My Little Pony: Beyond Life and Death

by MetroXLR99

Baby Steps

It wasn't long until Twilight, Spike and Alex reached the farmlands of Sweet Apple Acres. They approached the fence that formed the borderline of the land, and looked over to see the victory garden which was far, far larger than Carrot Top's personal garden.

Alex looked, and saw the largest stallion he had ever seen, pulling what looked like the heaviest plow he had ever seen, with ease.

"Whose that guy?" said Alex.

"Oh, that's Big Macintosh," began Twilight. "But everypony calls him "Big Mac." He's Applejack and Apple Bloom's older brother, and does most of the hard labor on the farm."

Alex continued to watch Big Mac. "He sure is big." He gulped. "I w-wouldn't want to get on his bad side."

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that. Big Mac is a real sweetheart once you get to know him."

Spike was the first to enter the farm by crawling underneath the spike-like fence. Twilight then gracefully leapt over it. Alex backed up, his front end low to the ground. with two shakes of his flank and his tongue sticking out, he galloped forward and attempted to leap over like Twilight did.

Sadly, he didn't make it.

"ARGH!!" cried Alex, as he landed right onto the spiked fence.

"OHMYGOSH!!" exclaimed Twilight, as she sprinted over to the stallion. "Are you al-" Alex landed with a thud. "-right?"

Alex groaned as he picked himself up off the ground. "Ye-Yeah. I'm...I'm fine." After staying low to the ground for a while, the throbbing pain soon passed and Alex stood up onto his hooves. "I'm gonna be sore in my undercarriage for a while, but no real harm done."

Alex looked back at the fence behind him. "I guess I should count myself lucky that those wooden stakes don't have 'sharp ends' to them."

Twilight chuckled weakly. Just then, Big Mac approached, having just noticed the commotion near the fence.

"OH! H-Hi, Big Mac," began Twilight. "Don't mind us, we just need to see Applejack for a minute."

Big Mac just stood there, remaining silent as ever.

"Oh, and this is Alex, Alex Cosmos." Alex walked up to the stallion.

"H-hi." said Alex, meekly.

"Howdy," said Big Mac, his tone low and calm.

Alex was understandably nervous. From afar, Big Mac looked large, but he was even bigger up close. The crimson red stallion quite literally towered over Alex; he had to look up just to look him in the eye. Alex really didn't want to get on this guy's bad side.

"He, uh…just moved to Ponyville," continued Twilight. "I'm showing him around. So, don't mind us."

Alex looked over at the lone plow in the soiled fields. He then looked back at Big Mac. "That yours?"

"Eeyup." replied Big Mac

Alex looked at it again. "Sure looks HEAVY."


"Doesn't it hurt your back to pull it all the time?"


Alex stared up at the stallion. "WOW. You must be the strongest pony in Ponyville."

Big Mac blushed as he shrugged. "Maybe."

Alex finally looked to Twilight and Spike. "He sure doesn't say much, does he?" whispered Alex.

"That's because he's shy," replied Twilight. "Big Mac is more of a deep thinker, than a talker."

"So I see."

Alex looked back at Big Mac. "Well, err…Big Mac, it was nice talking to you," began Alex, as he walked off with Twilight and Spike. "We should really do this again, sometime."

Big Mac smiled. "Eeyup."

Inside the Apple Family Household, Applejack was humming a pleasant tune as she baked some Apple Pies in the kitchen.

Apart from selling apples, the Apple Family also had a very profitable Pie Delivery Business, and Applejack was baking them by the hundreds in preparation for a big order that came in from the furthest area of the Froggy Bottom Bog Swamp.

Applejack couldn't even begin to fathom how any ponies could live in the swamp, much less a whole family of ponies! She still thought the Everfree Forest itself was dangerous, but even it was a schoolyard compared to the Froggy Bottom.

But, much like Zecora, the Acadicreo Family not only lived, but thrived in that Bayou, and they had a liking for Granny Smith's 'Sweet Apple Pies'

So, who was Applejack to complain?

As she took out the latest Hot and Steaming pie, and laid it down with the rest, a voice rang out.




Applejack removed her oven mitts and apron, and made her way out of the kitchen. Upon entering the den, she saw three familiar faces.

"Twilight, Spike, and.."

"Alex," said Alex, bluntly.

"Right, right. ALEX," said Applejack, sheepishly. "So, uhh…what ya'll doing here?"

Twilight walked up. "Well, I'm showing Alex around town, and I wanted to take him to the Daring Do Book Signing to meet Rainbow Dash. But…we got kinda lost along the way, and we were hoping you could point us in the right direction."

