revealed, the ones that had poisoned them when they were resurrected. Not to the surprise of The Blasters and their little sisters, they watched as the crowd rose up against them and booed them off the stage for good. The six sirens merely watched as The Dazzlings of the past fled, never to show their faces to humanity again... "Now you know, little sisters..." Fortissimo said, getting up from his chair as The Dazzlings of the present looked back at them. "The truth of what had happened at CHS..." "How did our voices suddenly turn to dust like that?" Aria asked once the memory had finally vanished, revealing nothing but the darkness of nothingness once again. She knew why it happened, but she wanted to know how it was possible, if the darkness faded after that final attack. "Simple, when the Dark Magic faded away, it revealed the true Right Souls," Allegro said as he and Orchestral got up from their seats as well, so that The Dazzlings knew that they were all being spoken to. "However, at that same moment in time, you three had forgotten that when a Siren's pendant is misplaced or in this case, destroyed, then all of the energy would discharge in their souls, leaving their voices weak, and their swordmanship abysmal for a brief moment in time..." "Since you were still participating in the Battle Of The Bands, you three had no time to recover your voices without forfeiting. So you just decided to wing it. And as expected, you failed miserably." Orchestral said, his sadistic humour showing for another time. "But on the bright side, you were able to recover your voices whilst you sang the Second Life Song immediately afterwards. However, you were still primed on turning yourselves into infants so that you could be redeemed. Meaning, that the three of us played a waiting game whilst the three of you relived your infanthood..." Fortissimo finished. "Any questions?" Orchestral asked in a rather joking fashion once The Dazzlings hung their heads in remorse. "Actually, I have one..." Sonata raised her middle finger so that she was addressing all three of The Blasters this time. "How did we get that Dark Magic anyways?" "Now that one might even traumatize me too, but why not?" Fortissimo said as the vortex of light sprung up again, taking The Dazzlings on another tour through time... Lyrica, The Great War... The Dazzlings and The Blasters appeared in another era of time, in what looked like the ruins of a shrine to Lyrican Sirens. They saw all the devastation that had happened both inside and out of the shrine, and saw that six figures were all tangled up in the middle of all that carnage. The six figures were The Blasters and The Dazzlings, who were only just now recovering from the assault of the other species. Once The Dazzlings had finished covering The Blasters' cuts and gashes with bandages, they recoiled in pain and allowed The Blasters to do the same to them. "What is the meaning of this?!" Fortissimo said, looking up towards the sky in between bandages. He was addressing Courageour, one of the six deities of Euphoria. By the looks of things, Fortissimo did not look pleased as he locked visages with that of the giant warrior. "You said that the balance was perfectly equal!" "Soom delrek direz galara impra, miregane dounpra kireh! Silek deium karagnal wigrenizra!" Courageour spoke in Lyrican, confusing The Dazzlings of the past as they watched the memory play on. "Oh, sorry about that, ladies. I'll translate..." Fortissimo said as he reversed the memory and clapped his hands together, spreading out pulses of red and blue energy across the whole memory, translating it all to English for The Dazzlings' convenience. "You six were all mislead, mislead by us!" Courageour said, his voice sounding rather sinister as he addressed all six of the Sirens of the past. "This is the way that destiny had planned for you all!" "Bullshit!" Allegro denied Courageour's words as he shot a scornful glare at the giant Lyrican monster. "Why would you attack Blissens as well as Furens?!" "We have no business with you Blissens. It is the Furen scourge that we must stamp out! Because of your lack of action, the Furens have doomed us all to an eternity of strife and conflict!" Courageour said as he swiftly used his sword to cut a fireball that was hurtled towards him, making it explode in a rather dangerous fashion. "We have reason to believe that The Dazzlings were responsible for the murder of multiple Blissens, so it is only fair that we stamp them out of existence!" "Lies! Nothing but filthy fucking lies!" Fortissimo said, shooting a blast of Blissen magic at Courageour, getting him to be knocked back into the fray of the fight. After that, he calmed down and returned to The Dazzlings. "Listen to me, girls. You're gonna get through this. I promise..." "Brother... Was Courageour telling the truth?" Sonata looked up at Orchestral with puppy-dog eyes as her brother continued to patch her up. She was rather worried at what she'd just heard, the mere thought of being accused of Sirenslaughter was enough to make her seem rather small and scared. "Are we responsible for murdering Blissens?" "No... No, you're not, Sonata..." Orchestral said, stroking Sonata's cheeks as he finished applying the bandages to his little sister. "We were deceived. All of us were betrayed by Euphoria..." "They'd been planning this for years..." Fortissimo said, once he helped Adagio to her feet and allowed her to recover. "Ever since you three were coronated by Greed, Persuasion, and Malice, the six deities of Euphoria began their heinous plan..." "They've clearly made a deal with outside forces, without King Allure's permission..." Allegro said, adding on to what Fortissimo had said as well. "By doing so, they've recruited someone to go out and hunt Lyricans, so that they could use this war as a front to eliminate all the Furen Sirens..." "Listen, girls, there could be someone out there with power unlike any other. You need to stay on your guard as you fight, so that you can be ready to fight back whatever forces seek to end you..." As The Blasters continued to give The Dazzlings morale, they couldn't help but notice a pony in a wizard's costume held his staff towards The Blasters and prepared for an attack. They watched as the staff's magic intensified, now reaching lethal levels. As soon as the orb fired, The Dazzlings did something very heroic. "BROTHER!" they all pushed The Blasters out of the way, so that they could receive the attack instead