Applejack smiled. "Oh, Ah'll do much better than that, Ah'll take ya'll there mah 'self!"

Twilight and Alex looked surprised at this. "Oh, you don't have to do tha-"

"Ah' WANT to, Twi. Besides, Ah've been workin' all mornin', and Ah' could use a break." Applejack then eyed Alex. "An' Besides that, Ah' haven't yet become properly acquainted with mah' newest customer."

Alex blushed bright red at this. Applejack then walked up to the two. "So, What are we waitin' fer? Let's git ourselves over to that book place!"

Applejack began to trot off. So, Twilight, Alex and Spike followed her. As they left, they passed by a green elderly mare in a rocking chair, who was dozing off.

"Later, Granny," said Applejack, as she departed.

"REMEMBER THE ALIMO!" exclaimed Granny Smith suddenly, before going back to sleep.

Once outside the house, Applejack approached Alex. "Well, uhh..."

"Alex," repeated the stallion.

"Yeah, Alex." Applejack cleared her throat. "So, Twilight's been showin' ya' around town, eh?"

Alex nodded. "Uh-huh. In fact, she's already introduced me to all of her other friends. Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Spike."

"And, countin' me and Rainbow Dash, ya'll have met ev'rypony, Right?"

Alex had a sheepish smile on his face. "Well, not quite everypony. But, I'll certainly have met the Elements of Harmony."

"Oh," said Applejack. "So, ya' know 'bout that, huh?"

Twilight smiled as Alex and Applejack conversed. "Yeah, It was quite a shock to learn." continued Alex. "Up until recently, I always thought that Princess Celestia defeated Nightmare Moon using the elements. I had no idea it was five brave mares that did it."

Applejack blushed bright red at this. "Aww…t'wern't nothin'."

Twilight walked up, joining in the conversation. "Me and Alex have become friends, now, and I am hoping that the rest of my friends can be his friends, too."

Applejack smiled as she looked back at Alex. "Well, ya' seem like a nice colt, and you have good taste in Apples."

Twilight made a wide smile. "AND, he wants to be like a 'Big Brother' to the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Applejack lightly gasped, then faced Alex again. "Is that true?"

Alex stared off timidly. "Well, yeah. I don't have a mark, either, and I just wanted them to not feel so lonely and depressed about it. I told them they could talk to me about their troubles any time they want-"

Suddenly, Applejack hugged Alex. "Thank you."

Alex was greatly confused at this. "Wha-?"

Applejack parted from Alex. and with teary eyes, began to speak. "Apple Bloom always feels so sad an' frustrated over not havin' her cutie mark." Applejack then sighed sadly. "And me n' Big Mac are always so busy with our chores, that we haven't always been there fer' her as much as we should've."

Applejack's eyes welled up in tears. "So, thank you fer' doing the job that I just can't."

Alex gave Applejack a sympathetic look. "It isn't your fault, Applejack. I'm sure you and your brother are doing your absolute best."

The farm pony shook her head. "Not well enough, Ah'm not. Some thangs are just too much fer' one pony ta' handle."

Alex looked down, sighing. he then looked back at Applejack. "Well, if you ever need any extra hooves, I would be more than happy to help you and your brother with your chores."

Applejack's ears perked up. she then looked at Alex with wide eyes. "You'd really do that?"

"Sure," said Alex. "I help my mom all the time, I don't mind helping out a friend."

Applejack smiled a big smile. "Okay, It's official: I like ya', Alex. Ya' git a discount on all mah' apples, from now on."

"You don't have to-"

"I WANNA! And don't you dare refuse me."

Alex exhaled sharply. "OKAY. if you insist."

Twilight finally cleared her throat loudly, gaining the attention of everyone. "Um, as much as I love the fact that another of my friends has accepted my newest friend, I think we have somewhere we need to be."

Applejack and Twilight blushed bright red. "OH! Heh-heh, sorry 'bout that."

Spike immediately leapt onto Alex's back, clinging to his neck. "Do I still get a ride?"

Alex responded with a smile. "Sure, little guy."

With that, the party of four made their way down the trail leading out of Sweet Apple Acres, with Applejack leading the way.

A cyan pegasus with a multi-colored mane fidgeted impatiently within a mild crowd of ponies. She was 'Rainbow Dash,' a pegasi mare well known for her unmatched speed that could create Sonic Rainbooms.

She was currently at a book signing convention that was being held on the outskirts of Ponyville, and was waiting patiently for her friend Twilight to appear as both were hardcore fans of the 'Daring Do' book series. Also, this was a rare occasion for the two of them, as the author of Daring Do was making a guest appearance, which was something that has never happened before.

Not for twenty years, anyway. But by now, Rainbow Dash was getting nervous. as Twilight, whose usually very punctual, was late, and the pegasus was on the edge of losing it.

"If Twilight makes me miss out on meeting Ms. Yearling, I am gonna-"


Rainbow Dash looked, and saw not just Twilight, but her other friend Applejack galloping towards her.

"Hey, Rainb-"

"WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN TWILIGHT?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, practically yelling. "I've been WAITING for you for HOURS!!"

Twilight frowned, bearing a meek expression. "I'm sorry, Rainbow. I had some other things to do today, and I got lost taking a shortcut through the White Ta-"

"Calm yer'self down, Rainbow Dash," began Applejack. "Twi' may be late, but the point is that she's HERE. So, drop it."

Rainbow Dash wanted to argue, but upon seeing the saddened look on Twilight's face, she felt bad for yelling at her just now. So, with a huff, she took Applejack's advice, and decided to let go of her anger and frustration.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Twilight."

Twilight at last smiled. "It's okay. OH, and I brought somepony for you to meet!"

Rainbow Dash's ears perked up as she stared at the purple unicorn. "Really? Who?"

Twilight motioned behind her. "He's riiight he-!" Twilight suddenly noticed that Alex and Spike were not present with her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Huh? B-but, he was here just a second ago!"

"Spike's gone, too." added Applejack.

Rainbow Dash looked back at Twilight. "Um, Twilight? Whos-"

"There he is!" exclaimed Applejack, pointing at a nearby booth.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked, and indeed saw a lime green stallion with Spike, checking out what appeared to be comic books.

"Well, shave mah head an' call me a cue ball!" exclaimed Applejack. "Ah' didn't know they had comic books here!" With that, Applejack galloped away towards the two distracted boys. leaving Twilight and a very confused Rainbow Dash behind.

"What's going on?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Come on, I'll show you," replied Twilight.

"This is awesome!" exclaimed Spike. "The Power Ponies Vs. Mare Do Well". I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE FOR MONTHS!!"

Alex just stared at the pages of the book in Spike's claws. "Power…Ponies? Mare Do Well? I don't get it."

Spike eyed Alex. "You mean you've NEVER read any superhero comics before?"

Alex shook his head. "I sometimes read comic strips in newspapers, but I don't think I've ever read a whole book of comics before."

At that moment, Applejack walked up, but instead of talking to them, she spoke to the proprietor of the booth. "Excuse me, but do ya' have any new 'Jonah Hex' comics?"

Spike eyed Applejack, who eyed him back. "What? Comics grew on me, okay!?"

At that moment, Twilight and Rainbow Dash approached. Rainbow eyed the stallion, as if trying to identify him. Twilight wasted no time in walking to Alex, and standing near him.

"Rainbow, this is Alex Cosmos! He's new to Ponyville, and I was helping him out and showing him arou-"

"Wait…so HE'S the reason you're so late getting here?"

Alex frowned, not liking where this conversation was going.

"Rainbow, there were several contributing factors to my being late getting here. It isn't really fair to pin all the blame on-"

Just then, Rainbow Dash saw a sight that made her blood run cold as ice. There, was A.K. Yearling, the famed author of the Daring Do book series, and she was already packing up to leave.

Rainbow Dash has missed her.

"Yearling's leaving…YEARLING'S LEAVING!!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, having a panic attack. "She WAS here, and I totally MISSED her!" The pegasus then glared at both Twilight and Alex. "And YOU TWO made me miss her! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, AND I MISSED IT!"

"Rainbow, CALM DOWN. It's nothing to get excited ove-"

"RAAAGH!!!" Rainbow Dash began to repetitively bash her head against a random booth, reducing it to shambles.

Alex stared down at the apparent Element of Loyalty, and felt really bad for her. While he didn't know squat about "Daring Do," (or any other book, for that matter,) he knew it meant a lot to Rainbow Dash.

Wanting to do something good, he walked off, leaving Rainbow bawling, and Twilight vainly attempting to calm her down, and headed right towards the famed mare herself.

"Excuse me, Ms. Yearling?"

"Go away," said the mare, in an apparent Brazilian accent. "I'm closing up, and calling it a day."

"But, miss, my friend over there is a really big fan of yours."