of their brothers. They quickly saw their brothers smash against the walls of the shrine before The Dazzlings received the full force of the pony's attack. "SISTER!" The Blasters all reached for The Dazzlings as they watched the spell impact and electrocute them for a brief moment in time. Once they had stopped conducting lightning, The Blasters ran over to their dizzy sisters and looked at where the attack had come from. "What have you done?!" Fortissimo angrily launched a deluge of Blissen Energy at the pony's foothold, causing the pony to fall into the destroyed shrine and bare witness to the most tragic thing in The Blasters' lives. "Sister... Sister, no! Don't die on me now!" Fortissimo said as he caught Adagio as she fell, whilst the other Blasters did the same with their little sisters. He watched as Adagio slowly blinked and looked up at him. "It's funny really... I thought that I'd die in battle, but I never thought that I'd die in your arms, brother..." Adagio said, in an accepting tone as she welcomed her demise with a smile now growing on her face. "Please, Adagio! PLEASE DON'T ACCEPT THIS!" Fortissimo encouraged Adagio to fight back against her death. He didn't want to see his little sister perish at this critical moment in time. "YOU HAVE TO FIGHT BACK!" "Brother... This was all meant to be..." Adagio said in between coughs of pain. She truly was dying now, and wanted to ensure that her brother was able to comprehend that. "I knew that sooner or later we'd perish..." "Please, Adagio... You're making me cry here..." Fortissimo said, holding back some tears as he watched his little sister continue her dying words. "Brother... remember that this isn't your fault..." Adagio spoke onward. She knew that she would be passing away relatively quickly, so she wanted to get her last words out to him. "You still... have duties... to uphold..." "If... the Sirens stray... from their path... If we... stray... from our path..." she was now starting to lose her life-force now, so her words became delayed. She was about to die, when she finally got out her last words. "You must be the one... to save us... Save us... and uphold the Balance... of... Lyrica..." Then, The Dazzlings all drooped down and lowered their arms. Their eyes had now been shut for the last time. The look was undeniable, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk were dead. "Dazzlings..." Fortissimo finally let out tears as he looked at his lifeless sister, laying dead in his arms. "Sister... no..." Suddenly, The Dazzlings were all consumed in a bright red light. They were quickly starting to disintegrate into the afterlife now, so that they could finally rest in peace. Their bodies started to fade away into the light as they quickly vanished into an eternal state of slumber. "Sister!" The Blasters watched as The Dazzlings now started to fade away completely, eliminating their bodies, their armour, their pendants, and finally their hair. Whilst all this was happening, The Blasters now cried a waterfall as they watched their sisters slip into the afterlife. With one final call of anguish, The Blasters reached out for their dead sisters. "SISTER!" As The Dazzlings of the present watched the memory's conclusion, they got a closer view of the pony that had dared to attack their brothers. He was dressed in a dark cape and hat with stars draping each piece. Not only that, but there were bells hanging from the hat and cape as well. The pony himself was a grey unicorn with golden eyes. He was holding a oak staff with an emerald orb at the top of it. As The Dazzlings finally remembered who that pony was, they watched as his eyes turned from golden, into shining blue... "Starswirl..." they all said before quickly being pulled back through another vortex, back to the present. The Dazzlings quickly returned to the cliff where they'd been intercepted by The Blasters and the Siren 5 in the first place. They looked completely shocked at what they'd just seen, as if a nightmare had come out of nowhere to traumatize them. "Now you know, little sisters..." Fortissimo spoke to The Dazzlings, who weren't even looking at him anymore. Instead, he could see that all three of them had their heads hung in regret. Regret for what had happened, and sadness for discovering the truth about what had happened back in Lyrica. "Siren 5, stand down. We're done here." Allegro spoke to the Siren 5, who were just about to finish their attack on the Humane 5. He could see that they were about to impale the Humane 5, so he wanted to ensure that their captives lived another day. "The Dazzlings finally remember the truth. It's time to return to Lyrica and prepare our next move..." Orchestral said, his voice much more serious this time as the Siren 5 walked out of the cage with their magic, obediently heeding the words of their masters. "Now that they remember, we need to charge up the Ultimate Amplifier, so that our song reaches out to every corner of both Equestria and the Human World..." Fortissimo said, opening up a portal as he lead the Siren 5 through it. Once his apprentices vanished, he looked back at the Humane 5 and said some parting words. "Thank you, Rainbooms. Your impetus has enabled us to save the Sirens..." Once Fortissimo walked through the portal, it vanished, leaving The Dazzlings just standing there as the cage of magic disappeared as well. Once the walls of Siren Magic vanished, Twilight, Sunset and the Humane 5 all walked back onto the cliff, so that they were out of the road and allowed other cars to pass by. They all walked over and saw that The Dazzlings had seen something that they shouldn't have seen. "Girls? Are you alright?" Sunset asked, a rather concerned tone washing over her as she looked at the rather silent Dazzlings. She knew that if they'd lost all their enthusiasm after that fight, then something had to have been wrong. "I... I remember..." Adagio said, finally turning towards the seven adults with a rather guilt-ridden face showing. She'd finally hit the end of the line, and now needed to face the music. "I remember everything..." "That's not a good sign..." Twilight said to Sunset before quickly looking back on The Dazzlings once more. "What exactly did you remember, girls?" "That you're The Rainbooms, you defeated some Dark Magic that was poisoning us..." Aria started, but then stopped as she dreaded what the others would possibly say to her last line. "And the one who killed us in Lyrica... Was Starswirl the Bearded..."