"I have a lot of 'really big fans,' and I am a very busy mare. So PLEASE, let me be." Yearling wasn't even looking at Alex. Her back was facing him as she packed her things in boxes.

Alex felt this was getting nowhere, but he continued to try and sway Yearling to listen to reason.

"M-Ms. Yearling, my friend has been waiting to see you since 'Minute One' of this convention.
She didn't see you then, because she was waiting for her other friend who is also a Big Fan of yours. But, she got lost getting here, and well, they really want to meet you. So, if you could only spare a few minutes of your time, it'd mean a lot to them-"


Yearling dropped her stacked-up boxes stressfully, which made Alex jump a bit.

"LOOK, kid. I'm TIRED, it's been a looong day of signing my name on the same book hundreds of times!" Yearling quickly turned to face Alex at last. "I REALLY don't have ti-!"

Yearling suddenly froze like a statue upon looking at Alex. her eyes were wide, and her mouth gaping.

She looked at if she'd just seen a ghost.

Alex, confused, continued to speak. "I understand you've had a long day, Ms. Yearling. But, this will only take a few minutes. Could you please do this one thing? It'd mean so much to my friends."

Yearling continued to stare at the earth pony. Though, while she was looking at Alex, he wasn't seeing what she was seeing. No, the weary author instead saw the image of one from her past, somepony who remarkably looked just like Alex.

Yearling knew it wasn't possible. but, she could almost swear she was looking at-


"MOMMA!" called a young colt from his bed.

His door soon opened, and in walked a young looking pegasi mare with a golden coat and a dark grey mane.

"Yes, Andy? What is it, son?" said Yearling.

"Could you read me a story?" said Andy with bright eyes.

Yearling exhaled. "Sweetie, I…I don't know. Momma is feeling really tired, tonight."


Yearling looked at her only son. She looked at his sky blue eyes, and at last let out a sigh. There was no way she could say no to him.

"Okay. Just one story, but then you're off to bed, young stallion."

Andy smiled wide. "Okay, Momma!"

Yearling stared into Alex blue eyes. It almost scared her that his eyes were almost the same as her son's.

Her son, who was taken from her, who died too soon.

If Yearling didn't know any better, she'd swear this young stallion standing before her was her son, reincarnated.

"Ms. Yearling," repeated Alex. "PLEASE. Just come, and talk to me friends, just for a few minutes?"

Yearling finally broke from her shock, but she was still left shaken. "I-I-I.." Finally, Yearling exhaled sharply, looked upon Alex again, and spoke. "Okay, I'll see your friends, but then I HAVE to leave."

Alex smiled at the mare. "Thank you, Ms. Yearling."

Yearling trembled a bit. Even this stallion's smile reminded her of her son.

"W-WAIT!!, I…have something to ask," began Yearling.

Alex looked at her. "What?"

"What is your name, young stallion?"

"Alex. Alex Cosmos."

"Oh," said Yearling, feeling somewhat disappointed. "I see."

Alex eyed her. "Is…something wrong?"

"No." replied Yearling. "You just…reminded me of somepony, that's all."


As the two walked over to the three mares and the lone dragon with them, they could hear some faint arguing.

"I don't care WHO your new friend is! If HE is the reason you were so late getting here, then I DON'T WANNA-!"

"Excuse me…" began Yearling.

"WHAT?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, quickly turning around, only to grow pale as a ghost upon seeing her idol staring at her face-to-face. "Uh-duh-duh-doooooh..."

"You must be "Rainbow Dash." said Yearling, calmly.

The multi-color maned mare grimaced. "Sheknowsmyname!!" squeaked the pegasus.

Yearling then looked to Twilight, who was just as shell-shocked at seeing her. "And you must be…" Yearling leaned near Alex. "What's her name, again?"

"Twilight Sparkle," said Alex.

"Right, Right…Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight gripped her cheeks with her hooves, gritting her teeth. "You…YOU SAID MY NAME!!"

Yearling looked to Applejack and Spike. "And you two are…?"

"Just their friends," replied Applejack.

"And, unless your name is Stan Lieber, we aren't really interested," added Spike.

With that, the farm pony and purple dragon left the group. There was a brief silence, then Yearling spoke again to her two apparent fans. "I understand the two of you are fans of my work."

"OH, YES! WE ARE!" exclaimed both Twilight and Rainbow Dash, their voices speaking in perfect harmony.

"I own a copy of EVERY book you've ever written, Ms. Yearling!" said Twilight. "I'm the town librarian, and your Daring Do series is part of my private collection!"

"YOU ARE SO AWESOME!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "You're just as awesome as Commander Spitfire of the Wonderbolts!"

Yearling raised a brow at this. "O-kaaay…" She cleared her throat. "I understand you have books that need my name signed, and some questions."

"YES!" shouted the two mares, practically fan-spazzing.

"Well, as I told Mr. Cosmos here, I am a VERY busy mare, and I am feeling tired. So, I will only be able to answer a few of your questions, and then I must be going."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash drooped down. "We…understand." said Twilight, sadly.

"Now…your BOOKS."

Rainbow Dash was the first up, and practically shoved her aged copy of "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone" in Yearling's face.

"Hmm…the Sapphire Stone. I remember this one."

"I always thought it was 'Quest for the Sapphire Statue,'" said Twilight.

"That was a Misprint," said Yearling, as she signed her name on Rainbow Dash's book. Needless to say, Rainbow Dash was ecstatic.

"And, now for yours," said Yearling, looking towards Twilight Sparkle, who hoofed a whole stack of books." Yearling sighed sharply. "This is going to take a while." With a scowl, Yearling began signing book, after book, after book belonging to Twilight. She paused when she got to "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue."

"Damn that infernal editor of mine. I TOLD HER it was "STONE", not "Statue!" Yearling stopped, and reached for something in her bag. upon taking it out, Twilight saw it was an exact duplicate of her own book, only with the proper title.

"Here, take this. It's already signed and everything."

"Oh, THANK YOU! Thank you SO MUCH!" exclaimed Twilight

Yearling smiled. "Now then, do you have any questions for me?"

Twilight and Rainbow Dash both began exclaiming all at once, which Yearling couldn't understand in the slightest.

"Fillies, FILLIES! Please. one at a time!" said Yearling, sternly.

"Sorry," said both mares, apologetically.

Yearling sighed sharply, beginning to regret doing this instead of going straight home like she wanted. But upon taking a quick glance at Alex Cosmos, she remembered why, and pushed all stress and frustration from her mind.

"Let us start with YOU, Ms. Sparkle. you seem like a calm, level-headed sort of pony." This remark made Rainbow Dash stifle a chuckle. Twilight ignored this, and smiled at her favorite author.

"Well, I guess I am curious on the subject of your new book."

"So am I!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

"So, I am wondering if you could maybe…give us a little hint?"

Yearling thought for a moment. "Well, I'm not too sure yet, but I think I may be writing of "The Reality Gauntlet."

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and even Alex eyed the mare. "Reality WHAT?"

"Reality GAUNTLET. It's an armored glove, like the kind Gryphons use, that has the power to warp reality. Granting whoever possesses it power that would be superior to even Princess Celestia's magic."

Twilight stared blankly. "Woooow…"

"COOL! How does it work?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

Yearling glanced away. "I really shouldn't say."


Yearling looked at the two mares, who were both giving her the best puppy dog eyes that they could muster.

Finally, Yearling relented with a sharp sigh. "Okay, I'll let you in on the secret, but DON'T. TELL. ANYPONY. Understand?"

Both mares nodded rapidly. "Our lips are sealed."

Yearling moved closer to the two, and began to whisper. "Well, it's true that the gauntlet grants whoever possesses it the power to warp reality like a god. BUT, the gauntlet alone is useless without the Reality Gems. The source of its power."

"Gems?" whispered Rainbow Dash.

"Fours gems. Each enables a different reality bending power," continued Yearling. "The Gem of Life, which grants life to that which has none…OR, can take it away just as swiftly. The Gem of Form, which enables easy alchemy. The ability to change anything into 'anything else.' And, the Gem of Fantasy, which makes your wildest dreams and wishes become REAL."

"What about the Fouth gem?" asked Twilight.

"THAT is the Gem of Power. It provides unlimited energy, and serves as the gauntlet's power source."

Alex, who had been silent through most of this, finally spoke. "So, apparently if somepony has both the Gauntlet and Gems, they can become a God or Goddess just like that?"

Yearling looked to Alex. "No, not necessarily. The gauntlet's creators were no fools. They knew that if the gauntlet fell into the wrong hooves, it would be disastrous. So, they provided a security feature: the gauntlet's user can only control all reality if they touch the gems in a proper sequence. Otherwise, they can only use ONE gem at a time, which overheats after prolonged use."

"It still sounds dangerous," said Alex.

"Oh, Alex. Relax! It's just a book, a work of fiction. None of it is real," said Twilight.

Yearling suddenly choked up, and looked quite nervous.

"So, how's progress on this new book?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Yearling looked at the hyperactive pegasi. "Well, Daring Do has the gauntlet itself, and will begin her quest for the gems in due time."


"Yes, yes. It is quite, uhh.. 'awesome.' But, I am afraid my time here is up. I really must return home."

"Oh…" said Rainbow Dash, feeling disappointed. "Okay."

Yearling looked at the cyan pony. "Something about you seems…familiar. Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

Rainbow Dash darted her eyes around nervously. "Well, I-uhh..."

"'The Best Young Flier Competition,' NOW I remember. You were that pegasi that performed that 'Sonic Rainboom', and saved all those Wonderbolts and that idiot unicorn from certain death."

Rainbow Dash blushed bright red, looking away. "Aww...I-It was nothin."

"NO," said Yearling, sternly. "It was remarkable, and very, VERY brave. You saved lives, Ms. Dash. I don't find that to be 'nothing.'"

Rainbow Dash looked at her idol. "Are you saying that you were…impressed?"

Yearling had a plain, yet warm look on her face. "I respect any pony who puts their life on the line to save others." Yearling then made a sideways glance. "And, yes, I do believe I was impressed at your feat of flight speed."

Rainbow Dash's body shook with excitement, completely thrilled at the notion that her idol was impressed by something she did.

"Oh, THANK YOU, Ms. Yearling! THANK YOU!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

Yearling maintained her neutral expression. "Yes, well, I really must be going," began the author, who began to respectfully nod her head at her audience. "Dash, Sparkle…" Yearling paused momentarily. "C-Cosmos."

Alex stared at Yearling, confused. Yearling then turned and left the group.

Once gone, Rainbow Dash began to speak. "That, was the most AWESOME thing that's EVER happened to me, in the history of EVER!" Rainbow then glared at Alex. "But it WOULD have been more awesome if YOU hadn't made me wait on Twilight for so long!"

Alex looked down, frowning. Twilight then stepped up. "HEY! Now that isn't fair, Rainbow! AND, if I am not mistaken, it was ALEX who convinced Yearling to talk to you, so I think you should show him a little gratitude."

Rainbow Dash looked at Alex, who just looked right back at her with a meek looking face.

Finally, the cyan pegasus exhaled sharply. "Fine. I guess you DID do that for me. So…thanks."

Alex smiled. "You're quite welcome, Rainbo-"

"But, DON'T think that makes us 'friends' or anything," said Rainbow Dash, who got right into the stallion's face, her demeanor dark. "I don't know you from Atom! So, don't even THINK about getting fresh with me, or any of my friends, or I'll Sonic Rainboom you all the way to Tartarus. 'KAY?"

Alex just froze as still as a statue, a shocked look on his face.

"OKAY?" repeated the pegasus.

"YE-YES! Yes, of course," stuttered Alex.

"Good. Catch you on the Flipside, Carrot Top." With that, Rainbow Dash flew off at a lightning fast speed.

As Twilight approached Alex, the stallion sighed sharply. "I don't think your friend likes me very much."

"Don't take it personal, Alex. She's like that with everypony whose new," began Twilight. "You should have seen how she acted when she first met ME."

Alex looked at Twilight. "Really?"

Twilight gently hoof-punched Alex shoulder. "Give it time. Once Rainbow's gotten a chance to know you better, she'll be the bestest friend you'll ever have."

Alex smiled weakly at this. Just then, Spike and Applejack approached the two, carrying stacks of what appeared to be comic books.

"Okay, we're done. How 'bout you two?" said Applejack, with a smile. Twilight and Alex said nothing. they just looked at one another and smiled.

Unbeknownst to any of them however, A.K. Yearling hadn't quite left. The shawled mare remained in a shadowed area, keeping her eyes trained on Alex. Her lip quivered as she continued to examine his features, and old memories she thought were long forgotten, began to resurface.

"Mama..." began a voice in Yearling's memory. "…I'm, I'm COLD."

"Don't speak, it'll be alright," said Yearling's voice.

Yearling shut her eyes tight, tears streaming down her face.

"Mama…I'm scared."

"I'm here, baby. Don't be afraid. You are just…going to sleep."

"Will I…wake up?"



"Yes, son?"

"I...I love you."

Yearling choked up, a silent sob escaping her throat. Covering her mouth, she looked at Alex one last time.

"I love you too, my son.." said Yearling, as she turned away. "Forever…and ever."